355 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and phylogeny of the manna lichens and allied species (Megasporaceae)

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    This dissertation is focused on the taxonomy, phylogeny, and ecology of the vagrant, erratic and allied terricolous and saxicolous species of the genera Aspicilia A. Massal. and Circinaria Link (Megasporaceae), particularly those traditionally referred to as manna lichens . The group has previously been defined on the basis of few morphological characters. The phylogeny of the family Megasporaceae is inferred from the combined dataset of nuLSU and mtSSU sequences. Five genera Aspicilia, Circinaria, Lobothallia, Megaspora, and Sagedia are recognized. Lobothallia is sister of the four other genera, while Aspicilia and Sagedia form the next clade. All these genera have small asci with eight spores. Circinaria is a sister genus of Megaspora, and these two have in common asci with (1 4) 6 8 large spores. Circinaria forms a monophyletic group and sphaerothallioid species form a monophyletic group within Circinaria. The presence of certain morphological characters such as pseudocyphellae, thickness of cortex and medulla layers, as well as ecological differences in sphaerothallioid species distinguish it from some other crustose species, especially those containing aspicilin and characterised by thin cortex and medulla layers, conidium length c. 6 12 µm and absence of pseudocyphellae. If sphaerothallioid species are accepted as a distinct genus, the rest of the Circinaria species would remain as a paraphyletic assemblage. Currently, the genus Circinaria includes all the sphaerothallioid species and its generic position is confirmed and accepted. Thus, it is proposed as a correct generic name also for the manna lichens described originally in other genera. Phylogeny at the species level was studied using nrITS sequence data. Traditionally, morphological characters have been used for the recognition of species. They were re-evaluated in the light of molecular data. Since characters such as vagrant, erratic and crustose growth forms proved to be misleading for the recognition of some species, a combination of several characters (including molecular data) is recommended. Vagrant growth form seems to have evolved several times among the distantly related lineages and even within a single population. The reasons behind the high plasticity in the external morphology of the sphaerothallioid Circinaria remain, however, unknown. Six new species are recognized: Aspicilia tibetica, Circinaria arida, C. digitata nom provis., C. gyrosa nom. provis., C. rogeri nom. provis., and C. rostamii nom. provis. Based on an analysis of nrITS dataset, three new erratic, vagrant and crustose species were also recognized, but these require additional study. The results also reveal that C. elmorei and C. hispida are not monophyletic as currently understood. In addition, 13 new combinations in the genus Circinaria are proposed.Väitöskirja käsittelee jäkälöityneiden kotelosienten Megasporaceae-heimoon kuuluvien Aspicilia- ja Circinaria-sukujen ekologiaa, fylogeniaa ja taksonomiaa. Tutkimuksissa käsitellään etenkin lajeja, jotka tavallisesti kasvavat kasvualustaansa kiinnittymättä. Näitä lajeja on perinteisesti kutsuttu manna-jäkäliksi ja ne on erotettu toisistaan sekovarren ulkoisten piirteiden avulla. Megasporaceae-heimon fylogeniaa tutkittiin tuman ja mitokondrion ribosomaalista RNA:ta koodaavien geenien sekvenssien avulla. Heimo voidaan jakaa viiteen sukuun: Aspicilia, Circinaria, Lobothallia, Megaspora ja Sagedia. Lobothallia on muiden sukujen muodostaman kokonaisuuden sisarryhmä ja Aspicilia ja Sagedia muodostavat sitä seuraavan monofyleettisen ryhmän. Kaikilla näihin sukuihin kuuluvilla lajeilla on pienet, kahdeksan itiötä sisältävät itiökotelot. Circinaria on Megaspora-suvun sisarryhmä ja molempiin sukuihin kuuluvilla lajeilla on itiökotelot, joissa on kuudesta kahdeksaan (joskus vain yhdestä neljään) suurta itiötä. Circinaria on monofyleettinen ja ns. sferotalliset lajit muodostavat monofyleettisen ryhmän suvun sisällä. Tietyt rakennepiirteet kuten valehuokoset, sekovarren kuorikerroksen ja ytimen paksuus sekä eräät lajien ekologiaan liittyvät ominaisuudet erottavat ne muista rupimaisista lajeista, jotka sisältävät aspikiliinia, joilla sekovarren kuorikerros ja ydin ovat ohuita, joilla ei ole valehuokosia ja joiden kuromien pituus on 6-12 mikrometriä. Jos sferotalliset lajit erotettaisiin omaksi suvukseen loput Circinaria-suvun lajit jäisivät parafyleettiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Käytetyn aineiston perusteella ei sukujen sisäistä fylogeniaa Megasporaceae-heimossa saatu täysin ratkaistua. Circinaria-suku, kuten se on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa rajattu, on kuitenkin monofyleettinen ja sisältää kaikki sferotalliset lajit; sukuun kuuluvat myös kaikki ne manna-jäkälät, jotka on kuvattu alunperin muissa suvuissa. Lajitason fylogeniaa tutkittiin tuman ITS-alueen sekvenssien avulla. Perinteisesti sekovarren ulkoisia rakennepiirteitä on käytetty lajien tunnistamisessa ja niiden käyttökelpoisuutta arvioitiin uudelleen sekvensseistä saadun informaation perusteella. Koska ominaisuudet, kuten sekovarren kiinnittyminen kasvualustaan, osoittautuivat harhaanjohtaviksi on suositeltavaa käyttää mahdollisimman monia ominaisuuksia - myös sekvenssitason informaatiota - lajien tunnistamisessa. Kasvualustasta irralliset sekovarret näyttävät kehittyneen useaan otteeseen eri kehityslinjoissa ja kasvutavassa esiintyy vaihtelua jopa populaatioiden sisällä. Tämän ulkoisessa morfologiassa havaitun merkittävän vaihtelevuuden syyt ovat kuitenkin edelleen epäselvät. Väitöskirjaan sisältyvissä tutkimuksissa kuvataan tieteelle kuusi uutta lajia: Aspicilia tibetica, Circinaria arida, C. digitata nom. provis., C. gyrosa nom. provis., C. rogeri nom. provis., ja C. rostamii nom. provis. Tuman ITS-alueen sekvenssien perusteella voidaan ilmeisesti erottaa näiden ohella vielä kolme uutta lajia, joiden kuvaaminen vaatii jatkotutkimuksia. Tulokset paljastavat myös, että C. elmorei ja C. hispida eivät ole monofyleettisiä siinä muodossa kuin ne on aiemmin kuvattu. Tutkimuksissa esitetään lisäksi 13 uutta nimistöllistä kombinaatiota

