30 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia difokuskan pada empat program prioritas yaitu, penurunan angka kematian ibu dan bayi, penurunan prevalensi balita pendek (stunting), pengendalian penyakit menular, dan pengendalian penyakit tidak menular. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup dan kesehatan lansia adalah keterbatasan akses lansia terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memantau kesehatan lansia dan mendeteksi dini penyakit tidak menular yang mungkin dapat timbul pada lansia tersebut. Metode pengabdian ini yaitu praktik langsung dalam pemeriksaan kesehatan dengan bermitra bersama bidan desa setempat dan kader posyandu. Peserta yang hadir dalam kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis yaitu sebanyak 42 orang dimana hasil ini sudah memenuhi indikator keberhasilan dengan target peserta lebih dari 20 orang. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu dalam kegiatan posyandu lansia sebaiknya juga diberikan edukasi terkait penyakit menular dan tidak menular serta cara pencegahannya.Abstract: Health development in Indonesia is focused on four priority programs, namely, reducing maternal and infant mortality, reducing the prevalence of stunting under five, controlling communicable diseases, and controlling non-communicable diseases. One of the factors that can affect the quality of life and health of the elderly is the limited access of the elderly to health services. The purpose of this service is to monitor the health of the elderly and detect non-communicable diseases early that may arise in the elderly. This service method is direct practice in health checks by partnering with local village midwives and posyandu cadres. Participants who attended the free health check-up were 42 people where these results met the indicators of success with a target audience of more than 20 people. Suggestions that can be given are that in posyandu activities the elderly should also be given education regarding communicable and non-communicable diseases and how to prevent them

    Determinants of Personal and Social Factors in the Intention of Sexual Conduct Among Teenagers Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Background: Health knowledge about sexual behavior is very important for teenagers. At the time of adolescence, there was happened very dynamic development, both biologically and psychologically. Determinants of personal and social factors in influencing intention is comprehensive sexual behavior among teenagers. The aim of this study was to analyze the determi-nant personal and social factors which influenced the intention of sexual conduct among teenagers in senior high school grade. Method: A cross-sectional observational design was performed in this study. 262 from 820 Senior High school students were participated in this study. Simple random sampling was implemented to collect the sample. Self-development questionnaire based on belief attitude intention and behavior theory was used. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were achieved. The Structural Equation Model was used to analyze the data.Results: The intention of sexual behavior was significantly influenced by personal factors (SE: 0.26, CR: 4.955, p: .000). The intention of sexual behavior was not significantly influenced by social factors (p: 0.557, SE: .029 dan CR: .587). Personal factors in sexual behavior intention were significantly influenced of social factors (p: 0.000, SE: .035, CR: 29,564). Conclusion: Personal factors were be determinant to the intent of sexual behavior among teenagers. While, the social factors were be not de-terminant directly against the intention in sexual behavior among teenagers. However, social factors were being determinant for the personal factors in sexual behavior intention among teenagers. In conclusion, the intention of sexual behavior will be even greater through personal factors

    Perbedaan Pemberian Bioaktivator dalam Kompos Takakura terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum)

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    Indonesia's population is increasing from year to year which has an impact on increasing the amount of waste and has a negative impact on public health and the environment. One of the proper waste handling methods is simple, practical, and efficient composting using the Takakura composting method. This study aims to determine the differences in stem height and number of leaves of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum) between the control group and the treatment group with the addition of 4 bioactivators in Takakura compost. The research method uses an experimental design conducted in Banyuwangi during March-April 2022. Statistical analysis using T-test on data that is normally distributed and the Mann-Whitney test is used on data that is not normally distributed was carried out to determine differences in stem height and number of leaves of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum). The results of this study showed that there was a difference (p value is 0.008 is less than 0.05) between the stem height of the tomato plants in the control and treatment groups with the addition of leachate activator compost, and there was no difference in the height of the tomato plants with the addition of EM4 bioactivator, BSF larvae, and drops. sugarcane. The results also showed no difference in the number of leaves from the addition of all bioactivators (EM4, BSF larvae, leachate, and molasses) in Takakura compost. It is recommended that further research be able to measure the C over N ratio during composting to determine the nutrient content in each activator during composting.Jumlah penduduk Indonesia semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun yang berdampak pada pertambahan jumlah sampah dan tentunya mengakibatkan dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan masyarakat serta lingkungan. Salah satu cara penanganan sampah yang tepat yakni pembuatan kompos sederhana, praktis, dan efisien dengan menggunakan metode komposting Takakura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tinggi batang dan jumlah daun tanaman tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum) antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan dengan penambahan 4 bioaktivator di dalam kompos Takakura. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimental yang dilakukan di Banyuwangi selama bulan Maret-April 2022. Analisis statistik menggunakan Uji T pada data yang berdistribusi normal dan Uji Mann Whitney digunakan pada data yang tidak berdistribusi normal dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tinggi batang dan jumlah daun tanaman tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan (p value sama dengan 0.008 kurang dari 0.05) antara tinggi batang tanaman tomat pada kelompok kontrol maupun kelompok perlakuan dengan penambahan kompos aktivator air lindi, dan tidak ada perbedaan tinggi tanaman tomat pada penambahan bioaktivator EM4, larva BSF, dan tetes tebu. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan jumlah daun dari penambahan semua bioaktivator (EM4, larva BSF, air lindi, dan tetes tebu) pada kompos Takakura. Penelitian selanjutnya disarankan dapat melakukan pengukuran C dibagi N rasio saat pengomposan untuk mengetahui kandungan hara di setiap aktivator pada saat pengomposan

