203 research outputs found

    Drug Design and Development of Antivirals and Fluorescent Anion Transporters

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    The application of medicinal chemistry drug design and development principles has been undertaken in the current thesis towards the development of antivirals, fluorescent anion transporters and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Chikungunya viral infection is an increasing concern with no current treatments available beyond supportive measures. In the absence of detailed viral molecular information, phenotypic screening of compounds has provided leads for anti-chikungunya agents. Chapter 2 discusses the application of hybridization of two fragments, namely pyrimidine and thiazolidine, with reported anti-CHIKV activity. Convergent and convenient regioselective synthesis of novel thiazolo[2,3-a]pyrimidine derivatives was accomplished using the one-pot reaction of 6-ethylthiouracil, bromoacetic acid, anhydrous sodium acetate, acetic anhydride, acetic acid and a suitable aldehyde. X-ray crystallographic studies reveal the presence of the Z configuration of only one regioisomer confirmed by computational studies as being the most likely isomer present. Anti-CHIKV activity evaluation showed the tailed thiazolopyrimidine (Z)-7-ethyl-2-((4\u27-methyl-[1,1\u27-biphenyl]-4-yl)methylene)-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-3,5(2H)-dione as a candidate for future development with EC50 = 42 μM, and IC50 \u3e 250 μM against the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 and the endothelial human sapiens cell line EA.hy926..

    Characterization of Macro-Scale and Meso-Scale Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Under Compression

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    Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed the Pavement Analysis using Nonlinear Damage Approach (PANDA) for predicting the performance of asphalt concrete mixtures. PANDA offers substantial improvements in mechanistic modeling and simulation of pavement performance over other existing approaches. However, in order to facilitate the use of PANDA, there is a need to develop a systematic approach for determining the input parameters of its constitutive models. In this dissertation, a well-designed experimental testing protocol is developed to characterize the resistance of asphalt concrete mixtures to permanent deformation. This approach involves conducting two experimental tests in order to extract the PANDA model parameters: the dynamic modulus test (DMT) and repeated creep-recovery test at various stresses (RCRT-VS). Then, a systematic analytical approach is used to determine the linear viscoelastic, nonlinear viscoelastic, and viscoplastic PANDA model parameters for different types of asphalt mixtures and at different temperatures, air void contents, and aging levels. The analytical method employs DMT data to determine the long-term linear viscoelastic properties and time-temperature shift factors, and it employs the RCRT-VS data to determine the nonlinear viscoelastic and viscoplastic properties. A significant part of this dissertation focuses on the implementation of the global sensitivity analysis (GSA) approach to determine the sensitivity of the asphalt mixture performance to the PANDA’s input parameters. This analysis is performed in order to reduce the output uncertainty to input uncertainty, focus the experimental methods on evaluating the key parameters that influence performance, and simplify the analytical approach to extract significant model parameters from experimental data. The GSA results show that the viscoelastic nonlinearity parameter (g2), viscoplastic hardening function parameters (k1 and k2), and viscoplasticity-relaxation time (1/ Гvp) are the most significant and sensitive parameters. The PANDA constitutive modeling framework is used to efficiently simulate and predict the viscoelastic and viscoplastic responses of asphalt pavements. Two different scales of asphalt mixture performance are investigated: macro-scale (full dense-graded mixture, DGM) and meso-scale (fine aggregate matrix, FAM, and coarse aggregate matrix, CAM). The computational results show that the FAM controls the viscoelastic response of asphalt mixtures, while the CAM properties primarily influence the viscoplastic response of asphalt mixtures

    Characterization of Macro-Scale and Meso-Scale Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Under Compression

