313 research outputs found
Management information systems and their importance in decision-making
Information is meaningful. The organization needs information so that it can connect its different parts to achieve its objectives and to adapt successfully to the surrounding environment. Information is of value to the Organization as it is of greater benefit in decision-making and processes. There are five essential characteristics of information to be of value to the Organization:Relevance, accuracy, quantity, timeliness, and accessibility of information to the technology used in the Organization.A pilot field study was conducted to test the impact of information in decision making,Governmental institutions; two basic assumptions were developed:• Assuming a relationship between the appropriateness of information and the effectiveness of administrative decision making.The research and analysis of the findings revealed findings that information systems and technologies play an active role in decision making in government institutions.Especially modern ones, and computerization has an important role in the speed of access to informationThe speed of decision making, which would increase the effectiveness of administrative decisions and increase their value.The researcher finally came up with a set of recommendations that would pay attention to systems designInformation for each department or institution before the lesson and speed up the government projectWith the benefit of Arab and international experiences in this field.As well as attention to issues of information confidentiality and protection from tampering, vandalism, theft and forgeryAnd other security and protection issues in automated information systems
The Participation of the Saudi Youth in the Services of Pilgrims, Which Leads to the Provision of A Job Opportunity Through the Work of Various Spy Committees Under the Supervision of the Saudi Security
No country in the world can spend more than 100 billion riyals to build infrastructure, create a city full of services, government facilities, hospitals, a network of connections, roads and tunnels to operate for only one week each year and then shut down only the Kingdom; In order to serve pilgrims and guests of the House of Allah.The service of Hajj is not a political or media manifestation taken by the government in order to win the satisfaction of international organizations, but it is a doctrine that believes in and implements it on the ground, without any intention. The offer has been generously honored since the establishment of this state by its founder King Abdulaziz - may God rest his soul.It may not be known that the fees for the services of the heads of the communities from the tents in Mina, their transportation and their services, 40 years ago fixed prices did not rise, despite the demand of these institutions to increase prices, but the State decided not to load pilgrims coming from abroad any increase in prices, Hajj no more than 1029 riyals, the wages of tents in Mina and Arafat and the movements in Mecca and Madinah, despite the past years of instability in oil prices and the decline in the income of the Kingdom, which depends heavily on its revenues.The Government of Saudi Arabia pays great attention to pilgrims abroad, and gives them all facilities and preference in service, even pilgrims of citizens and residents do not receive these services and facilities 85% of the camps of Mona and Arafat, all for pilgrims abroad, and the rest are for pilgrims inside, Of the advantage of receiving them in a specialized city for pilgrims at Jeddah airport, and does not enjoy the low fees paid by pilgrims abroad, the cost of pilgrimage for Saudis and expatriates exceeds the prices of pilgrims abroad hundreds of times, so as not to cause pilgrims inside the harassment of those coming from abroad, And sanctioned those who violate these regulations, including: the non-Hajj only with the permission of government agencies, and included sanctions expulsion from the country to the residents of violators and imprisonment and the financial fine of citizens.A fully functioning civilized city can only be established for a week. They are equipped with 200 thousand security men, with all their security equipment and the highest training. They do not get any fees from the pilgrims, or impose taxes or refunds to them when they leave.What is striking is that the Saudi government has paid a month's reward to the Hajj employees of the security forces, all in order for pilgrims to enjoy safety and security while they are in Makkah, Madinah and in pilgrimage sites. Keywords: Saudi youth, services of pilgrims, Saudi security DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-9-12 Publication date:March 31st 201
