231 research outputs found

    History of Islamic political movements in Turkey

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    This article investigates the history of Islamic political movements in Turkey. The time period of the article cover the time after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 to the year 2000. It is argued in the article that Islamic movements were largely suppressed in the period between 1923-1945 when the country was ruled with a single party regime led by the Republican Peoples Party. With the introduction of multi-party political system in 1945, political Islam found the opportunity for political activism in the body of Democrat Party. But the political Islam found a more organized opportunity with the establishment of National Order Party in 1970 and National Salvation Party in 1971 by Necmettin Erbakan. Based on a programme of National View, the Turkish political Islam was known for its aim to support material development with a parallel moral and spiritual development with a reaction to the west in interstate relations. Turkish political Islam expressed itself with Welfare Party in 1983 to function until 1998 with some clear changes in its programme particularly in its agreement with contemporary political institutions and later support for Turkey’s integration with the west. Turkish political Islam experienced its first great electoral success during the WP period. However, the WP is closed down in 1998 by the Constitutional Court due to allegations about anti-secularism and driven to a process of breakdown. © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved

    Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di SMPI Al Azhar 21 Solo Baru Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di sekolah-sekolah secara umumnya saat ini masih sangat kurang dalam penerapannya, sedangkan dalam beberapa hal sudah terdapat sekolah yang unggul dan baik dalam menerapkan manajemen berbasis sekolah nya. Salah satunya adalah SMPI Al Azhar 21 Solo Baru yang sudah memiliki kesan baik dalam menerapkan manajemen nya, baik dari terhadap pendidik, peserta didik, staff, wali murid, serta masyrakat umum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana implementasi manajemen berbasis sekolah serta hambatannya yang dialami oleh SMPI Al Azhar 21 Solo Baru, sehingga bisa mendapatkan insight baru terhadap keunggulan dalam manajemen sekolah yang bisa menjadi acuan serta semangat terhadap sekolah-sekolah lain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan manajemen sekolahnya. Hasil penelitian juga diharapkan menjadi motivasi bagi SMPI Al Azhar 21 Solo Baru bisa terus mempertahankan dan mengembangkan manajemen didalamnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumpulan datanya peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. peneliti melakukan wawancara terhadap kepala koordinator kurikulum, humas, keuangan, kesiswaan, keagamaan, sarana prasarana, dan tahfidz. peneliti melanjutkan observasi di sekolah guna mendapatkan keabsahan data yang telah didapatkan dari hasil wawancara sebelumnya serta melakukan dokumentasi dengan mengambil beberapa data di sekolah untuk melengkapi penelitian. Analisis data dilakukan dengan memberi arti terhadap data yang dikumpulkan dan ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa (1) upaya implementasi manajemen berbasis sekolah di SMPI Al Azhar 21 Solo Baru melalui 4 tahapan, yakni perencaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. 4 tahapan tersebut berjalan agar implementasi manajemen berbasis sekolah di SMPI Al Azhar 21 Solo Baru bisa berjalan dengan baik dan terstruktu. (2) hambatan yang dialami SMPI Al Azhar 21 Solo Baru berasal dari 2 hal, yakni eksternal dan internal. Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Manajemen Berbasis Sekola

    Bacterial Cell Enlargement Requires Control of Cell Wall Stiffness Mediated by Peptidoglycan Hydrolases.

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    Most bacterial cells are enclosed in a single macromolecule of the cell wall polymer, peptidoglycan, which is required for shape determination and maintenance of viability, while peptidoglycan biosynthesis is an important antibiotic target. It is hypothesized that cellular enlargement requires regional expansion of the cell wall through coordinated insertion and hydrolysis of peptidoglycan. Here, a group of (apparent glucosaminidase) peptidoglycan hydrolases are identified that are together required for cell enlargement and correct cellular morphology of Staphylococcus aureus, demonstrating the overall importance of this enzyme activity. These are Atl, SagA, ScaH, and SagB. The major advance here is the explanation of the observed morphological defects in terms of the mechanical and biochemical properties of peptidoglycan. It was shown that cells lacking groups of these hydrolases have increased surface stiffness and, in the absence of SagB, substantially increased glycan chain length. This indicates that, beyond their established roles (for example in cell separation), some hydrolases enable cellular enlargement by making peptidoglycan easier to stretch, providing the first direct evidence demonstrating that cellular enlargement occurs via modulation of the mechanical properties of peptidoglycan. IMPORTANCE: Understanding bacterial growth and division is a fundamental problem, and knowledge in this area underlies the treatment of many infectious diseases. Almost all bacteria are surrounded by a macromolecule of peptidoglycan that encloses the cell and maintains shape, and bacterial cells must increase the size of this molecule in order to enlarge themselves. This requires not only the insertion of new peptidoglycan monomers, a process targeted by antibiotics, including penicillin, but also breakage of existing bonds, a potentially hazardous activity for the cell. Using Staphylococcus aureus, we have identified a set of enzymes that are critical for cellular enlargement. We show that these enzymes are required for normal growth and define the mechanism through which cellular enlargement is accomplished, i.e., by breaking bonds in the peptidoglycan, which reduces the stiffness of the cell wall, enabling it to stretch and expand, a process that is likely to be fundamental to many bacteria

