281 research outputs found

    Relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction

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    These days, we have found out the ability of emotions in human life and we have found out role of emotions in human activities. In recent years, literatures gradually tend from logical intelligent to emotional intelligent. Since 90th, this concept has been used in management research. Thus, if managers and clerks have higher emotional intelligence, they can mix emotions and positive feelings, solve problems, by choosing suitable strategies, omit available conflicts, and rise job satisfaction. Consequently, this research tried to investigate relationship between emotional intelligent and job satisfaction. The sample study was clerks of water organization in Mashhad and included a random sample and sample determined based on Cochran formula of 80 people. All of analyses did by SPSS software and we used Excel software in order to draw the tables. We measured emotional intelligence and job satisfaction throughout using two standard questionnaires. Questionnaire of emotional intelligence had various questions which were based on 5-point Likert scale (from 1- strongly agree, to 5-strongly disagree). We tested normality by K-S test. Then, we used Pearson regression in order to investigate relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfactions. Based on result of the research, significant relationship exists between self-confidence and job satisfaction. Moreover, as result of coefficient, regression is positive; the relationship is positive and significant. In other words, by increasing self-confidence of clerks, job satisfaction will increase. We concluded that for improving emotional intelligence of clerks it is necessary to pay attention to self-confidence and self-awareness more than to the other factors; on the other hand, two factors of self-awareness and self-confidence are related to individual behavior components. Thus, we concluded that it is important to emphasize on individual behavior of people in order to improve emotional intelligence for increasing job satisfaction. Meanwhile, among individual behavior should more emphasize on self-awareness and self-confidence

    Relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction

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    These days, we have found out the ability of emotions in human life and we have found out role of emotions in human activities. In recent years, literatures gradually tend from logical intelligent to emotional intelligent. Since 90th, this concept has been used in management research. Thus, if managers and clerks have higher emotional intelligence, they can mix emotions and positive feelings, solve problems, by choosing suitable strategies, omit available conflicts, and rise job satisfaction. Consequently, this research tried to investigate relationship between emotional intelligent and job satisfaction. The sample study was clerks of water organization in Mashhad and included a random sample and sample determined based on Cochran formula of 80 people. All of analyses did by SPSS software and we used Excel software in order to draw the tables. We measured emotional intelligence and job satisfaction throughout using two standard questionnaires. Questionnaire of emotional intelligence had various questions which were based on 5-point Likert scale (from 1- strongly agree, to 5-strongly disagree). We tested normality by K-S test. Then, we used Pearson regression in order to investigate relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfactions. Based on result of the research, significant relationship exists between self-confidence and job satisfaction. Moreover, as result of coefficient, regression is positive; the relationship is positive and significant. In other words, by increasing self-confidence of clerks, job satisfaction will increase. We concluded that for improving emotional intelligence of clerks it is necessary to pay attention to self-confidence and self-awareness more than to the other factors; on the other hand, two factors of self-awareness and self-confidence are related to individual behavior components. Thus, we concluded that it is important to emphasize on individual behavior of people in order to improve emotional intelligence for increasing job satisfaction. Meanwhile, among individual behavior should more emphasize on self-awareness and self-confidence


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    Polarity determines whether the message is positive or negative. This key element of every context can be expressed through mood adjuncts. The present study aimed at surviving the polarity of Persian mood adjuncts based on functional grammar approach. Both positive and negative discourses were presented and discussed. To achieve the purpose of the study, however, some negative mood adjuncts such as "hargez"(never), "be zahmat"(scarcely), "be nodrat"(rarely), and some positive mood adjuncts including "hamishe"(always), "aqlab" (often), "mamulan" (usually) and "barxi auqat" (sometimes) were discussed. Finally it was found that to carry a severe negative message in contexts using the negative polarity mood adjuncts in Persian language Ù«"negative" markers are require

    Forecasting the Subject Trend of International Library and Information Science Research by 2030 Using the Deep Learning Approach

