101 research outputs found

    Change of Electric Permittivity of Mica Due to the Change of Its size

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    تمت دراسة تأثير حجم الجسيم وكثافته علي السماحيه الكهربيه للمايكا. وقد أجريت هذه الدراسه علي خمس عينات بازمان سحن مختلفه. وقد إعتمدت هذه الدراسه المنهج التجريبي والتحليلي . هذه العينات حضرت كمسحوق تم إدخاله بين طرفي لوحي مكثف نحاسي . هذين اللوحين محاطه بالواح خشبيه شكلت صندوقا مستطيلا اجوفا. وقد أستخدمت قراءات الجهد والتيار للمكثف لإيجاد سعته وقد بينت النتائج التناسب الطردى بين الجهد والتيار لكل العينات . وقد تم إيجاد سماحية المسحوق من سعة مكثف المسحوق والهواء وقد إتضح أن العلاقه بين السماحيه وزمن السحن طرديه في البدايه لتصبح عكسيه بعد ذلك وهذا يوضح وجود أكثر من أليه تربط العلاقه بينهما . فزيادة السماحية بزيادة زمن الشحن ربما يكون بسبب أن تأثير زيادة زمن السحن يكون هو زيادة عدد ثنائيات الأقطاب الكهربيه في إتجاه المجال. أو العلاقه العكسيه فربما تكون بسبب قلة كثافة جسيمات المسحوق

    Potential of Computer-Vision Cellular-Phone Based System to Extract Traffic Parameters

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    This research work investigates the potential of computer – vision cellular – phone based systems to extract traffic and pedestrian parameters; using handheld smartphones with different camera characteristics; i.e. resolution, sensor size and image depth. Various locations with different geometry and functions were selected. Different traffic parameters were extracted: vehicle spot speed and three state vehicle speed profiles (steady, acceleration and deceleration), vehicle speed and time headway relation, vehicle classifications, roadway level of service and pedestrian walking and crossing speed in light and congested traffic area. The difference between actual and measured parameters defined as error and the relationship between error and camera characteristics were investigated. Also, a linear regression models were developed to express actual measured parameters as function of smartphone measures, error as function of camera characteristics. Analysis of extracted parameters showed there was a high correlation between camera characteristics and the accuracy of measured parameters. In fact, increasing camera resolution and sensor size would give high accuracy results for all studied parameters. The percentage of error was consistently ranged, for vehicle speeds it ranged between (1.4% - 10%), for pedestrian speeds it ranged between (0.5% - 9%) and for vehicles dimensions it ranged between (10% - 25%). The outcomes of this research showed high potential accuracy of smartphone – based vision systems in extracting traffic parameters and opened the door to integrate smartphones in different transportation engineering and civil engineering applications

    Runge-Kutta Methods and Applications

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    The Initial value problems, IVPs are very important in modeling some real life problems. There are many analytical methods designed to solve IVPs. In practice these methods do not cover all types of problems. Thus, numerical methods are used. In this study a detailed description, with implementation, is given for the class of numerical methods known as Runge-Kutta methods. Both explicit and implicit methods are discussed. Full derivations of the methods are made. Different orders are used. Practical implementation of the methods are made using Matlab computational environment. These methods are used to solve some practical problems in Civil, Chemistry, Computer Engineering and physics

    Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services Provided by Dellanj Forest Using Contingent Valuation Methods

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    This study was conducted at Dellanj Forest in South Kordofan State, during the period 2021/2022. This paper aims to quantify the economic value of ecosystem services in Dellanj forest. Data of this analysis were collected using interview for respondents visited the Dellanj forest for one week, monthly and in holidays), 120 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents contains different questions concerning the ecosystem services provided by Dellanj forest. To supplement the primary data, the secondary data, key Informants were used in this analysis. Also, the study followed framework of ecological assessment in quantifying forest ecosystem services and management, the data analysis using statistical Package for Social Sciences. The results revealed that, regarding sex, age, education and occupation of respondent visiting Dellanj forest, 50.8% of respondent were female and the rest of them are male; 34.2% of respondents; in study area their education status was reach and studied until university. The results of the forest visits season indicated that , most of respondent visited the forest four times a month, this represented by 38.3% followed by 3 and 2 times which indicated by 25.8 and 24.2 respectively. Also, the investigation revealed that, there are four main ecosystem services provided by Dellanj forest ecosystem they were recreation, watershed protection, flooding protection and soil erosion. The results depicted that all the choices of payment which presented by the researcher to forest visitors displays positive responds from the interviewees. In addition, the respondent analysis resulted that, the flooding and soil erosion are the main services which provided by Dellanj forest and that indicated the importance of the Dellanj forest to population of Dellanj and the visitors as well. The study concluded that, the four ecosystem services which provided by Dellanj forest are very crucial for the communities resided around the forest and visitors that stated in the mount of ecosystem services payment by the respondents. The study recommended that, the value of ecosystem services must include as environmental extension messages to decision makers and community for conserving Dellanj forest. Also, the economic value of the other service provided by forest need to be investigated to rise the value of Dellanj forest ecosystem and its indirect values

