22 research outputs found

    Changes of hormones (T3, T4 and cortisol) and ions (Na+ , Cl, K+ ) during smoltification in Salmo trutta caspius Kessler 1877

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    Salmo trutta caspius is an important and economic fish in the Caspian Sea has several morphological and physiological changes during smoltification. In this study, Hormonal (T3, T4 & Cortisol) and ionic (Na+ , Cl & K+ ) changes in the serum were determined during the period of smoltification in 5, 10, 15 & 20g of hatchery reared salmo trutta caspius in different seasons (spring, summer, autumn & winter). Hormones were measured by Eliza and Radio Immuno Assay, Na+ and K+ using flame photometer, Cl by colorimeter. T3 and T4 were quite high in spring, especially in the juvenile of 20g. Cortisol was quite low in spring and summer in all of weight groups. Ionic changes showed no significant differences with weight, but it was significantly different among seasons. This result suggests that analyzing the plasma thyroid hormones and ionic provide useful information about the optimal time of transferring Caspian Sea trout from fresh water to sea water. It is concluded that the juvenile fish of 20g shows a better smoltification process in the spring

    Controlador híbrido robusto basado en red neuronal fuzzy de intervalo tipo 2 y modo deslizante de alto orden para robots manipuladores

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    Industrial arms should be able to perform their duties in environments where unpredictable conditions and perturbations are present. In this paper, controlling a robotic manipulator is intended under significant external perturbations and parametric uncertainties. Type-2 fuzzy logic is an appropriate choice in the face of uncertain environments, for various reasons, including utilizing fuzzy membership functions. Also, using the neural network (NN) can increase robustness of the controller. Although neural network does not basically need to build its type-2 fuzzy rules, the initial rules based on sliding surface of higher order sliding mode controller (HOSMC) can improve the system's performance. In addition, self-regulation feature of the controller, which is based on the existence of the neural network in the central type-2 fuzzy controller block, increases the robustness of the method even more. Effective performance of the proposed controller (IT2FNN-HOSMC) is shown under various perturbations in numerical simulations.Los brazos industriale deben poder realizar sus tareas en entornos donde existen condiciones y perturbaciones impredecibles. En este artículo, el control de un manipulador robótico está bajo perturbaciones externas significativas e incertidumbres paramétricas. La lógica difusa de tipo 2 es una opción adecuada frente a entornos inciertos, por varias razones, incluida la utilización de funciones de membresía difusas. Además, el uso de la red neuronal (NN) puede aumentar la robustez del controlador. Aunque la red neuronal no necesita básicamente construir sus reglas difusas tipo 2, las reglas iniciales basadas en la superficie deslizante del controlador de modo deslizante de orden superior (HOSMC) pueden mejorar el rendimiento del sistema. Además, la función de autorregulación del controlador, que se basa en la existencia de la red neuronal en el bloque central del controlador difuso tipo 2, aumenta aún más la robustez del método. El rendimiento efectivo del controlador propuesto (IT2FNN-HOSMC) se muestra bajo varias perturbaciones en simulaciones numéricas

    Evaluation of the antioxidant effects of zolpidem in the rat model of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity

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    Introduction: Nephrotoxicity is one of the most important side effects of cisplatin which has limited its use. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of this drug. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant effect of zolpidem on the reduction of nephrotoxicity associated with cisplatin. Materials and Methods: In this study, 40 adult male rats were divided into 4 groups; 1) healthy group, 2) control group, 3, 4) cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity + different doses of zolpidem. After a certain period of time, the urine, spinal cord and kidney samples of rats were collected. Then, urine levels of functional factors including urea, creatinine and albumin/creatinine ratio, antioxidant enzymes and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were estimated. Consequently, histological studies were conducted with the collected samples. Results: Zolpidem reduced levels of urea, creatinine, albumin/creatinine ratio, and MDA. It also increased the amount of antioxidant enzymes of the kidney including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and moderated the tubular damage caused by the use of cisplatin. Conclusion: Zolpidem is able to improve the nephrotoxicity by reducing oxidative stress

    Sex differences in basal hypothalamic anorectic and orexigenic gene expression and the effect of quantitative and qualitative food restriction

