328 research outputs found

    Recognizing grave socio-economic rights abuses as valid refugee claims under international refugee law

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    Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right of every person to seek asylum from persecution in other countries. Accordingly, the United Nations adopted the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees in 1951. The Convention, in its first article, sets the definition of the term refugee. It also establishes a criteria that decision makers should follow in order to determine if someone is a refugee. Since the implementation of the Convention, writers and practitioners have regularly been using an approach that maintains a dichotomy between economic migrants and political refugees. This dichotomy is regularly used by decision makers to reject entire classes of applicants on the basis that their claims reflect economic migrant status rather than refugee status. The current situation of global destitution has pushed many people from poor countries to flee to more developed countries where they apply for asylum in order to find protection. These applicants have started to make claims that have begun to challenge the boundaries of the Refugee Convention and question the validity of the traditional dichotomy between economic migrants and political refugees. This paper identifies the conceptual and analytical challenges presented by claims based on economic and social deprivation. It assesses how to overcome these challenges by using a creative interpretation of the Refugee Convention based on recent developments in international human rights law. The central argument of this paper is that in spite of, the traditional dichotomy made between economic migrants and political refugees by legal scholars, the Refugee Convention is capable of accommodating many more claims based on social or economic deprivation. To prove this argument, the paper analyzes each element of the refugee definition and shows how socio-economic-based claims can fulfill the requirements of a refugee claim

    Design Optimisation of Muzzle Brake for Sniper Rifle

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    Muzzle brakes (MBs) have a great effect on reducing the recoil force of weapons during firing. In this paper, optimum MB efficiency, MB force and recoil force for (12,7 x 99 mm) sniper rifle have been studied. The objective is to obtain the optimum area of side openings, inclination angle and number of chambers for the MB in order to increase the MB efficiency and MB force and thereby to decrease their coil force of the weapon. An analytical model for calculating MB efficiency, MB force and weapon recoil force for MBs of two, three and four chambers has been established. This Model is then utilised in combination with design of experiment (DOE) and Response Surface Method (RSM) statistical techniques to develop a smooth response function which can be efficiently used in optimisation formulation. Finally, multi objectives generic algorithm (MOGA) optimisation method has been employed to find the optimum MB design parameters. The optimisation results show that the three or four chambers MBs have no significant effect on reducing the weapon recoil force compared with the two chamber MB for this sniper rifle

    Spectral elements for guided waves. Formulation, Dispersion Analysis and Simulation Results

