104 research outputs found

    Les psychotropes criminogènes

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    Les psychotropes altèrent le psychisme d’un individu et peuvent affecter les perceptions, l’humeur, la conscience, le comportement et diverses fonctions psychologiques et physiques. Ils se divisent en cinq catégories : les dépresseurs du système nerveux central (SNC), les stimulants du SNC, les perturbateurs du SNC, les médicaments psychothérapeutiques et les androgènes et stéroïdes anabolisants.L’abus de certains psychotropes peut conduire à la tolérance, la dépendance psychologique, la dépendance physique et la toxicomanie. Un des phénomènes liés à la toxicomanie est la criminalité. Les psychotropes criminogènes directs par excellence sont l’alcool, les amphétamines, la cocaïne et la phencyclidine (PCP). Leurs propriétés pharmacologiques et toxicologiques sont variées. La relation intoxication-criminalité est complexe et dépend de divers facteurs biopsychosociaux.Psychotropics alter the psychism of an individual and can affect perceptions, mood, thinking, behaviour and various psychological and physical functions. They are divided in five categories: central nervous system (CNS) depressants, CNS stimulants, CNS disturbers, psychotherapeutic medications and androgens and anabolic steroids.Abuse of some psychotropic substances can induce tolerance, psychological dependence, physical dependence and toxicomania. One of the phenomenons related to toxicomania is criminality. Direct criminogenic psychotropics are typically alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine and phencyclidine (PCP). Their pharmacological and toxicological properties are diverse. The intoxication-criminality relationship is complex and depends on several bio-psychosocial factors

    Les interventions efficaces pour aider les fumeurs à renoncer au tabac

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    Plusieurs interventions favorisant l’abandon du tabac ont été démontrées efficaces et elles sont essentielles à tout programme populationnel qui vise à réduire la morbidité et la mortalité liées aux problèmes de santé engendrés par la fumée de tabac. De telles mesures font partie de la Convention-cadre pour la lutte anti-tabac de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé : réglementations, politiques fiscales, élimination du commerce illicite, éducation du public, etc. Parmi les nombreuses dispositions contenues dans ce traité, on retrouve également des actions visant la promotion du sevrage tabagique et le traitement adéquat de la dépendance au tabac par les professionnels de la santé. En effet, le tabagisme est responsable de plus de 40 pathologies et 50 % des fumeurs chroniques meurent prématurément de maladies reliées à l’usage du tabac, perdant en moyenne une dizaine d’années de vie. Ainsi, les bénéfices de l’arrêt du tabagisme sur la santé sont considérables. L’objet de cet article est de dresser la liste des interventions disponibles pour aider les fumeurs à renoncer au tabac, les décrire et faire le point sur leur efficacité.Several interventions promoting smoking cessation have proved effective and are essential to any populational program designed to reduce morbidity and mortality related to health problems caused by tobacco smoke. Such measures are part of World Health Organization anti-tobacco treaty: regulations, tax policies, elimination of trafficking, public education, etc. Among the many provisions of this treaty are also actions designed to promote tobacco withdrawal and the appropriate treatment of tobacco dependence by health professionals. Tobacco use is responsible for over 40 pathologies, and 50% of all chronic smokers die prematurely of diseases related to tobacco use, with an average loss of ten years of life. Obviously, the benefits of smoking cessation on health are considerable. This article draws up a list of interventions available to help smokers give up tobacco, describes them and reports on their effectiveness.Se ha demostrado que numerosas intervenciones que favorecen el abandono del tabaco son eficaces y esenciales en todo programa poblacional destinado a reducir la morbididad y la mortalidad relacionadas con los problemas de salud engendrados por el humo del tabaco. Tales medidas integran el Convenio marco para el control del tabaco de la Organización Mundial de la Salud: reglamentaciones, políticas fiscales, eliminación del comercio ilegal, educación del público, etc. Entre las numerosas disposiciones contenidas en este tratado se encuentran también acciones destinadas a promover el abandono del tabaco y el tratamiento adecuado de la dependencia al tabaco por parte de los profesionales de la salud. En efecto, el tabaquismo es responsable de más de 40 patologías y el 50% de los fumadores crónicos mueren prematuramente de enfermedades relacionadas con el uso del tabaco, perdiendo en promedio una decena de años de vida. Los beneficios para la salud del abandono del tabaco son, por lo tanto, considerables. Este artículo se propone desarrollar una lista de intervenciones disponibles para ayudar a los fumadores a abandonar el consumo del tabaco, describirlas y precisar su eficacia


