109 research outputs found

    ChatGPT and Beyond: The Generative AI Revolution in Education

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    The wide adoption and usage of generative artificial intelligence (AI) models, particularly ChatGPT, has sparked a surge in research exploring their potential applications in the educational landscape. This survey examines academic literature published between November, 2022, and July, 2023, specifically targeting high-impact research from Scopus-indexed Q1 and Q2 journals. This survey delves into the practical applications and implications of generative AI models across a diverse range of educational contexts. Through a comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of recent academic literature, this survey seeks to illuminate the evolving role of generative AI models, particularly ChatGPT, in education. By shedding light on the potential benefits, challenges, and emerging trends in this dynamic field, the survey endeavors to contribute to the understanding of the nexus between artificial intelligence and education. The findings of this review will empower educators, researchers, and policymakers to make informed decisions about the integration of AI technologies into learning environments

    ‘Heart’ Collocations as Used in English and Arabic Languages

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    Human body vocabulary (HBV) has always attracted the attention of researchers in the field of semantic typology (Nan 2012; Enfield et al 2006; Wang and Wang (n.d.), among others). Thus, this study aims at drawing a comparison between English and Arabic languages in terms of the collocations related to the body part “Heart". In other words, it aims at investigating the semantic similarities and differences of body part term under study in the two languages. To achieve the goal of this study, collocations confined to the word Heart are gathered from five well known dictionaries; Al-Hafiz Arabic Collocations Dictionary, Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English, Al-Mawrid (a modern Arabic-English dictionary), Mu'jam Lisan Al Arab Al-Muhit, and Muhit Al-Muhit (a modern elaborative Arabic dictionary). Then collocations are classified into five grammatical patterns: heart + noun (e.g., heart operation); adjective+ heart (e.g., strong heart); heart + verb (e.g., heart sink); verb + heart (e.g., break someone’s heart); heart of + phrase (e.g., heart of the matter). The results of this study show that there isn’t a clear relationship between the grammatical pattern and the extended or the idiomatic meaning of the "heart" collocations in the both languages for example, 69 collocations of the total 92 (75%) collocations which classified by the five grammatical categories convey figurative meanings with the exception of those collocations that relate to the medical conditions of heart as a body organ. Furthermore, English collocations are somehow similar to their correspondences in Arabic and this is indicated by the percentages which show that the group of equivalence that consists of the largest equivalent collocations is the absolute or identical equivalents under the five grammatical categories. Keywords: Semantic typology, comparison, collocation, grammatical patterns

    Banking Regulations and Supervising, and the Soundness of Banks in MENA Countries

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    The consequences of the last financial crisis have increased the debates about the role of banking regulations and supervision in maintaining banks' soundness. This study investigates the impact of banking regulations, supervision on bank soundness, using a sample of 177 banks operating in 10 MENA countries. Four explanatory variables were used: capital regulatory requirements, regulatory restrictions on banks' activities, independence of supervisory authorities, and official supervisory power, while controlling for other macroeconomic and banking industry characteristics. The results show that bank soundness increases when the stringency of capital requirements increase. Greater restrictions on bank activities enhance bank soundness. Moreover, banks operating in countries with greater independence of supervisory authorities have more soundness, while official supervisory power does not have an impact on bank soundness. The outcome of the study provides empirical evidence for supervising authorities and banks' management about the role of banking regulations and supervising in maintaining banks' safety and soundness in MENA countries. Keywords: Regulations, Supervising, Soundness, MENA banks

    The Effect of Leadership Style on Financial Performance: A Case of Telecommunication Companies in Jordan

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    With the advent of the technological revolution, economic globalization and the fundamental change of the social production method, human capital and social capital has become the key factors for a business organization to achieve competitive advantage (Li and Hu, 2007). This paper discusses the effect of leadership types on telecommunication organizational financial performance in Jordan. In other words, the study attempts to investigate whether there is a significant relationship between leadership types and organizational financial performance in selected telecommunication organizations in Jordan. The number of respondent is 120 managers of four organizations in Amman- Jordan. Their perspectives were translated into reports based on transformational. transactional and situational leadership styles. Based on regression analysis, it is clearly seen that there is only one independent variable that is significant which is transformational leadership that affecting the telecommunication organizational financial performance in Jordan

    SEL-COVIDNET: An intelligent application for the diagnosis of COVID-19 from chest X-rays and CT-scans

