210 research outputs found

    Modelling For Temperature Non-Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Fuzzy Logic

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    As we study chemical engineering and in process engineering, we come across the importance of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, CSTR. Many types of controllers have been applied on the CSTR process to control the reactor temperature. In this research paper, an analysis of the response of the conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative, PID controller and multi types of Fuzzy Logic controller for temperature control of CSTR and to design a control system of a non-isothermal temperature control of a CSTR in order to produce the most theoretically stable response curve. A mathematical model of a CSTR using the most general operating condition was developed through a set of differential equations which were later then converted into S-function using MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) editor. After developing the S-function of the defined CSTR model was used in SIMULINK (a graphical programming environment from MATLAB), model by using a path called User-Defined functions which allows us to apply a M.file system that was created prior to the simulation as for this project we used a system block of the S-function or S-function builder

    Students’ Academic Performance Accelerator System: An Online Tutoring System for Accelerating Students Academic Performance Using Moodle

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    Students’ Academic Performance Accelerator System: an Online Tutoring System for Accelerating Students Academic Performance Using Moodle is an educational online webportal which provides four main purposes via a platform known as Moodle; A tool of supplementary teaching for teachers in sharing the resources A tool for teacher in identifying student’s weak points thus accelerating the academic performance A tool for students to encourage self-learning based on their capabilities A tool of informal communication between students and teachers The main target group in this project encompasses of primary school students. The service enables the students to learn in an interactive and enjoyable way via online. This new way of study will promote the concept of learning at own pace as students might have different capabilities in understanding the subject that being taught in class. The features of Students’ Academic Performance Accelerator System: an Online Tutoring System for Accelerating Students Academic Performance Using Moodle are; Online questions or tests Question banks with answer schemes Discussion forums E-report card The objective of the project is to provide benefits to the project’s stakeholders which are; Students Parents Teachers School managemen

    Modelling For Temperature Non-Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Fuzzy Logic

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    As we study chemical engineering and in process engineering, we come across the importance of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, CSTR. Many types of controllers have been applied on the CSTR process to control the reactor temperature. In this research paper, an analysis of the response of the conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative, PID controller and multi types of Fuzzy Logic controller for temperature control of CSTR and to design a control system of a non-isothermal temperature control of a CSTR in order to produce the most theoretically stable response curve. A mathematical model of a CSTR using the most general operating condition was developed through a set of differential equations which were later then converted into S-function using MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) editor. After developing the S-function of the defined CSTR model was used in SIMULINK (a graphical programming environment from MATLAB), model by using a path called User-Defined functions which allows us to apply a M.file system that was created prior to the simulation as for this project we used a system block of the S-function or S-function builder

    Modelling for Temperature Non-Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Fuzzy Logic

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    Many types of controllers were applied on the continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) unit to control the temperature. In this research paper, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller are compared with Fuzzy Logic controller for temperature control of CSTR. The control system for temperature non-isothermal of a CSTR will produce a stable response curve to its set point temperature. A mathematical model of a CSTR using the most general operating condition was developed through a set of differential equations into S-function using MATLAB. The reactor model and S-function are developed using m.file. After developing the S-function of CSTR model, User-Defined functions are used to link to SIMULINK file. Results that are obtained from simulation and temperature control were better when using Fuzzy logic control compared to PID control

    Relationships between organizational commitment, job satisfaction and stress with intention to leave among employees of Appfuxion Consulting Sdn Bhd

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    This research aims to examine the relationships between organizational commitment, job stress and job satisfaction with the intention to leave among the employees of AppFuxion Consulting Sdn Bhd. The study was conducted using the descriptive research method to ensure that the data collected meet the research objectives. Some 92 samples were collected from the employees of AppFuxion Consulting Sdn Bhd with about a total of about 120 population. The quantitative analysis, Cronbach Alpha test and Pearson Correlation test were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 23.0. This research also involved a cross-sectional review of the previous researches on the factors that influenced the intention to leave among employees in other sectors. Job stress are significant positive relationship between intention to leave and job stress with (β = 0.837) and (p = 0.000). Job satisfaction are significant negative relationship between intention to leave and job satisfaction with (β = - 0.008) and (p = 0.942). Organizational Commitment are significant positive relationship between intention to leave and organizational commitment with (β = 0.012) and (p = 0.925). It shown that all three independent variable have influence toward intention to leave

    The Comparison of Bearing Capacity Calculation Obtained based on SPT-N from Seismic Survey against Strength Parameters (c’ and φ) value from Soil Drilling

