3,087 research outputs found

    Flexural performance of textile fine grained mortar containing risk husk ash as a partial cement replacement in reinforced concrete beams

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    External strengthening of RC beam become a popular method to reduce deterioration. Due to highest demanding on external strengthening, a new innovation was introduced called as textile fine grained mortar (TFGM). TFGM is a composite material which is combined fine grained mortar (FGM) that utilized rice husk ash (RHA) as a partial cement replacement material of FGM and textile reinforcement made from glass fibre reinforcement called as alkali resistant (AR) glass. Characteristic of the binder were firstly performed by conducting X Ray Fluorescence, X Ray Diffraction, particle size distribution and surface morphology. From characterization of RHA, it is categorized as a pozzolanic material from chemical composition, amorphous form of RHA and fineness of RHA. FGM with different percentage of RHA replacement varies from 0 %, 10%, 20 %, 30 % and 40% was investigated under compressive and flexural strength. Optimum replacement of RHA in FGM also determined. 20 % of RHA replacement in cement consumption of FGM gave excellent of compressive and flexural strength. Utilization of 20 % RHA in FGM was continuing to use when FGM combined with AR glass as textile reinforcement and produced new composite material TFGM. Several layers of TFGM were selected in this study, namely 2 layers, 4 layers, 6 layers and 8 layers. Flexural strength was conducted to determine the prism increment in flexural when externally bonded with TFGM. After flexural prism were done, 4 layers and 8 layers of TFGM were selected as desired layer to be applied on RC beams. Flexural test was perform on RC beams and resulted 4 layers of TFGM shown highest in flexural compared to control RC beams. But, 8 layers of TFGM were resulted failed due to delamination at the end of TFGM. As a conclusion, TFGM were very excellent in strengthening of RC beams. RHA is a highly promising in increments of flexural strength and AR glass also reduced the deflection of RC beams

    Erosive Wear Behaviour of Orange Peel Char Reinforced Epoxy Composites

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    The rise of Polymer technology has been indispensable in the last couple of decades. Polymers have proved to be integral part of our everyday life, epoxy or Polyepoxide are some of the examples of polymers used in daily life. But in recent years, the advent of synthetic fillers used in reinforcing epoxy have proved to be the better choice in comparison to Polymer reinforced epoxy. However, over the years the shift has been towards using natural fillers and fibre materials as alternative to synthetic materials. Natural fibres due to their easy availability, abundance, renewability and cost effectiveness are gradually turning out to be an area of supreme interest. In recent years composites obtained by using carbon blacks as fillers reinforcing epoxy has surfaced and is gaining recognition. These fillers are added to achieve various desirable properties. Commercially carbon blacks are manufactured by thermal cracking of natural gas and by incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. But due to the scarcity of these resources, alternative sources like agricultural waste, bamboo stem, fruit’s shell rich, rich in carbonaceous content are gaining importance. This biomass can be converted to carbon black thereby reusing it and making it more valuable. A few scientific research have been done to study the behaviour of natural fibre reinforced composites with respect to the mechanical behaviour of epoxy composites, emphasizing mainly on fibres and their weight percent's inside the composites. Keeping this in mind, the present study has been done to make composites using orange peel char at 500°C and 700°C and study its erosive wear behaviour. The orange peel carbon black has been prepared by carbonising raw orange peel particulate in two different temperature 500°C and 700°C in furnace. The composites are prepared with different weight fraction of orange peel char

    The Effect Of Pre-Tinning Process With Respect To Gold Embrittlement Issue For Gold Plated Pins

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    This project is a study of interaction between tin-lead solder with gold that associated with intermetallic compound IMC. Alloy Sn63Pb37 solder is used as a control for the experiment. Effect of IMC formation to joint reliability is studied by varying the gold thickness through pre-tinning process. A rough guide of implementation to prevent gold embrittlement to Sn63Pb37 solder is given at the end of the research. Physical analysis equipment X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and high power optical scope for IMC microstructure investigation are utilized. It is found out in this study that the time of pre-tinning process where the pins are submerge into solder bath contribute to the magnitude of IMC formation

