132 research outputs found

    Untersuchung des Einflusses von Landnutzung und Bewirtschaftung auf die Wasser-Infiltrationskapazität von Böden in einem Wassereinzugsgebiet

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    The assessment of impacts due to land-use or land-management changes on a regional scale is difficult, because rarely detailed information on soil properties and land-management are available. The awareness of the effects of interference in ecosystems is extremely important to supply landscape planners and politician information about the impacts of their proposed plans. The aim of this work is the assessment of the maximum water storage capacity of soils under different land-use and land-management situations in a real river catchment (Schunter). Based on field measurements of infiltration under several land-use and land-management situations, a modelling approach has been developed, to determine the maximum potential water storage capacity (Smax). This maximum water storage capacity is closely related to the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), and also a suitable indicator, which can be used to compare different land-use/land-management scenarios. Smax is a theoretical value describing the maximum potential of a given soil/land-use unit. An integrated measure, which takes into account the soil properties in combination to the land-use and the land-management, can be found as a part in the Curve Number (CN) from the “Curve Number Model" of the National Resource Conservation Service. The CN is a dimensionless value which has been identified experimentally for a variety of different soil, land-use and land-management situations for small scale catchments in the US. The CN is related to the water retention potential (S), and S is originally used to compute the direct runoff from a precipitation event. This work examined a new method to derive the CNm by infiltration measurements in the field. The experimental determination of the CNm allows the update of existing curve numbers for special situations not covered in the handbook.Die Bewertung der Auswirkungen von Landnutzung- oder Bewirtschaftungsänderungen auf regionaler Ebene ist schwierig, weil selten detaillierte Informationen über die Bodeneigenschaften und die Bewirtschaftungsformen zur Verfügung stehen. Das Beurteilung der Folgen von Eingriffen in Ökosysteme ist aber äußerst wichtig, da Landschaftsplaner und Politiker Informationen über die Auswirkungen ihrer Planungen benötigen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Abschätzung der maximalen Wasserspeicherkapazität von Böden unter verschiedenen Landnutzungen-und Bewirtschaftungsformen in einem realen Einzugsgebiet (Schunter). Basierend auf Infiltrationsmessungen im Gelände unter verschiedenen Landnutzungs- und Bewirtschaftungssituationen ist ein Modellierungsansatz entwickelt worden, um die maximal mögliche Speicherkapazität für Wasser (Smax) in Böden zu bestimmen. Diese maximale Speicherfähigkeit ist eng mit der gesättigten hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit (Ks) verbunden, und gleichzeitig auch ein geeigneter Indikator, um verschiedene Landnutzungs- und Bewirtschaftungsszenarien zu vergleichen. Smax ist ein theoretischer Wert, der das maximale Potential eines gegebenen Boden/Landnutzung Einheit beschreibt. Eine integratives Maß für die Berücksichtigung der Bodeneigenschaften in Kombination mit der Landnutzung und der Bewirtschaftung stellt die sogenannte Curve Number (CN) aus dem "Curve Number-Modell" des National Resource Conservation Service dar. Die CN ist ein dimensionsloser Wert, der experimentell für eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Boden-, Landnutzungs-und Bewirtschaftungs-Situationen für kleine Einzugsgebiete in den USA ermittelt wurde. Die CN ist eng mit dem Wasserspeicherpotential (S) verbunden; S wurde ursprünglich verwendet, um den direkten Abfluss aus einem Niederschlagsereignis berechnen. Diese Arbeit entwickelt eine neue Methode, um die CNm durch Infiltrationsmessungen im Gelände zu bestimmen

    Laparotomic myomectomy for a huge cervical myoma in a young nulligravida woman: A case report and review of the literature

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    Background: A huge cervical myoma (rare) in a young woman is a nightmare of every gynecologist owing to the associated technical challenges in performing a myomectomy. Moreover, the 2014 US Food and Drug Administration prohibited power morcellation during laparoscopic myomectomy due to the inadvertent spread of occult malignancy and an increased risk of iatrogenic parasitic leiomyoma negatively affected the overall rate of a minimally invasive surgery. Case: This report described our experience with a case of a huge anterior cervical myoma (473 gr) in a young nulligravida woman who successfully underwent laparotomic myomectomy. After an initial diagnosis by Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we performed preoperative ureteric catheterization. The myoma was enucleated following the footsteps of Victor Bonney, the pioneer of myomectomy, combined with simple additional steps. We did not use preoperative gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog, intraoperative vasopressin injection, or uterine artery ligation. A 6-month follow-up MRI revealed an intact cervical canal in midline position with no evidence of residual fibroid. Conclusion: Based on our experience, the review of the relevant literature, and the US Food and Drug Administration's prohibition of power morcellation during laparoscopic myomectomy, a laparotomic myomectomy for a huge cervical myoma still plays a vital role in fertility preservation. We propose the mnemonic "MUSIC" as a helpful guide for a consistent strategy: M (preoperative MRI), U (prophylactic ureteric catheterization), S (shell out the myoma following Bonney's principles i.e. start-up and stay intracapsular), I (immediate suction to clarify dead space) and C (close the cavity by spiraling stitch). Key words: Cervix, Fibroid, Leiomyoma, Myomectomy