    Decreasing Out of Pocket Payment: Direct or Indirect

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    Why Focusing on Social Determinants of Health?

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    No Abstrac

    The Cost analysis of cervical cancer screening services provided by Damavand health center in 2013

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    Background: Today, the health sector in many countries is facing with severe resource constraints; hence it is absolutely necessary that cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness assessment have a major role in design of health services. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cost-benefit and effectiveness of cervical cancer screening service (Pap smear test) done by the health centers in Damavand County in 2013.  Methods: This is a descriptive study with cross-sectional method. All data was extracted from existing documents in Damavand health network.Cost of service screening for doing Pap smear test (manpower costs of performing the service, the cost of transferring samples, water, electricity, telephone and gas) was estimated in all health centers then results, were compared with the incomes of this service.  Results: Screening program coverage was 22.3%, 6.9% and 6.05% in 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively. All costs and incomes of units performing Pap smear screening test were calculated. Entire costs and incomes of this service during 2013 were respectively 303,009,000 and 11,640,000 RLS equal 12,227and12,227 and 496.73. Therefore, the cost-benefit ratio of this screening test was approximately 0.040.  Conclusion: The costs of units performing cervical cancer screening test in Damavand Health Center were much more than this benefit and because of a none-positive Pap smear test in spite of high cost, performing this test in Damavand health centers was not cost effective

    Autologous Plasma rich platelet versus Low Molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid in Knee Osteoarthritis: a Non-placebo Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: This study aimed to compare the effect of autologous plasma rich platelet (PRP) versus Low molecular weight Hyaluronic acid (HA) on pain, function and stiffness in knee osteoarthritis during six months follow-up. Design: Through a non-placebo blocked randomized controlled trial with parallel design on 77 patients with knee osteoarthritis; 50 in intervention group, treated by PRP; 27 in control group, treated by HA.  They received three injections and assessed before, after two and six months. Pain, stiffness and function were assessed using WOMAC and VAS. Descriptive statistics, chi-square, and ANOVA were used when appropriate. Results: Pain reduced in both groups compared to their respective baseline (P<0.007); the reduction rates were similar in both groups (P>0.1). WOMAC and VAS scores were different between before injection and both two and six months follow-ups in both groups (P<0.001); although increasing of VAS score between two and six months follow-ups was more considerable in PRP but not statistically significant (P=0.08). Considering Kellgren-lawrence classification of knee osteoarthritis, WOMAC scores were different in patients with grade 2 and 3 in both groups (P<0.01); but VAS scores were different with grade 3 only in PRP group (P=0.009). Conclusions: There was no difference between PRP and HA in reducing symptoms of knee osteoarthritis compare to their baseline but sustainability of the effect may be more with HA

    Customer relationship management maturity model (CRM3): A model for stepwise implementation

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    Being multifaceted process, implementing customer relationship management (CRM) project has a high risk and uncertainty that must be reduced using planning to get the desirable benefits. As a matter of fact, existing and optimal position must be determined to reduce the gap between them via suitable investment. To identify this gap as well as the way to higher and optimal condition, maturity model can be used. Relying on extended literature, the present paper reviews the existing models and then develops a model for measuring CRM maturity based on CRM critical success factors, CMMI levels and RADAR logic

