21 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of benthic ecosystems of the continental shelf and slope of Mauritania

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo de doctorado es profundizar en las relaciones entre la biodiversidad del bentos y las particulares condiciones hidrológicas y geomorfológicas que caracterizan la ZEE de Mauritania, con el fin de contribuir a la aplicación del enfoque ecosistémico en la gestión pesquera, y al diseño e implantación de medidas de protección que ayuden a la conservación de la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas. Para ello se han propuesto como objetivos secundarios el inventario de la diversidad, el análisis de los patrones de distribución latitudinal y batimétrica, y la caracterización de la estructura y composición de las comunidades de decápodos, moluscos y equinodermos de la plataforma y talud continental de Mauritania. Igualmente, se han analizado las variaciones de la biodiversidad y las comunidades de decápodos en las dos estaciones hidrológicas (fría y cálida). El trabajo se centra en el estudio de los crustáceos de las clases Decapoda y Stomatopoda, los moluscos Gastropoda y Bivalvia, y las cinco clases del filo Echinodermata (Crinoidea, Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Ophiuroidea Y Holothuroidea). Aunque el sistema de afloramiento del noroeste africano, ligado a la Corriente de Canarias, ha fascinado a los investigadores de todo el mundo durante décadas, siendo objeto por ello de numerosas campañas y expediciones científicas, las investigaciones centradas en el estudio de la fauna bentónica han sido raras, lo que parece estar relacionado con la poca importancia que históricamente se le ha dado al bentos en la investigación de los ecosistemas marinos (Thiel, 1982). Los conocimientos disponibles actualmente sobre la fauna bentónica de Mauritania están principalmente vinculados a las expediciones científicas que, desde finales del siglo XIX, se llevaron a cabo a lo largo de las costas del noroeste africano. Las primeras colecciones de invertebrados bentónicos de la región se obtuvieron durante aquellas emblemáticas expediciones científicas, como las del HMS Challenger (1872-1876), alrededor del mundo, Travailleur y Talismán (1880–1883), Valdivia, Princesa Alice I e Hirondelle II (1885–1920)—auspiciadas por el príncipe Alberto I de Mónaco—, Michael Sars (1910) y Discovery (1970). En época más reciente, ya a mediados del siglo XX, tuvieron lugar otras expediciones que trabajaron exclusivamente en la costa de África noroccidental, entre las que citaremos las de la Gazelle (1874-1876) y Melita (1889-1890), la Mission Gruvel (1905–1912), las campañas del Atlantide (1945–1946), Calypso (1956), Thalassa (1962, 1968, 1971), Pillsbury (1964, 1965) y la campaña española Atlor VII (1975). Todas ellas recorrieron las costas de Marruecos, Sáhara Occidental, Mauritania, Golfo de Guinea y las islas de Cabo Verde (...

    Communication financière : case study

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    Comptabilité, Contrôle, Financ

    Seasonal variations in the diversity and structure of decapod communities in the changing hydrological scenario of the northwest African upwelling

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    Multidisciplinary surveys conducted on-board RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen in the northwest Africa region during November 2011 and June 2012 allowed exploration for the first time of seasonal variations in diversity and structure of decapod communities inhabiting the changing hydrological scenario of the shelf and upper slope off Mauritania (20–750 m depth). Decapods were gathered with a commercial bottom trawl at 95 stations, 39 of which were visited in both surveys. In addition, 249 oceanographic profiles and 95 sediment samples were collected. Shelf and slope assemblages, respectively characterized by the dominance of benthic (63 species) and swimming decapods (37 species), were segregated at 100–150 m depth, coinciding with the shelf-break and the hydrological frontier separating the surface mixed layer from the deeper water masses. The assemblages showed a certain stability in their structure but significant seasonal differences in their composition. Abundance and biomass, and in particular specific richness, were strongly correlated with depth in the case of swimming decapods, which were clearly dominant during the warm season, especially in the southern zone. The most significant seasonal variations were mainly due to the Penaeidae family and its associated species, Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846). The latitudinal decreasing trend in upwelling permanence and productivity toward the south, responding to the strength and displacement of trade winds along the Mauritanian coast, which are observable at the surface and sea-bottom, were the main reason explaining the seasonal variations observed in the distribution patterns and assemblages structure of Mauritania decapods.The Mauritanian Institute of Oceanographic Research and Fishing (IMROP) of Mauritania and the CCLME Project and the EAF-Nansen Mentoring Programme of the FAO funded the annual doctoral stays of SMMM in Vigo (Spain).Peer reviewe

    Inclusivity in global research.

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    Although Mauritania carried out its Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), in 2015 the goal of vaccination coverage (VC) remained unmet in Bassikounou district and Mbera camp, contexts with large migrant populations. In response, during 2018, the national authorities, together with Médecins Sans Frontières organised two rounds of multi-antigenic mass vaccination campaigns (2RMASVC). The campaigns included oral polio (OPV), pneumococcal (PCV13), pentavalent and rotavirus vaccines for all eligible children six weeks to 59 months old. This study describes the results of the 2RMASVC. Cross-sectional household VC surveys (VCS1 and VCS2) were conducted before and after the 2RMASVC. Data were collected on vaccination status according to self-reporting and vaccination cards, and on reasons for non-vaccination (RNV). In total, 4,569 children received at least one dose of vaccine in the first round and 5,602 children in the second. Baseline VC, as fully vaccinated, according to VCS1, was 59.9% of children 12 to 59 months in Bassikounou district and 65.8% in Mbera camp. After the 2RMASVC, the coverages increased to 84.7% and 75.9% respectively. Absence from home, lack of motivation, late initiation of vaccinations and lack of awareness about vaccination were the main RNV during the 2RMASVC. Although the 2RMASVC did not reach its goal of 90%-95% VC, the strategy significantly increased VC in the two settings for children aged 12 to 59 months. Therefore, this catch-up approach could be considered to improve VC of children who miss out of the EPI strategy in resource-limited settings.</div

    Reasons for non-vaccination for the proposed vaccines among children aged six weeks to 59 months in Mbera camp, reported in VCS2, Mauritania 2018.

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    Each children’s caregiver gave one reason for non-vaccination per dose of vaccine not received. In total 44 children gave between 11 reasons for non-vaccination and 135 gave between 1 and 10 reasons for non- vaccination. Reasons for non-vaccination for seven children were not available for this analysis.</p