    Evaluating the Effects of Human Activity over the Last Decades on the Soil Organic Carbon Pool Using Satellite Imagery and GIS Techniques in the Nile Delta Area, Egypt

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    The study aims to clarify the relationship between soil organic carbon (SOC) and human activity under arid conditions, in the east area of the Nile Delta, Egypt. SOC is one of the critical factors in food production and plays an important role in the climate change because it affects the physio-chemical soil characteristics, plant growth, and contributes to sustainable development on global levels. For the purpose of our investigations, 120 soil samples (0–30 cm) were collected throughout different land uses and soil types of the study area. Multiple linear regressions (MLR) were used to investigate the spatiotemporal relationship of SOC, soil characteristics, and environmental factors. Remote sensing data acquired from Landsat 5 TM in July 1995 and operational land imager (OLI) in July 2018 were used to model SOC pool. The results revealed significant variations of soil organic carbon pool (SOCP) among different soil textures and land-uses. Soil with high clay content revealed an increase in the percentage of soil organic carbon, and had mean SOCP of 6.08 ± 1.91 Mg C ha−1, followed by clay loams and loamy soils. The higher values of SOCP were observed in the northern regions of the study area. The phenomenon is associated with the expansion of the human activity of initiating fish ponds that reflected higher values of SOC that were related to the organic additions used as nutrients for fish. Nevertheless, the SOC values decreased in southeast of the study area with the decrease of soil moisture contents and the increase in the heavy texture profiles. As a whole, our findings pointed out that the human factor has had a significant impact on the variation of soil organic carbon values in the Eastern Nile Delta from 1995 to 2018. As land use changes from agricultural activity to fish ponds, the SOCP significantly increased. The agriculture land-use revealed higher SOCP with 60.77 Mg C ha−1 in clay soils followed by fish ponds with 53.43 Mg C ha−1. The results also showed a decrease in SOCP values due to an increasing in land surface temperature (LST) thus highlighting that influence of temperature and ambient soil conditions linked to land-use changes have a marked impact on surface SOCP and C sequestration

    Amalan bekerjasama dalam komuniti setempat: Kepentingannya menurut perspektif Islam

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    Dalam era pasca modenisma, semakin ramai yang bersikap individualistik lantaran saling berlumba-lumba mengejar kebendaan. Mereka hanya memikirkan cara menyempurnakan kehidupan dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja asalkan keinginan tercapai. Hak dan keperluan orang lain diabaikan. Akibatnya, ada yang tidak mengenali jiran apatah lagi memberikan bantuan kepada yang bermasalah. Sesetengahnya berfikir bahawa tidak perlu mencampuri hal orang lain dan sebaliknya. Mereka turut terpengaruh dengan fahaman kapitalisme iaitu setiap orang adalah bertanggungjawab terhadap nasib dirinya sendiri, bebas dalam segala tindakan terhadap harta bendanya. Kesannya, orang-orang kaya merasa tidak dipertanggungjawabkan untuk membantu golongan miskin. Pihak majikan pula tidak menghiraukan kebajikan pekerja bawahan malah mengambil kesempatan atas kelemahan pekerja dengan memeras tenaga dan memberikan upah yang tidak setimpal. Dalam institusi perkahwinan, isteri dipertanggungjawabkan dengan urusan di rumah sementara suami keluar bekerja mencari nafkah. Bersandarkan anggapan bahawa tugas di rumah adalah mudah, suami hanya duduk bersantai, sementara si isteri begitu sibuk dengan urusan yang banyak. Keadaan ini seringkali menimbulkan ketidakpuasan hati isteri dan akhirnya timbul pergolakan dalam rumahtangga hingga menyebabkan penceraian atau pergaduhan. Kebiasaannya, kebajikan anak-anak terabai. Jika masalah tersebut tidak ditangani dengan baik, anak-anak akan mudah terjerumus ke dalam kebejatan sosial. Artikel ini akan mengupas beberapa bentuk kerjasama yang harus wujud dalam keluarga dan komuniti setempat. Antaranya ialah kerjasama antara suami dan isteri dalam rumahtangga, kerjasama antara sanak saudara, kerjasama masyarakat setempat dalam membuat kebajikan, mencegah kemungkaran dan kerjasama dalam mewujudkan jaringan perniagaan. Dalil-dalil mengenai kepentingan bekerjasama dan kisah-kisah teladan turut dibincangkan

