56 research outputs found

    Plant latex lipase as biocatalysts for biodiesel production

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    Industrial-scale processes currently developed make use of chemical catalysis processes that are highly efficient but require very complex product purification steps. Enzymatic catalysis through plant lipases as biocatalysts is an alternative which, in contrast to chemical catalysis processes, appeared simple to perform, and can be done at low investment cost. Although microbial lipases have been extensively studied, little research has been focused on the use of plant lipases namely plant latex lipases. The present article outlines the most advanced knowledge concerning plant latex characterization in order to show how plant latex can be a promising alternative to catalyze transesterification for biodiesel production. This paper provides an overview regarding the main aspects of latex, such as the reactions catalyzed, physiological functions, specificities, sources and their industrial applications.Keywords: Plant latex, lipase, Transesterification, purification, biodiese

    Agronomic evaluation and quality characteristics of three Cucurbitaceae varieties acclimated in Benin

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    The present study aimed to evaluate some agronomical, physical and nutritional characteristics of seeds of three species of Cucurbitaceous, namely Citrulus lanatus, Lagenaria siceraria and Cucumeropsis edulus. Agronomic experiments were investigated over a two-year period during which, some agronomic performances of the tested varieties were evaluated. The physical characteristics of the collected fruits were also determined. The nutritional composition of the seeds, in particular their moisture, oils and proteins contents were then evaluated. Finally, the physicochemical characteristics, such as acidity, peroxide index, saponification index and the composition of fatty acids present in the oils extracted from seeds were performed. Results show that the species of C. lanatus and L. siceraria germinated respectively five and seven days after sowing. The flowering was observed 36 and 42 days, respectively, after sowing while the fructification appeared 44 and 58 days after sowing. According to results obtained during the two years of experimentation, the three species of Cucurbitaceous investigated in the present study could be ranged in short-cycle species (C. lanatus and L. siceraria) and long cycle species (C. edulus). Moreover, C. lanatus could be classified as the most productive as compared to others species of Cucurbitaceous plants investigated in the present study. C. edulus seeds are the longest (1.76 and 1.83 cm) in opposition to the seeds from C. lanatus (1.33 and 1.49 cm). Results of physicochemical analyses revealed the presence of fat (49.5 - 51.9%), with a high protein contents (18.46 - 31.41%). The composition of the fatty acids detected in oils extracted from seeds showed a strong concentration of linoleic acid (66.65%) and the presence of oleic acid (13.76%). The high unsaturated fatty acids proportion detected in oils from L. siceraria seeds was 80.40%. The saturated fatty acids detected were C16:0 and C18:0; and were more concentrated in the species of C. lanatus.Key words: Cucurbitaceous, Citrullus lanatus, Lagenaria siceraria, Cucumeropsis edulis, oil, seeds, Benin

    Analyse des pratiques de production et qualité des poissons fumés commercialisés au sud-Bénin

