13 research outputs found

    Traffic accident application using Geographic Information System.

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    Many highway agencies have been using Geographic Information System (GIS) for analyzing accident data. Identification of problematic locations is one of the most important aspects in accident studies. The GIS based application combines the information collection capabilities with the visualization. The GIS and Road Accident View System are a set of applications developed for managing accident database entries. The developed system wasdesigned based on the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) community area and may be adapted very easily to any other places. The system was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 in Windows XP platform. The database was designed in term of textual format. The Accident Report from UPM security unit used as the source for information needed in the database development. The location of the accident was recorded on a map. And by indication on it, the user can perform queries on a particular condition to get the number of accidents


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    Profesionalisme merupakan kompetensi yang wajib dimiliki seorang guru. Profesionalisme guru dituntut agar terus berkembang sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman, ilmu pengetahuan, serta kebutuhan masyarakat termasuk kebutuhan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dan memiliki kapabilitas untuk mampu bersaing baik di forum regional, nasional, mapupun internasional. Salah satu wujud pengembangan keprofesian guru adalah dengan menulis karya ilmiah. Melalui karya tulis ilmiah guru dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulisnya, melatih diri untuk dapat mengintegrasikan beberapa ide serta menyajikannya secara sistematis. Namun kebanyakan guru belum sepenuhnya menyadari tentang pentingnya publikasi untuk karya tulis ilmiahnya. Hal ini tercermin dari masih rendahnya kompetensi guru, khususnya pada aspek profesionalisme. Kondisi inilah yang memotivasi pelaksana pengabdian untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan publikasi ilmiah pada guru. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada guru  tentang publikasi karya ilmiah pada jurnal elektronik. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam program ini adalah metode seminar, diskusi, dan pelatihan. Dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini, diperoleh hasil adanya peningkatan pemahaman guru tentang jurnal elektronik, dan mampu melakukan proses publikasi ilmiah pada jurnal elektronik

    Sustainability Status of Dairy Farms in Bogor District Area, Indonesia

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    The optimal management on dairy farms must consider the concept of sustainable development that fulfills the need of three pillars namely interest in ecological, economic, and social. This condition will increase income of agricultural or stock farmers, contributions to locally-generated revenue, farm institutional functioning, legal obedient, absorb labor, and more technology application to improve efficiency on reproductive and productivity. The aim of this research is to assess the sustainability status of dairy farms in Bogor District, represented by Cifa Farm, Erif Farm in Cisarua and Acep Farm in Kunak-Cibungbulang using the four dimensions analysis, namely ecology, economy, social and technology. Sustainability indices were analyzed by a modified method of Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RapFish) namely Rapid Appraisal for Farm (RapFarm) using Multidimensional Scaling approach. Results of study reveals that sustainability status on Acep farm in Kunak Cibungbulang and Cifa Farm were lower compared to Erif Farm (54.13, 70.87 vs 76.46). However, all of the farms are still sustainable, even Erif Farm shows very sustainable. Analysis result on four dimensions shows that Cifa Farm and Eri Farm are very sustainable while Acep Farm is fairly sustainable in ecology dimension, Erif Farm is very sustainable while Cifa Farm and Acep Farm are fairly sustainable in economy, Erif Farm is very Sustainable while Cifa Farm and Acep Farm are fairly sustainable in social, and Cifa Farm and Erif Farm are very sustainable but less sustainable for Acep Farm in technology dimension. There are 24 over 40 examined attributes need to be considered and improved to enhance the sustainability status of dairy farms in Bogor

    Hubungan Temperatur, Kelembaban, dan Manajemen Pemeliharaan terhadap Efisiensi Reproduksi Sapi Perah di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati dan mengkaji hubungan suhu, kelembaban dan manajemen ternak terhadap efisiensi reproduksi sapi perah di Kabupaten Bogor. Suhu dan kelembaban udara diamati pagi, siang dan sore hari. Data suhu dan kelembaban udara dikonversi ke nilai indeks suhu kelembaban udara (THI). Pengamatan parameter efisiensi reproduksi dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai Days Open (DO), Conception Rate (CR),  Service per Conception (S/C) dan First Service. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai THI Acep Farm Kunak (77,21±0,71) lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dari Cifa Farm (71,27±0,50) dan Erif Farm (71,22±0,41). Days Open Acep Farm Kunak (110,76±37,34 hari) lebih panjang (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan Cifa Farm (88.39±23,80 hari) dan Erif Farm (88,20±22,39 hari). Nilai CR Acep Farm (75,76±0,11%) dan Cifa Farm (66,13±0,10%) tidak berbeda (p>0,05) dibandingkan dengan Erif Farm (42,00±0,08%). Nilai S/C di tiga peternakan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan (p>0,05) masing-masing nilai S/C Cifa Farm (1,42±0,64), Erif Farm (1,52±0,64) dan Acep Farm Kunak (1,64±0,82). First Service Cifa Farm (76,11±13,84) dan Erif Farm (75,17±13,17) berbeda (P<0,05) dengan Acep Farm Kunak (96,42±35,49). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa suhu, kelembaban udara dan manajemen pemeliharaan dapat memengaruhi DO sapi perah di ke tiga peternakan sapi perah di ke tiga lokasi penelitian. Lebih lanjut, diindikasikan THI memengaruhi zona nyaman peternakan sapi perah, namun tidak ditemukan korelasi positif antara nilai THI dengan tingkat efisiensi reproduksi