    Intraocular lens power calculation formulas: a scientometric analysis

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    Background: The most accurate method of intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation in cataract surgery has not been determined, and further studies are needed to reach a consensus. The aim of this study was to assess publications related to IOL power calculation formulas, mapping their yearly trends, most productive authors, top publishing countries and institutions, and areas of specialization for IOL power formulas. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive analysis of research articles published on the topic of IOL power calculation formulas. Using PubMed, we employed appropriate search terms and filtered the results for the period of January 1, 1946, to June 28, 2023. Data were analyzed using CiteSpace, VOSviewer, and Microsoft Excel programs. The visual representations of the collected data through the use of figures was provided to demonstrate the aspects of IOL power calculation research. Results: We retrieved 5475 documents in the initial search. Analysis of these documents revealed an increase in the number of publications, from one publication in 1946 to 201 publications in 2023. The top three countries contributing to these publications were the United States, China, and Japan, collectively accounting for over 27% of the total articles. However, the two institutions with the highest contributions were located in the United Kingdom and Hungary, neither of which was among the top 10 countries in overall contributions. Overall 15326 authors contributed to publications pertaining to IOL power calculation formulas. Among these authors, the most prolific contributors included Achim Langenbucher from Saarland University (Germany), Giacomo Savini from G.B. Bietti Foundation I.R.C.C.S. (Italy), and Kenneth J Hoffer from the University of California (United States). Saarland University emerged as the most productive institution, contributing equally to two distinct departments: the Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Center for Limbal Stem Cell Research and Congenital Aniridia, as well as the Department of Experimental Ophthalmology. The School of Physical Science at the Open University in the United Kingdom engaged in partnership with various institutions including Eye & Laser Clinic Castrop Rauxel in Germany and Johannes Kepler University Linz in Austria. Among the top 10 keywords found in the publications were “cataract”, “cataract surgery”, and “intraocular lens”. Conclusions: This study represents the first scientometric analysis of publications related to IOL power calculation formulas. The study offers valuable insights into the geographic distribution, contributing authors, and emphasis of research on the IOL power calculation formulas. Further cooperation is essential to pinpoint the most suitable formula and to address gaps in our current understanding

    Population Dynamics and Time Kinetics Of Recovery In Asymptomatic Covid -19 Patients

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    Introduction: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has created great havoc across the whole world and now developing its deep roots in India also. From major metropolitan cities, the disease has reached rural areas of the country. In India most of the patients are asymptomatic and the mortality rate is very low. Objective: To do retrospective data analysis and to study time kinetics of recovery in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients. Methods: A total of 118 patients of COVID-19 admitted at R.D.B.P. Jaipuria hospital, Jaipur were recruited for this study. All were subjected to a detailed history, the clinical examination required hematological and biochemical investigations along with repeated RT-PCR test on nasopharyngeal swab samples at a regular interval according to guidelines of ICMR to detect COVID-19 antigen. All types of data and reports were computerized and analyzed. Results: In our study male sex was found to be much more affected (about 2.3 times) by coronavirus disease than that of the female sex. This male predominance was also found in the pediatric age group. Young adults and middle-aged adults constitute 79% of our study population of COVID-19 patients. It is also concluded that most patients (60%) in all age groups recovered in the first week. As age advances, recovery takes longer time than younger age groups. Recovery is not affected by sex. Asymptomatic patients who do not have any comorbidity have faster recovery from coronavirus disease than that of older patients with some comorbid condition.     Keywords: Coronavirus disease, RT-PCR, SARS CoV-

    Health Care System in Sudan: Review and Analysis of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats (SWOT Analysis)