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    Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed the Pavement Analysis using Nonlinear Damage Approach (PANDA) for predicting the performance of asphalt concrete mixtures. PANDA offers substantial improvements in mechanistic modeling and simulation of pavement performance over other existing approaches. However, in order to facilitate the use of PANDA, there is a need to develop a systematic approach for determining the input parameters of its constitutive models. In this dissertation, a well-designed experimental testing protocol is developed to characterize the resistance of asphalt concrete mixtures to permanent deformation. This approach involves conducting two experimental tests in order to extract the PANDA model parameters: the dynamic modulus test (DMT) and repeated creep-recovery test at various stresses (RCRT-VS). Then, a systematic analytical approach is used to determine the linear viscoelastic, nonlinear viscoelastic, and viscoplastic PANDA model parameters for different types of asphalt mixtures and at different temperatures, air void contents, and aging levels. The analytical method employs DMT data to determine the long-term linear viscoelastic properties and time-temperature shift factors, and it employs the RCRT-VS data to determine the nonlinear viscoelastic and viscoplastic properties. A significant part of this dissertation focuses on the implementation of the global sensitivity analysis (GSA) approach to determine the sensitivity of the asphalt mixture performance to the PANDA’s input parameters. This analysis is performed in order to reduce the output uncertainty to input uncertainty, focus the experimental methods on evaluating the key parameters that influence performance, and simplify the analytical approach to extract significant model parameters from experimental data. The GSA results show that the viscoelastic nonlinearity parameter (g2), viscoplastic hardening function parameters (k1 and k2), and viscoplasticity-relaxation time (1/ Гvp) are the most significant and sensitive parameters. The PANDA constitutive modeling framework is used to efficiently simulate and predict the viscoelastic and viscoplastic responses of asphalt pavements. Two different scales of asphalt mixture performance are investigated: macro-scale (full dense-graded mixture, DGM) and meso-scale (fine aggregate matrix, FAM, and coarse aggregate matrix, CAM). The computational results show that the FAM controls the viscoelastic response of asphalt mixtures, while the CAM properties primarily influence the viscoplastic response of asphalt mixtures

    A Study of Three Unpublished Mausoleum Domes in Mit Ghamr City (Dakahlia Governorate)

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    This study examines the architectural archaeological analysis of three remaining mausoleum domes in Mit Ghamr City, which are the Domes of Sidi Khalaf, Arbaeen and al-Wa’ez. The importance of this study lies in shedding light on these domes, revealing their architectural and decorative elements.This study is also an attempt to date these domes based on the oldest references to them in the documents so far and on a translation found for one of the owners of these mausoleum domes. This is in addition to tracing the different architectural elements of these three domes, in assimilation with other domes, whether in Cairo or the Delta cities, in different eras, in order to arrive at the accurate date of establishment of these domes.The study tackles the architectural analysis of the different architectural elements of the three mausoleum domes to proceed with the architectural development of the domes of the Delta cities in general.A documentary analytical archeological studyIt is worth noting that despite the archaeological importance of these domes, they are not registered in the census of Islamic and Coptic antiquities. The lack of registration had a great impact on the infringement of these domes by the people, as well as the residential encroachment that surrounded Arbaeen and al-Wa’ez Domes, which naturally led to concealing many of their architectural details. This represented a difficulty in studying these mausoleum domes and in taking their pictures with the required accuracy, for it was often swiftly done. Therefore, the study recommended the necessity of registering these domes due to their architectural and decorative importance, and for their distinctiveness in having some important architectural elements that assist in tracing the historical graph of the development of mausoleum domes in Egypt during the different Islamic eras

    Delineation of landslide endangered areas and mapping their fracture systems by the pressure probe method, Technical Note

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    A new method, the so-called pressure probe (Pre-P) method, has been developed for detecting and characterizing mechanically weak zones which may not be visible from the surface and which may occur, e.g. due to landslides. On a high bank at Dunaszekcső, Hungary, the fracture system of the loess landslide area was investigated by large resolution applying this method and proved that (1) cracks as small as 2- to 3-cm wide are detectable; (2) the fractures follow each other almost periodically; and (3) on the side of the fractures towards the slump, there are less fractured zones whose width correlates with the width of the given fracture. We also demonstrated that on the passive side of the clearly visible fracture, (1) there are also fractures along which future rock displacement is expected; (2) these fractures are at least as wide as the active side fractures; and (3) the blocks there are about twice as wide as those on the active side. A block several meters wide is expected to fall before the main mass movement. The Pre-P method seems to be the most powerful tool to map the fracture system of such landslides because of its speed, simplicity of application, cost and interpretation. The Pre-P profiles and maps of the fracture system of a landslide enable to understand landslide evolution and delineate endangered areas earlier than by other methods

    (A) Study on the Agadir agreement as the gateway to establish a pan-arab free trade area

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2010masterpublishedby Mohamed Tolba