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       Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  analyser les pratiques de production et Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© des poissons fumĂ©s commercialisĂ©s au Sud-BĂ©nin. A cet effet, une enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs de trente (30) transformatrices spĂ©cialisĂ©es dans le fumage du poisson. Les donnĂ©es relatives aux espĂšces de poissons fumĂ©s, aux procĂ©dĂ©s et Ă©quipements de fumage puis aux contraintes des transformatrices de poisson ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es sur cinq (05) sites de fumage prĂ©alablement identifiĂ©s (Calavi Kpota, Xwlacodji, Bohicon, Dangbo et ComĂ©) Ă  raison de six (06) transformatrices par site. Les qualitĂ©s physicochimiques et microbiologiques de 60 Ă©chantillons constituĂ©s de quatre (04) espĂšces de poissons (Clarias, Tilapias, Maquereaux et Chinchards) les plus fumĂ©es et collectĂ©es de façon alĂ©atoire ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es suivant des mĂ©thodes standards. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© que les  Clarias et Tilapias puis les  Maquereaux et Chinchards sont respectivement les deux espĂšces de poissons locaux et importĂ©s  les plus fumĂ©es dans la zone d’étude selon 65% des productrices. L’étude a permis de rĂ©pertorier quatre technologies de fumage de poisson au Sud du BĂ©nin : la technologie artisanale TA1  la plus pratiquĂ©e (100 % des transformatrices) suivie de la technologie TA2 (3,33%) puis les technologies semi-amĂ©liorĂ©es TSA1 (16,66%) et TSA2 (6,66%). Les technologies artisanales TA1 et TA2 sont essentiellement basĂ©es sur l’utilisation des foyers en tonneau mĂ©tallique (100 %), en terre cuite et barrique (76,66%) et des foyers Nansou (3,33 %) tandis que les semi-amĂ©liorĂ©es TSA1 et TSA2 utilisent respectivement les fours FTT-Thiaroye et QualiSani avec du charbon comme combustible. L’analyse de la qualitĂ© physicochimique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une variabilitĂ© entre les pH (6,24 Ă  7,4), les teneurs en eau (24,2 Ă  54,34 %), en protĂ©ines (38,64 Ă  53,68 %) et en lipides (2,38 Ă  16,63 %) des poissons fumĂ©s. Les indices de peroxyde des diffĂ©rentes huiles (11,63 Ă  23,85 meq O2/kg) indiquent un dĂ©but d’altĂ©ration dans les poissons fumĂ©s collectĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats microbiologiques ont montrĂ© la prĂ©sence, des Germes AĂ©robies MĂ©sophiles Totales (GAMT) (2,2 Ă  7,2 105 UFC/g), des Coliformes totaux (1,5 Ă  4,2 103 UFC/g), des Coliformes fĂ©caux (<1 Ă  8,2101 UFC/g)  et des Escherichia coli (2,8 Ă  8,2 UFC/g) pour la majoritĂ© des Ă©chantillons et prĂ©sentent des valeurs non conformes Ă  la norme exceptĂ©s les salmonelles qui sont absents. La nĂ©cessitĂ© d’amĂ©liorer les diffĂ©rentes pratiques s’avĂšre donc nĂ©cessaire en vue d’obtenir les produits finis de qualitĂ©. This study aims to analyze production practices and assess the quality of smoked fish marketed in southern Benin. To this end, a survey was conducted among thirty (30) processors specializing in the smoking of fish. Data relating to the species of smoked fish, the smoking processes and equipment and then the constraints of the fish processors were collected on five (05) previously identified smoking sites (Calavi Kpota, Xwlacodji, Bohicon, Dangbo and ComĂ©) at a rate of six (06) transformers per site. The physicochemical and microbiological qualities of 60 samples made up of four (04) species of fish (Clarias, Tilapias, Mackerel and Horse mackerel) the most smoked and collected at random were evaluated using standard methods. The results obtained showed that Clarias and Tilapias then Mackerel and Horse mackerel are respectively the two most smoked local and imported fish species in the study area according to 65% of the producers. The study made it possible to identify four fish smoking technologies in southern Benin: the most widely practiced artisanal TA1 technology (100% of women processors) followed by TA2 technology (3.33%) then the semi-improved TSA1 technologies ( 16.66%) and TSA2 (6.66%). The TA1 and TA2 artisanal technologies are essentially based on the use of metal barrel stoves (100%), terracotta and barrel (76.66%) and Nansou stoves (3.33%) while the semi-improved TSA1 and TSA2 respectively use the FTT-Thiaroye and QualiSani ovens with coal as fuel. The analysis of the physicochemical quality revealed a variability between the pH (6.24 to 7.4), the water content (24.2 to 54.34%), protein (38.64 to 53.68% ) and lipids (2.38 to 16.63%) of smoked fish. The peroxide indices of the different oils (11.63 to 23.85 meq O2/kg) indicate the onset of spoilage in smoked fish. The microbiological results showed the presence of Total Mesophilic Aerobic Germs (GAMT) (2.2 to 7.2 105 CFU/g), Total Coliforms (1.5 to 4.2 103 CFU/g), Faecal Coliforms (<1 to 8.2101 CFU/g) and Escherichia coli (2.8 to 8.2 CFU/g) for the majority of the samples and show values that do not comply with the standard except salmonella which are absent. The need to improve the various practices is therefore necessary in order to obtain quality finished products

    CaractĂ©risation de l’alimentation des jeunes enfants ĂągĂ©s de 6 Ă  36 mois en milieu rural et urbain du Sud– BĂ©nin

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    Objectif: La pĂ©riode d’alimentation complĂ©mentaire est une pĂ©riode critique pour la croissance de l’enfant. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©crire l’alimentation des jeunes enfants ĂągĂ©s de 6 Ă  36 mois en milieu rural et urbain du Sud-BĂ©nin.MĂ©thodologie et RĂ©sultats: Une enquĂȘte transversale a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur 600 mĂšres ayant des enfants ĂągĂ©s de 6 Ă  36 mois dans les zones rurales et urbaines du sud-BĂ©nin, oĂč la prĂ©valence de la malnutrition chronique est Ă©levĂ©e (prĂ©valence variant de 40 % Ă  43 %). Les caractĂ©ristiques socio-Ă©conomiques de la population, les connaissances (dĂ©finition correcte de l'alimentation complĂ©mentaire) et les pratiques (Ăąge d'introduction de l'aliment de complĂ©ment, les caractĂ©ristiques des aliments de complĂ©ment) ont Ă©tĂ© documentĂ©es. L'analyse en composante principale a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour identifier les associations entre les caractĂ©ristiques socioĂ©conomiques de la population et les pratiques d’alimentation des jeunes enfants de 6 Ă  36 mois. Dans l’ensemble, 65% des mĂšres mĂ©connaissent la notion d’alimentation complĂ©mentaire. L’introduction prĂ©coce des aliments de complĂ©ment est observĂ©e dans 48.5% des cas. La bouillie dans 99.16% des cas est le premier aliment de complĂ©ment donnĂ© aux enfants. Globalement, 67% des mĂšres utilisent des bouillies locales, peu enrichies avec des matiĂšres protĂ©iques. La consommation de bouillie issue des farines infantiles vendues dans le commerce est associĂ©e au milieu urbain alors que la bouillie locale est associĂ©e au milieu rural.Conclusion et application des rĂ©sultats: Les bouillies locales sont peu enrichies avec des matiĂšres protĂ©iques et les frĂ©quences de consommation journaliĂšre sont faibles. Ces rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent l’importance d’amĂ©liorer les procĂ©dĂ©s et formulations traditionnelles des bouillies, stratĂ©gies endogĂšnes durables qui mĂ©ritent d’ĂȘtre encouragĂ©es par l’éducation nutritionnelle pour la production de bouillies enrichies Ă  haute valeur nutritionnelle avec des matiĂšres premiĂšres locales accessibles pour couvrir les besoins nutritionnels et Ă©nergĂ©tiques des jeunes enfants, gage d’une croissance optimale.Mots clĂ©s: Alimentation, enfants de 6 Ă  36 mois, bouillies, BĂ©ninEnglish Title: Characterization of the feeding of young children aged 6 to 36 months in rural and urban areas of the South BeninEnglish AbstractObjective: The period of complementary feeding is a critical period for the growth of the child. This study aims to describe the feeding of young children aged 6 to 36 months in rural and urban areas of the South Benin.Methodology and Results: A cross sectional survey was conducted on 600 mothers having children aged 6 to 36 months in rural and urban areas of the South Benin, where the prevalence of chronic malnutrition is high (prevalence between 40% to 43%). The socio economics data, knowledge (correct definition of complementary feeding) and practices (age of introduction of Complementary Foods, characteristics of Complementary Foods) were collected. Analysis of principal component was used to identify the associations between the socio economics data and feeding practices for 6 to 36 months’ young children. About, 65% of mothers ignore the concept of complementary feeding. The early introduction of complementary foods was observed in 48.5% of cases. Porridge in 99.16% of cases is the first complementary food given to children. Overall, 67% of mothers use local porridges slightly enriched with protein feeds. Porridge based on commercial infant flour consumption is associated with the urban area while local porridge is associated with rural areas.Conclusion and application and results: Local porridge is poorly enriched with protein feeds in rural areas and the frequencies of daily consumption are low. These results reveal the importance of improving the processes and traditional formulations of local porridges. Sustainable strategies that need to be encouraged by mothers ‘nutritional education for the production of enriched porridges with high nutritional value and local raw materials accessible in order to cover the nutritional requirements and energy need of young children, pledge of an optimal growth.Keywords: feeding, children of 6 to 36 months, porridges, Beni

    Occurrence of mycotoxins and associated mycoflora in peanut cake product (kulikuli) marketed in Benin