Theoretical Framework for Design Recruitment Strategies In The Process Of Self-Healing Of Individuals
يعد مفهوم الاستشفاء الذاتي المستند الى تصميم خصائص البيئة المحيطة بالفرد Healing by design أحد اهم الطروحات المرادفة للبيئة الاستشفائية او المحفزة للشفاء في سياق المباني الصحية، حيث انسحب الوعي بهذا المفهوم على خصائص البيئة الداخلية بشكل عام بهدف جعلها صحية ومحفزة وحيوية، اذ ينبثق هذا المفهوم من تحليل العلاقة المتبادلة والحيوية مابين الانسان والمحيط المادي والطبيعي في محاولة لفهم وتاطير تلك العلاقة ومديات انعكاساتها على المستوى الفسيولوجي والنفسي للفرد. ان عملية الاستشفاء لا يمكن ان تفهم بعزل عن العوامل التي تعمل بديناميكية في حياة الفرد حيث ان وظيفة المبنى لاتقتصر على اسكان واحتواء الفعاليات وتلبية الوظائف الحياتية فحسب، بل ان دوره الاهم هو تحسين اداء الفعل الحياتي وجعله صحيا وداعما للاستشفاء الذاتي. من هنا برزت مشكلة البحث في الوعي باهمية العمارة في اتخاذ مهمة تحفيز الاستشفاء للفرد، وتحديد سمات المنهج التصميمي المستند الى تصميم العمليات الناتجة عن العلاقة الحيوية والديناميكية للفعل الحياتي للفرد مع محيطه .هدف الدراسة تمثل في بناء اطار نظري لستراتيجيات توظيف التصميم في عملية الاستشفاء الذاتي للافراد سواء للبيئة العلاجية ام البيئة الداخلية العامة , واستخلاص القيم الممكنة للخصائص التصميمية التي تحقق تلك الستراتيجيات المنبثقة من الية اشراك الفرد في عملية واعية وواضحة من الدعم والتوازن والتغذية المعنوية في علاقته مع محيطه. نتائج البحث افرزت المفردات الرئيسة والثانوية والقيم الممكنة للإطار النظري لاستراتيجيات توظيف التصميم في عملية الشفاء تمثلت بثلاث استراتيجيات اساسية: إستراتيجية الدعم لإمكانيات البيئة المحيطة بالفرد، إستراتيجية تحقيق التوازن في المركبات الحياتية للفرد ومكونات التجربة الانتقالية للفضاء، وأخيرا إستراتيجية التغذية على المستوى الحيوي والمستوى الشعوري للافراد. اما الاستنتاجات فقد تمثلت في الفهم الموضوعي لنوعية التصميم الداعم لعملية الشفاء التي تختلف كليا عن المفهوم النمطي للتصميم في التعامل مع الموجودات الستاتيكية والشكلية، اذ يتسم التصميم هنا بالطبيعة الديناميكية في تصميم أسلوب الحياة الصحي المستند الى تحفيز عملية الشفاء على المستوى العضوي والمستوى الحسي وعلى المستوى المعنوي للأفراد.The concept of self-healing based on characteristics of environment design of surrounding the individual ,Healing by design, one of the most important concepts corresponding to the healing environment or healing in the context of healthcare buildings, where the awareness of this concept reach on the characteristics of internal environment in general to make it more healthy, stimulating and vital, the concept of self-healing is result of analyzing the mutual and vital relationship between human and physical and natural environment in an attempt to understand the relationship and the extent of its repercussions on the physiological and psychological level of the individual. The process of healing cannot be understood by isolation from the factors that work dynamically in the life of individual ,and function of the building is not limited to housing and containment of activities and to meet functions of life, but the most important role is to improve the performance of vital act of life and make it healthy and support self-healing. Hence, the problem of research in the awareness of importance of architecture in taking the task of stimulating self-healing for the individual, and identify characteristics of design approach based on the design processes resulting from the dynamic relationship of the individual's living with the environment. The object of the study is to build a theoretical framework of design recruitment strategies in the process of self-healing of individuals Both for therapeutic environment and general internal environment, and to derive the possible values of the design characteristics that achieve those strategies stemming from the mechanism of involving the individual in a conscious and clear process of support, balance and moral nutrition in relation to the environment. The basic and secondary vocabulary and possible values of the conceptual framework for the strategies of design recruitment in the healing process were three basic strategies: strategy of environment potential supporting of individual, strategy of balancing the life components of the individual and experiment of space transition, and finally the nutrition strategy at the vital and poetic level of individuals. The conclusions were based on objective understanding of the quality of design that supports the process of healing, which is completely different from the concept of design in dealing with static and formal assets. The design here is characterized by the dynamic nature of healthy lifestyle design based on stimulating the process of healing at organic, sensory and moral levels for individuals