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    Abstract Background Research into energy balance and growth has infrequently considered genetic sex, yet there is sexual dimorphism for growth across the animal kingdom. We test the hypothesis that in the chicken, there is a sex difference in arcuate nucleus neuropeptide gene expression, since previous research indicates hypothalamic AGRP expression is correlated with growth potential and that males grow faster than females. Because growth has been heavily selected in some chicken lines, food restriction is necessary to improve reproductive performance and welfare, but this increases hunger. Dietary dilution has been proposed to ameliorate this undesirable effect. We aimed to distinguish the effects of gut fullness from nutritional feedback on hypothalamic gene expression and its interaction with sex. Methods Twelve-week-old male and female fast-growing chickens were either released from restriction and fed ad libitum or a restricted diet plus 15% w/w ispaghula husk, a non-nutritive bulking agent, for 2 days. A control group remained on quantitative restriction. Hypothalamic arcuate nucleus neuropeptides were measured using real-time PCR. To confirm observed sex differences, the experiment was repeated using only ad libitum and restricted fed fast-growing chickens and in a genetically distinct breed of ad libitum fed male and female chickens. Linear mixed models (Genstat 18) were used for statistical analysis with transformation where appropriate. Results There were pronounced sex differences: expression of the orexigenic genes AGRP (P < 0.001) and NPY (P < 0.002) was higher in males of the fast-growing strain. In genetically distinct chickens, males had higher AGRP mRNA (P = 0.002) expression than females, suggesting sex difference was not restricted to a fast-growing strain. AGRP (P < 0.001) expression was significantly decreased in ad libitum fed birds but was high and indistinguishable between birds on a quantitative versus qualitative restricted diet. Inversely, gene expression of the anorectic genes POMC and CART was significantly higher in ad libitum fed birds but no consistent sex differences were observed. Conclusion Expression of orexigenic peptides in the avian hypothalamus are significantly different between sexes. This could be useful starting point of investigating further if AGRP is an indicator of growth potential. Results also demonstrate that gut fill alone does not reduce orexigenic gene expression

    Phytotherapy in Streptococcus agalactiae: An Overview of the Medicinal Plants Effective against Streptococcus agalactiae

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    Streptococcus agalactiae is a spherical and Gram-positive bacterium that causes postpartum sepsis, endometritis, chorioamnionitis and premature delivery in pregnant women. The use of herbs and natural ingredients for the treatment of various disorders has been common. The present review is a report on the medicinal plants with anti-Streptococcus agalactiae effects. In this review, the search was carried out in Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar and Science direct by keywords such as bacteria, Streptococcus agalactiae and medicinal plants. According to the search results, 10 medicinal plants are used as anti-bacterial against Streptococcus agalactiae. Results of this study suggest that the active ingredients listed in this review paper used for pharmacological studies on Streptococcus agalactiae so it can produce effective natural antibiotic for the future

    Blood lipid metabolites and meat lipid peroxidation responses of broiler chickens to dietary lecithinized palm oil

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    This trial was conducted to investigate the effects of supplementing saturated and unsaturated fat sources on serum metabolites and meat physiochemical parameters in the diets of broiler chickens. A total of 360 day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design with five treatments and six replicates of 14 chicks. The assay diets were developed by applying a ‎basal diet with no supplemented fat and the addition of soybean oil (SO), lecithinized palm oil (LPO), a 50 : 50 mix of SO and LPO (ESL), and 75 : 25 mix of SO and LPO (HSL) ratios to the basal diet. The inclusion levels of experimental fats were 2% and 4% in the starter and growing periods, respectively. Blood samples were collected from broilers to evaluate serum biochemical metabolites on day 41. Thigh meat samples were provided and analysed after 1, 5 and 10 days’ storage to evaluate lipid peroxidation at the end of the experiment. Fat and protein contents of thigh muscle and abdominal fat weight were measured and reported. Chickens fed LPO had greater serum triacylglycerol and very low density lipoprotein concentrations compared with those that received other dietary treatments (P &lt;0.05). The fat content of the meat was higher in birds supplemented with SO, LPO and ESL than control (P &lt;0.05). After 5 and 10 days of storage, the values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance were lower in meat of broilers receiving LPO than SO and HSL (P &lt;0.05). In conclusion, LPO decreased lipid peroxidation during different storage periods compared with SO.Keywords: Blood parameters, broilers, fat type, meat physiochemical parameter

    Hybrid robust controller based on interval type 2 fuzzy neural network and higher order sliding mode for robotic manipulators

