39 research outputs found

    Modul Pelatihan Microsoft Project 2019

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    Manajemen proyek saat ini berkembang sedemikian pesat. Pekerjaan berkarakteristik proyek tersebar di berbagai bidang dan kebutuhan akan pengelolaan proyek yang lebih baik terus bertumbuh. Tulisan ringkas ini berupaya menjelaskan bagian-bagian penting manajemen proyek menggunakan dukungan perangkat lunak Microsoft Project. Versi yang digunakan adalah versi terbaru yakni versi 2019 dengan tampilan yang lebih menarik serta fitur yang lebih kaya untuk dielaborasi lebih jauh. Buku ini membahas tentang pengenalan Microsoft Project 2019, mengolah data perencanaan, mengolah sumber daya dan jadwal proyek, menyusun rencana anggaran proyek, evaluasi perkembangan dan pergerakan proyek, dan menyusun laporan proyek

    Manajemen Rantai Pasok Konstruksi

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    Manajemen rantai pasok (supply chain management) adalah konsep ilmu dari industri manufaktur yang kemudian diadopsi kedalam konstruksi. Oleh karena itu manajemen rantai pasok konstruksi diartikan sebagai metode terintegrasi antara dari hulu ke hilir yang melibatkan pihak-pihak dalam proyek konstruksi yaitu owner, konsultan, kontraktor, sub kontraktor, dan supplier untuk kesuksesan proyek. Buku ini membahas tentang pengenalan proyek konstruksi, manajemen rantai pasok secara umum, konsep rantai pasok konstruksi, konsep mikro meso makro rantai pasok, tantangan rantai pasok konstruksi, efisiensi rantai pasok material dan peralatan konstruksi, pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok konstruksi, Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR), dan studi kasus pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok konstruksi. Secara detail penjelasan isi buku disertai dengan gambar yang memudahkan dalam pemahaman manajemen rantai pasok konstruksi

    Application of Supply Chain Performance Measurement in Scor Model at Building Project

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    The supply chain has become a priority subject of management research and manufacturing theory in recent years. It has also become an interesting topic in the construction industry. Construction supply chain management is more concerned with the coordination of discrete quantities of materials delivered to a specific construction project. Currently, in some building project, there has been no standard indicators in measuring the performance of the supply chain. Therefore, further research is needed to define the performance indicators there. One of supply chain performance measurement model is Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR). The SCOR model provides a unique framework that links performance metrics, processes, best practices, and people into a unified structure. The objective of the study is to define the application of SCOR in construction project. There are 11 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) on the SCOR model that could be used as an supply chain performance indicator in construction project. The research method of this study is by conducting a questionnaire to the project manager and material supplier to determine how the indicators are applied in building projects. The result of the study is the definition of each KPI at building project which facilitates understanding of construction stakeholders to measure the performance of the supply chain


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    Landslide risk is common on most slopes. It happened suddenly. Landslides are caused by the presence of shear stress and a decrease in shear strength in the landslide area. Sambiroto Urban Village is one of the areas with relatively steep slopes so that it is prone to landslides. One method to overcome landslides is to install a retaining wall. The design of a secure retaining wall must take into account the factors of safety for shear, overturning and bearing capacity. Based on the calculation of retaining wall designed is gravity type with height 500 cm, width under 280 cm, width 55 cm, with retaining wall soil entering ground as high as 70 cm. Gravity retaining walls with these dimensions have been analyzed to be safe against overturning hazards, shear hazards and bearing capacity

    Studi pendahuluan pada standar kemampuan tenaga kerja rantai pasok konstruksi

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    The ability of workers in construction supply chain section has not been strongly standardized as to their role and performance, especially in Indonesian project. The purpose of the research is to conduct a preliminary study of workforce capability standards in construction supply chain management. The initial standard was adopted from Supply Chain Operations References (SCOR) 12.0. The results showed that the ability element was the highest priority with 50%. Whereas the most standard worker needs to be mastered is to schedule product shipments with 18% and the lowest value is to do exception management in construction with 1%. Research recommendations are that workers need to attend every training on construction supply chain workers' standards in order to have complete capabilities

    Pendampingan Masyarakat Pada Perencanaan Desain Awal dalam Rangka Peningkatan Fungsi Mushala Miftahul Jannah

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    Planning of drawings as an initial design stage in a building construction are needed as a work reference for contractors and supervisors as well as a description of the work to be carried out as transparency for the owner. This initial design is between the preliminary study and design calculations stage. By predetermining design drawing, then the calculation of the design which referring to the design drawing can be carried out. This calculation includes the endurance of the structure and its Budget Plan. Currently, there are many necessities of mosque renovation in line with population growth in both urban and rural areas. A prayer room in a village needs renovation because during holidays such as Idhul Fitri, prayer cannot accommodate congregations. Therefore, the renovation can improve the function of the mosque. Initial planning in a construction work is usually in the form of a simple drawing design which includes 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional drawings. This community service activity integrates the knowledge on campus to be applied in society. One of the 3-dimensional design drawing software is using Google SketchUp. The result of this community service activity is a front and side view plan drawing which is used as a reference in calculating the budget plan and project work methods. The community participates by having discussions regarding the Mushala design so that it can match with the requirements of the community and ease of construction later. In addition, this activity can also increase public knowledge about making designs with Google SketchUp


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    The phase of buildings maintenance in the project life cycle is still not well structured when compared to construction phase, especially in government buildings. In contrast to private buildings that have been well managed in their care. This is due to the different funding patterns and budgets and the different division of responsibilities, the private sector is easier without a long flow when they want to maintain and finance the building. The purpose of this study is to review the management of maintenance of building facilities on private projects to be recommended to government-owned buildings. Case studies were carried out on one of the private-owned buildings in Central Java by taking a review of the diesel pump facilities. The research method is by observing the process of maintaining a diesel pump that is deepened by interviews and looking at the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). The results showed that the One Point Lesson (OPL) maintenance system through daily, weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance on private buildings was quite effective. Maintenance is categorized as autonomous, corrective, and preventive maintenance. This maintenance system has the potential to be adopted into government buildings by carrying out more in-depth analysis

    Studi Kepuasan Kerja untuk Pekerja Konstruksi Lulusan Baru di Indonesia

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    Pekerja konstruksi fresh graduate atau generasi milenial saat ini semakin mendominasi sumber daya manusia perusahaan konstruksi. Fresh graduate yang sangat potensial juga memiliki banyak tantangan untuk dikelola. Sebagai sumber daya manusia baru dengan jumlah banyak, sangat diperlukan kajian tentang bagaimana kinerja dan kepuasan kerja mereka. Penelitian ini fokus pada kajian kepuasan kinerja pekerja konstruksi fresh graduate dari sudut pandang mereka sendiri dengan mengadopsi beberapa indikator dari The Toyota Way. Metode analisa perhitungan dilakukan dengan merangking hasil perhitungan antara skala penerapan dan pengembangan individu & teamwork. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator yang paling memuaskan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja konstruksi fresh graduate adalah pemimpin harus memiliki pengetahuan kerja yang mendalam dengan skor 18.574, sedangkan indikator kepuasan yang menunjukkan ketidakpuasan adalah materi pelatihan dibakukan dengan skor 13.468. Selanjutnya, sebagai rekomendasi adalah perlu adanya inovasi gaya kepemimpinan dari para pemimpin perusahaan konstruksi