Hypertension: Health Literacy and its Effect on Patient’s Self- Monitoring, Knowledge and Medication Adherence
Background: Self-monitoring blood pressure (SMBP) plus clinical support can improve access to care and quality of care for individuals with hypertension while making blood pressure control more convenient and accessible across the population. Aim: To examine the effect of health literacy on hypertensive patient’s self-monitoring, knowledge and medication adherence. Patients and method: A quasi-experimental research design has been utilized. Setting: In hypertension unit in internal medicine department at Assiut University Hospital, Egypt. Sample: Study was done on 90 patients who were fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Tools: Tool I Patient assessment sheet. It divided into three parts; Socio-demographic patients' characteristics, medical assessment, Part II: Blood Pressure Self -Monitoring and Part III: patient awearnace questionnaire sheet Tool II: Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS 8). And Tool III: Health literacy booklet. Results: a highly significant statistical differences between mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure before health literacy and after every 2 weeks, There is a highly significant statistical difference between pre &post health literacy regarding to patients knowledge and also for medication adherence (P < 0.0001). Regarding to correlation between knowledge scores and medication after health literacy there is a highly significant statistical difference. Conclusion: Health literacy has significant impact on the studied patients which driven to advancement of hypertension management in these patients. Too, increase in their knowledge and adherence to their medications.Recommendations: Activating the role of community-based physician service intervention including patient education and patient-centered objective support Key words: Health literacy; Self-monitoring blood pressure; Medication adherence, Knowledge Operational definitions: Self- Monitoring Blood Pressure (SMBP): Technically refers to the regular measurement of a patient’s own blood pressure Health literacy: Defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understan
Growth And Development of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) In A Hydroponic System with Different Lighting Sources
The goal of this study was to investigate the influences of different light systems, on growth parameters (fresh and dry weight, height and width, number of leaves and leaf area) and accumulation of chlorophylls and carotenoids of the lettuce. The marketable sensory characteristics (shape, and color) of fresh plants were also evaluated.
(Lactuca sativa crispa. “Lollo bionda”) lettuce were cultured in three levels of vertical hydroponically for 45 days under different light sources of natural light in the upper level, 60% shade light in the middle level and red (R), green (G) blue (B), provided by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) was 12/12 (day/night) in the lower level. Three levels of vertical hydroponics were also prepared in the same levels of three treatments, while were exposed to natural light as a control group.
For treatments, lettuces exposed to natural light, with high light intensity, showed the highest values in all growth parameters as well as pigments, while lettuce under the 60% shade, the result showed all pigments and growth parameters were low, except the length was similar to the length of the natural light treatment. As for the lettuce exposed to the (RGB) LED, which recorded lowest light intensity, was a significantly lowest value at all growth parameters, while pigments not detectable.
As for the control group, all of which were exposed to natural light, where the light quality was equal, while the light intensity was decreased gradually from top to bottom. The values of the parameters were high at all levels. With noted that, the leaf area was the highest in the middle level, while the fresh and dry weight were highest at the upper level. As for the pigment values, where all were high and no significant difference.
Lettuce Plants under natural light looked large, vigorous, most compact morphology with dark green leaves, while those under 60% Shade and (RGB) LED treatments looked small, weak, sparse and fragile.
The overall results indicate that all levels of treatments and control group obtained the same qualities of light in terms of spectra radiation, which the required for plant growth, but the different quantities of light spectra radiation were the main parameter in the greenhouse in the experiment, which led to significantly different results.
