69 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of muscular electrophysiological and mitochondrial dysfunction following exposure to malathion, an organophosphorus pesticide

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    Muscle dysfunction in acute organophosphorus (OP) poisoning is a cause of death in human. The present study was conducted to identify the mechanism of action of OP in terms of muscle mitochondrial dysfunction. Electromyography (EMG) was conducted on rats exposed to the acute oral dose of malathion (400 mg/kg) that could inhibit acetylcholinesterase activity up to 70%. The function of mitochondrial respiratory chain and the rate of production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from intact mitochondria were measured. The bioenergetic pathways were studied by measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), lactate, and glycogen. To identify mitochondrial-dependent apoptotic pathways, the messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of bax and bcl-2, protein expression of caspase-9, mitochondrial cytochrome c release, and DNA damage were measured. The EMG confirmed muscle weakness. The reduction in activity of mitochondrial complexes and muscular glycogen with an elevation of lactate was in association with impairment of cellular respiration. The reduction in mitochondrial proapoptotic stimuli is indicative of autophagic process inducing cytoprotective effects in the early stage of stress. Downregulation of apoptotic signaling may be due to reduction in ATP and ROS, and genotoxic potential of malathion. The maintenance of mitochondrial integrity by means of artificial electron donors and increasing exogenous ATP might prevent toxicity of OPs

    Chronic Intranasal Treatment with an Anti-Aβ30-42 scFv Antibody Ameliorates Amyloid Pathology in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ)-directed active and passive immunization therapeutic strategies reduce brain levels of Aβ, decrease the severity of beta-amyloid plaque pathology and reverse cognitive deficits in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease (AD). As an alternative approach to passive immunization with full IgG molecules, single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibodies can modulate or neutralize Aβ-related neurotoxicity and inhibit its aggregation in vitro. In this study, we characterized a scFv derived from a full IgG antibody raised against the C-terminus of Aβ, and studied its passage into the brains of APP transgenic mice, as well as its potential to reduce Aβ-related pathology. We found that the scFv entered the brain after intranasal application, and that it bound to beta-amyloid plaques in the cortex and hippocampus of APP transgenic mice. Moreover, the scFv inhibited Aβ fibril formation and Aβ-mediated neurotoxicity in vitro. In a preventative therapeutic approach chronic intranasal treatment with scFv reduced congophilic amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and beta-amyloid plaque numbers in the cortex of APPswe/PS1dE9 mice. This reduction of CAA and plaque pathology was associated with a redistribution of brain Aβ from the insoluble fraction to the soluble peptide pool. Due to their lack of the effector domain of full IgG, scFv may represent an alternative tool for the treatment of Aβ-related pathology without triggering Fc-mediated effector functions. Additionally, our observations support the possibility that Aβ-directed immunotherapy can reduce Aβ deposition in brain vessels in transgenic mice

    Metabolism of multiple glycosaminoglycans by <i>Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron</i> is orchestrated by a versatile core genetic locus

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    The human gut microbiota (HGM), which is critical to human health, utilises complex glycans as its major carbon source. Glycosaminoglycans represent an important, high priority, nutrient source for the HGM. Pathways for the metabolism of various glycosaminoglycan substrates remain ill-defined. Here we perform a biochemical, genetic and structural dissection of the genetic loci that orchestrates glycosaminoglycan metabolism in the organism Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Here, we report: the discovery of two previously unknown surface glycan binding proteins which facilitate glycosaminoglycan import into the periplasm; distinct kinetic and genetic specificities of various periplasmic lyases which dictate glycosaminoglycan metabolic pathways; understanding of endo sulfatase activity questioning the paradigm of how the ‘sulfation problem’ is handled by the HGM; and 3D crystal structures of the polysaccharide utilisation loci encoded sulfatases. Together with comparative genomic studies, our study fills major gaps in our knowledge of glycosaminoglycan metabolism by the HGM

    Changes in Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor Expression in the Rostral and Caudal Stumps of the Transected Adult Rat Spinal Cord