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    This paper investigates a new approach for face, gender and race classification, called multi-regularized learning (MRL). This approach combines ideas from the recently proposed algorithms called multi-stage learning (MSL) and multi-task features learning (MTFL). In our approach, we first reduce the dimensionality of the training faces using PCA. Next, for a given a test (probe) face, we use MRL to exploit the relationships among multiple shared stages generated by changing the regularization parameter. Our approach results in convex optimization problem that controls the trade-off between the fidelity to the data (training) and the smoothness of the solution (probe). Our MRL algorithm is compared against different state-of-the-art methods on face recognition (FR), gender classification (GC) and race classification (RC) based on different experimental protocols with AR, LFW, FEI, Lab2 and Indian databases. Results show that our algorithm performs very competitively

    Viability of flax particles to develop cellular construction materials: Physico-mechanical characterisation

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    The problems related to environmental issues have motivated extensive research on environmentally friendly materials. The built environment is responsible for high primary energy use and more of energy related CO2 emissions. However, it is important to develop low-embodied energy, carbon-negative, sustainable construction materials to replace conventional products. In this context, agricultural wastes are the excellent alternative materials to substitute mineral aggregates because they are widespread and easily accessible. The application of these elements is interesting as regards the recycling of the vegetable particles, since these are easily available and renewable low-cost raw materials, and has advantage for economy and environment. However, the reduction of energy consumption in construction, production of thermal insulation materials, and the solution of environmental problems by recycling waste are becoming greater problems. Various types of agriculture waste, after being processed, have been used as particles in concrete or mortars. These materials display lower density and have several potential applications such as acoustic and thermal insulation, fire resistance cladding…etc. The study reported in this paper was undertaken to investigate the physico-mechanical properties of cellular materials based on flax particles, in order to produce usable materials in cellular concrete applications. The material produced containing different volumes of flax particles (0V (control mortar), 1V, and 2V) was lightened by creating a porous structure in the matrix through a chemical reaction between aluminium powder and free lime. A study conducted on hardened material properties has indicated a significant reduction in sample unit weight, thereby resulting in a level of compressive strength compatible with a load-bearing wall. The reduction in flexural strength was lower than that in compressive strength. These results shown that the cellular material based on flax particles can be used as suitable insulated load-bearing walls

    Zeitoun Ennwader: Un nouveau cultivar d’olive à huile en Tunisie à bonne qualité d’huile et à alternance de production faible

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    The most outstanding olive oil cultivar ‘Chemlali Sfax’ has low oleic acid level and high palmitic acid content and a tendency to biennial bearing. Cross breeding program of this cultivar was undertaken in Tunisia since 1994 using local and foreign cultivars. Selected hybrids were planted in a comparative trial since 2005. This study aim to characterize a new olive cultivar 'Zeitoun Ennwader' better than the original cultivar. Data on morphologic, agronomic and oil quality were recorded for the new cultivar. This cultivar is distinguishable from the original cultivar due to its morphological parameters of the fruit (shape, symmetry and apex) and the endocarp (symmetry, position of maximum transverse diameter and apex). This cultivar is different from the original variety on the agronomic plan by its low alternate bearing, its early bearing and its moderate sensitivity to verticillium. The oil of the new cultivar is different from the original variety by its better fatty acid composition (higher oleic acid content and lower palmitic acid content). The adoption of this cultivar will be of great benefit to farmers (high and more regular production) and to exporters (high oil quality). Key words: Olive, Chemlali Sfax, Improvement, Oleic acid, Alternate bearing, Agronomy, MorphologyLe cultivar d’olive à huile le plus remarquable 'Chemlali Sfax' a un faible niveau d'acide oléique, une teneur élevée en acide palmitique et une tendance à une alternance biennale. Le programme de croisement de ce cultivar a été entrepris en Tunisie depuis 1994 en utilisant des cultivars locaux et étrangers. Des hybrides sélectionnés ont été plantés dans un essai comparatif depuis 2005. Cette étude vise à caractériser un nouveau cultivar d'olivier 'Zeitoun Ennwader' supérieur à celui du cultivar d'origine. Des données sur les caractères morphologiques, agronomiques et chimiques de l’huile ont été enregistrées pour le nouveau cultivar. Ce cultivar se distingue du cultivar original par ses paramètres morphologiques du fruit (forme, symétrie et Apex) et de l'endocarpe (symétrie, position du diamètre transversal maximal et apex). Ce cultivar est différent de la variété originale sur le plan agronomique par sa faible indice d’alternance, son entrée précoce en production et sa sensibilité modérée au Verticillium. L'huile du nouveau cultivar est différente de la variété originale par sa meilleure composition en acides gras (teneur plus élevée en acide oléique et plus faible en acide palmitique). L’adoption de ce cultivar sera d’un grand intérêt pour les agriculteurs (production élevée et plus régulière) et pour les exportateurs (huile de bonne qualité). Mots clés: olive, chemlali Sfax, amélioration, acide oléique, alternance, agronomie, morphologi

