57 research outputs found

    Toward better estimation of HVAC loads : integrating a detailed human thermal model into building simulation

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    The transient nature of the occupant heat load is not fully addressed and implemented in a building simulation tool. In this paper, the effect of using dynamic occupant heat loads in building simulation on energy building performance and occupant thermal comfort has been studied. A two-node thermoregulatory model was integrated into ESP-r. The predictions of the integrated two-node model were compared to two commonly used approaches in building simulation: gains modelled as a basic fixed profile and gains modelled using a polynomial function of temperature and relative humidity. The variation in occupant thermal load demonstrated appreciable differences on both cooling and dehumidification loads

    Penerapan model pembelajaran CORONA (Collaborative, Rolling, and Narrative) berbasis online learning

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    Model Pembelajaran CORONA (Collaborative, Rolling, and Narrative) merupakan model pembelajaran yang mengkombinasikan pendekatan Collaborative, Rolling, dan Narrative. Model Pembelajaran CORONA diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam inovasi pembelajaran. Pembelajaran bersifat kelompok. Pembelajaran daring yang sudah dilaksanakan semenjak adanya pandemi, membuat perlunya inovasi pembelajaran secara daring. Online learning menjadi alternatif dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar agar dapat berjalan dengan baik. Model Pembelajaran CORONA juga dapat diterapkan pada online learning. Perlunya guru mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan terkait inovasi pada pembelajaran daring akan menjadikan siswa termotivasi dalam belajar meskipun tidak tatap muka. Pelatihan dan pendampingan guru sangat diperlukan dalam mengenal dan menerapkan model pembelajaran CORONA  pada pembelajaran daring. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan di Sekolah Dasar yang berada di Kabupaten Kudus. Metode yang dilaksanakan pada pengabdian ini dibagi menjadi 5 tahapan yaitu sosialisasi, pelatihan, terapan teknologi, pendampingan dan keberlanjutan. Diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif model pembelajaran yang inovatif pada online learning di Sekolah Dasar

    An Analysis of Moral Values Frost’s Poems (Selected Seven Poems by Robert Frost). Mohamad Rida Sanjaya 117010009

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    This thesis is written to explain the moral values and meaning found in some Robert Frost’s poems. Poetry is part of a literary work; poetry describes a wide variety of spoken and written forms, styles, and patterns, and also a wide variety of subjects. Poetry helps us learn more about human life. Understand how human character and emotion are influenced by natural surroundings. Understand more about a particular of life, like social, culture, politic, education, etc. The writer chose “An Analysis of Moral Values in Frost’s Poems” as the title of his research. The writer limits the research into analyzing only seven poems. The writer decided to analyze poems namely: Fire and Ice, Neither out Far Not in Deep, Out, Out, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Provide, provide, Acquainted with the Night and The Road Not Taken. The research method in this thesis is the library research based on the poems and supported by information and opinion by the previous researcher. The writer decided to analyze seven poems by Robert Frost; from those poems the writer could find many moral values Keynote: Poetry, poems, moral values, meaningsand meanings that very useful for the readers

    Intraarticular Tramadol-Bupivacaine Combination Prolongs the Duration of Postoperative Analgesia After Outpatient Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Intraarticular (IA) local anesthetics are often used for the management and prevention of pain after arthroscopic knee surgery. Recently, IA tramadol was also used for the management of these patients. However, the IA combination of local anesthetic and tramadol has not been evaluated in arthroscopic outpatients. Our primary aim in this study was to evaluate the analgesic effect of an IA combination of bupivacaine and tramadol when compared with each drug alone using visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores in patients undergoing day-care arthroscopic knee surgery. Additionally, we assessed analgesic demand. METHODS: Ninety ASA I/II patients undergoing arthroscopic partial meniscectomy, performed by a single surgeon under general anesthesia, were assigned in a randomized, double-blind manner into three groups: group B (n = 30) received 0.25% bupivacaine, group T (n = 30) received 100 mg tramadol, and group BT (n = 30) received 0.25% bupivacaine and 100 mg tramadol to a total volume of 20 mL by the IA route after surgery. Postoperative pain scores were measured on a VAS, at rest and on mobilization at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 h. Duration of analgesia, the subsequent 24 h consumption of rescue analgesia, time to ambulation, and time to discharge were evaluated. In addition, the systemic side effects of the IA injected drugs were also assessed. RESULTS: The results showed significantly lower VAS pain scores in group BT (P << 0.1) when compared with groups T and B. Group BT had a later onset of postsurgical pain and longer time to first rescue analgesic than groups B and T. The 24 h consumption of analgesic was significantly less in group BT when compared with the other two groups (26.7% of the patients required rescue analgesia in group BT, whereas this number was 90% in group B and 86.7% in group T). In addition, time in hours to discharge and time to unassisted ambulation were significantly shorter in group BT when compared with groups T and B, and this was not associated with any detectable systemic effects. CONCLUSION: The IA admixture of tramadol 100 mg with bupivacaine 0.25% provides a pronounced prolongation of analgesia compared with either drug alone in patients undergoing day care arthroscopic knee surgery

    Uji Efektivitas Jamur Entomopatogen Beauveria bassiana untuk Mengendalikan Spodoptera frugiperda pada Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.)