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    Industrial arms should be able to perform their duties in environments where unpredictable conditions and perturbations are present. In this paper, controlling a robotic manipulator is intended under significant external perturbations and parametric uncertainties. Type-2 fuzzy logic is an appropriate choice in the face of uncertain environments, for various reasons, including utilizing fuzzy membership functions. Also, using the neural network (NN) can increase robustness of the controller. Although neural network does not basically need to build its type-2 fuzzy rules, the initial rules based on sliding surface of higher order sliding mode controller (HOSMC) can improve the system's performance. In addition, self-regulation feature of the controller, which is based on the existence of the neural network in the central type-2 fuzzy controller block, increases the robustness of the method even more. Effective performance of the proposed controller (IT2FNN-HOSMC) is shown under various perturbations in numerical simulations.Los brazos industriale deben poder realizar sus tareas en entornos donde existen condiciones y perturbaciones impredecibles. En este artículo, el control de un manipulador robótico está bajo perturbaciones externas significativas e incertidumbres paramétricas. La lógica difusa de tipo 2 es una opción adecuada frente a entornos inciertos, por varias razones, incluida la utilización de funciones de membresía difusas. Además, el uso de la red neuronal (NN) puede aumentar la robustez del controlador. Aunque la red neuronal no necesita básicamente construir sus reglas difusas tipo 2, las reglas iniciales basadas en la superficie deslizante del controlador de modo deslizante de orden superior (HOSMC) pueden mejorar el rendimiento del sistema. Además, la función de autorregulación del controlador, que se basa en la existencia de la red neuronal en el bloque central del controlador difuso tipo 2, aumenta aún más la robustez del método. El rendimiento efectivo del controlador propuesto (IT2FNN-HOSMC) se muestra bajo varias perturbaciones en simulaciones numéricas

    Systematic review for phytotherapy in Streptococcus Mutans

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    Streptococcus mutans is one of the bacteria that are a major cause of tooth decay. Streptococcus mutans plays a special role in plaque formation and tooth decay. S. mutans, which is a gram-positive cocci and encapsulated bacterium, produces acid and is considered as an extracellular glucan polymer. Medicinal plants are of special value and importance in securing health status at the society level in terms of both treatment and prevention of human diseases and are as old as human history. The present review study reports on medicinal plants that are used as antibacterials against S. mutans. In this study, the search process was done using keywords, such as bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, and medicinal plants. Databases such as ISI Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar and Science Direct were searched and the relevant articles were used for reviewing purposes. Based on the results, there are 48 medicinal plants with anti-S. mutans effects. © 2017, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved

    An overview of the most important medicinal plants with anti-toothache property based on ethnobotanical sources in Iran

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    Tooth is an organ exposed to pain with infection and other factors. Today toothache has great widespread. With the advancement of science, tendency of people to return the environment has increased so that environment orientation by increasing acceleration has become to the global phenomenon. Medicinal plants in the treatment of dental pain have been shown to be useful so in this study we tried to identify and report the medicinal plants used in traditional medicine resources to treat toothache. In this review, search for articles by keyword of toothache, Ethnobotanical, Iran and medicinal plants was carried out. Search wasdone in databases such as Scopus, ISC, SID, magiran, and a number of the other data base. Based on results obtained from the review of Iran ethnobotanical texts, it was found that Iran's 28 native medicinal plants are used to treat toothache. The present of the compounds in presented plants (Iran's 28 native medicinal plants) may indicate that the pain relief of these plants might be due to flavonoids. © 2017, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved

    An overview of the most important medicinal plants used as Mouth Freshener

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    Bad odor, is unpleasant odor that going out along the expiration from the nose or mouth. Halitosis or bad odor is a common and distressing symptom for patients and their families or freinds, and its effects on social, job and family relationships are difficult. Since the medicinal plants are used the treat variety of diseases, in this study, it was tried to identify and report medicinal plants that are used in Iran Ethnobotanical foe bad odor of the mouth. In this review, search for articles by keywords of Mouth, teeth, mouth freshener, Ethnobotanical, Iran and medicinal plants was carried out. Search from databasesincluding Scopus, ISC, SID, magiran, and a number of the other data base wer done. According to the documents for Iran ethnobotany, 13 important medicinal plants are used to eliminate bad odor. Medicinal plants such as frankincense, oregano, clove East fluffy clove, ephedra, parsley, rosemary and other are the most important medicinal plants to eliminate halitosis. Probably these medicinal plants have the essence and aromatic oil and effective medicinal materials to eliminate halitosis. © 2017, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved