17 research outputs found

    An efficient approach to online bot detection based on a reinforcement learning technique

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    In recent years, Botnets have been adopted as a popular method used to carry and spread many malicious codes on the Internet. These codes pave the way to conducting many fraudulent activities, including spam mail, distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS) and click fraud. While many Botnets are set up using a centralized communication architecture such as Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), peer-to-peer (P2P) Botnets can adopt a decentralized architecture using an overlay network for exchanging command and control (C&C) messages, which is a more resilient and robust communication channel infrastructure. Without a centralized point for C&C servers, P2P Botnets are more flexible to defeat countermeasures and detection procedures than traditional centralized Botnets. Several Botnet detection techniques have been proposed, but Botnet detection is still a very challenging task for the Internet security community because Botnets execute attacks stealthily in the dramatically growing volumes of network traffic. However, current Botnet detection schemes face significant problem of efficiency and adaptability. The present study combined a traffic reduction approach with reinforcement learning (RL) method in order to create an online Bot detection system. The proposed framework adopts the idea of RL to improve the system dynamically over time. In addition, the traffic reduction method is used to set up a lightweight and fast online detection method. Moreover, a host feature based on traffic at the connection-level was designed, which can identify Bot host behaviour. Therefore, the proposed technique can potentially be applied to any encrypted network traffic since it depends only on the information obtained from packets header. Therefore, it does not require Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and cannot be confused with payload encryption techniques. The network traffic reduction technique reduces packets input to the detection system, but the proposed solution achieves good a detection rate of 98.3% as well as a low false positive rate (FPR) of 0.012% in the online evaluation. Comparison with other techniques on the same dataset shows that our strategy outperforms existing methods. The proposed solution was evaluated and tested using real network traffic datasets to increase the validity of the solution

    Deep reinforcement learning based Evasion Generative Adversarial Network for botnet detection

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    Botnet detectors based on machine learning are potential targets for adversarial evasion attacks. Several research works employ adversarial training with samples generated from generative adversarial nets (GANs) to make the botnet detectors adept at recognising adversarial evasions. However, the synthetic evasions may not follow the original semantics of the input samples. This paper proposes a novel GAN model leveraged with deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to explore semantic aware samples and simultaneously harden its detection. A DRL agent is used to attack the discriminator of the GAN that acts as a botnet detector. The agent trains the discriminator on the crafted perturbations during the GAN training, which helps the GAN generator converge earlier than the case without DRL. We name this model RELEVAGAN, i.e. [“relieve a GAN” or deep REinforcement Learning-based Evasion Generative Adversarial Network] because, with the help of DRL, it minimises the GAN's job by letting its generator explore the evasion samples within the semantic limits. During the GAN training, the attacks are conducted to adjust the discriminator weights for learning crafted perturbations by the agent. RELEVAGAN does not require adversarial training for the ML classifiers since it can act as an adversarial semantic-aware botnet detection model. The code will be available at https://github.com/rhr407/RELEVAGAN

    Security Hardening of Botnet Detectors Using Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Machine learning (ML) based botnet detectors are no exception to traditional ML models when it comes to adversarial evasion attacks. The datasets used to train these models have also scarcity and imbalance issues. We propose a new technique named Botshot , based on generative adversarial networks (GANs) for addressing these issues and proactively making botnet detectors aware of adversarial evasions. Botshot is cost-effective as compared to the network emulation for botnet traffic data generation rendering the dedicated hardware resources unnecessary. First, we use the extended set of network flow and time-based features for three publicly available botnet datasets. Second, we utilize two GANs (vanilla, conditional) for generating realistic botnet traffic. We evaluate the generator performance using classifier two-sample test (C2ST) with 10-fold 70-30 train-test split and propose the use of ’recall’ in contrast to ’accuracy’ for proactively learning adversarial evasions. We then augment the train set with the generated data and test using the unchanged test set. Last, we compare our results with benchmark oversampling methods with augmentation of additional botnet traffic data in terms of average accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score over six different ML classifiers. The empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the GAN-based oversampling for learning in advance the adversarial evasion attacks on botnet detectors

    Machine Learning-driven Optimization for SVM-based Intrusion Detection System in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Machine Learning (ML) driven solutions have been widely used to secure wireless communications Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) in recent studies. Unlike existing works, this paper applies support vector machine (SVM) for intrusion detection in VANET. The structure of SVM has many computation advantages, such as special direction at a finite sample and irrelevance between the complexity of algorithm and the sample dimension. Intrusion detection in VANETis nonconvex and combinatorial problem. Thus, three intelligence optimization algorithms are used for optimizing the accuracy value of SVM classifier. These optimization algorithms include Genetic algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). Our results demonstrate that GA outperformed other optimization algorithms

    Machine Learning-driven Optimization for Intrusion Detection in Smart Vehicular Networks