    Ecological Analysis of Stunting Toddlers in East Nusa Tenggara Province 2021

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    Stunting is a chronic condition that results in stunted growth of children under five due to malnutrition for a long time. The objective of this study is to analyze the factors associated with the occurrence of stunting in East Nusa Tenggara Province in the year 2021. An ecological approach is employed in this study, utilizing secondary data obtained from the 2021 East Nusa Tenggara Province Health Profile report. This research was conducted from January to March 2023. Analysis was carried out on a total of 22 districts/cities, with a population of 388,760 toddlers which included the entire sample size, namely toddlers with stunting incidents totaling 81,354 toddlers. The main variable predicted is the proportion of stunted toddlers. Predictor variables consist of the percentage of ANC visits, the proportion of LBW history and the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding. Bivariate analysis involved the utilization of cross-tabulation to examine the relationships between variables. The results of the study show that the prevalence of stunting status in toddlers is in the moderate category (16.04-24.07%). This happened as the coverage of ANC visits in districts/cities was in the low category (40.0-61.6%), history of LBW in districts/cities was in the low category (3.0-6.6%) and breastfeeding exclusively in districts/cities that are in the high category (65.67-93.0%). Stunting among toddlers in the province of East Nusa Tenggara in 2021 is in the moderate category along with ANC visits in districts/cities which are in the low category, history of LBW in districts/cities is in the low category and exclusive breastfeeding in districts/cities is also in the low category. To accelerate stunting prevention in Indonesia, it is essential to have synchronized efforts in planning, implementation, and monitoring at all government levels, including villages. The active involvement of all stakeholders is crucial in achieving this goal. Keyword: Community nutrition, Ecological analysis, Secondary data, Stune

    Faktor Dukungan Sosial Perilaku Personal Hygiene Genitalia Napi Perempuan di Lapas Kelas IIA Sidoarjo

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    Female prisoners, who are minority figures in prisons, have fewer opportunities to obtain health facilities and services that support their reproductive health care. Programs and socialization aimed at female prisoners are often ineffective, so they don't get the knowledge they need. Sometimes, their basic needs, such as when they experience menstruation (such as sanitary napkins and clean underwear), are still lacking. The purpose of this study is to describe the social support received by female prisoners in the practice of genital personal hygiene behavior during the period of detention at the Class IIA Sidoarjo Penitentiary. The method used is a qualitative method. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is, the support received by female prisoners during the detention period to support the behavior of genitalia personal hygiene, namely the family of female prisoners, female prisoners' roommates, to the prison. Support provided in the form of information to the items needed

    Determinan Keinginan Penerapan Program Keluarga Berencana (KB) pada Remaja Pria Indonesia di Masa Mendatang

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    Pemerintah berupaya mengendalikan jumlah penduduk melalui pembinaan remaja terkait program KB. Penelitian terkait keinginan penerapan program KB pada remaja pria di masa mendatang tergolong sangat jarang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis determinan yang berhubungan dengan keinginan penerapan program KB pada remaja pria Indonesia di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Besar sampel penelitian berjumlah 11.459 remaja pria di Indonesia berumur 15-24 tahun dan belum menikah diperoleh menggunakan teknik multi stage sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari SDKI tahun 2017. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan nilai p masing-masing variabel yaitu peran keluarga (p=0,000), peran petugas kesehatan (p=0,000), akses informasi melalui televisi (p=0,000), sumber informasi dan konseling (p=0,000), pengambilan keputusan (p=0,213), dan tempat tinggal (p=0,000). Determinan keinginan penerapan program KB pada remaja pria Indonesia di masa mendatang adalah peran keluarga, peran petugas kesehatan, akses informasi melalui televisi, sumber informasi dan konseling, serta tempat tinggal. Diperlukan pendampingan BKKBN atau Dinas Kesehatan dengan melakukan peningkatan KIE terkait program KB pada remaja melalui peran yang diberikan oleh petugas kesehatan, keluarga, dan institusi pendidikan dengan menggunakan media promosi kesehatan

    Reproductive Health Literacy Level Among Adolescents of Senior High School in Semarang City, Indonesia

