23 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for Removal of Pathogenic Bacterial

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    A series of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnONPs)-functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (F-MWCNTs) Nano composites were developed as antibacterial. In this study, chemical oxidation of pristine MWCNTs were carried out with a mixture of strong acids (3H2SO4 98%:1 HNO3 65%).The F-MWCNTs were used as templates to prepare hybrid material like ZnONPs decorated F-MWCNTs. Pristine MWCNTs, F-MWCNTs and (ZnONPs/F-MWCNTs) Nano composites powder were investigated using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Anti-bacterial activity has been carried out using standard agar dilution (plate count) method against Escherichia coli (E. coli). This study demonstrated that (ZnONPs/F-MWCNTs) Nano composite has a powerful bactericidal effect against Escherichia coli (E. coli) at concentration 0.5 mg/ml after 3 hr, which led to speculation that the combination of ZnONPs and F-MWCNTs altered their toxicity and improved antibacterial property of Nano composite

    Almond, Hazelnut, and Pistachio Skin: An Opportunity for Nutraceuticals

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    Nuts are dry, single-seeded fruits, with a combination of beneficial compounds that aid in disease prevention and treatment. This review aims to summarize the antioxidant components and the nutraceutical properties and applications of hazelnut, almond, and pistachio skins, as well as discuss their ability to prevent and treat specific diseases based on in vitro and in vivo studies. The search strategy included searching PubMed database and Google Scholar for relevant articles published in English. Research articles focusing on hazelnut, pistachio, and almond were included. The nut skin extracts were considered and other by-products were excluded from this search. Pistachio and almond skin hydroalcoholic extracts have antibacterial effects and decrease the risk of liver cancer by eliminating reactive oxygen species. Moreover, hazelnut skin can lower plasma against low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer, and its polyphenolic extract can also decrease the formation of advanced glycation end products in vitro with multidimensional effects. Overall, hazelnut, pistachio, and almond skins are a great source of antioxidants, making them suitable for nutraceuticals’ development

    Sharia violations in the children satellite channel Taha An analytical study

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    The current study aimed to clarify the Sharia violations on the Al-Atfal satellite channel Taha by reviewing the nodal, devotional and ethical violations contained in the channel. Which was prepared to analyze the content and monitor the legal violations in the channel in the paragraphs, songs and programs it broadcasts. This study is classified from the tribal studies that are concerned with analyzing the content based on a previously prepared analysis tool. The study concluded with a number of results, including: Explaining the doctrinal violations in the contents of the Taha satellite channel, represented by a number of violations of varying proportions, where the Al-Lattamiyat category was ranked first, and these groups aim to form a spiritual belief among the followers of the doctrine through repeated display and diversification of shapes, and showing violations. Devotion in the Taha channel, as the category of raising Shiite flags with Shiite symbols came first, and it seeks to replace worship rituals with Islamic religious rituals by increasing the display and intensifying them, while the category of chants and loud voice came first from behavioral and moral violations, and it aims to mobilize the masses And pitting them against the Sunnis. The study recommends the need for the legal, advocacy and media institutions to pay attention to the production of media programs that present the true image of Islam and Muslims, and present the principles, worship, legislation and behavior of Islam in accordance with the true curriculum that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and to publish and broadcast these programs on the level of Arab and Islamic satellite channels, and to be careful to correct the image. Misleading about Islam, its principles and legislation provided by Shiite satellite channels, and issuing a constantly updated list that includes the names of the rejectionist channels and other things that contain legal and value violations, so that they are published and circulated using social media and mobile applications, warning against them and not allowing their broadcasts to reach people

