353 research outputs found

    A simple Simulation Model for Oxidative Coupling of Methane over La0.6Sr0.4NiO3 Nanocatalyst.

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    La0.6Sr0.4NiO3 perovskite-type oxides were prepared by reverse microemulsion method aided by ultrasonic homogenizer. The mixed oxide precursors and the corresponding derived fresh catalysts were characterized by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area and high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). XRD results reveal that pure phase of perovskite-type crystalline structure was obtained for all samples and the electronic unbalance caused by the partial substitution for La3+ by Sr2+ is compensated by oxidation of a fraction of Ni3+ to Ni4+ and/or generation of oxygen vacancies in the perovskite lattice. There exist two kinds of oxygen species on the oxides: surface adsorption oxygen and bulk lattice oxygen. The surface oxygen contributed to oxidize methane completely to CO2 and H2O because of its higher reactivity, while the other one prone to oxidative coupling of methane into C2H6 and C2H2 (C2+).  In this study a mathematical model for the oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) over La0.6Sr0.4NiO3 pervoskite is developed. From this simulation it can predict that the activity at temperature ? 925 ºC and methane partial pressure =0.3 and oxygen partial pressure =0.1 will be reach ~10% and selectivity ~50%. Keywords: Oxidative coupling, Methane, Perovskit

    The Understanding of Meaning and Cultural Significance of Leisure, Recreation and Sport in Malaysia towards Capitalizing Human Resources

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    This paper is concerned with examining the impact towards capitalizing human resource (i) the meaning of leisure, recreation and sport in the context of Malay language and (ii) the cultural significance of leisure, recreation and sport in Malaysia. There is no single word in Malay that could be translated as leisure and recreation. Most Malaysians understand leisure as “kegiatan masa lapang” (free time activity) or “waktu senggang” and recreation as” riadah” (active recreation) or “santai” (passive recreation). The direct translation for sport is “sukan”. The availability of the term” sukan” has helped sport to be more familiar among Malaysians than leisure and recreation. Leisure, recreation and sport in Malaysia are manifested in the patterns of the Malay language and culture. Culture is commonly used to describe a way of life. The symbols and rituals of some Malaysians indicate the strength of their adherence to certain behavioural norms related to good health and well-being. Attitude wise, Malaysians seem to enjoy „time after work‟, holidays and out of door activities during their leisure time. In Malaysia, sport persons are not as popular as a hero / role model as compared to a politician. Furthermore, Malaysians, being Eastern-oriented, are more inclined to incorporate their religious values into leisure, recreation and sport, although Islam allows one to proceed towards excellence in sport but the emphasis is on healthy bodies, family recreation and social harmony. Since sport is generally based on Western interpretations, many regulations such as dress codes, do not in accordance to Islamic principles, and this may make it difficult for some Malaysians, especially Muslim women, to participate

    What Determines Sukuk Market Development? New Theoretical Insights

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    In recent past, the Asian economies faced various financial crises, 1997 & 2008, because of underdeveloped or small capital markets. Most of the countries continued to heavily depend on the mere banking system for sovereign and corporate financing needs which made the region repeatedly vulnerable to the crises state. Therefore, the last decade has witnessed the remarkable growth in the alternative arrangement in the form sukuk and bond markets. The academic literature on the topic mainly focuses on bond market ignoring largely the determinants of sukuk market. Using content analysis approach, this conceptual study proposes the theoretical relationships of sukuk with some new possible determining factors along with some other factors which have not received enough attention in the literature. The study focuses on the dynamics of foreign capital inflows, macroeconomic and financial variables with respect to sukuk market development

    La ténorraphie percutanée dans les ruptures fraîches du tendon calcanéen : à propos de 67 cas