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    Résumé : La surveillance de l’intégrité des structures (Structural Health Monitoring - SHM) est une nouvelle technologie, et comme toute nouvelle avancée technologique, elle n’a pas encore réalisé son plein potentiel. Le SHM s’appuie sur des avancées dans plusieurs disciplines, dont l’évaluation non-desctructive, les matériaux intelligents, et les capteurs et actionneurs intégrés. Une des disciplines qui permet son déploiement est la simulation numérique. Le SHM englobe une variété de techniques basées sur la génération d’ondes vibratoires et d’ondes ultrasonores guidées. L’utilisation d’ondes guidées offre en particulier une vaste gamme d’avantages. Le défi majeur associé à la pleine utilisation de la simulation numérique dans la conception d’un système SHM basé sur l’utilisation d’ondes guidées réside dans les ressources de calcul requises pour une simulation précise. La principale raison pour ces exigences est la dispersion induite par la discrétisation numérique, tel qu’indiqué dans la littérature. La méthodes des éléments spectraux (SEM) est une variante de la p-version de la méthode des éléments finis (FEM) qui offre certains outils pour solutionner le problème des erreurs de dispersion, mais la littérature souffre toujours d’une lacune dans l’étude systématique des erreurs de dispersion numérique et de sa dépendance sur les paramètres de simulation. Le présent ouvrage tente de combler cette lacune pour les théories d’ingénierie en vibrations. Il présente d’abord le développement de la formulation des éléments spectraux pour différentes théories d’ingénierie pertinentes pour la propagation des ondes vibratoires dans différents types de structures, comme des tiges et des plaques. Puis, une nouvelle technique pour le calcul des erreurs de dispersion numériques est présentée et appliquée systématiquement dans le but d’évaluer la dispersion numérique induite en termes d’erreurs dans les vitesses de propagation. Cette technique est utilisable pour les différentes formes de propagation des ondes vibratoires dans les éléments structuraux visés dans la présente thèse afin d’évaluer quantitativement les exigences de précision en termes de paramètres de maillage. Les ondes de Lamb constituent un cas particulier de la déformation plane des ondes élastiques, en raison de la présence des doubles frontières à traction libre qui couplent les ondes longitudinales et de cisaillement et qui conduisent à une infinité de modes propagatifs qui sont dispersifs par nature. La simulation des ondes de Lamb n’a pas fait l’objet d’analyse systématique de la dispersion numérique dans la littérature autant pour la SEM que la FEM. Nous rapportons ici pour la première fois les résultats de l’analyse de dispersion numérique pour la propagation des ondes Lamb. Pour toutes les analyses de dispersion numérique présentées ici, l’analyse a été effectuée à˘ala fois dans le domaine fréquentiel et dans le domaine temporel. En se basant sur la nouvelle compréhension des effets de discrétisation numérique de la propagation des ondes guidées, nous étudions l’application de la SEM à la simulation numérique pour des applications de conception en SHM. Pour ce faire, l’excitation piézoélectrique est développée, et une nouvelle technique de condensation statique est développée et mise en œuvre pour les équations de la matrice semi-discrète, qui élimine le besoin de solution itérative, ainsi surnommée fortement couplée ou entièrement couplée. Cet élément piézoélectrique précis est ensuite utilisé pour étudier en détails les subtilités de la conception d’un système SHM en mettant l’accent sur la propagation des ondes de Lamb. Afin d’éviter la contamination des résultats par les réflexions sur les bords une nouvelle forme particulière d’élément absorbant a été développée et mise en œuvre. Les résultats de simulation dans le domaine fréquentiel jettent un éclairage nouveau sur les limites des modèles théoriques actuels pour l’excitation des ondes de Lamb par piézoélectriques. L’excitation par un élément piézoélectrique couplé est ensuite entièrement simulée dans le domaine temporel, et les résultats de simulation sont validés par deux cas de mesures expérimentales ainsi que par la simulation classique avec des éléments finis en utilisant le logiciel commercial ANSYS. // Abstract : Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a novel technology, and like any new technological advancement it has yet not realized its full potential. It builds on advancements in several disciplines including nondestructive evaluation, smart materials, and embedded sensors and actuators. One of the enabling disciplines is the numerical simulation. SHM encompasses a variety of techniques, vibration based, impedance and guided ultrasonic waves. Guided waves offers a wide repertoire of advantages. The major challenge facing the full utilization of the numerical simulation in designing a viable guided waves based SHM System is the formidable computational requirements for accurate simulation. The main reason for these requirements is the dispersion induced by numerical discretization as explained in the literature review. The spectral element (SEM) is a variant of the p-version finite element (FEM) that offers certain remedies to the numerical dispersion errors problem, yet it lacks a systematic study of the numerical dispersion errors and its dependence on the meshing parameters. The present work attempts to fill that gap for engineering theories. It starts by developing the formulation of the spectral element for different relevant engineering theories for guided waves propagation in various structural elements, like rods and plates. Then, extending the utility of a novel technique for computing the numerical dispersion errors, we systematically apply it in order to evaluate the numerically induced dispersion in terms of errors in the propagation speeds. This technique is employed for the various forms of guided waves propagation in structural elements covered in the present thesis in order to quantitatively assess the accuracy requirements in terms of the meshing parameters. The Lamb guided waves constitute a special case of the plane strain elastic waves, that is due to the presence of the double traction free boundaries, couple in the section plane and this coupling leads to an infinitude of propagating modes that are dispersive in nature. Lamb waves simulation have not been a subject of numerical dispersion analysis in the open literature neither for SEM nor FEM for that matter. We report here for the first time the numerical dispersion analysis results for Lamb waves propagation. For all the numerical dispersion analysis presented here, the analysis was done for both the frequency domain and time domain analysis. Based on the established understanding of the numerical discretization effects on the guided waves propagation, we utilize this knowledge to study the application of SEM to SHM simulations. In order to do so the piezoelectric excitation is developed, and a new static condensation technique is developed for the semidiscrete matrix equations, that eliminate the need for iterative solution, thus dubbed strongly coupled or fully coupled implementation. This accurate piezoelectric element are then used to study in details the intricacies of the design of an SHM system with specific emphasis on the Lamb waves propagation. In order to avoid the contamination of the results by the reflections from the edges a new special form of absorbing boundary was developed and implemented. The Simulation results in the frequency domain illuminated the limitations of the current theoretical models for piezoelectric excitation of Lamb waves. The piezoelectric excitation of a fully coupled element is then simulated in the time domain, and the results of simulation was verified against two cases of experimental measurements as well as conventional finite element simulation using the commercial software ANSYS

    Knowledge Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Between Academic Research and Industry Regulations

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    The pharmaceutical sector is one of the pillars of the world’s economy. A significant proportion of its value lies in intellectual assets generated through continuous innovation and lengthy development cycles within a strictly regulated environment. The purpose of this paper is to address the gap between knowledge management (KM) as an expanding academic discipline in the pharmaceutical industry and at the same time a growing regulatory expectation. A systematic review of 137 refereed KM articles revealed six empirical research themes in the pharmaceutical industry. In a subsequent step, the discovered themes and subthemes were compared with the extant regulatory expectations as explained in 128 regulatory guidelines. Findings shed the light on the gap between academic KM research and the current thinking of regulatory bodies. Some regulated knowledge processes were underrepresented in academic literature. The paper offers also novel insights and recommendations for future developments in academic research, regulations and/or industry