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    This research aims to determine the effectivenes of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda on maize. The research employs completely Randomized Design (CRD) method consiting of 5 treatments (Control, 15 grams of B. bassiana/100 ml, 30 grams of B.  bassiana/100 ml, 45 grams of B. bassiana/100 ml, and 60 grams of B. bassiana/100 ml) and 3 replications. The parameters observed are the mortality of Fall Armyworm (S. frugiperda), the incubation period, and changes in the behavior of Fall Armyworm (S. frugiperda). To analyze the mortality data of Fall Armyworm (S. frugiperda), the research employs an analysis of Variance (Anova) with a DMRT of 5%. In the meantime, data on the incubation period and behavior changes of Fall Armyworm (S. frugiperda) are analyzed using descriptive analysis. In reference to the research finding, a dose of 30 grams of B. bassiana/100ml dissolved in water has a significant effect on the mortality of S. frugiperda larvae with an average mortality of 3.74%, 4.16%, and 4.58% on days 5,6, and 7

    Efektivitas Arang Tempurung untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Kanker Batang Kakao (Phytophthora palmivora)

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    The present study aimed to determine the efficacy and dosage of coconut shell charcoal in controlling (Phytophthora palmivora) stem canker. The research was conducted in Hila Village, Leihitu Subdistrict, Maluku Tengah Regency, from July to August 2020. The study employed the Randomized Block Design mothod, consisting of four treatments K= control, P1= 50 gr, P2= 100 gr, P3= 150 gr. Each treatment was replicated three times to abtain 12 units with 48 experimental sample plants. Fourthermore, the research data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and then further tested using LSD ( Least Significant Difference) at the 5% level. The finding denoted that 150 gr coconut shell charcoal treatment effectively declined stem canker symptoms development value and provided wound healing of 71,10%


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    Currently the banking industry has undergone major changes in recent years due to regulatory deregulation. Seeing this, in implementing it, banks must be managed more carefully, one of which is by maintaining it. Banking instability occurs because banks face too many risks. The purpose of this study is to examine how the influence of competition and profitability on banks in the Indonesian banking industry. The population used is commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015-2019. A series of indicators from internal and external banks are also used in this study to support the research results, which consist of bank size, concentration, inflation, and GDP. That is, banking is measured using three risks, credit risk with NPL proxy, liquidity risk with LDR proxy, and insolvency risk with Z-score proxy. Using panel data analysis, the following results were found in the 2015-2019 research period, competition had a positive and insignificant effect on credit risk, competition had a negative and insignificant effect on liquidity risk and insolvency risk. Profitability has a negative and significant effect on credit risk and insolvency risk, and profitability has a positive and insignificant effect on liquidity risk

    Potensi Jamur Beauveria bassiana (Blas.) Vuill dalam Mengendalikan Serangga Hama pada Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.)

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    This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Agriculture state University of Gorontalo while the field research took place on Hulawan Village, Telaga Sub-district, Gorontalo District from march to may 2018. The research applied Randomized Blok Design  (RBD) white the treatment of fungus B. bassiana and every treatment were repeated for 4 times thus there where 16 units of the experiment in total.  Every unit contained 9 plant as a sample with a spacing of 60 cm x 40 cm, the treatment of fungus B. bassiana (Blas.) Vuill were B0 = Control /without treatment, B1 = 20 grams/100 ml aquadest/sample, B2 = 40 grams/100 ml aquadest/sample, and B3 = 60 grams/100 ml aquadest/sample. The data were analyzed of Variance (Annova) at F test of 5% and regression/correlation. The result of F test of 5% was significantly different thus it was continued to DMRT at 5%. Meanwhile, the qualitative analysis was conducted based on observation and documentation at every treatment of every variable of observation. The research finding showed that fungus B. Bassiana (Blas.) Vuill at 60 grams dosage was the best treatment to control bemisia tabaci pest, looper, and aphids, yet the use of B. Bassiana (Blas.) Vuill at 20 grams was more effective and efficient in maintaining production of cayenne pepper (C. frustescens L.) plan

    Discrepancy Analysis of a Strategic Planningmodel and the 1988 General Plan for Educational Development of Jordan

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    Educational Administratio

    Modeling local thermal responses of individuals : validation of advanced human thermo-physiology models

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    Human thermo-physiology models (HTPM) are useful tools to assess dynamic and non-uniform human thermal states. However, they are developed based on the physiological data of an average person. In this paper, we present a detailed evaluation of two sophisticated and well-known models, JOS3 and ThermoSEM, with the objective to evaluate their capabilities in predicting the local skin temperature of individual people as both models use individual parameters such as sex, height, weight, and fat percentage as input. For the purpose of validation, controlled experiments were conducted with six human subjects (3 males, 3 females) at different environmental conditions (22–28°C). The measured core temperature and the local skin temperature at 14 locations were used to evaluate the predicted values. Outputs from both HTPMs followed the dynamic trend of the experiments, with a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.9–0.3°C for core temperature and 1.3–0.9°C for mean skin temperature from both ThermoSEM and JOS3 correspondingly. However, the main errors came from the body extremities. The RMSE was different for each subject, and both models showed lower errors in the warmer environment. The average RMSE for the hands of all subjects was 2°C from ThermoSEM and 1.9°C from JOS3, while it was 0.8°C for the forehead in both models. The paper highlights the capabilities and limitations of the selected HTPMs and, furthermore, discusses the application of HTPMs in the field of personalized thermal comfort
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