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    The detection of spoilage fungi and mycotoxins contamination in peanut cake product, popularly called ‘‘kulikuli’’ was investigated in this study. Forty five major markets were sampled and peanut cake products were analyzed for aflatoxins and ochratoxin A contaminations, and associated mycoflora. Total coliform count ranged between 1.6 × 101 and 14.0 × 102 CFU g-1, while the fungal count was between 1.0 to 8.1 × 102 CFU g-1. Bacteria isolated from peanut cake product were Eschericha coli, Klebsiella spp. and Clostridium spp. The fungal isolates include Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., and Penicillium spp. being the dominant microflora in decreasing frequency of occurrence. High concentrations of aflatoxins were detected. They were between 25.54 to 455.22 ÎŒg/kg for AFB1, 33.94 to 491.20 ÎŒg/kg for AFB2, 0.41 to 100.33 ÎŒg/kg for AFG1 and 22.04 to 87.73 ÎŒg/kg for AFG2. Ochratoxin A concentrations ranged between 0.3 and 2 ÎŒg/kg. The coexistence of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A (OTA) in peanut was also established. The results show that peanut cake product sold in market was highly contaminated and therefore unacceptable for human nutrition.Key words: Peanut cake, fungi, aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)

    Pratiques d’élevage avicole au Sud-BĂ©nin (Afrique de l’Ouest) et impacts sur l’hygiĂšne des fumiers produits

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    La prĂ©caritĂ© des systĂšmes d’élevage avicole en Afrique de l’Ouest peut favoriser l’introduction de germes pathogĂšnes dans les Ă©levages. Or, les fumiers de volaille sont trĂšs utilisĂ©s dans le maraĂźchage au BĂ©nin. Par consĂ©quent, le transfert de germes des fumiers vers les produits maraĂźchers est Ă  craindre. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’explorer les pratiques d’élevage avicole dans le dĂ©partement de l’Atlantique (Sud-BĂ©nin). Au total, 78 fermes avicoles ont Ă©tĂ© visitĂ©es. Un questionnaire a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© aux producteurs. La plupart d’entre eux (82,1%) ont rapportĂ© qu’ils se lavent toujours les mains avant d’entrer dans les poulaillers. Sur les fermes disposant de pĂ©diluves, 15,4% des producteurs ont avouĂ© ne pas toujours y passer avant d’accĂ©der aux poulaillers. Un seul producteur a rapportĂ© qu’il ne fait pas la dĂ©contamination terminale des bĂątiments. L’analyse du fumier prĂ©levĂ© sur l’une des fermes a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de quantitĂ©s trĂšs Ă©levĂ©es de germes aĂ©robies mĂ©sophiles d’Escherichia coli, de Clostridium perfringens et de coliformes thermotolĂ©rants. Ces rĂ©sultats microbiologiques montrent que les pratiques d’hygiĂšne en aviculture sont encore peu satisfaisantes au BĂ©nin.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Élevage avicole, bonnes pratiques, risques microbiologiques, hygiĂšneEnglish Title: Poultry farming practices in South-Benin (West Africa) and impacts on the manures hygieneEnglish AbstractIn general, the poultry farming systems in West Africa are less sophisticated. These systems can be sources of carrying out of pathogens to the farms. But, in Benin Republic, poultry manures are widely used in market gardening. So, the transfer of pathogens from manures to vegetables is worrisome. This research aimed  at investigating the poultry farming practices in the Atlantic division (South-Benin). In total, 78 poultry farms were visited. A questionnaire was handed out to the producers. Most of them (82.1%) reported that they always wash their hands before entering poultry houses. On the farms where footbaths were present, 15.4% of producers declared that they do not always pass through it before entering poultry houses. Only one producer reported that he does not do the final decontamination of the houses. Analysis of the manure taken from one of the farms showed very high amounts of aerobic mesophile bacteria, of Escherichia coli, of Clostridium perfringens and thermotolerant coliforms. These microbiological results show that satisfying hygiene practices in poultry farming are still lacking in Benin.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Poultry farming, good practices, microbiological risks, hygien

    Weight Loss and Nutritional Status of 6-59 Months Children after Positive Deviance/Hearth Approach in Southern Benin Rural Area: Associated Factors to Later Underweight