These new strategies to exploit the quality and quantity of solar natural light in the vertical hydroponics system should be conveyed for vegetable production in the UAE
Single Nucleotide Gene Polymorphism of Toll-Like Receptor 2 to Toxoplasmosis in Recurrent Aborted Women
Background: This study was conducted at the College of Medicine – Al-Qadisiyah University in Cooperation with the women and children in Wasit hospitals from the period January to October -2022. It has been carried out on 102 blood samples from aborted women and congenital anomalies mothers referred to the hospitals 50 blood samples from pregnant women as control cases, and 50 blood samples as a control group obtained from healthy pregnant women. The objective was to determine the effect of TLR2 gene polymorphism on seropositive toxoplasmosis in aborted womenMethods: The research aimed to explore how the (TLR2) gene polymorphism influences the occurrence of miscarriages in women. This was investigated using the ARMS-PCR technique, which utilized allele primers to identify Toxoplasma gondii infection in women who experienced clinical miscarriages. The study also assessed the genotypes for the TLR2 G/A (rs1898830) SNPs through ARMS PCR assays, and all genotypes were evaluated for compliance with Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) equilibrium.Results: All the analyzed genotypes preserved the H-W equilibrium among the studied groups of patients (P >0.942 and 0.893 ). The result of gene polymorphism of (TLR2, SNP rs-1898830) in Toxoplasma aborted women, showed that the homozygote mutant AA appeared 19, and heterozygote mutant GA appeared in 53was a risk factor for abortion in TLR2, and the difference was non-significant.Conclusion: The current study concluded that genetic polymorphisms of TLR-2 had a risk factor role in toxoplasma patients, which many correlated with aborted women, rather than pregnant women
Impact of design characteristics of daylight elements to creating healthy internal environment for school buildings evaluation the status of schools in Mosul city
The current research deals with impact of design characteristics that creates attractive and healthy internal environments for school building , as one of the most important issue on evaluating random position of local school building in Mosul city .Because they are describes as limited efficiency of educational performance and lake of healthy feature . This paper addresses the issue of daylight effects factors that supports efficiency of interiors in school building by using specific quality of design characteristics that related building composition in one hand , and elements of classes daylight in the other. The objective of this paper is to determine the key design properties affecting to achieves healthy spatial environment , which are related on two main daylight factors :solarization average for building at all ,and homogeneity of daylight at work surface in classroom space . The study employed (Velux Daylight Visualizer – 2012) in deign research methodology to evaluate three school building types that used in Mosul city .Finding of this study confirmed that the deign properties related two factors of daylight have effective role in creating healthy interiors and increase educational productivity. The result of this study are useful reference for architects ,planner ,landscape ,and researcher in this field , the municipality of Mosul
Deep learning model for thorax diseases detection
Despite the availability of radiology devices in some health care centers, thorax diseases are considered as one of the most common health problems, especially in rural areas. By exploiting the power of the Internet of things and specific platforms to analyze a large volume of medical data, the health of a patient could be improved earlier. In this paper, the proposed model is based on pre-trained ResNet-50 for diagnosing thorax diseases. Chest x-ray images are cropped to extract the rib cage part from the chest radiographs. ResNet-50 was re-train on Chest x-ray14 dataset where a chest radiograph images are inserted into the model to determine if the person is healthy or not. In the case of an unhealthy patient, the model can classify the disease into one of the fourteen chest diseases. The results show the ability of ResNet-50 in achieving impressive performance in classifying thorax diseases
The Eastern Necropolis in Cairo and its Buffer Zone (Towards a Sustainable Conservation Strategy)
AbstractThe Eastern Necropolis is part of the World Heritage property of Historic Cairo in the URHC 2010-2012. It underlies a diversity of forces that lead to urban informality and ruins the sky line of Old Historic Cairo. Applying a sustainable conservation strategy will supposedly stop further slum formation and achieve urban equality. The research is divided into: 1)Pilot study, 2) Field Work and Survey; Evaluation for the study zone and creating a Base Map for the Eastern Necropolis, 3) Documentary studies; Conservation of heritage areas as an approach to regional planning, 4)Research results and final conclusion
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