    Lastenneuvola sanasto: Suomi-Arabia-Kurdi

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Duha Hashim, Yaran Mohammed ja Zrehbar Ghaderi Lastenneuvolan sanastotyö 37 sivua, 2 liitettä Joulukuu 2019 Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Humanistisen alan AMK-tutkinto Tulkki (AMK), asioimistulkkaus Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli laatia lastenneuvolan suomi–kurdi (sorani)–arabia -sanasto. Opinnäytetyössä on kaksi osaa. Raporttiosuudessa esitellään lastenneuvolajärjestelmää sekä Suomessa että Irakissa ja Iranissa, esitellään sanastotyön työkaluja ja esitellään ja arvioidaan sanastyötyön työvaiheita ja prosessia. Sanasto-osuudessa on kaksi erillistä sanastoa, lastenneuvola- ja rokotussanasto. Sanastoissa on yhteensä 142 suomenkielistä termiä sekä niiden vastineet kurdiksi ja arabiaksi. Sanaston termit koottiin tulkkaustilanteista, terveydenhuoltoon ja lastenneuvolaan liittyvistä kirjoista sekä Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen internetsivuilta. Sanastolähteenä käytettiin myös lastenneuvolassa käytettäviä lomakkeita ja esitteitä. Osa vastineista löydettiin sanakirjoista ja osa laadittiin itse käyttämällä erilaisia sanastotyön menetelmiä ja työkaluja. Termeille, joille ei löytynyt suoraa vastinetta, luotiin omia vastineita käyttäen sanastotyön menetelmiä ja käännösstrategioita. Sanaston laatu on varmistettu käyttämällä luotettavia lähteitä, perehtymällä aiheeseen huolellisesti sekä käyttämällä sekä arabiankielisiä että kurdinkielisiä kielen asiantuntijoita tarkastajina. Sanastosta hyötyvät asioimistulkit ja asioimistulkkausta opiskelevat. Siitä voivat hyötyä myös kurdinkieliset ja arabiankieliset lastenneuvolan asiakkaat sekä lastenneuvolan työntekijät. Sanaston tarkoituksena on helpottaa yhteistyötä viranomaisen, lastenneuvolan hoitotyön asiantuntijan, asiakkaan ja tulkin välillä. Sanaston tavoitteena on lisätä tulkkauslaatua, täsmällisyyttä, luotettavuutta ja asiantuntijuutta. Asiasanat: asioimistulkkaus, tulkki, lastenneuvola, sanastotyö, kurdinkielinen sanasto, arabiankielinen sanast

    Conductometric study of ionic – nonionic surfactant mixed micelles in aqueous solution

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    This study is concerned with the determination of critical micelle concentration (cmc) of mixed micelle of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cetyltriammnum bromid(CTAB) as an ionic surfactants (as anionic and cationic respectively) with Triton x-100 as nonionic surfactant from conductance measurements , the optimal cmc for mixed micelle (SDS/Tritonx-100) and (CTAB/Tritonx-100) at different mole fraction (α) are determined that are 0.2  and 0.6 respectively  .the values of the mole fraction of ionic surfactant in mixed micelle (X1M) ,  the activity coefficients of the surfactants 1 and 2 in the micelle (f1M    and  f2M  )  and the molecular interaction parameter (βM)  in mixed micelle are determined for two mixed solution in different mole fraction . the standard free energy of micellization for mixing surfactants (ΔGᴼmic)is calculated by three equation , the values   of free energy  at the optimal α   are  (-20.1   and -31.2 )  Kcal/mole for mixing  (SDS/Tritonx-100) and (CTAB/Tritonx-100) are respectivel

    Health system's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in conflict settings: policy reflections from Palestine

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    As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, concerns are particularly serious in conflict and humanitarian settings. Tackling the pandemic in those countries is challenging due to the fragility of socioeconomic and health systems. Palestine is one of those countries that is facing compounding challenges, instability, fragility, living conditions, poverty, and mobility, all of which are caused by multifactorial etiology. The Pandemic shows triple tragedies; virus (COVID-19 Pandemic), ongoing Israeli occupation (Politics), and Intra-Palestinian divide (Policies). Yet, Palestine's response to the pandemic is outperforming many countries in the region. The early preventative lockdown measures in the West Bank found effective and not overwhelming the already over-stretched health system. While in the Gaza Strip, the response was slow. Prisoners, labours, besieged people, socioeconomic-disadvantaged classes, and refugees were put at additional high risk. Nonetheless, measures taken were unconsolidated in both regions largely due to the political factors. A little collaboration and inter-agency task forces in preparedness and response was observed, and the mechanisms and governance remain ambiguous. A consolidated and evidence-based nation-wide plan is required, whereby state and non-state actors have a clear and transparent exit strategy. A new thinking approach to promote the public health system and evidence-informed policies in Palestine is an urgent national priority