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    An essential element in the smart city vision is providing safe and secure journeys via intelligent vehicles and smart roads. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have played a significant role in enhancing road safety where vehicles can share road information conditions. However, VANETs share the same security concerns of legacy ad hoc networks. Unlike exiting works, we consider, in this paper, detection a common attack where nodes modify safety message or drop them. Unfortunately, detecting such a type of intrusion is a challenging problem since some packets may be lost or dropped in normal VANET due to congestion without malicious action. To mitigate these concerns, this paper presents a novel scheme for minimizing the invalidity ratio of VANET packets transmissions. In order to detect unusual traffic, the proposed scheme combines evidences from current as well as past behaviour to evaluate the trustworthiness of both data and nodes. A new intrusion detection scheme is accomplished through a four phases, namely, rule-based security filter, Dempster–Shafer adder, node’s history database, and Bayesian learner. The suspicion level of each incoming data is determined based on the extent of its deviation from data reported from trustworthy nodes. Dempster–Shafer’s theory is used to combine multiple evidences and Bayesian learner is adopted to classify each event in VANET into well-behaved or misbehaving event. The proposed solution is validated through extensive simulations. The results confirm that the fusion of different evidences has a significant positive impact on the performance of the security scheme compared to other counterparts

    Evasion Generative Adversarial Network for Low Data Regimes

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    A myriad of recent literary works has leveraged generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate unseen evasion samples. The purpose is to annex the generated data with the original train set for adversarial training to improve the detection performance of machine learning (ML) classifiers. The quality of generated adversarial samples relies on the adequacy of training data samples. However, in low data regimes like medical diagnostic imaging and cybersecurity, the anomaly samples are scarce in number. This paper proposes a novel GAN design called Evasion Generative Adversarial Network (EVAGAN) that is more suitable for low data regime problems that use oversampling for detection improvement of ML classifiers. EVAGAN not only can generate evasion samples, but its discriminator can act as an evasion-aware classifier. We have considered Auxiliary Classifier GAN (ACGAN) as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of EVAGAN on cybersecurity (ISCX-2014, CIC-2017 and CIC2018) botnet and computer vision (MNIST) datasets. We demonstrate that EVAGAN outperforms ACGAN for unbalanced datasets with respect to detection performance, training stability and time complexity. EVAGAN’s generator quickly learns to generate the low sample class and hardens its discriminator simultaneously. In contrast to ML classifiers that require security hardening after being adversarially trained by GAN-generated data, EVAGAN renders it needless. The experimental analysis proves that EVAGAN is an efficient evasion hardened model for low data regimes for the selected cybersecurity and computer vision datasets. Code will be available at HTTPS://www.github.com/rhr407/EVAGAN

    Evasion Generative Adversarial Network for Low Data Regimes

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    A myriad of recent literary works has leveraged generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate unseen evasion samples. The purpose is to annex the generated data with the original train set for adversarial training to improve the detection performance of machine learning (ML) classifiers. The quality of generated adversarial samples relies on the adequacy of training data samples. However, in low data regimes like medical diagnostic imaging and cybersecurity, the anomaly samples are scarce in number. This paper proposes a novel GAN design called Evasion Generative Adversarial Network (EVAGAN) that is more suitable for low data regime problems that use oversampling for detection improvement of ML classifiers. EVAGAN not only can generate evasion samples, but its discriminator can act as an evasion-aware classifier. We have considered Auxiliary Classifier GAN (ACGAN) as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of EVAGAN on cybersecurity (ISCX-2014, CIC-2017 and CIC2018) botnet and computer vision (MNIST) datasets. We demonstrate that EVAGAN outperforms ACGAN for unbalanced datasets with respect to detection performance, training stability and time complexity. EVAGAN’s generator quickly learns to generate the low sample class and hardens its discriminator simultaneously. In contrast to ML classifiers that require security hardening after being adversarially trained by GAN-generated data, EVAGAN renders it needless. The experimental analysis proves that EVAGAN is an efficient evasion hardened model for low data regimes for the selected cybersecurity and computer vision datasets. Code will be available at HTTPS://www.github.com/rhr407/EVAGAN

    Botnet detection used fast-flux technique, based on adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm

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    A botnet refers to a group of machines. These machines are controlled distantly by a specific attacker. It represents a threat facing the web and data security. Fast-flux service network (FFSN) has been engaged by bot herders for cover malicious botnet activities. It has been engaged by bot herders for increasing the lifetime of malicious servers through changing the IP addresses of the domain name quickly. In the present research, we aimed to propose a new system. This system is named fast flux botnet catcher system (FFBCS). This system can detect FF-domains in an online mode using an adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm. Comparing with two other related approaches the proposed system shows a high level of detection accuracy, low false positive and negative rates, respectively. It shows a high performance. The algorithm's proposed adaptation increased the accuracy of the detection. For instance, this accuracy reached (98.76%) approximately.N/