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    La rupture du tendon calcanéen est une des lésions les plus fréquentes en pathologie du sport, les deux options thérapeutiques classiques sont le traitement orthopédique et la chirurgie à ciel ouvert. Dans le but de minimiser ces complications, des techniques mini-invasives de ténorraphie percutanée ont été proposées dont les résultats sont encourageants. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective d'une série de cas de rupture sous cutanée du tendon d'Achille s'étalant de Avril 2005 au Juin 2012 concernant 67 patients ; 11 femmes et 56 hommes avec un âge moyen de 41 ans. La cause principale était un accident de sport dans 45 cas. Le  diagnostic était évident à l'examen chez tous les patients. Dans deux cas il s'agissait d'une rerupture survenant à 1 et 5 ans d'un traitement orthopédique. Dans un  cas il s'agissait d'une rerupture survenant après une ténorraphie percutanée. Dans deux cas il s'agissait d'une rupture sur tendinopathie chronique. Tous les  patients avaient bénéficié d'une radio de la cheville qui avait montré une  horizontalisation du calcanéum chez 5 patients et surtout elle n'avait pas montré de fracture associée, alors que 15 patients avaient bénéficié d'une échographie qui a confirmé le diagnostic. Tous les patients avaient été opérés dans un délai de moins de 48 heures Une ténorraphie percutanée a été pratiqué chez tous les patients. Le recul moyen est de 43 mois, trois patients ont été perdus de vue Nous  avons noté une reprise des activités professionnelle effective en moyen 90 jours après l'intervention et celle des activités sportive à 6 mois en moyenne L'état  cutané local a été jugée bon dans 63 cas. Par ailleurs les complications ont été marquées par un seul cas d'infection ayant nécessité une reprise chirurgical a été noté mise à plat, trois cas de rerupture repris par suture à ciel ouvert, un cas d'algodystrophie et un cas de tendinopathie Il n'y a eu aucune complication  thromboembolique ni neurologique. Il n'existe pas de réel consensus concernant la prise en charge des ruptures du tendon calcanéen. Ainsi, La ténorraphie  percutanée du tendon calcanéen est une méthode simple rapide et efficace, elle allie les avantages de la chirurgie à ciel ouvert en termes de pourcentage de rerupture et les avantages du traitement fonctionnel en rapport avec un faible risque infectieux.Key words: Ténorraphie percutanée, rupture fraîche, tendon calcanéen, spor

    Serological and Molecular Identification of Brucella spp. in Pigs from Cairo and Giza Governorates, Egypt

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    Brucellosis is considered as endemic disease of animals and humans since thousands of years in Egypt. However, brucellosis in pigs has never been reported in Egypt. Thus, serological and molecular assays were applied to detect anti-Brucella antibodies and DNA in serum samples collected from pigs. In total 331 blood samples collected from male and female pigs at slaughterhouses of Cairo and Giza governorates were investigated using Brucella c- and i-ELISA and Brucella real-time PCR. Anti-Brucella antibodies were detected in 16 (4.83%) and 36 (10.8%) sera by i-ELISA and c-ELISA, respectively. Brucella DNA was detected in 10 (3.02%) seropositive samples and identified as Brucella melitensis (7/10) and Brucella suis (3/10). A higher prevelance was found in boars. This is the first study investigating pig brucellosis in Egypt. The results of this study will raise awareness for brucellosis in these farm animals and will help to develop effective control strategies

    Pipeline problem: factors influencing the under representation of women in the top leadership positions of sport organisations

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    National Sport Associations, National and International Sport Federations and even the International Olympic Committee continue to struggle with meeting the 20% representation quota of women in executive boards. Although women’s representation as athletes, coaches and officials has increased in national and international sport competitions, this does not hold in leadership, particularly in top positions. In sport leadership, empirical research showed statistical figures that women have gained access in leadership pipeline however, they still lack representation on executive boards. This study is a part of a larger phenomenological investigation intended to identify the factors that influence the persistent underrepresentation of women in top leadership positions. From a purposive maximum variation sampling of seven participants, top women leaders in Malaysia national sport organisations were interviewed about their career paths and experiences concerning how and why women top leaders continue to lag behind their male counterparts. Results suggest that self-limiting behaviors, work-life conflict and interpersonal relationships among other women contribute to the underrepresentation of women in top positions. Factors attributed to social perception of gender and leadership roles incongruence also limited women leaders’ access in organisations, which subsequently contribute to the pipeline problem. Moreover, participants offered suggestions in overcoming the challenges and personal strategies in advancing opportunities and career development