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    Limited information is available regarding the role of endogenous Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the spinal cord following transection injury. The present study investigated the possible role of GDNF in injured spinal cords following transection injury (T9–T10) in adult rats. The locomotor function recovery of animals by the BBB (Basso, Beattie, Bresnahan) scale score showed that hindlimb support and stepping function increased gradually from 7 days post operation (dpo) to 21 dpo. However, the locomotion function in the hindlimbs decreased effectively in GDNF-antibody treated rats. GDNF immunoreactivty in neurons in the ventral horn of the rostral stump was stained strongly at 3 and 7 dpo, and in the caudal stump at 14 dpo, while immunostaining in astrocytes was also seen at all time-points after transection injury. Western blot showed that the level of GDNF protein underwent a rapid decrease at 7 dpo in both stumps, and was followed by a partial recovery at a later time-point, when compared with the sham-operated group. GDNF mRNA-positive signals were detected in neurons of the ventral horn, especially in lamina IX. No regenerative fibers from corticospinal tract can be seen in the caudal segment near the injury site using BDA tracing technique. No somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) could be recorded throughout the experimental period as well. These findings suggested that intrinsic GDNF in the spinal cord could play an essential role in neuroplasticity. The mechanism may be that GDNF is involved in the regulation of local circuitry in transected spinal cords of adult rats

    Effects of acute treatment with a tryptophan-rich protein hydrolysate on plasma amino acids, mood and emotional functioning in older women

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    RATIONALE: Effective functioning of the neurotransmitter serotonin is important for optimal cognitive and emotional function. Dietary supplements able to increase availability to the brain of the precursor amino acid, tryptophan (TRP), and thereby enhance serotonin synthesis, can have measurable impact on these psychological processes. OBJECTIVES: This study involves a randomised controlled trial of a TRP-rich egg-white protein hydrolysate (DSM Nutritional Products Ltd., Switzerland) on plasma amino acids, cognition, mood and emotional processing in older women. METHODS: Following a baseline test day without treatment, 60 healthy women aged 45–65 years received drinks containing either 2 or 4 g of TRP-rich protein hydrolysate product or 3.11 g casein hydrolysate as a control. One hour later, they undertook a 2-h battery of cognitive and emotional tests. RESULTS: The TRP-rich protein hydrolysate produced the expected dose-dependent increase in the ratio of plasma TRP to competing large neutral amino acids. TRP-rich protein hydrolysate (2 g only) prevented both the decline in wellbeing and increase in fatigue seen over the test session in the control group. This treatment dose resulted in a significant shift in emotional processing towards positive words and reduced negative bias in assessing negative facial expressions. Effects on cognition were small and not statistically reliable and are not reported here. However, there was no evidence for any adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS: Consumption of a low dose of TRP-rich protein hydrolysate may have beneficial effects on emotional function that could promote feelings of wellbeing, possibly conferring resistance to deterioration in mood in healthy subjects or depressive episodes

    Musculotopic organization of the motor neurons supplying the mouse hindlimb muscles: a quantitative study using Fluoro-Gold retrograde tracing

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    We have mapped the motor neurons (MNs) supplying the major hindlimb muscles of transgenic (C57/BL6J-ChAT-EGFP) and wild-type (C57/BL6J) mice. The fluorescent retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold was injected into 19 hindlimb muscles. Consecutive transverse spinal cord sections were harvested, the MNs counted, and the MN columns reconstructed in 3D. Three longitudinal MN columns were identified. The dorsolateral column extends from L4 to L6 and consists of MNs innervating the crural muscles and the foot. The ventrolateral column extends from L1 to L6 and accommodates MNs supplying the iliopsoas, gluteal, and quadriceps femoris muscles. The middle part of the ventral horn hosts the central MN column, which extends between L2–L6 and consists of MNs for the thigh adductor, hamstring, and quadratus femoris muscles. Within these longitudinal columns, the arrangement of the different MN groups reflects their somatotopic organization. MNs innervating muscles developing from the dorsal (e.g., quadriceps) and ventral muscle mass (e.g., hamstring) are situated in the lateral and medial part of the ventral gray, respectively.MN pools belonging to proximal muscles (e.g., quadratus femoris and iliopsoas) are situatedventral to those supplying more distal ones (e.g., plantar muscles). Finally, MNs innervatingflexors (e.g., posterior crural muscles) are more medial than those belonging to extensors ofthe same joint (e.g., anterior crural muscles). These data extend and modify the MN maps in the recently published atlas of the mouse spinal cord and may help when assessing neuronal loss associated with MN diseases