    Collagen-calcium alginate film dressing with therapeutic ultrasound to treat open wound in rats

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    About 24 healthy female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing between 300-350 g were used in this study over a 20 day period. They were allocated randomly into 4 groups of 6 animals each. After the creation of 2x2 cm open wound, group 1 was control treated with Gentamycin ointment. Groups 2-4 were treated with Therapeutic ultrasound massage, collagen-calcium alginate film and collagen-calcium alginate film with therapeutic ultrasound. On application, the collagen-calcium alginate film with therapeutic ultrasound was well accepted by the animals without any adverse reaction. Mean percentage of wound contraction were significantly better in group 4 (p<0.05). Faster epithelialization was also seen in the collagen-calcium alginate film with therapeutic ultrasound treated group as compared to the other groups. Collagen is a biocompatible protein that does not interfere with the body’s normal immunologic response and can be used in non-healing chronic wounds which require a trigger to stimulate the normal healing process. In extensive wounds when there is lack of autologous tissue, biomaterials like collagen-calcium alginate may be beneficial and can be used


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       The ZnO/TiO2 bilayer was fabricated on the fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate. The ZnO nanorods and TiO2 nanoparticles were developed as photoanode material that were fabricated by using sol-gel immersion and squeegee method. The structure of ZnO/TiO2 bilayer showed a good properties for photoanode in DSSCs application. The ZnO/TiO2 bilayer has large surface area that could increase a dye loading and performance of photoanode. Meanwhile, the micro-Raman spectra of ZnO/TiO2 bilayer indicated a good crystallinity. Therefore, the ZnO/TiO2 bilayer showed a good structure for photoanode in DSSCs application.Key words: ZnO nanorods, TiO2 nanoparticles, ZnO/TiO2 bilayer, Photoanode ABSTRAKLapisan ZnO/TiO2 difabrikasi di atas substrat oksida timah yang di doping florin (FTO). Batang nano ZnO dan partikel nano TiO2 dikembangkan sebagai material fotoanoda yang difabrikasi menggunakan metode pencelupan sol-gel dan squeegee. Struktur lapisan ZnO/TiO2menunjukkan sifat fotoanoda yang baik dalam aplikasi DSSCs. Lapisan ZnO/TiO2memiliki luas permukaan yang besar yang bisa meningkatkan muatan dye dan performa fotoanoda. Sedangkan spktrum mikro-Raman lapisan ZnO/TiO2mengindikasikan kristalinitas yang bagus. Oleh karena itu, lapisan ZnO/TiO2menunjukkan struktur yang baik untuk fotoanoda di dalam aplikasi DSSCs.Kata Kunci: batang nano ZnO, partikel nano TiO2, lapisan ZnO/TiO2, fotoanod


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    A new layered material-drug nanocomposite namely, Zn/Al-layered double hydroxide-ferulate (Zn/Al-LDH-FA) has been synthesized using the ion exchange method. PXRD pattern and elemental analysis showed that Zn/Al-LDH-FA nanocomposite yielded high crystalline and pure phase material with a basal spacing of 17.4 Å and anion loading of 35.9 % respectively. The FTIR spectra reveal the presence of FA in the interlayer of Zn/Al-LDH, while the thermal analysis shows that the Zn/Al-LDH has enhanced the thermal stability of FA in the interlayer compared to its pure form. Anionic FA intercalated into the interlayer of Zn/Al-LDH as vertical monolayer with the carboxylate groups pointing towards the Zn/Al-LDHs layers. The intercalation of FA into the interlayer of Zn/Al-LDH is also supported by morphology analysis, FESEM.Keywords: Synthesis, Intercalation, Layered Double Hydroxide, Ferulic AcidABSTRAKSebuah bahan-obat berlapis nanokomposit baru yaitu, Zn/Al-berlapis ganda hidroksida-ferulate (Zn/Al-LDH-FA) telah disintesis dengan menggunakan metode pertukaran ion. Pola PXRD dan analisis unsur menunjukkan bahwa Zn/Al-LDH-FA nanokomposit menghasilkan kristalinitas tinggi dan material fase murni dengan jarak basal dari 17,4 Å dan pemuatan anion 35,9%. Spektrum FTIR mengungkapkan adanya FA di lapisan Zn/Al-LDH, sedangkan analisis termal menunjukkan bahwa Zn/Al-LDH telah meningkatkan stabilitas termal FA di antar lapisan dibandingkan dengan bentuk murninya. Anionik FA diselingi ke dalam interlayer Zn/Al-LDH sebagai monolayer vertikal dengan gugus karboksilat menunjuk ke arah lapisan Zn/Al-LDHs. Interkalasi dari FA ke dalam interlayer Zn/Al-LDH juga didukung oleh analisis morfologi, FESEM.Kata kunci: Sintesis, interkalasi, hidroksida berlapis ganda, asam feruli