    Development of an Innovative Mango's Wrapper Tool

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    This paper presenting a new design and development of an innovative and user-friendly tool by using mechanism of compression spring to wrap mango fruits in an efficient and systematic manner. The tool is capable to solve the problem faced by mango farmers or entrepreneurs during traditionally wrapping process. Previously, the wrapping process is handled manually by using paper wrapper and rope while ladder is sometimes used for tall trees. 30 mango fruits are picked for size sampling. The diameter for the mature mango fruits is within the range of 5.8cm to 7.9cm. The suitable casing size is determined to be 10cm in which 3.1 cm is the tolerance. The tool is designed by using SolidWork 2016. Later, tool fabrication process is carried out including cutting and joining the parts such as steel compression spring, paddle , cable and PVC pipe . The analysis is focused on the compression spring and the maximum force of 45.117N is applied on the pedal to pull the jaws while releasing the rubber band. Meanwhile, the tool is highly efficient and the time for the tool to wrap one mango fruit is 65 seconds compared to 190 seconds by way of traditional method. Significant saving in term of labor workforce is as much as 67% and the ratio of manpower requirements is reduced to 3: 1. Among the factors contributing to the saving are the used of 210cm long pole which eliminate the need of use a ladder. Lastly the tool is lightweight, convenience to use with minimum maintenance

    The role of global governance mechanisms to protect the environment for sustainability: A study on Bangladesh perspective

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    Many messages in the different religions including the Islam describe the importance of the environment consisting of flora and fauna for our own happiness, which is quite vast and vague and develops with the human civilization. With the change of time and social needs, this global environment has been facing numerous problems such as air pollution, water pollution, over population, poverty, unwise use of natural resources, excessive use of pesticides and herbicides, unplanned urbanization, non compliance with the existing environmental law and policies etc. Consequently, some impacts and changes such as; that causes biodiversity degradation, global warming, acid rain, natural imbalance, extinction of species, deforestation etc, have been found. To cope with this problems, some important legal foundations such as the Role of UNO with Specialized Agencies, the Ramsar Convention 171; the Stockholm Declaration 1972; the Rio Declaration 1992; the Aarhus Convention, 1998, the Biodiversity Convention 1992; the, Kyoto Protocol to the UN Frame Work Convention on Climate Change 1997 along with some important principles such as the polluter Pays, Precautionary Principles, Good faith principle etc; have already been passed but not yet implemented and enforced properly due to non compliance with the international environmental laws and policies, weak enforcement mechanism, non-coordination, absence of international environmental courts etc. Additionally, some international Inter Governmental, Governmental and Non Governmental Organizations such as the ASEAN, SAARC, EU, PADELIA, OAS, UNITAR, Asia Pacific Law Centre, IUCN, WWF, Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide, BELA etc. , have been contributing much to the services of the mankind though the legal education and interpretation. Moreover, as a case study in Bangladesh, it is found that around two hundred environmental laws with international environmental treaties such as ‗the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995; the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Rules 1997; the Environment Court Act 2000; the Environment Policy and Action Plan 1992 etc‘; have been passed to protect and conserve the environment but regrets that these laws are not implemented properly due to the above mentioned grounds with, insufficient penal provisions, lack of man power etc. It is notable that some important principles as above mentioned are absent in the environmental laws of Bangladesh. This study will provide an overview of the role of the International environmental actors based on primary and secondary sources consisting of at least 25 respondents in different criteria such as the various professionals including the university lecturers, lawyers, law enforcing agency, foreigners, students, business man, and ordinary people etc., based on the primary and secondary sources through structured and unstructured questionnaire. In order to build a healthy haven, our home. We need to implement their initiatives strictly including the human rights provisions and the environmental rights at home and abroad under the public international laws for our own sake and existence