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    This study seeks to forecast the subject trend of library and information science research until 2030 based on modeling previous research topics in this field, which has been done with a text mining and in-depth learning approach. After pre-processing and thematic classification of the studies, deep neural network algorithms were used to model previous studies and forecast future topics. The study population included 90,311 journal articles in library and information science publications indexed on the Web of Science website from 1945-2020. All research processes were implemented in the Python programming language. The findings showed that the largest number of studies in the future would be related to Internet and web studies, and the growth rate of these topics will be higher in the future. However, topics related to libraries and their work processes and other traditional disciplines such as theoretical foundations will have a lower growth rate in library and information science studies. As a result, knowledge of important future issues, while helping to plan for future research, can identify study gaps and investment opportunities in the R&D sector, thereby assisting researchers, universities, and relevant research institutes in selecting projects intelligently.https://dorl.net/dor/ 20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.1.26.

    Development of a Model for Identification of Reasons for Deviation in Forecasts

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    Most organizations use forecasting techniques in order to achieve their goals and to reduce risk in uncertain conditions and varying situations. Forecasting by senior managers plays a very important role in the success or failure of organization and company projects as well as their affairs. However, the scope of forecasting has not yet structured or regulated and there is no approved or special conceptual framework for it, especially in relation to the reasons decisions of mangers deviate while forecasting, which can have a crucial influence on the whole organization. The aim of this study is to develop a conceptual model of the reasons for deviation from forecasting by senior managers. To understand the subject, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the research and literature was carried out. A conceptual model was developed according to the results of this research and the data from a focus group. The results of meta-analysis show that trends in optimistic and pessimistic forecasting and senior managers are the main reasons for deviations from forecasting by management. Moreover, it did not confirm that voluntary forecasts are responsible for increased accuracy in forecasting by management, and that there are still contradictions in this field. The results of our meta-analysis also indicated that some studies considered voluntary disclosure of forecasting as a factor in the reliability of the forecasting. Some researchers consider it as a factor of an optimistic trend of forecasting and others consider it as a factor effecting deviation from forecasting by management directly due to the individual motivation of managers and inaccuracy of information on which the decisions are made. According to the findings, it was not confirmed that voluntary forecasting on its own is a factor in the accuracy of forecasting

    A review on medicinal plants used for treating ototoxicity and acoustic trauma induced hearing loss

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    Hearing loss induced by chemotherapy and acoustic trauma is mainly associated with two factors, free radical formation and apoptosis pathway activation. Despite numerous efforts on reducing the effects of these factors, no definite strategy is still determined to interfere with and control these processes. In recent studies, various protective agents, including antioxidants have been used on animal models, to inhibit the formation of free radicals thus improving hearing loss.In this review article we will discuss the role of traditional herbal medicine in treatment of noise/drug induced hearing loss, focusing on medicinal plants’ active substances,as well as their mechanisms of action in reducing or preventing the formation of free radicals thus increasing the rate of survival of cochlea cells. Data have been gathered since year 2000, from scientific publications including the following keywords: deafness, drug toxicity, acute trauma, medicinal herbs and oxidative stress. The study includes all herbs and medicinal plants that have been experimentally used in studies on animal models and clinical trials. The results from these studies indicate the effectiveness of most of these herbs and their active substances through their antioxidative properties. Medicinal plants reported in this review can thus be considered as effective remedies intreating noise/drug induced hearing loss,yet further studies need to be done

    Testicular papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma: a rare case report and review of the literature

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    Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary is a common tumor but occurrence of ovarian type papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma in the testis is very rare. Herein we report such a case in a 49-year-old man presenting with testicular swelling. In this tumor, mesothelioma of tunica vaginalis should be excluded by immunohistochemistry. The best treatment is radial orchiectomy and it is very resistant to chemoradiation. Our case was well after orchiectomy and now after a year he is doing well and completely symptom free