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    In this work, graphene oxide (GO) and reduced GO (rGO) thin films were fabricated from GO and rGO using the custom-made and commercial surfactants, which were sodium 1,4-bis (neopentyloxy)-3-(neopentyloxycarbonyl)-1,4-dioxobutane-2-sulphonate and sodium dodecyl sulphate, respectively. The GO solution was synthesized using electrochemical exfoliation method followed by reduction process utilizing hydrazine hydrate to produce rGO solution. The GO and rGO transfer process were done using spraying deposition method on fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate. The fabricated GO and rGO thin films consists of several layers resulted in high transparency over 85% with maximum transmittance of 93.69%. Based on several characterizations, the fabricated GO and rGO thin films have potential to be applied as transparent conductive electrode.Key words: Custom-made, Surfactant, Electrochemical, Spraying, Electrode. ABSTRAKDalam penelitian ini, film tipis grafin oksida (GO) dan grafin oksida yang direduksi (rGO) difabrikasi dari GO dan rGO menggunakan surfaktan yang dibuat khusus dan surfaktan komersial yaitu secara berurutan adalah sodium 1,4-bis (neopentyloxy)-3-(neopentyloxycarbonyl)-1,4-dioxobutane-2-sulphonate dan sodium dodecyl sulphate. Larutan GO disintesis menggunakan metode eksfoliasi elektrokimia diikuti dengan proses reduksi menggunakan hidrazin hidrat untuk menghasilkan larutan rGO. Proses transfer GO dan RGO dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deposisi penyemprotan diatas substrat oksida timah oksida dengan doping florin. Film tipis GO dan rGO yang difabrikasi terdiri dari beberapa lapis dengan transparansi tinggi mencapai 85% dengan transmitansi maksimum sebesar 93,69%. Berdasarkan beberapa karakterisasi, film tipis GO dan rGO ini memiliki potensi untuk diaplikasikan sebagai elektroda konduktif transparan.Kata Kunci: dibuat khusus, surfaktan, elektrokimia, penyemprotan, elektrod


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    In this work, the modification of TiO2 nanostructures based on its morphology and crystallinity phase were fabricated using a simple method. Hydrothermal growth method was used to synthesize nanorods and nanoflowers, while nanoparticles was applied using squeegee method. The average length and diameter of the as-grown nanorods were 3.5 and 46-215 nm, respectively. Meanwhile, the average total thickness and band gap value of mixed-phase TiO2 nanostructures were 15.98-24.54 nm and 2.84 eV, respectively. Based on its structural and electrical properties, the fabricated film has great potential to be applied as photoanode semiconductor layer for dye-sensitized solar cells application. Key words: TiO2, Nanostructures, Mixed-phase, Hydrothermal, Squeege

    Optimal Number of Nodes Deployment Method in Corona-Based WSN

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of several nodes with limited and non-rechargeable power resources. Therefore, energy efficiency and network lifetime depend on the utilize way of sensor nodes. Recently, some methods and strategies have been employed in this regard. Most of them could improve network lifespan to an acceptable level. Energy hole is one of inherent problems which can decrease the network lifetime to 89%. In multi-hop WSNs, the sensors located closer to sink must relay more data packets in comparison with other ones, thus their power supplies will be exhausted earlier than other nodes. Whereas, the sensor nodes belonging to other layers still have required energy for transmitting their data packets. This asynchronous energy depletion is considered as a problem. In this paper, we present a mathematical model for non-uniform node deployment for corona-based WSNs. According to results, Optimal Number of Nodes Deployment Method (ONNDM) enhance the network lifetime via balancing energy consumption and workload among coronas. In ONNDM, the optimum number of nodes in each corona is obtained by a mathematical formula, which can outperform other proposed strategies