    Effect of concrete cover thickness and main reinforcement ratio on flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened by NSM-GFRP bars

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    Experimental and numerical programs were invoked to investigate the effect of concrete cover and area of main steel reinforcement on the flexural behavior of strengthened RC beams by near-surface mounted glass fiber reinforced polymeric (NSM GFRP) bars of different lengths. Nine beams divided into three main groups were tested under four-point bending. The three beams of the first group were strengthened by different lengths of GFRP bars and having a concrete cover of 50 mm, while the three beams in the second group were strengthened in a similar manner as those of the first group but the concrete cover was 30 mm. The main steel reinforcement in the first and second groups was 2Ø10. The three beams of the third group were similar to those of the first and second group but the main steel reinforcement was 2Ø16. The 3-D FE commercial ANSYS program was used for the numerical work. The experimental results showed that decreasing the concrete cover increased the flexural capacity of the strengthened RC beams but this improvement disappeared by decreasing the NSM GFRP bar length. The RC beams flexural strength increased with increasing area of main steel reinforcement. The numerical results showed an agreement with the experimental results

    A Scientometric Analysis of Knowledge Management Research and Practice Literature: 2003 – 2015

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the current research trends in Knowledge Management (KM) through a scientometric analysis of all literature published in KMRP between 2003 and 2015 (506 articles). The review framework explores three sets of review questions addressing Research Productivity, Research Themes and Methods, and Citation Analysis. The study elucidates wide global interest in KM and an increasing trend towards multi-author collaboration. Although more than 55 different industries have featured in the journal, certain knowledge-intensive sectors remain underrepresented. Country productivity shows few nations taking the lead with an interesting correlation between research activity and economic prosperity. Moreover, a growing tendency towards empirical methods is observed in contrast to a decrease in literature review papers, coupled with a recent rise in articles that integrate KM and Information Technology (IT). In terms of citation and influences, few published articles have stood out in the journal’s history. This is the first comprehensive scientometric research of KMRP describes the state-of-the-art value and provides an outlook of the future

    Evaluation of Guided Bone Regeneration Using Xenograft/APRF Mixture in Atrophic Posterior Mandible (Clinical and Radiographic study)

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    Introduction: The rehabilitation of posterior mandible with dental implants represents today a hard challenge for clinicians due to the lack of supporting bone. Different surgical techniques are currently being used to augment the posterior mandible where GBR is considered most commonly used. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients were selected to treat mandibular alveolar ridge resorption with guided bone regeneration using titanium reinforced membrane and a filling mixture of xenograft bovine bone/PRF. The membrane was fixed using meisinger pin control kit and profix 3mm microscrews. A PRF membrane was used to cover the Ti d-ptfe. Results: Using the mixture of PRF/xenograft as well as PRF membranes showed promising results in term of primary wound healing, whereas a significant bone quantity with a mean bone volume of 5.78 ± 0.81 was reported. The primary implant stability recorded high values and significantly increased at a period of 6 months post insertion p=0.037 Conclusion: It could be concluded that PFR/ xenograft mixture can be promising when used with the titanium reinforced d-ptfe membrane in 3D ridge reconstruction of atrophic posterior mandible, moreover using PRF membrane to cover the TI- d-ptfe membrane could enhance soft tissue healing as well as it can prevent soft tissue dehiscence due to the concentration of the growth factors that can be released during primary wound healing.  Xenograft/PRf mixture can be consistent to be utilized for creation of new bone in severely atrophic ridges if used in GBR. The high ISQ at primary implant placement and at a period of 6 months post insertion according to Osstell can explain the successful application of this mixture in 3D bone augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible

    Biventricular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator device placement in patients with hostile tricuspid valve anatomy: two case reports and review of the literature

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    AIMS: Right ventricular (RV) lead placement can be contraindicated in patients after tricuspid valve (TV) surgery. Placement of the implantable cardiac-defibrillator (ICD) lead in the middle cardiac vein (MCV) can be a viable option in these patients who have an indication for biventricular (BiV) ICD. We aim to describe the case of two patients with MCV lead placement and provide a comprehensive review of patients with complex TV pathology and indications for RV lead placement. METHODS AND RESULTS: We describe the cases of two patients with TV pathology unsuitable for the standard transvenous or surgical RV lead placement and undergoing BiV ICD implantation. Their characteristics, procedure, and outcomes are summarized. The BiV ICD was successfully placed with the RV lead positioned in the MCV in both patients. The procedures had no complications and were well-tolerated. On follow-up, both patients had appropriate tachytherapy with no readmissions for heart failure or worsening of cardiac function. CONCLUSION: Right ventricular lead placement of BiV ICD in the MCV can be an excellent alternative in patients with significant TV pathology and poor surgical candidacy
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