    Teacher Students’ Critical Literacy in the Academic Environment

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    AbstractIn an academic setting, critical literacy necessitates that teacher-students be critical of every text message (textbooks, videos, films, and other electronic media) that they read from courses. This study aims to illustrate the critical literacy of teacher students in an academic college environment in Jakarta, Indonesia, describing how critical literacy becomes a habit, a need, and eventually becomes a teacher-student culture. This case study employs a qualitative technique with an ethnographic design. Purposive sampling is used in this study. The research participants were a group of 14 female and two male teacher-students from the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education study program. Observation and documentation are used to collect research data. Observer becoming an insider who participates in critical literacy exercises in the classroom. Portfolios, notes on critical literacy activities, assignments, midterm exam scores, and final exam scores are among the documents gathered. According to the findings of this study, we should first put up an online platform scaffolding for critical literacy. Second, it demands significant encouragement from lecturers at the start of students' teaching preparation program, as well as commitment from lecturers and teacher students. Third, teamwork among lecturers in the study program is required. Fourth, critical discussions must be constructed using multiple narratives from scholarly papers and social media texts.AbstrakDalam lingkungan akademik, literasi kritis mengharuskan guru-siswa bersikap kritis terhadap setiap pesan teks (buku teks, video, film, dan media elektronik lainnya) yang mereka baca dari kursus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan literasi kritis siswa guru di lingkungan akademik perguruan tinggi di Jakarta, Indonesia, menggambarkan bagaimana literasi kritis menjadi kebiasaan, kebutuhan, dan akhirnya menjadi budaya guru-siswa. Studi kasus ini menggunakan teknik kualitatif dengan desain etnografi. Purposive sampling digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah sekelompok 14 orang guru-murid laki-laki dan perempuan dari program studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Observasi dan dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian. Observer menjadi orang dalam yang mengikuti latihan literasi kritis di kelas. Portofolio, catatan kegiatan literasi kritis, tugas, nilai ujian tengah semester, dan nilai ujian akhir termasuk di antara dokumen yang dikumpulkan. Menurut temuan penelitian ini, pertama-tama kita harus memasang perancah platform online untuk literasi kritis. Kedua, menuntut dorongan yang signifikan dari dosen di awal program persiapan mengajar mahasiswa, serta komitmen dosen dan mahasiswa guru. Ketiga, kerjasama antar dosen di prodi sangat diperlukan. Keempat, diskusi kritis harus dibangun dengan menggunakan narasi ganda dari karya ilmiah dan teks media sosial. How to Cite: Rosfiani, O., Kuswiyanti, T.S., Abdultawab, M. M. (2021). Teacher Students’ Critical Literacy in the Academic Environment. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 8(2), 179-189. doi:10.15408/tjems.v8i2.24095

    Durability Performance of One-Part Geopolymer Versus Two-Part Geopolymer and Portland Cement Mortar

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    The investigations in the field of geopolymer binders indicated that this new material has a great potential to be an alternative to cement to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. On the other hand, it was found that the traditional geopolymer has multiple defects, including the presence of viscous corrosive solutions. Researchers were interested in solving this problem and the traditional type was developed into one-part geopolymer and the need for solutions became in its composition and it became possible for this material to be an alternative to cement. But until now there are unexplained issues about one part geopolymers. In this instance, this study aims towards the investigated the fresh and hardened properties of one-part geopolymer mortar versus two-part geopolymer mortar and PC. The fresh and hardened properties that include workability, compressive strength, sulfate resistance, acid resistance and heat resistance were studied for samples cured at 30 OC and compared to PC samples cured by immersing in water. Moreover scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was investigated to support the test results. The results showed that, workability of one-part geopolymer mortar was enhanced by adding fly ash (FA). Moreover, the results revealed that higher compressive strength was achieved by adding ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and one-part geopolymer mortar exhibited superior resistance to sulfate, acid and heat by compared to PC. According to a SEM test one-part geopolymer mixes including GGBS were found to be more homogenous and dense than those containing F

    Durability Performance of One-Part Geopolymer Versus Two-Part Geopolymer and Portland Cement Mortar

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    The investigations in the field of geopolymer binders indicated that this new material has a great potential to be an alternative to cement to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. On the other hand, it was found that the traditional geopolymer has multiple defects, including the presence of viscous corrosive solutions. Researchers were interested in solving this problem and the traditional type was developed into one-part geopolymer and the need for solutions became in its composition and it became possible for this material to be an alternative to cement. But until now there are unexplained issues about one part geopolymers. In this instance, this study aims towards the investigated the fresh and hardened properties of one-part geopolymer mortar versus two-part geopolymer mortar and PC. The fresh and hardened properties that include workability, compressive strength, sulfate resistance, acid resistance and heat resistance were studied for samples cured at 30 OC and compared to PC samples cured by immersing in water. Moreover scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was investigated to support the test results. The results showed that, workability of one-part geopolymer mortar was enhanced by adding fly ash (FA). Moreover, the results revealed that higher compressive strength was achieved by adding ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and one-part geopolymer mortar exhibited superior resistance to sulfate, acid and heat by compared to PC. According to a SEM test one-part geopolymer mixes including GGBS were found to be more homogenous and dense than those containing F

    Temas de orientalismo y egipcianismo en “La novela del Egipto”, de José de Castro y Serrano

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filología Española. Fecha de lectura: 10-02-2016Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 10-08-201