    Early activation of the interleukin-23-17 axis in a murine model of oropharyngeal candidiasis

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    P>Candida albicans is an oral commensal yeast that causes oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) in immunocompromised individuals. The immunological pathways involved in OPC have been revisited after the interleukin-17 (IL-17) pathway was implicated in fungal immunity. We studied immediate (< 24 h) and adaptive (3-6 day) IL-12 and IL-23-17 pathway activation in naive p40-/- mice, which lack IL-12 and IL-23 and develop severe, chronic OPC upon oral inoculation with C. albicans. Macrophages from p40-/- mice were less efficient than C57BL/6J controls at killing C. albicans in vitro but very low numbers in the oral mucosae of infected C57BL/6J mice suggest that they are not critical in vivo, at least in this strain. Migration of macrophages to regional lymph nodes of infected p40-/- mice was impaired; however, dendritic cell migration was not affected. Recombinant IL-12 therapy provided only temporary relief from OPC, suggesting that IL-23 is required for full protection. In C57BL/6J mice, but not p40-/- mice, messenger RNAs encoding IL-23p19 and IL-17 were induced in the oral mucosa within 24 h of infection (6 +/- 0.6 and 12 +/- 2.7-fold). By day 6 of infection in C57BL/6J mice, IL-17A messenger RNA level had increased 5.1 +/- 1.8 and 83 +/- 21-fold in regional lymph nodes and oral tissues respectively. Ablation of p40 was associated with delayed or abrogated induction of IL-17A pathway targets (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, IL-6 and macrophage inflammatory protein-2), and a lack of organized recruitment of neutrophils to the infected oral mucosa. Overall our data show that the IL-23-17A axis is activated early in the oral mucosae of immunologically naive mice with OPC

    Incorporation of cobalt ferrite on the field dependent performances of magnetorheological grease

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    Magnetorheological grease (MRG) is one of the smart materials that experiences a high off state viscosity, which hassles the operation of devices at the beginning and causes more energy consumption upon operation. Therefore, this paper investigates the off-state viscosity of MR lithium-based grease with various percentages of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4), as these particles are believed to potentially enhance the field-dependent stress of MRG by reducing the off-state viscosity and increasing mobility of the magnetic particles as the magnetic field applied. The MRG with various concentrations of CoFe2O4 at a ratio of 1 e5 wt.% were investigated via Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) to analyze their morphology and magnetic properties, respectively. The rheological test of MRG samples in terms of viscosity, shear stress and yield stress were investigated upon shear rate, using rheometer. The results demonstrated that with the incorporation of 5wt.% CoFe2O4 particles, the initial off-state viscosity was reduced by 86% as compared to the pure MRG. The presence of CoFe2O4 particles triggered more chaotic motion thus restricted the formation of agglomeration of particles during shearing process. Meanwhile, the initial viscosity of MRG increased as a 0.64 T of magnetic field was applied along with the increased of CoFe2O4 particles. In fact, there was an enhancement of shear stress and yield stress on the CoFe2O4 incorporated MRG samples as compared with pure MRG. This study underlined the influence of CoFe2O4 particles, which could reduce the initial viscosity of MRG and improve the rheological properties upon the application of magnetic field

    Macaca fascicularis and Macaca nemestrina infected with zoonotic malaria parasites are widely distributed in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo

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    Human infections with Plasmodium knowlesi, a malaria parasite of Macaca fascicularis and Macaca nemestrina (long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques respectively), occur throughout Southeast Asia, especially Malaysian Borneo. Other naturally-acquired human infections with malaria parasites from macaques in Southeast Asia are P. cynomolgi, P. inui-like, P. coatneyi and P. simiovale. In Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, M. fascicularis and M. nemestrina from only the Kapit Division have been examined previously for malaria parasites. In order to determine the distribution of P. knowlesi and other zoonotic malaria parasites, 73 macaque blood samples derived from 7 other administrative divisions in Sarawak were studied. Of 45 blood samples from M. fascicularis and 28 from M. nemestrina tested by nested PCR assays, 23 (51.1%) M. fascicularis and 15 (53.6%) M. nemestrina samples were positive for Plasmodium DNA. Thirty-two of these macaques from 7 divisions sampled, harboured either single (n = 12), double (n = 9), triple (n = 7) or quadruple (n = 4) infections of P. knowlesi, P. inui, P. cynomolgi and P. coatneyi, while the infecting species of Plasmodium could not be identified for 6 samples. P. knowlesi was detected in 15.5% (7/45) M. fascicularis and in 7.1% (2/28) M. nemestrina sampled. Despite the small number of samples analysed from each administrative division, the current study indicates that macaques infected with the zoonotic malaria parasites P. knowlesi, P. cynomolgi, P. inui and P. coatneyi are widely distributed throughout Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Travelers to forested areas in Sarawak should be made aware of the potential risk of acquiring zoonotic malaria

    Macaca fascicularis and Macaca nemestrina infected with zoonotic malaria parasites are widely distributed in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo

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    Human infections with Plasmodium knowlesi, a malaria parasite of Macaca fascicularis and Macaca nemestrina (long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques respectively), occur throughout Southeast Asia, especially Malaysian Borneo. Other naturally-acquired human infections with malaria parasites from macaques in Southeast Asia are P. cynomolgi, P. inui-like, P. coatneyi and P. simiovale. In Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, M. fascicularis and M. nemestrina from only the Kapit Division have been examined previously for malaria parasites. In order to determine the distribution of P. knowlesi and other zoonotic malaria parasites, 73 macaque blood samples derived from 7 other administrative divisions in Sarawak were studied. Of 45 blood samples from M. fascicularis and 28 from M. nemestrina tested by nested PCR assays, 23 (51.1%) M. fascicularis and 15 (53.6%) M. nemestrina samples were positive for Plasmodium DNA. Thirty-two of these macaques from 7 divisions sampled, harboured either single (n = 12), double (n = 9), triple (n = 7) or quadruple (n = 4) infections of P. knowlesi, P. inui, P. cynomolgi and P. coatneyi, while the infecting species of Plasmodium could not be identified for 6 samples. P. knowlesi was detected in 15.5% (7/45) M. fascicularis and in 7.1% (2/28) M. nemestrina sampled. Despite the small number of samples analysed from each administrative division, the current study indicates that macaques infected with the zoonotic malaria parasites P. knowlesi, P. cynomolgi, P. inui and P. coatneyi are widely distributed throughout Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Travelers to forested areas in Sarawak should be made aware of the potential risk of acquiring zoonotic malaria


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    Machining of low rigidity components such as aerospace monolithic part poses several challenges. In common manufacturing practice, the wall thickness is further reduced by peripheral milling that lead to surface dimensional error resulting in tolerance violation. The surface errors are mainly induced by the acts of cutting force, which deflect the wall on the opposite direction. Additional post machining process are generally employ to compensate with the excessive error that leads to increase the production cost. Therefore, this paper aim to solve the discrepancies with the current techniques by using a simultaneous twin cutter machining technique. An in-house twin cutter adapter has been developed to transmit the rotation from the machine spindle. A set of machining test was performed to assess the effectiveness of the propose technique. The results indicated that the deflection of the thin wall part can be neglected and hence minimize the surface errors since the same cutting forces acts on both opposite sides of the wall surface. In addition, the proposed technique able to reduce the machining time up to 50 percent as the wall structure are machined with only one single pass

    Development of UiTMSAT-1: An Approach to Lean Satellite Concept

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    This paper presents the development of the UiTMSAT-1 nanosatellite and the approach towards a lean satellite concept. The lean satellite concept comes from extensive reports and discussions among many satellite developers and space players with the increased capability and technology in producing small satellites from the introduction of the CubeSat Project. The concept makes aware the importance of low-cost technology and fast delivery system of the satellite as compared with the traditional satellite development process. The UiTMSAT-1, which is the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)’s first nanosatellite, underwent the lean satellite concept and scheduled development in its BIRDS-2 project. A work breakdown structure was created to have a well-defined description of the divisions involved in the UiTMSAT-1 nanosatellite development. UiTM, as the stakeholder of Malaysia’s team in the BIRDS-2 project contributed during the whole process including the installation of the UiTM ground station to track and monitor the nanosatellites. A brief analysis was presented based on the UiTMSAT-1’s housekeeping data of approximately three months preliminary observations since its deployment into orbit