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    COVID-19 detection from medical imaging is a difficult challenge that has piqued the interest of experts worldwide. Chest X-rays and computed tomography (CT) scanning are the essential imaging modalities for diagnosing COVID-19. All researchers focus their efforts on developing viable methods and rapid treatment procedures for this pandemic. Fast and accurate automated detection approaches have been devised to alleviate the need for medical professionals. Deep Learning (DL) technologies have successfully recognized COVID-19 situations. This paper proposes a developed set of nine deep learning models for diagnosing COVID-19 based on transfer learning and implementation in a novel architecture (SEL-COVIDNET). In which we include a global average pooling layer, flattening, and two dense layers that are fully connected. The model’s effectiveness is evaluated using balanced and unbalanced COVID-19 radiography datasets. After that, our model’s performance is analyzed using six evaluation measures: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1-score, and Matthew’s correlation coefficient (MCC). Experiments demonstrated that the proposed SEL-COVIDNET with tuned DenseNet121, InceptionResNetV2, and MobileNetV3Large models outperformed the results of comparative SOTA for multi-class classification (COVID-19 vs. No-finding vs. Pneumonia) in terms of accuracy (98.52%), specificity (98.5%), sensitivity (98.5%), precision (98.7%), F1-score (98.7%), and MCC (97.5%). For the COVID-19 vs. No-finding classification, our method had an accuracy of 99.77%, a specificity of 99.85%, a sensitivity of 99.85%, a precision of 99.55%, an F1-score of 99.7%, and an MCC of 99.4%. The proposed model offers an accurate approach for detecting COVID-19 patients, which aids in the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Relationship Between Environment, Organizational Structure, Top Management and Financial Performance: A Case of Retailer Stores of Amman, Jordan

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    This study investigates how changes in the environment due to Jordan’s market opening have affected Jordan retailing firms’ strategy, top management’s willingness to adapt to changing market conditions, environment, and organizational structure, and firm or financial performance. The number of respondent is 60 respondents of some stores that located in Amman and some other cities in Jordan. Through the survey research method, the questionnaire sees a complete picture of the way different things are connected, what to focus on and measure environment, organizational structure, top management and store’s or financial performance of representing in used seems to look up the capacity to make things appear to be connected, making a kind of wholeness or optimum solution. Moreover, the structural equations model to test the hypotheses concerning the relationships between the research variables, and the store performance. However, we found that a positive relationships between perceived environmental uncertainty, top-management’s organizational structure willingness and financial performance

    Applicability Degree of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders –the 5 the Edition (DSM V) on Children Enrolled in Autism Centers in Jordan

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    This study aims to investigate the applicability of the diagnostic criteria of autism spectrum disorder in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM V) on the children enrolled in selected autism centers in Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers applied the scale of the (DSM V) on the children with autism spectrum disorder. The scale consisted of (30) items distributed on two areas. The first area is a lasting impairment in the social communication and interaction. The second area includes behavioral patterns and definite, repetitive and stereotyped interests and activities. The validity and reliability were extracted and calculated using the re-test application method, which amounted to (88.0) as well as the internal consistency, which reached to (94.0). The scale was also applied on the study samples that were represented by (300) children through the responses of the (94) teachers regarding the children with autism spectrum disorder. The results showed that the applicability of the diagnostic criteria of the autism spectrum in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, (DSM V) on the children was low by (36.3%) with total occurrences of (109) children who suffered from the autism spectrum disorder, and (63.7%) of children on whom the two criteria were not applicable with a total of 191 children

    Consequences to the Stock Market Caused by Currency Fluctuations: Jordanian Evidence

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the fluctuations in currency exchange in the stock market, as it relates to the Jordanian market.   Theoretical framework:  The study's main goal is to identify how Jordanian SMR changes in currency exchange are influenced. Thus, the rational expectations theory has been used in this study. This theory illustrates three key aspects that influence the decision to participate in the stock market, including the availability of information, prior experience, and human reason.   Design/ methodology/approach: The study incorporates the quantitative design, in which, information was extracted from secondary sources i.e. Investing.com. The information has been compiled considering the exchange rates, stock market returns, and cotton prices, beginning in 2015 and ending in 2020. The analysis has been conducted with Granger Causality test, VAR, and ADF.   Findings: The results of this study concludes that fluctuations of exchange rates do not impact changes in cotton prices and the returns of the Jordanian stock exchange.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study is limited to Jordan, as only Jordan’s cotton price and stock market return data have been gathered. In addition, the time period of consideration of data is confined from 2015 to 2019, limiting the study’s scope.    Originality/Value: The study uses sensitivity analysis to investigate the robustness of the impacts of fluctuations in currency exchange in the stock market, as it relates to the Jordanian market
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