    Peripheral Delivery of a CNS Targeted, Metalo-Protease Reduces Aβ Toxicity in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD), an incurable, progressive neurodegenerative disorder, is the most common form of dementia. Therapeutic options have been elusive due to the inability to deliver proteins across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In order to improve the therapeutic potential for AD, we utilized a promising new approach for delivery of proteins across the BBB. We generated a lentivirus vector expressing the amyloid β-degrading enzyme, neprilysin, fused to the ApoB transport domain and delivered this by intra-peritoneal injection to amyloid protein precursor (APP) transgenic model of AD. Treated mice had reduced levels of Aβ, reduced plaques and increased synaptic density in the CNS. Furthermore, mice treated with the neprilysin targeting the CNS had a reversal of memory deficits. Thus, the addition of the ApoB transport domain to the secreted neprilysin generated a non-invasive therapeutic approach that may be a potential treatment in patients with AD

    GDNF Secreting Human Neural Progenitor Cells Protect Dying Motor Neurons, but Not Their Projection to Muscle, in a Rat Model of Familial ALS

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by rapid loss of muscle control and eventual paralysis due to the death of large motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Growth factors such as glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) are known to protect motor neurons from damage in a range of models. However, penetrance through the blood brain barrier and delivery to the spinal cord remains a serious challenge. Although there may be a primary dysfunction in the motor neuron itself, there is also increasing evidence that excitotoxicity due to glial dysfunction plays a crucial role in disease progression. Clearly it would be of great interest if wild type glial cells could ameliorate motor neuron loss in these models, perhaps in combination with the release of growth factors such as GDNF.Human neural progenitor cells can be expanded in culture for long periods and survive transplantation into the adult rodent central nervous system, in some cases making large numbers of GFAP positive astrocytes. They can also be genetically modified to release GDNF (hNPC(GDNF)) and thus act as long-term 'mini pumps' in specific regions of the rodent and primate brain. In the current study we genetically modified human neural stem cells to release GDNF and transplanted them into the spinal cord of rats over-expressing mutant SOD1 (SOD1(G93A)). Following unilateral transplantation into the spinal cord of SOD1(G93A) rats there was robust cellular migration into degenerating areas, efficient delivery of GDNF and remarkable preservation of motor neurons at early and end stages of the disease within chimeric regions. The progenitors retained immature markers, and those not secreting GDNF had no effect on motor neuron survival. Interestingly, this robust motor neuron survival was not accompanied by continued innervation of muscle end plates and thus resulted in no improvement in ipsilateral limb use.The potential to maintain dying motor neurons by delivering GDNF using neural progenitor cells represents a novel and powerful treatment strategy for ALS. While this approach represents a unique way to prevent motor neuron loss, our data also suggest that additional strategies may also be required for maintenance of neuromuscular connections and full functional recovery. However, simply maintaining motor neurons in patients would be the first step of a therapeutic advance for this devastating and incurable disease, while future strategies focus on the maintenance of the neuromuscular junction

    Improved Learning and Memory in Aged Mice Deficient in Amyloid β-Degrading Neutral Endopeptidase

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    BACKGROUND: Neutral endopeptidase, also known as neprilysin and abbreviated NEP, is considered to be one of the key enzymes in initial human amyloid-beta (Abeta) degradation. The aim of our study was to explore the impact of NEP deficiency on the initial development of dementia-like symptoms in mice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that while endogenous Abeta concentrations were elevated in the brains of NEP-knockout mice at all investigated age groups, immunohistochemical analysis using monoclonal antibodies did not detect any Abeta deposits even in old NEP knockout mice. Surprisingly, tests of learning and memory revealed that the ability to learn was not reduced in old NEP-deficient mice but instead had significantly improved, and sustained learning and memory in the aged mice was congruent with improved long-term potentiation (LTP) in brain slices of the hippocampus and lateral amygdala. Our data suggests a beneficial effect of pharmacological inhibition of cerebral NEP on learning and memory in mice due to the accumulation of peptides other than Abeta degradable by NEP. By conducting degradation studies and peptide measurements in the brain of both genotypes, we identified two neuropeptide candidates, glucagon-like peptide 1 and galanin, as first potential candidates to be involved in the improved learning in aged NEP-deficient mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Thus, the existence of peptides targeted by NEP that improve learning and memory in older individuals may represent a promising avenue for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases