37 research outputs found

    Modeling for growth and forecasting of pulse production in Bangladesh

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    The present study was carried out to estimate growth pattern and examine the best ARIMA model to efficiently forecasting pigeon pea, chickpea and field pea pulse production in Bangladesh.It appeared that the time series data for pigeon pea, chickpea and field pea were 1st order homogenous stationary.Two types of models namely Box-Jenkins type Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and deterministic type growth models, are examined to identify the best forecasting models for pigeon pea, chickpea and field pea pulse production in Bangladesh.The study revealed that the best models were ARIMA (1, 1 and 1), ARIMA (0, 1 and 0) and ARIMA (1, 1 and 3) for pigeon pea, chickpea and field pea pulse production, respectively.Among the deterministic type growth models, the cubic model is best for pigeon pea, chickpea and field pea pulse production. The analysis indicated that short-term forecasts were more efficient for ARIMA models compared to the deterministic models.The production uncertainty of pulse could be minimized if production were forecasted well and necessary steps were taken against losses.The findings of this study would be more useful for policy makers, researchers as well as producers in order to forecast future national pulse production more accurately in the short run

    Effects of different levels of oxalic acid administration on feed intake and nutrient digestibility in goats

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    An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of oxalic acid administration on feed intake and nutrient digestibility in goats. Four female cross bred (Boer × local) goats (average body weight of 46.3 kg) were randomly assigned to four experimental diets including oxalic acid administration at levels of 0, 2.25, 4.50 and 6.75 g/animal/d in a 4×4 Latin Square design. Oxalic acid diluted with water was administered orally via syringe to experimental goats once daily for four experimental periods. Each experimental period was lasted 21 d in length, comprising 14 d of adaptation to the experimental diet followed by 7 d of data collection. All the animals were individually fed with Napier grass ad libitum supplemented with 300 g (fresh basis) pelleted compound feed per goat per day throughout the study. Feed composition, feed intake, nutrient intake and nutrient digestibility were determined. Intakes of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and metabolisable energy tended to linearly decrease with the increasing rate of oxalic acid administration, with the value in the 6.75 g oxalic acid/animal/d treatment being significantly (p<0.05) lower than the control (0 g oxalic acid/animal/d) treatment. The oxalic acid administration had no effect on apparent digestibilities of DM, OM, CP and NDF. The experiment demonstrated that oxalic acid administration may influence in the DM and nutrient intakes, but not influence on DM and nutrient digestibilities in goats

    Effect of substituting concentrate with dwarf Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) on intake, growth and carcass composition of rabbits

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    Dwarf Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) is considered to be more suitable as forage for ruminants due to its high yield and nutritive value, but there is limited research on rabbits. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of replacing concentrate with dwarf Napier grass on intake, gorwth performance and carcass composition of growing rabbits. Twelve growing rabbits were randomly distributed into three dietary groups in a completely randomised design: (i) concentrate feed ad libitum as control diet (T1), (ii) half of the control diet plus dwarf Napier grass ad libitum (T2), and (iii) quarter of the control diet plus dwarf Napier grass ad libitum (T3). The results showed that diets had a significant (p&lt;0.05) effect on intake, growth performance and some non-carcass components. Rabbits fed T3 diet showed significantly (p&lt;0.05) lower total DM intake than those fed T1 and T2 diets. Similarly, rabbits fed T3 diet showed significantly (p&lt;0.05) lower total weight gain and daily weight gain than those fed T1 diet, but the respective values of those fed T2 diet were non-signifiacntly different from those fed T1 and T3 diets. There was significant effect on weights of meat with bone, fat, pelt, head and kidney by the diets, whereas weights of most of the non-carcass components were similar among the groups. In conclusion, diet consisting of half of the concentrate and dwarf Napier grass ad libitum is recommended to be used as it may reduce the feed cost compared to diet consisting of the concentrate alone

    Feed intake and growth performance of goats supplemented with soy waste

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da alimentação suplementada com resíduos de soja sobre o consumo alimentar e a taxa de crescimento de cabras. Vinte machos de cabras cruzadas (Boer x local) foram designados a dois grupos de dieta isonitrogenada: um de pélete comercial e outro de resíduos de soja. O pélete comercial (1,0%) e os resíduos de soja (0,8%) foram fornecidos, com base na matéria seca da massa corporal por dia, ao grupo respectivo a cada dieta. O grupo da dieta com resíduos de soja apresentou menor consumo diário de massa de matéria seca total (0,79 vs. 0,88 kg) e de matéria orgânica (665,71 vs. 790,44 g) do que o grupo alimentado com pélete; no entanto, as diferenças de consumo diário de gramínea (0,62 vs. 0,64 kg), proteína bruta (96,81 vs. 96,83 g) e fibra em detergente neutro (483,70 vs. 499,86 g) não foram significativas. Não se observaram diferenças entre os grupos quanto ao ganho de massa corporal. A taxa de conversão alimentar e o custo do alimento por quilograma de ganho de massa corporal foram menores no grupo alimentado com resíduos de soja do que no alimentado com pélete. Cabras suplementadas com resíduo de soja apresentaram menores consumo total de matéria seca, conversão alimentar e custo da ração por quilograma de peso vivo do que as suplementadas com ração comercial.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of supplemental feeding of soy waste on the feed intake and growth rate of goats. Twenty male crossbred (Boer x local) goats were assigned to two isonitrogenous diet groups: one of commercial pellet and the other of soy waste. The commercial pellet (1.0%) and soy waste (0.8%) were provided on the dry matter basis of body weight (BW) per day, to the respective group of each diet. The soy waste group had lower daily intakes of total dry matter (0.79 vs. 0.88 kg) and organic matter (665.71 vs. 790.44 g) than the group fed pellet; however, the differences on daily intakes for grass (0.62 vs. 0.64 kg), crude protein (96.81 vs. 96.83 g), and neutral detergent fibre (483.70 vs. 499.86 g) were not significant. No differences were observed between groups for BW gain. The feed conversion ratio and feed cost per kilogram of BW gain were lower for the group fed soy waste than for the one fed pellet. Goats fed supplemental soy waste have a lower total dry matter intake, feed conversion ratio, and feed cost per kilogram of body weight gain than those fed commercial pellets.

    Network-based genetic profiling reveals cellular pathway differences between follicular thyroid carcinoma and follicular thyroid adenoma

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    Molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis and progression of malignant thyroid cancers, such as follicular thyroid carcinomas (FTCs), and how these differ from benign thyroid lesions, are poorly understood. In this study, we employed network-based integrative analyses of FTC and benign follicular thyroid adenoma (FTA) lesion transcriptomes to identify key genes and pathways that differ between them. We first analysed a microarray gene expression dataset (Gene Expression Omnibus GSE82208, n = 52) obtained from FTC and FTA tissues to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Pathway analyses of these DEGs were then performed using Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) resources to identify potentially important pathways, and protein-protein interactions (PPIs) were examined to identify pathway hub genes. Our data analysis identified 598 DEGs, 133 genes with higher and 465 genes with lower expression in FTCs. We identified four significant pathways (one carbon pool by folate, p53 signalling, progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation signalling, and cell cycle pathways) connected to DEGs with high FTC expression; eight pathways were connected to DEGs with lower relative FTC expression. Ten GO groups were significantly connected with FTC-high expression DEGs and 80 with low-FTC expression DEGs. PPI analysis then identified 12 potential hub genes based on degree and betweenness centrality; namely, TOP2A, JUN, EGFR, CDK1, FOS, CDKN3, EZH2, TYMS, PBK, CDH1, UBE2C, and CCNB2. Moreover, transcription factors (TFs) were identified that may underlie gene expression differences observed between FTC and FTA, including FOXC1, GATA2, YY1, FOXL1, E2F1, NFIC, SRF, TFAP2A, HINFP, and CREB1. We also identified microRNA (miRNAs) that may also affect transcript levels of DEGs; these included hsa-mir-335-5p, -26b-5p, -124-3p, -16-5p, -192-5p, -1-3p, -17-5p, -92a-3p, -215-5p, and -20a-5p. Thus, our study identified DEGs, molecular pathways, TFs, and miRNAs that reflect molecular mechanisms that differ between FTC and benign FTA. Given the general similarities of these lesions and common tissue origin, some of these differences may reflect malignant progression potential, and include useful candidate biomarkers for FTC and identifying factors important for FTC pathogenesis


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    ABSTRACT The high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the major problems of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems in wireless transmission. Therefore, partial transmit sequence (PTS), a promising scheme that can provide good PAPR reduction performance, has been proposed for OFDM transmission to eliminate distortion. The PTS method divides the input data block into disjoint sub-blocks, computes Inverse Fourier Transform of the subblocks, rotates the sub-blocks with appropriate phase factors and combines them to form the transmitted signal. This paper presents an enhanced PTS approach that combines two PTS partitioning schemes (adjacent and interleaved) to effectively reduce the PAPR of the OFDM systems. The influence of the proposed approach on performance is investigated by varying the size of the disjoint sub-blocks. The PAPR reduction performance of the proposed PTS method is compared with two well known sub-blocks partitioning schemes, namely, Adjacent Partitioning (AP), Interleaved Partitioning (IP). The various computer simulation results for the various sub-blocks confirmed that the proposed method provides better PAPR reduction performance compared with AP and IP partitioning based PTS scheme. In addition, these PTS schemes largely depend on the chosen size of the partitions