    Experimental investigation of additive free-low-cost vinyl triarylamines based hole transport material for FAPbI3-based perovskite solar cells to enhance efficiency and stability

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    Perovskite-based solar cells have drawn a lot of attention recently because they possess many desirable qualities, including strong photon absorption, large carrier lifetime, ambipolar transmission, and low exciton binding energy. With continual optimization of each functional layer, particularly the active layer and hole transporting layer, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite materials has reached over 25%. Spiro-OMeTAD is a widely utilized hole transport material (HTM) for efficient solar cell operation. To improve conductivity, this material is often doped with additives such as 4-tert-butylpyridine (TBP) or bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt (Li-TFSI). Unfortunately, these additives can weaken the perovskite layer and reduce device stability. In this work, we enhanced the efficiency as well as stability of formamidinium-based perovskite using additive-free, cost-effective HTM based on vinyl triarylamines developed by the Tokyo chemical industry. We have deposited vinyl triarylamines-based HTM on both FAPbI _3 and MAPbI _3 perovskite. To compare the results, we have deposited traditional additive-based as well as additive free Spiro-OMeTAD on FAPbI _3 perovskite. Results are encouraging as the FAPbI _3 -based device showed a decent power conversion efficiency of 16.86%, which is higher than when the same HTM is deposited on the MAPbI _3 -based device and comparable with doped Spiro-OMeTAD and much higher than undoped Spiro-OMeTAD based HTM deposited on FAPbI _3 perovskite. Enhancement in device performance is attributed to better hole mobility and favourable energy band positioning of vinyl triarylamines based hole transport layer w.r.t FAPbI _3 perovskite. The PCE of a FAPbI _3 -based device using the suggested HTM (SHTM) suffers only a 12% decrease while following the maximum power point for 1800 h in ambient air

    Pulmonary and meningeal tuberculosis patterns in children at King Abdul-Aziz university hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: A retrospective study

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    Background: Paediatric Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant health problem worldwide, with the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting almost 550,000 children infected with TB yearly. Several factors have affected the TB infection rate in Saudi Arabia, including Hajj and Umrah (Islamic pilgrimages to Mecca), travel, global migration, indigence, inaccessible healthcare services and drug resistance.&nbsp;Objectives: This retrospective study aimed to describe the patterns of pulmonary TB (PTB) and tuberculous meningitis (TBM) among children admitted to the Paediatric Department at King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital (KAUH) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, between January 2010 and May 2015.Methods: The patients’ clinical information was retrieved retrospectively from the hospital TB register and case notes, including the age, gender, clinical features, investigations, treatments and prognosis.Results: The clinical presentation for PTB upon admission was primarily fever (75.0%), followed by cough (65.9%). For TBM, the clinical presentation was mainly convulsions (36.8%), followed by disturbed consciousness (21.1%). The diagnosis of PTB was most often made via TB culture (57.0%) and the Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) test (15.9%). There was a significantly higher number of PTB cases than TBM cases (71.0% versus 29.0%, P=0.0001).&nbsp;Conclusions: Overall, the paediatric TB mortality and morbidity rates in this area were high. Moreover, the diagnostic tools currently being used need improvement.</p

    Biodegradation of Anthracene Compound by Two Species of Filamentous Fungi

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    Isolation and identification fungi of Emericella nidulans and Aspergillus flavus from a pinkish and yellowish artificial clay, by using potato dextrose agar (PDA). Results revealed that E. nidulans was the best for degrading anthracene (92.3%) with maximum biomass production (3.7gm/l), compared to A. flavus with the rate of degradation (89%) and biomass production of (1.2gm/l), when methylene blue was used as redox indicator after incubating in a shaker incubator 120rpm at 30Co for 8days. Results indicated that E. nidulans has a high ability of anthracene degradation with the rate of (84%), while A. flavus showed the lower level with (77%) by using HPLC