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    Background: Adolescence was very vulnerable to reproductive health problems, including sexuality (unwanted pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases), drug use, and HIV & AIDS. Semarang City teenage dating behavior was almost 50% very risky. Outcome of poor reproductive health behavior was caused by low levels of literacy of adolescent reproductive health. This study aimed to determine reproductive health literacy level of adolescent in senior high schools in Semarang City. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive analytic study with cross-sectional methods in 251 students. Primary data was collected by conducting to fill out questionnaires. Result: The reproductive health literacy level of adolescent in high schools in Semarang City was still at the level of inadequate (33.1%) and problematic (48.2%). Indicators on the dimensions of reproductive health literacy levels showed that the majority of ability to access, understand, assess, and apply the reproductive health information was more than 50% in the inadequate and problematic categories. Conclusion: The reproductive health literacy level of adolescent in high schools in Semarang City was in the low category. Various efforts are needed to increase the literacy level of adolescent reproductive health, including training and seminars on adolescent reproductive health in schools and increasing reproductive health information through social media

    Self Efficacy and Adherence to Antiretroviral (ARV) Drug Therapy Among People Living With HIV-AIDS (PLWHA)

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    Background: Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is a gold way to achieve maximal suppression of HIV replication for PLWHA. It is improving his health, improving his quality of life, and prolonging his survival. In Tulungagung district, the prevalence of the ART adherence was low. People living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA) who lost to follow up as much as 14.98%, PLWHA who still do ART as much as 54.31%, and PLWHA who did follow up with adherence rate more than 95% as much as 64.22%. It is because patients can not handle their environmental contraints during ART. Self-efficacy is a way to self-control environmental contraints. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of self-efficacy and adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) drug therapy among people living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA). Material and Method: This study was observational analytic with case control design. Sampling was random sampling and obtained 99 people living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA) into 2 groups. First group was 33 PLWHA who lost to follow up as a case group (non-adherence group). Second group was 66 PLWHA who did follow up with adherence rate more than 95% as a control group (adherence group). The data was collected at VCT Seruni Clinic in RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung. This study also did home visit to collect primary data needed. This study used logistic regression with α = 0.05. Results: Adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) drug therapy was influenced by self-efficacy (p = 0.000). PLWHA who had low self-efficacy were at risk for not adherence 7.6 times greater than PLWHA who had high self-efficacy (OR = 7.6) Conclusion: Adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) drug therapy was influenced by self-efficacy. It is suggested to Health Service Centre to giving intensive counseling to PLWHA during do Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). Intensive counseling serves to increase self-efficacy

    Self Efficacy and Adherence to Antiretroviral (ARV) Drug Therapy Among People Living With HIV-AIDS (PLWHA)

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    Background: Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is a gold way to achieve maximal suppression of HIV replication for PLWHA. It is improving his health, improving his quality of life, and prolonging his survival. In Tulungagung district, the prevalence of the ART adherence was low. People living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA) who lost to follow up as much as 14.98%, PLWHA who still do ART as much as 54.31%, and PLWHA who did follow up with adherence rate more than 95% as much as 64.22%. It is because patients can not handle their environmental contraints during ART. Self-efficacy is a way to self-control environmental contraints. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of self-efficacy and adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) drug therapy among people living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA). Material and Method: This study was observational analytic with case control design. Sampling was random sampling and obtained 99 people living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA) into 2 groups. First group was 33 PLWHA who lost to follow up as a case group (non-adherence group). Second group was 66 PLWHA who did follow up with adherence rate more than 95% as a control group (adherence group). The data was collected at VCT Seruni Clinic in RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung. This study also did home visit to collect primary data needed. This study used logistic regression with α = 0.05. Results: Adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) drug therapy was influenced by self-efficacy (p = 0.000). PLWHA who had low self-efficacy were at risk for not adherence 7.6 times greater than PLWHA who had high self-efficacy (OR = 7.6) Conclusion: Adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) drug therapy was influenced by self-efficacy. It is suggested to Health Service Centre to giving intensive counseling to PLWHA during do Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). Intensive counseling serves to increase self-efficacy

    Peran Keluarga dalam Membantu Proses Pemulihan Penyalahguna Narkoba

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    The National Narcotics Board or Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) survey results found the prevalence of drug abuse in 2015 amount 42,900 people, and an increase of 20.84% in 2016, which amounted to 51,840 people. As a result of drug abuse, drug abusers often experience health problems both physically and mentally due to the influence of drugs or the environment that makes drug abusers depressed. One of the health treatments for drug abusers that can be done to motivate drug abusers is to provide family support. The family is a source of social support because, in family relationships, mutual trust is created. Objective: This research was conducted to determine how the family’s role based on Kroenke helped to recover the health of drug abusers from deciding to stop drug abuse. The government can later consider this research’s benefits in creating a family-based drug abuse prevention and recovery program. Methods: This study uses a review of international articles. The articles used are twenty articles published in the last ten years. Result: Research shows that the family’s role in helping recovering drug users’ health drug users’ health is different but still has the same goal. Support provided is based on the cause of individuals to commit drug abuse. Support could be provided in the form of assessment support, instrumental, informational, and social. A good family role’s functioning makes the recovery process more effective because an addict will feel motivated by their support. Conclusion: The research conducted that the family’s role is essential for the recovery of the health of drug addicts, providing a stimulus for change to stop drug abuse. The family’s ability and function in explaining the addict’s self-control varies according to how the response and the intensity of family support provided to the addict