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    The effects of Duranta repens fruits were investigated on H2O2 induced oxidative cell death to evaluate its antioxidative potential in vitro. HEK293T cells were treated with different concentrations [0-1000 µg/ ml] of ethanol extract (E-Ex) and methanol extract (M-Ex) of D. repens for 24h, and then treated with 100 µM H2O2 for 24h. Cell viability, antioxidant parameters of cells, and antioxidant constituents of the extracts were determined. Treatment with limited dose of E-Ex or M-Ex increased the survival rate of H2O2–treated HEK293T cells, however the extra-high dose showed growth inhibitory effect. Treatment with E-Ex or M-Ex protected cellular lipid per-oxidation. In vitro analyses showed the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and H2O2 scavenging activities as well as reducing potential of the extracts. We report here that the limited dose of E-Ex and M-Ex possess antioxidative potential, which can protect H2O2-induced oxidative cell damage

    Efficient PAPR reduction of OFDM signal using PTS technique with hybrid partitioning method

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    The high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the major problems of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems in wireless transmission.Therefore, partial transmit sequence (PTS), a promising scheme that can provide good PAPR reduction performance, has been proposed for OFDM transmission to eliminate distortion. The PTS method divides the input data block into disjoint sub-blocks, computes Inverse Fourier Transform of the subblocks, rotates the sub-blocks with appropriate phase factors and combines them to form the transmitted signal.This paper presents an enhanced PTS approach that combines two PTS partitioning schemes (adjacent and interleaved) to effectively reduce the PAPR of the OFDM systems. The influence of the proposed approach on performance is investigated by varying the size of the disjoint sub-blocks.The PAPR reduction performance of the proposed PTS method is compared with two well known sub-blocks partitioning schemes, namely, Adjacent Partitioning (AP), Interleaved Partitioning (IP).The various computer simulation results for the various sub-blocks confirmed that the proposed method provides better PAPR reduction performance compared with AP and IP partitioning based PTS scheme. In addition, these PTS schemes largely depend on the chosen size of the partitions

    The roles of soybean lecithin in aquafeed: a crucial need and update

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    Soybean lecithin is extensively used as the dietary supplementation of phospholipids in animal production. Soybean lecithin plays significant roles in aquafeed as growth promoter, feed enhancer, immunity modulator and antioxidant activity stimulator for aquaculture species. Besides, soybean lecithin is also reported to help aquaculture species being resilient to physical and chemical stressors. In this review, common sources, chemical structure and mode of action of lecithin, with highlight on soybean lecithin application in aquaculture over four-decadal studies published between 1983 and 2023, were evaluated and summarized. By far, soybean lecithin is best-known for its beneficial effects, availability yet cost-effective for aquafeed formulation. Findings from this review also demonstrate that although nutritional profile of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and phosphatidylcholine from egg yolk and marine sources are superior to those from plant sources such as soybean, it is rather costly for sustainable application in aquafeed formulation. Moreover, commercially available products that incorporate soybean lecithin with other feed additives are promising to boost aquaculture production. Overall, effects of soybean lecithin supplementation are well-recognized on larval and juvenile of aquaculture species which having limited ability to biosynthesis phospholipids de novo, and correspondingly attribute to phospholipid, a primary component of soybean lecithin, that is essential for rapid growth during early stages development. In addition, soybean lecithin supplementation plays a distinguish role in stimulating maturation of gonadal development in the adults, especially for crustaceans

    Exploring the roles of phytobiotics in relieving the impacts of Edwardsiella tarda infection on fish: a mini-review

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    Edwardsiellosis caused by Edwardsiella tarda resulted in significant economic losses in aquaculture operations worldwide. This disease could infect a wide range of hosts, including freshwater, brackish water, and marine aquatic animals. Currently, antibiotics and vaccines are being used as prophylactic agents to overcome Edwardsiellosis in aquaculture. However, application of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria, and the antibiotic residues pose a threat to public health. Meanwhile, the use of vaccines to combat Edwardsiellosis requires intensive labor work and high costs. Thus, phytobiotics were attempted to be used as antimicrobial agents to minimize the impact of Edwardsiellosis in aquaculture. These phytobiotics may also provide farmers with new options to manage aquaculture species' health. The impact of Edwardsiellosis in aquaculture worldwide was elaborated on and highlighted in this review study, as well as the recent application of phytobiotics in aquaculture and the status of vaccines to combat Edwardsiellosis. This review also focuses on the potential of phytobiotics in improving aquatic animal growth performance, enhancing immune system function, and stimulating disease resistance