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    Aims: To appreciate the evolution of weight gain by malnourished children and factors associated to children underweight after the Positive Deviance/Hearth sessions. Study Design: Longitudinal study. Place and Duration of Study: Districts Ze and Lalo (Southern Benin), from May to August 2014 Methodology: This study was conducted on 98 children aged of 6-59 months who fully participated in Positive Deviance/Hearth (PD/H). During one month, four measurements of weight have been taken on the 77th, 84th, 91th, and 98th day after the beginning of PD/H. Questionnaire was administered to mother on environmental, hygiene practices, and food accessibility of household. Relation among factors of food accessibility, household hygiene, and child nutritional status was sought by an Analysis of Factorial Components. Results: The children who participated in 12 days of PD/H gained significantly 0.63 kg and 1.13 kg of weight in Lalo and Ze respectively (P<.001). From the 12th to 77th day after the end of PD/H, we noticed a significant weight loss from 10.54 to 10.09 kg in Ze and from 9.75 to 9.19 Kg in Lalo (P=.003). Prevalence of underweight children on the 77th day was 45.8% with 12.5% of severe case and 63.5% with 18.9% of severe case in Lalo and Ze, respectively. The severe underweight children were characterized by households where i) it rarely arrived to be without food ii) one member rarely have a day without eaten but iii) the drinking water is from well. Conclusion: On the 77th day after the PD/H, the children of our study had weight loss. Food accessibility and household hygiene are mainly the limited factors that could explain the degradation of the nutritional status of children and high prevalence of underweight. This first study conducted in Benin on PD/H approach is more exploratory and helps to appreciate this approach efficacy and sustainability

    Production et Évaluation de la QualitĂ© Physicochimique et Microbiologique du Vinaigre Issu de la Pulpe de Prunier Mombin (Spondias mombin L.) Produit au BĂ©nin

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  valoriser la pulpe des fruits de prunier mombin (Spondias mombin L.) Ă  travers la production du vinaigre. A cet effet, le jus extrait de la pulpe des fruits de S. mombin collectĂ©s Ă  maturitĂ© Ă©tait utilisĂ© pour la production du vinaigre. Le bioproduit est obtenu par une double fermentation utilisant respectivement la levure Saccharomyces Cerevisiae et la bactĂ©rie AcĂ©tobacter Aceti. Les caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques, microbiologiques et les propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-oxydantes (composĂ©s phĂ©noliques, vitamine C)&nbsp; du vinaigre obtenu et commercial ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es suivant les mĂ©thodes standards. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que le pH, l’aciditĂ© titrable, la densitĂ©, et le degrĂ© brix du vinaigre issu de S. mombin sont respectivement de 3,2, de 24,64&nbsp;g/L, de 1,016 et de 13,7 (°Brix). De faibles teneurs en acide acĂ©tique (1,87 %) et en degrĂ© d’alcool (0,66 %) Ă©taient observĂ©es pour le vinaigre de S. mombin comparativement au vinaigre commercial (3,89 % et 1,20 %). Les deux vinaigres se caractĂ©risent par des teneurs Ă©levĂ©es en vitamine C (0,034-0,032 %), en composĂ©s phĂ©noliques (485,54-853,12 mg/L) et en flavonoĂŻdes (126,24-364,06). L’analyse statistique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’a l’exception de la vitamine C et des flavonoĂŻdes,&nbsp; une diffĂ©rence significative (P≀5 %) a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e entre les propriĂ©tĂ©s physicochimiques et les facteurs antinutritionnels des deux vinaigres. L’évaluation de la qualitĂ© microbiologique a montrĂ© que les deux vinaigres sont exempts de germes pathogĂšnes. ComparĂ© Ă  la norme, les deux vinaigres prĂ©sentent des charges FMAT et levures et moisissures respectant la norme. Le vinaigre de S. mombin produit prĂ©sente un bon potentiel de consommation et&nbsp; constitue une voie alternative de valorisation et d’augmentation de la valeur ajoutĂ©e de cette espĂšce. &nbsp; The present study aims to valorize the pulp of mombin plum fruits (Spondias mombin L.) through the production of vinegar. For this purpose, the juice extracted from the pulp of S. mombin fruits collected at maturity was used for the production of vinegar. The bioproduct is obtained by a double fermentation using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the bacterium Acetobacter aceti respectively. The physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics and the antioxidant properties (phenolic compounds, vitamin C) of the S. mombin vinegar obtained and commercial vinegar were evaluated using standard methods. The results showed that the pH, titratable acidity, density, and brix degree of vinegar from S. mombin are 3.2, 24.64 g/L, 1.016, and 13.7, respectively (°Brix). Low acetic acid (1.87%) and alcohol content (0.66%) were observed for S. mombin vinegar compared to commercial vinegar (3.89% and 1.20%). Both vinegars are characterized by high levels of vitamin C (0.034-0.032%), phenolic compounds (485.54-853.12 mg/L) and flavonoids (126.24-364.06 mg/L). Statistical analysis revealed that with the exception of vitamin C and flavonoids, a significant difference (P≀5%) was observed between the physicochemical properties and antinutritional factors of the two vinegars. The evaluation of the microbiological quality showed that the two vinegars are free of pathogenic germs. Compared to the standard, the two vinegars present FMAT and yeast and mold loads respecting the standard. The S. mombin vinegar produced has good potential for consumption and constitutes an alternative way of promoting and increasing the added value of this species