    An Integrative Framework For E-Business Information System Development

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    The advent of networked economy calls for new understanding of business, and it is evidenced by the visible trend of traditional businesses either migrating to e-business or expanding to embrace electronic commerce. The development of new business models supported by information technology has become an important issue in the business community. This paper first describes different kinds of information systems and their criteria, e-business information system framework and then map IS criteria into the EBIS criteria to extend the former EBIS framework and to reach an integrative framework which fills the gap between IS categories and EBIS. The mapping process was done by academics and managers of top 50 firms in Iran. Consequently the paper discusses the roadmap guiding information system planners and designers

    Factors affecting medical tourism: A case study of Azeri tourists in Iran

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    Background: Health tourism is one of the effective factors in the economic prosperity of the countries, the beautiful nature and hot springs of Ardebil province makes it a good destination for health tourism. The aim of this study was to investigate demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of health tourists in Ardebil. Methods: To investigate the viewpoint of health tourists coming to Ardebil province from Azerbaijan, a comprehensive Turkish language questionnaire was designed by the researcher and by visiting medical centers in Ardebil, pharmacies and restaurants, the questionnaires were completed. Results: Out of 200 distributed questionnaires, 193 were completed. The average age of the participants was 26.2 years. They often had less than 1800 USD monthly income. 184 (95.4%) of participants were not covered by the general insurance of Azerbaijan. The cost of treatment and the total travel cost per person for participants was less than 120 USD. About the hospital services, one-third of respondents rated them as “well”. More than 95% of the tourist were from the near border provinces. Conclusion: The lack of public insurance coverage in Azerbaijan and the higher value of the Azerbaijani Manat compared to Iranian rial attract health tourists to Ardebil, but the quality of services provided needs to be improved. Government planners need to focus more on health tourism issues, especially in Ardebil so as to improve the infrastructures and remove barriers, it is a step towards the prosperity of this lucrative industry

    The evaluation of breakfast intake pattern and short-term memory status in junior secondary school students in Shiraz 2007

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    زمینه و هدف: یادگیری، حافظه و پیشرفت تحصیلی کودکان در مدرسه تحت تاثیر عوامل مختلف تغذیه ای و از جمله صبحانه قرار دارند. مواد مغذی اعم از ویتامین های نیاسین (B3)، فولیک اسید (B9)، کوبالامین (B12)، آهن، ید و غیره بر حافظه کوتاه مدت موثرند. از آنجا که صبحانه از عادات مطلوبی است که بر حافظه کودکان موثراست. لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی الگوی صبحانه دریافتی و وضعیت حافظه کوتاه مدت دختران دانش آموزان مدارس راهنمایی شهر شیراز صورت گرفت. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی 150 نفر از دختران دانش آموز مدارس راهنمایی شیراز به روش تصادفی چند مرحله ای انتخاب شدند. اطلاعات دموگرافیک اجتماعی-اقتصادی با پرسشنامه والگوی صبحانه با پرسشنامه بسامد و یادآمد صبحانه 3 روزه جمع آوری و از هر فرد یک تست حافظه وکسلر به عمل آمد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری همبستگی پیرسون و ANOVA تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: بین شغل و تحصیلات والدین، وضعیت تحصیلی، سن و حافظه‌ رابطه‌ معنی داری وجود نداشت. طی بررسی تغذیه ای بین مصرف پیریدوکسین (ویتامینB6 )، B12، ید، کالری، پروتیین، چربی یا کلسترول و نمره ی حافظه رابطه‌ی معنی داری وجود نداشت (05/0P>)، اما بین مصرف ویتامین B3، کربوهیدرات و آهن در صبحانه و نمره ی حافظه رابطه ی معنی دار و همبستگی از نوع مستقیم وجود داشت (05/0

    Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection among healthy individuals referred to the medical center laboratories in Tehran City, Capital of Iran

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    Background: Toxocarosis is a zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution. Humans’ infection occurred by incidental ingestion of eggs shed in feces of dogs or cats. Studies on general population are rare in Iran. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated seroprevalence, and risk factors associated with toxocariasis among the healthy individuals in Tehran, capital if Iran.Materials and Methods: In total, 374 sera samples were investigated for the presence of anti-Toxocara IgG. We applied ELISA as screening test using available commercial kit. In addition, demographic data were obtained from participant’s questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using SPSS16.Results: The overall seroprevalence of toxocariasis was found 5.6% (21/374). Regarding the socio-demographic variables, age (P<0.001) and eating unwashed vegetables (P=0.049) were significantly associated to toxocariasis in univariate analysis. In the logistic regression analysis, only age (P<0.001) was identified as potential risk factor associated with Toxocara infection.Conclusion: This study revealed that seroprevalence of toxocariasis is relatively low in the healthy individuals in Tehran. We suggest carrying out further studies in the different part of Iran and investigate on the prevalence of toxocariasis in high-risk groups such as asthma, hyper-eosinophilic, epilepsy, rheumatism and schizophrenia patients