    Microstructural Characteristics of Fly Ash Geopolymer Modified Asphalt Binder

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    The incorporation of by-product materials, such as fly ash geopolymer, has a significant influence on the properties of asphalt. This results in a reduction in binder viscosity and an increase in binder stiffness. This, in turn, promotes enhanced aggregate-bitumen bonding. Geopolymer refers to a class of inorganic materials characterized by the formation of a long-range, covalently bonded non-crystalline skeleton. The aim of this study was to explore the potential of incorporating waste and by-product materials, specifically fly ash geopolymer additive, in order to influence the microstructure of asphalt binder. The focus was on examining how the inclusion of fly ash geopolymer could alter the internal arrangement and composition of the asphalt binder, leading to potential improvements in its properties and performance. Laboratory experiments were performed to analyze the microstructure of 60/70 and 80/100 asphalt binder samples using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging. These samples were modified with various concentrations (3%, 5%, 7%, 9%, and 11%) of fly ash geopolymer additive. The SEM images were obtained to examine the morphological changes and assess the distribution of the fly ash geopolymer particles within the asphalt binder matrix at different additive concentrations. The NOVA NANOSEM 230 equipment was utilized to determine the morphological characteristics of the binders. The results showed notable variations in the properties of the asphalt binders modified with fly ash geopolymer compared to the unmodified control binder. The morphological evaluation revealed thorough blending of the fly ash geopolymer additive. Notably, the micrographs demonstrated a denser structure with increased percentages of fly ash geopolymer, indicating a presence of fly ash and alkaline activator promotes the rapid formation of polymerization. These findings emphasize the promising potential of fly ash geopolymer as an additive in asphalt binder. The significant effect it has on viscosity when incorporated into modified asphalt binder makes it a valuable candidate for application in the field

    Microstructural Characteristics of Fly Ash Geopolymer Modified Asphalt Binder

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    The incorporation of by-product materials, such as fly ash geopolymer, has a significant influence on the properties of asphalt. This results in a reduction in binder viscosity and an increase in binder stiffness. This, in turn, promotes enhanced aggregate-bitumen bonding. Geopolymer refers to a class of inorganic materials characterized by the formation of a long-range, covalently bonded non-crystalline skeleton. The aim of this study was to explore the potential of incorporating waste and by-product materials, specifically fly ash geopolymer additive, in order to influence the microstructure of asphalt binder. The focus was on examining how the inclusion of fly ash geopolymer could alter the internal arrangement and composition of the asphalt binder, leading to potential improvements in its properties and performance. Laboratory experiments were performed to analyze the microstructure of 60/70 and 80/100 asphalt binder samples using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging. These samples were modified with various concentrations (3%, 5%, 7%, 9%, and 11%) of fly ash geopolymer additive. The SEM images were obtained to examine the morphological changes and assess the distribution of the fly ash geopolymer particles within the asphalt binder matrix at different additive concentrations. The NOVA NANOSEM 230 equipment was utilized to determine the morphological characteristics of the binders. The results showed notable variations in the properties of the asphalt binders modified with fly ash geopolymer compared to the unmodified control binder. The morphological evaluation revealed thorough blending of the fly ash geopolymer additive. Notably, the micrographs demonstrated a denser structure with increased percentages of fly ash geopolymer, indicating a presence of fly ash and alkaline activator promotes the rapid formation of polymerization. These findings emphasize the promising potential of fly ash geopolymer as an additive in asphalt binder. The significant effect it has on viscosity when incorporated into modified asphalt binder makes it a valuable candidate for application in the field

    Does Student Teachers' Digital Interest in YouTube Technology Matter? A Case Study of Micro-Teaching Skills

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    In 2021, according to the statistical research presented, 2 billion videos would be seen on YouTube every day, and more than a billion individuals will subscribe to channels and use the site on a regular basis. Because of its widespread usage and ease of accessibility, YouTube video technology has been shown in several studies to have advantages for classroom instruction and lifetime learning.  The persistent reason for this research was to investigate the perspective of teacher-trainees' interest in using video in teaching Micro-teaching skills, by applying YouTube video technology as an educational instrument in the instructional process. The research survey design was applied with 300 teacher-trainees in all NCE and B. Ed. programmes as the respondents to the research from all various departments. The questionnaires were distributed to them after watching the video clips on YouTube.  The collected data was analysed using simple frequencies used for the test of the research question and analysis of Person correlation coefficient to retain or discard the hypothesis. The result revealed that teacher trainees have an interest in the usage of YouTube video technology, and it can be used to attain the educational ends achieved through the usage of YouTube video technology in teaching micro-teaching skills. The exciting findings of the result show that teachers and trainees from all departments agree and are satisfied that YouTube technology is an educational resource for modern instruction. The research recommends that YouTube should be used as a digital alternative to traditional microteaching (face-to-face), and it will address students' congestion due to the lack of appropriate lab equipment and qualified technicians in traditional microteaching laboratories