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    Background: The Republic of the Sudan located in north-east of Africa and is considered to be a lower-middle income country. The country has well established healthcare system with many drawbacks mainly due to economic and managerial reasons followed by prolonged political instability and sanctions.Objective: The aim of this study is to give an insight over the health services system in Sudan and to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).Materials and Methods: The search was done from two electronic databases: MEDLINE/Pubmed and from public search engines: Google Scholar and Google with key Search words used mainly as “Healthcare system in Sudan “. Additionally, SWOT analysis of healthcare system in Sudan was carried out based on the Roemer’s model of health service system. Results: The Sudanese healthcare system was analyzed for different components of the system: The system in Sudan has full package of strategic plans and policies be it in a long term or short. Despite this there is poor implementation and organization along with frail health information system. The main external factors that drawback the system is the overall economic instability which resulted in cutting of the health expenditure.Conclusion: The Sudan is a rich country in terms of natural resources and population. Its health service system has strengths and weaknesses. It needs to build on its qualified human work force, stress on its well-designed short and long-term strategies on health care system and the partnership with external funding institutions, while overcoming the challenges on creating the proper health information system, economic support system and centralization of health service and professionals. Keywords: Health Care System, Sudan, SWOT analysi

    The Effect of Ephedra Foeminea Extract as an Antimicrobial and Antifungal Agent

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    Drugs derived from natural sources play a significant role in the prevention and treatment of human diseases. In many developing countries, traditional medicine is an essential part of primary healthcare systems (Abdallah, 2011). Due to the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, it is essential to investigate new drugs with lesser resistance especially ones that can be derived from natural resources like plants. Ephedra is likely one of the oldest medicinal plants that are still currently in use. Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of some ephedra species have been noticed in recent years (ZHANG Ben-Mei et al,2018). The aim of the study is to observe and understand the effects of E. foeminea extracts as antimicrobial and antifungal agents. It is an experimental study; four different types of bacteria including, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MRSA, and Escherichia coli as well as two different types of fungi including, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Candida albicans were used as test microorganisms. Maceration extraction technique (William P. Jones,2012) for the dried stem of E. foeminea will be used by methanol / water 90/10 for 2 days (Ali Parsaeimehr et el,2010). Three concentrations of the extract will be used on 30 plates for each type of microorganism in the laboratories of the University of Palestine. Antimicrobial activity will be tested by using plate methods in which a variable diameter of a growth inhibition zone in most types of bacteria will appear. The MIC values may also be evaluated using the broth serial dilution method according to standard methods (CLSI, 2012)

    Associations between Diet, Dietary and Oral Hygiene Habits with Caries Occurrence and Severity in Children with Autism at Dammam City, Saudi Arabia

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    AIM: The purpose of the study is to achieve the baseline information of the autistic child’s oral health status about the diet, dietary and hygiene habits. The association of these factors with dental caries were assessed.MATERIAL AND METHODS: The survey was composed of self-administered questionnaires to parents about their children's’ demographic data followed by questions related to diet, dietary and hygiene habits. This is later followed by oral examination for estimating the decayed, missing and filled [dmft] scores as per WHO norms. The variables are analysed using t-tests and ANOVA. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated for each of the independent variables to examine for autocorrelation.RESULTS: The mean age for the present study is 5.8 years with more predilections of caries in females. The autistic children prefer soft diet and pouch it in oral cavity resulting in increased caries though not significant. Other foods like nuts and pulses confectioneries and soft drinks resulted in increased caries, and our study shows significant relation. Consumption of sugars between meals and increased quantity of sugar per day also increased dental caries with highly significant results in our study. Hygiene habits also made a difference in the occurrence of caries though, in our study, it’s not significant.CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that the oral health education programs should be conducted for the parents, caregivers and the teachers about the diet, dietary and the hygiene habits and the role they play in maintaining the oral hygiene

    In silico CD4+, CD8+ & humoral immunity associated antigenic epitope prediction and HLA distribution analysis of HTLV-I

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    Purpose: The linkage of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) to fatal diseases is a well known fact for many years. However, there has been no significant progress in the field of the treatment that can lead to the development of a successful vaccine. Furthermore, there are no means of assessing the risk of disease and its prognosis in the infected people. Methods:The current study has taken the cognizance of the importance of host’s immune response in reducing the risk of infectious diseases to carry out immunoinformatics driven epitope screening strategy of vaccine candidates against HTLV-1. In this study, a genetic variability and HLA distribution analysis among the documented HTLV-1 genotypes I, II, III, IV, V & VI was performed to ensure the coverage of the vast majority of population, where vaccine would be employed. The meticulous screening of effective dominant immunogens was done with the help of ABCPred and Immune Epitope Database. Results: The results showed that the identified epitopes might be protective immunogens with high conservancy and potential of inducing both protective neutralizing antibodies and Tcell responses. The peptides “PSQLPPTAPPLLPHSNLDHI”, “PCPNLVAYSSYHATY”, and “YHATYSLYLF”, were 100% conserved among different isolates from far and wide separated countries, suggesting negligible antigenic drift in HTLV-1. Conclusions: Overall, the mentioned epitopes are soluble, non-toxic suitable candidates for the development of vaccine against HTLV-1 and warrant further investigation and experimental validation