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    Soil investigation is a method of obtaining data for a particular area regarding the properties of subsoil which includes fieldworks and laboratory tests. Nowadays, conventional techniques are mostly used for soil investigation but there are a few disadvantages of using it have been discovered. The disadvantages of using conventional techniques are costly, time consuming, destructive and limited of equipment mobilization. The scope of study for this research is to determine the bearing capacity calculation obtained based on two different methods which are SPT- N from seismic survey and strength parameters (c’ and φ) from soil drilling


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    Lightweight materials nowadays usually applied in transportation industry. The transportation industry is continuously searching for methods to increase efficiency and decrease fuel consumption. Weight reduction in gangway monorail is a systematic approach that needs to be thoroughly planned, implemented, and maintained in order to coordinate efficient and cost effective. The monorail industry takes into account regarding weight ratio seriously plus added with the weight of passengers. This is where weight reduction plays an important role to increase the efficiency and ensure the integrity of monorail industry. This project is aimed to study the comparison of weight reduction of gangway monorail by comparing existing and new result using NX Nastran but maintains the performance specifications as the weight of gangway is too heavy and must be reduced from 615kg to 510kg. Only part of gangway which is main frame will be analyzed since this is the most critical area where passengers standing. Furthermore, the criteria of Kuala Lumpur Monorail Fleet Expansion (KLMFEP) will be evaluated into this project and aluminium honeycomb sandwich panel is to replace as the new material. In addition, the first stage of the project is by designing the gangway main frame following the original shape and continued by analysis by NX Nastran to see the difference results. The final outcome of this project is a demonstration of aluminium honeycomb sandwich panel in gangway monorail with safety factor and its behavior that is illustrated by a simple practicality of graphical visual engineering interface. In which, the manufacturer can utilized this study as improvement in monorail industry and monitor the performance of the material to make important economic and safety decision. It is hoped that this project will benefit engineers and manufacturers that is currently working on reducing weight of gangway monorail

    Hubungan tipe kepribadian dengan penyesuaian diri siswa di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Khadijah Malang