    Fall Regrowth of Crested Wheatgrass and Fourwing Saltbush

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    During 1980-81, studies with crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) and fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) were conducted in controlled environment growth chambers as well as under field conditions to achieve the following objectives: 1. To determine the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the water use efficiency. 2. To determine the effects of various temperature, water stress and nitrogen treatments on the productivity, nitrogen content and carbohydrate reserves. 3. To determine the effects of N fertilization on fall and spring regrowth. Crested wheatgrass and fourwing saltbush plants were maintained in three growth chambers for 60 days under three temperature regimes (11/7, 19/7 and 27/7 C), two soil moisture stress regimes (-0.3 bars and -15 bars) and three N fertilizer levels (0, 50 and 100 kg of N/ha). During the study, tranpiration and plant biomass data were recorded. During the first week of September, 1980, crested wheatgrass and fourwing saltbush pastures at Nephi, Utah, were subjected to three nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 50 and 100 kg N/ha). After 60 days the fall regrowth was clipped. In the first week of June 1981 spring regrowth of both species was measured. In the fall of 1981, a second experiment was laid out at Nephi where crested wheatgrass and fourwing saltbush plants were subjected to three soil moisture regimes (dry, medium and wet) and three nitrogen fertilizer levels. At the end of a 60 day study period, dry matter yield, root distribution, water content and soil samples at different incremental soil depths were collected. Under controlled environment conditions, the water use efficiency of both species was six percent more with the application of a moderate amount of nitrogen (50 kg/ha). A high temperature regime (27/7 C) and a high water stress regime (-15 bars) increased the water use efficiency of plants by eight and six percent respectively. Results of the growth chamber experiment revealed that nitrogen fertilization had a significant effect on plant biomass, nitrogen percent and total nonstructual carbohydrate reserves of crested wheatgrass and fourwing saltbush. The data further suggested that nitrogen fertilization can substitute for the adverse effects of low temperature and low soil moisture on plant growth. Nitrogen fertilization during fall increased plant biomass, nitrogen percent and total nonstructural carbohydrate reserves in crested wheatgrass and fourwing saltbush. Fall fertilization did not reduce spring regrowth. It is inferred that under limited soil moisture and low temperature during the fall growing season, a moderate amount of nitrogen fertilizer (50 kg N/ha) may increase the forage availability and water use efficiency of crested wheatgrass and fourwing saltbush to the level of plants maintained at moderate temperature and adequate soil moisture. Nitrogen fertilization (50 kg N/ha) of crested wheatgrass and fourwing saltbush during fall does not reduce plant nitrogen percent or carbohydrate reserves which may limit spring regrowth

    Pre-Interaction Identification by Dynamic Grip Classification

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    We present a novel authentication method to identify users as they pick up a mobile device. We use a combination of back-of-device capacitive sensing and accelerometer measurements to perform classification, and obtain increased performance compared to previous accelerometer-only approaches. Our initial results suggest that users can be reliably identified during the pick-up movement before interaction commences

    Arabic Grammar Educational System (AGES)

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    In last few years, the computer technologies developed in dramatically At the same time new high-level languages appeared, and multimedia development all of these factors take out new applications to appear and solve our real life problems One of these languages is Visual Basic, which uses the visual environment to design and fun our systems, which make the programming easier and application's Interface more attractive to the user and developers, In addition to possibility of using multimedia tools in the applications One category of these visualized applications IS educational systems, which been recommended in high degree from the educational crew more than unvisualized applications There is a lot of educational systems that already appeared and used by global but unfortunately rare of these system devoted to learning Arabic Language to non Arabian students. specially in Arabic Grammar, which is difficult to understand. Because all of these factors I'm going to develop an educational application that will give any non Arabian student. who studying Arabic language in advanced level one of the most important lessons in Arabic grammar by discussing the topic in details with an examples, and at the last the system will examine the student by multiple choice exam, and after the student finish his exam the student will be given his result from the system. The system will be developed Using Visual Basic 6, by using the language tools and features. such as multimedia tools. Visual Basic scripts

    Pengembangan Teknik Penentuan Kombinasi Penggunaan Input-input Produksi yang Optimal: Studi Kasus KJA di Danau Maninjau, Kabupatan Agam, Sumatera Barat

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    The objective of this research was to develope the formulation (equation) to estimate the optimal combination of production inputs used on the cage fish culture operation that most rational and harmonious, and consistent either to the theories of research results