    Caractérisation agronomique d’hybrides d’olivier (Olea europaea. L) issus de croisements dirigés en Tunisie

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    Five olive hybrids obtained from the Tunisian variety 'Chemlali Sfax' using controlled crosses to improve the oil acidic composition. The objective of this work is to study the agronomic performance of these hybrids in an irrigated orchard (Sfax, Tunisia). The study of the acidic composition showed that 4 hybrids are characterized by an oleic acid content greater than 69% and a palmitic acid content less than 16%. The study of the agronomic parameters show that the hybrids have good performances at the level of a given character. Two hybrids have a fruit weight > 2 g, a hybrid with high productivity and vigor respectively 37.4 kg/tree and 10.6 m3, and a hybrid with reduced vigor. Thus, 4 hybrids can be proposed for registration for irrigated and intensive cultivation conditions and one hybrid is to be excluded from registration given its oil acidic composition similar to the local reference variety 'Chemlali Sfax'. Keywords: Olive, hybrids, agronomy parameters, fatty acid CompositionCinq hybrides d’olivier issus de la variété tunisienne ‘Chemlali Sfax’ ont été obtenus à partir de croisements dirigés pour améliorer la composition acidique de l'huile. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le comportement agronomique de ces hybrides dans un verger conduit en irrigué (Sfax, Tunisie). L’étude de la composition acidique révèle que 4 hybrides se caractérisent par un taux en acide oléique supérieur à 69 % et un taux en acide palmitique inférieur à 16 %. L’étude des paramètres agronomiques montrent que les hybrides ont de bonnes performances au niveau d’un caractère déterminé. Deux hybrides ont un poids du fruit > 2 g, un hybride avec productivité et vigueur élevées, respectivement de 37,4 kg/arbre et 10,6 m3, et un hybride avec une vigueur réduite. De ce fait, 4 hybrides peuvent être proposés à l’inscription pour une culture irriguée et intensive et un hybride est à exclure de l’inscription vu sa composition acidique de l’huile similaire à la variété locale de référence ‘Chemlali Sfax’. Mots-clés: Olivier, hybrides, Paramètres agronomiques, Composition en acides gra

    Zeitoun Ennwader: Un nouveau cultivar d’olive à huile en Tunisie à bonne qualité d’huile et à alternance de production faible