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    ABSTRAK Adjustment atau Penyesuaian Diri pada peserta didik amatlah dibutuhkan dalam meningkatkan kualitas hubungan antara individu dengan individu lainnya dan hubungan individu dengan lingkungannya. Adjustment itu sendiri adalah mencakup aspek kematangan emosional, kematangan intelektual, kematangan sosial dan tanggung jawab. Menurut Hurlock, E.B Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi penyesuaian diri yang baik (Well Adjustment) adalah kepribadian ekstrovert, yaitu mempunyai orientasi diri keluar atau ekstrovert, siswa yang mempunyai kepribadian ekstrovert bersikap respek, empati terhadap orang lain mempunyai kepedulian terhadap situasi, atau masalah-masalahnya dan bersifat fleksibel dalam berpikirnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menguji apakah ada hubungan positif antara Tipe Kepribadian dengan penyesuaian diri (Adjustment) siswa MTs Khodijah di Malang. Hipotesa pertama yang disajikan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan Tipe Kepribadian dengan Penyesuaian Diri Siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Yakni, mendeteksi sejauh mana variasi-variasi pada suatu faktor yang berkaitan dengan variasi- variasi pada satu atau lebih faktor lain berdasarkan koefisien korelasi. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui: (1)Observasi dan wawancara, (2)Skala psikologi, (3)Dokumentasi. (4) Alat tes. Populasi penelelitian ini adalah kelas X sampai XI dengan jumlah keseluruhan 116 siswa. Untuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode stratified sampling sebesar 60% sehingga sampel yang didapat berjumlah 70 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel purposive. Adapun instrument penelitian ini menggunakan alat tes EPI (Eysenck Personality Inventory) yang diadaptasi dari tokoh psikologi kepribadian Hans Eysenk dari alat tersebut berjumlah 23 pernyataan yang mengungkap tipe kepribadian ekstrovert-introvert, sedangkan untuk skala penyesuaian diri mengacu pada aspek penyesuaian diri yang sehat dari Coleman, J. C. dengan menggunakan skala likert yang berjumlah 50 pernyataan. Dengan alat analisis melalui uji validitas, uji reliabilitas dan Rank Spearman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kuantitatif ini. didapat prosentasi antara tipe kepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert. Dari 70 responden ada Pada kategori ekstrovert terdapat tipe kepribadian ekstrovert 45 siswa dengan prosentase 64,3% dan pada kategori introvert 25 siswa dengan prosentase 36,7%. sedangkan tingkat penyesuaian diri pada kategori tinggi terdapat 27 siswa dengan prosentase 38,6%, pada kategori sedang terdapat 33 siswa dengan prosentase 47,1%, pada kategori rendah terdapat 10 siswa dengan prosentase 14,3%. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui hasil data yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan analisis perhitungan Rank Spearman dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 15.0. Korelasi Rank Spearman menunjukkan angka sebesar rxy = 0,716; Sig = 0,000 < 0,005. Kesimpulannya ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tipe kepribadian dengan penyesuaian diri siswa di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Khadijah Malang. ABSTRACT The stud ent’s adjustment is req uired to imp ro ve the relatio nal q uality. The adjustment itself is co vering some asp ects such as emo tio nal maturity, intellectual maturity, so cial maturity, and respo nsib ility. Accord ing to Hurlo ck E.B, a f acto r aff ecting well ad justment is ex tro vert p erso nality, o r ex ternally self -o riented . Stud ent with ex tro vert perso nality will b e characterized with resp ect, emp athy, care to o ther o r p roblems, and flex ib le tho ught. The research is aimed at ex amining the p o sitive relatio nship b etween stud ent’s p erso nality typ e and ad justment of MTs Khod ijah in Malang. First hypo thesis is that there is a relatio nship b etween stud ent’s perso nality type and ad justment. Co rrelatio n q uantitative is research type. It is meant th at research is d etecting ho w far the co nnectio n of variatio ns of a f actor is with the variatio ns of o ther f acto r b ased o n co rrelatio n co efficient. Some d ata co llectio n techniq ues are used such as (1 ) ob servatio n and interview, (2 ) q uestio nnaire, (3) do cumentatio n, and (4) ex aminatio n tool. Research pop ulatio n is Class X – XI with total of 116 stud ents. Stratif ied is used as sampling method and resulting in 60 % o r 70 stud ents. Purpo sive samp ling techniq ue is also co nsid ered . Some research instruments are emp lo yed such as EPI ( Eysen ck Persona lity In ven to ry) ex aminatio n too l as ad apted f rom p erso nality p sycho lo gy f igure, Hans Eysenck. This too l co ntains of 23 q uestio ns expressing extro vert -intro vert p erso nality typ e. The ad justment scale emp hasizes o n Co leman J.C.’s healthy ad justment asp ect with 50 q uestio ns of Likert Scale. Some analysis too ls are co nsid ered such as validity test, reliab ility test, and Rank Sp earman. Result of this q uantitative research ind icates the p ercentages of p erso nality typ e of ex tro vert and intro vert. Of 70 respo nd ents, 45 stud ents, or 64.3 %, sho w ex tro vert p erso nality, while o ther 25 students, o r 36.7 %, reveal intro vert p erso nality. The ad justment is classif ied in some categories. The high category is f illed with 27 stud ents o r 3 8.6 %, while the med ium and lo w categories are co ntained 33 stud ents and 10 stud ents, o r 477 .1 % and 14 .3 % in p ercentage. Data o utp ut is co llected with Sp earman Rank analysis f acilitated b y SPSS versio n 15.0. Sp earman Rank Correlatio n sho ws r xy = 0 .716, with Sig = 0.000 < 0 .005. Taking these results into acco unt, research may co nclud e that the signif icant relatio nship must actually b e ex isted b etween stud ent’s p erso nality typ e and ad justment at Mad rasah Tsanawiyah Khad ijah Malang

    A legal analysis on marital rape in Malaysia / Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Sahar, Mohamad Arif Aizuddin Masrom and Mohamad Zakwan Mohamad Anuar

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the issue of marital rape in Malaysia from the legal perspective. In the first phase of the project, we discuss the current law and situation of marital rape in Malaysia. Then, we compare the law with other countries that have applied it such as Scotland and United States. The second phase of the project, we carried out field work in the context that we handle questionnaires to the respondents that relates to this issue and to the public in order to receive their feedback. The final phase of this project is where we conclude our research and recommend solutions that can be done by the legislature and authorities in Malaysia in order to handle this issue efficiently


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    Every higher education nowadays uses e-learning as the best way to interact between lecturers and students. Web-based learning is widely used nowadays to support a process of teaching and learning as it is more interactive than traditional ways of teaching. This paper focuses more on developing a Web-based learning environment for Calculus. The main objective for this project is to develop a Virtual Interactive Tutorial System for Calculus using Web-based learning where students can utilize internet technology to gain Output learning. This project involved three important tools which is PHP programming language, MySQL database management system and XAMPP server. Firstly we write a source code for our system using PHP language, then we store our database using MySQL and finally we test our system on local server using XAMPP
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