    Evaluation de la qualité physicochimique et microbiologique du vinaigre issu de la pulpe de prunier mombin (Spondias mombin L.) produit au Bénin

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    Spondias mombin est un fruitier sauvage comestible peu connu, nĂ©gligĂ© et sous utilisĂ© en Afrique de l’Ouest. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  valoriser la pulpe des fruits de prunier mombin (Spondias mombin L.) Ă  travers la production du vinaigre. A cet effet, le jus extrait de la pulpe des fruits de S. mombin collectĂ©s Ă  maturitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour la production du vinaigre. Le bioproduit est obtenu par une double fermentation utilisant respectivement la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae et la bactĂ©rie Acetobacter aceti. La fermentation alcoolique a durĂ© 17 jours et celle acĂ©tique a durĂ© 30 jours. Les caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques, microbiologiques et les propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-oxydantes (composĂ©s phĂ©noliques, vitamine C) du vinaigre obtenu et commercial ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es suivant les mĂ©thodes standards. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que le pH, l’aciditĂ© titrable, la densitĂ© et le degrĂ© Brix du vinaigre issu de S. mombin sont respectivement de 3,2, 24,64&nbsp;g/L, 1,016 et de 13,7 (°Brix). De faibles teneurs en acide acĂ©tique (1,87 %) et en degrĂ© d’alcool (0,66 %) Ă©taient observĂ©es pour le vinaigre de S. mombin comparativement au vinaigre commercial (3,89 % et 1,20 %). Les deux vinaigres se caractĂ©risent par des teneurs Ă©levĂ©es en vitamine C (0,034-0,032 %), en composĂ©s phĂ©noliques (485,54-853,12 mg/L) et en flavonoĂŻdes (126,24-364,06). L’analyse statistique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’à l’exception de la vitamine C et des flavonoĂŻdes,&nbsp; une diffĂ©rence significative (P ≀ 5 %) a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e entre les propriĂ©tĂ©s physicochimiques et les facteurs antinutritionnels des deux vinaigres. L’évaluation de la qualitĂ© microbiologique a montrĂ© que les deux vinaigres sont exempts de germes pathogĂšnes. Les deux sources de vinaigre prĂ©sentent des charges Flore MĂ©sophile AĂ©robie Totale, de levures et moisissures respectant les valeurs acceptables de la norme. Le vinaigre de S. mombin produit prĂ©sente un bon potentiel de consommation et constitue une voie alternative de valorisation et d’augmentation de la valeur ajoutĂ©e de cette espĂšce. &nbsp; Spondias mombin is a little-known, neglected and underutilized edible wild fruit tree in West Africa. The present study aims to valorize the pulp of mombin plum fruits (Spondias mombin L.) through the production of vinegar. For this purpose, the juice extracted from the pulp of S. mombin fruits collected at maturity was used for the production of vinegar. The bioproduct is obtained by a double fermentation using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the bacterium Acetobacter aceti respectively. The alcoholic fermentation lasted 17 days and the acetic one lasted 30 days. The physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics and the antioxidant properties (phenolic compounds, vitamin C) of the S. mombin vinegar obtained and commercial vinegar were evaluated using standard methods. The results showed that the pH, titratable acidity, density and Brix degree of vinegar from S. mombin are 3.2, 24.64 g/L, 1.016, and 13.7, respectively (°Brix). Low acetic acid (1.87%) and alcohol content (0.66%) were observed for S. mombin vinegar compared to commercial vinegar (3.89% and 1.20%). Both vinegars are characterized by high levels of vitamin C (0.034-0.032%), phenolic compounds (485.54-853.12 mg/L) and flavonoids (126.24-364.06 mg/L). Statistical analysis revealed that with the exception of vitamin C and flavonoids, a significant difference (P ≀ 5 %) was observed between the physicochemical properties and antinutritional factors of the two vinegars. The evaluation of the microbiological quality showed that the two vinegars are free of pathogenic germs. Both sources of vinegar have loads of Total Aerobic Mesophilic Flora, yeasts and molds respecting the acceptable values of the standard. The S. mombin vinegar produced has good potential for consumption and constitutes an alternative way of promoting and increasing the added value of this species