    The development of an annual average daily traffic estimation model for county roads

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    Most counties and local transportation agencies do not have the facilities and resources necessary to have any traffic monitoring programs, particularly for low volume roads. However, estimates of traffic volumes and their composition are important for planning, design, and operation of these roads, as well as for the allocation of highway funds. This study has developed a traffic estimation procedure for county roads that can be implemented with limited resources. The procedure estimates average daily traffic volumes with alternative traffic prediction models that incorporate relevant socioeconomic and demographic variables. Field traffic data were collected from 40 out of 92 counties in Indiana. A statistical design of experiment was developed for grouping and selecting these counties. The selection of a county was based on population, state highway mileage, per capita income, and the presence of interstate highways. To select road sections within those counties, additional criteria--surface type (paved and gravel) and location (urban and rural)--were used. The study combined randomness and subjective judgments to select road sections for the installation of automatic traffic counters. Four automatic traffic counters were used in each selected county. Two traffic counters were installed on county paved roads and two counters on county gravel roads. Two types of counters, a traditional rubber-tube traffic counter which counts only traffic volume and a vehicle magnetic imaging traffic counter which counts not only traffic volume but also truck percentage, were used in the present study. Most counters installed on the selected road sections were based on the standard 48-hour traffic counts. Then, the obtained average daily traffic (ADT) was converted to annual average daily traffic (AADT) by means of adjustment (monthly variation) factors. Traffic data obtained from the counters were analyzed before the development of the AADT prediction models. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to develop the AADT prediction models, which are reliable and easy to use. Two different AADT prediction models were developed for county roads, one for paved road and the other for gravel road. There were quantitative and qualitative predictor variables used in the model development. Because too many predictor variables were involved in the model development, a principal component analysis was also conducted. To validate the developed models, additional field traffic data were collected from eight randomly selected counties. The accuracy measures of the validation showed the high accuracy of the prediction models. After various statistical analyses and tests, the study identified that models without reasonable outliers gave a better estimate. The statistical analysis also found that the independent variables employed in the models were statistically significant. The number of independent variables included in the models was kept to a minimum


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    Abstract: Islamic financial institutions grow and develop in Indonesia in line with regulations issued by the government after the promulgation of Law no. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking. This study aims to discuss the Mudharabah Instrument agreement as Funding and Financing in Islamic Financial Institutions. This research includes using normative juridical methods and qualitative approaches. Data sources refer to books, documents, and other relevant written sources. The results of this study indicate that although mudharabah is not explicitly presented in the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah, most of the scholars are considered as the operational foundation of Islamic financial institutions. However, the development of the Mudharabah Akad Concept in Islamic Financial Institutions is still needed by the concept of modern economic development


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    This study aims to determine how the influence of service quality and customer value on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction on DAMRI Transport Mode in Bandung, The research method used is quantitative, the sampling technique uses non-probability sampling and a sample of 260 respondents is obtained, the analytical tool used is Path Analysis and hypotheses using a significance test using the SPSS Version 24 and SEM AMOS analysis tool. The results of this study indicate that direct testing for direct testing of the customer loyalty variable it is found that service quality and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty has a positive and significant effect for use bus DAMRI in Bandung, while for customer value it has no effect on customer loyalty for use bus DAMRI in Bandung. With regard to customers' ownership, it is possible to increase the quality of service quality and customer loyalty to customers by giving goods a consumer satisfaction that would allow them to be loyal to using DAMRI bus as a mode of transportation in everyday activities

    Basic Conception of Microeconomics Based on Sharia Economic Law Paradigmatics

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    Islamic economics is believed to be a science that comes as an alternative to conventional economics that has failed to build human welfare in general. The discipline of conventional economics is allegedly the biological child of the vacuum and there is no role of Islamic science in its historical development as stated by Schumpeter in his great gap. Scientists firmly argued that the Greek-Hellenistic science to the hands of the modern European intelligentsia today the goodness of Muslim hands that modify it and give added value to it as stated by Mehdi Nakosteen. Therefore, it is important to trace the existence of conventional economic conceptions in classical Islamic literature. To prove that Conventional Economics does not depart from a vacuum and that Islamic Economics is part of the history of the birth of conventional economics. In some classical Islamic sources found some basic concepts of conventional economics that are not only similar but also exactly the same as a whole. In classical Islamic literature found basic concepts such as unlimited human needs, the concept of value, the concept of production, the theory of supply and demand, market price mechanisms and others. Thus this shows evidence for us that Islamic economics is not a "new" thing that never existed in the history of the development of science. Even the science of Islamic Economics has existed before the birth of Conventional economics though. &nbsp