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    The most outstanding olive oil cultivar ‘Chemlali Sfax’ has low oleic acid level and high palmitic acid content and a tendency to biennial bearing. Cross breeding program of this cultivar was undertaken in Tunisia since 1994 using local and foreign cultivars. Selected hybrids were planted in a comparative trial since 2005. This study aim to characterize a new olive cultivar 'Zeitoun Ennwader' better than the original cultivar. Data on morphologic, agronomic and oil quality were recorded for the new cultivar. This cultivar is distinguishable from the original cultivar due to its morphological parameters of the fruit (shape, symmetry and apex) and the endocarp (symmetry, position of maximum transverse diameter and apex). This cultivar is different from the original variety on the agronomic plan by its low alternate bearing, its early bearing and its moderate sensitivity to verticillium. The oil of the new cultivar is different from the original variety by its better fatty acid composition (higher oleic acid content and lower palmitic acid content). The adoption of this cultivar will be of great benefit to farmers (high and more regular production) and to exporters (high oil quality). Key words: Olive, Chemlali Sfax, Improvement, Oleic acid, Alternate bearing, Agronomy, MorphologyLe cultivar d’olive à huile le plus remarquable 'Chemlali Sfax' a un faible niveau d'acide oléique, une teneur élevée en acide palmitique et une tendance à une alternance biennale. Le programme de croisement de ce cultivar a été entrepris en Tunisie depuis 1994 en utilisant des cultivars locaux et étrangers. Des hybrides sélectionnés ont été plantés dans un essai comparatif depuis 2005. Cette étude vise à caractériser un nouveau cultivar d'olivier 'Zeitoun Ennwader' supérieur à celui du cultivar d'origine. Des données sur les caractères morphologiques, agronomiques et chimiques de l’huile ont été enregistrées pour le nouveau cultivar. Ce cultivar se distingue du cultivar original par ses paramètres morphologiques du fruit (forme, symétrie et Apex) et de l'endocarpe (symétrie, position du diamètre transversal maximal et apex). Ce cultivar est différent de la variété originale sur le plan agronomique par sa faible indice d’alternance, son entrée précoce en production et sa sensibilité modérée au Verticillium. L'huile du nouveau cultivar est différente de la variété originale par sa meilleure composition en acides gras (teneur plus élevée en acide oléique et plus faible en acide palmitique). L’adoption de ce cultivar sera d’un grand intérêt pour les agriculteurs (production élevée et plus régulière) et pour les exportateurs (huile de bonne qualité). Mots clés: olive, chemlali Sfax, amélioration, acide oléique, alternance, agronomie, morphologi

    Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of lipids from Ficus carica L. fruits

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    Samples of oils from seven types of Ficus carica L. fruits from Algeria were investigated through determinations of their chemical characteristics, quantifying sterols and tocopherols, and analysis of the fatty acids profiles using gas chromatography, and evaluation of antioxidant activity by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and total antioxidant activity (TAA) using phosphomolybdenum methods. The results show that acid values ranged from 3.14 to 6.95 mg KOH/g indicating on the high amount of free fatty acids in the figs oils. Neutral lipids occupy a very important proportion of the crude figs oils (NL: 60.30–98.40%) compared to glycolipids (GL: 0.58–28.00%) and phospholipids (PL: 0.40-11.70%). Linoleic (11.70–34.74%) and linolenic (1.15–35.27%) were the major unsaturated fatty acids found in lipid fractions, while the main fraction of saturated fatty acid was palmitic. The tocopherols and sterols contents in fig oils ranged from 14.27 to 108.55 mg α-TE/g lipids and from 0.36 to 2.80 mg CE/g lipids respectively. The best inhibition concentration (IC50) of DPPH antioxidant activity was marked by GL (0.23–1.06 g/L) and PL (0.67–1.23 g/L). The strongest TAA was also marked by GL (IC50: 2.84 to 10.08 g/L) and PL (IC50: 3.73–11.30 g/L). This finding demonstrated for the first time that the studied figs oils possessed good antioxidant activity which may be associated with their alleged health benefits

    Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Lipids from Ficus Carica l. Fruits

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    Samples of oils from seven types of Ficus carica L. fruits from Algeria were investigated through determinations of their chemical characteristics, quantifying sterols and tocopherols, and analysis of the fatty acids profiles using gas chromatography, and evaluation of antioxidant activity by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and total antioxidant activity (TAA) using phosphomolybdenum methods. The results show that acid values ranged from 3.14 to 6.95 mg KOH/g indicating on the high amount of free fatty acids in the figs oils. Neutral lipids occupy a very important proportion of the crude figs oils (NL: 60.30–98.40%) compared to glycolipids (GL: 0.58–28.00%) and phospholipids (PL: 0.40-11.70%). Linoleic (11.70–34.74%) and linolenic (1.15–35.27%) were the major unsaturated fatty acids found in lipid fractions, while the main fraction of saturated fatty acid was palmitic. The tocopherols and sterols contents in fig oils ranged from 14.27 to 108.55 mg α-TE/g lipids and from 0.36 to 2.80 mg CE/g lipids respectively. The best inhibition concentration (IC50) of DPPH antioxidant activity was marked by GL (0.23–1.06 g/L) and PL (0.67–1.23 g/L). The strongest TAA was also marked by GL (IC50: 2.84 to 10.08 g/L) and PL (IC50: 3.73–11.30 g/L). This finding demonstrated for the first time that the studied figs oils possessed good antioxidant activity which may be associated with their alleged health benefits
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