19 research outputs found

    Changing accessibility and mobility patterns in reconfigured rural metro-adjacent regions. The case of Castilla-La Mancha in the context of the Madrid polycentric urban region

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    “During the last decades, traditional monocentric metropolitan systems are evolving to polycentric ones, characterized by externalities shared among a collection of close-by and linked cities (either with or without a main city still exerting a principal role). As a result, and partially supported by transport networks improvements (especially road infrastructures), metropolitan centers are expanding their influence towards wider contexts leading to an interweaving of the metropolitan systems and their adjacent regions’ urban systems. Moreover, emerging urban systems no longer meet relational hierarchical or monocentric logics but also periphery-periphery or center-periphery ones. While these metropolitan reorganizations have been extensively explored, until now, studies have focused on large and global cities and their close by surrounding peri-urban areas. Motivated by the need of in depth explorations on whether these changes are also transforming other types of rural areas further away from metropolitan centers, the main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of a combined morphological and functional methodological approach (which addresses accessibility and mobility analyses) to understand urban reconfigurations within rural metro-adjacent regions traditionally characterized by their leaderless and without internal functional cohesion character. A special attention is paid to assess to what extent the scale shift of metropolitan territories (overflowing their influence/effects towards wider areas) and the changes brought about by a state rescaling are conditioning transformations on these regions’ urban systems and functional coherence and favoring the consolidation of a more cohesive regional urban structure. The empirical analyses of this thesis are focused on Castilla-La Mancha, a Spanish rural region under the influence of the Madrid Metropolitan Region, and compare the current situation (2011/2012) with that previous to the Spanish state re-scaling (1981). These time scenarios allow considering two transport investments rationales: the traditional national one and the recent ‘national-regional’ one. Findings reveal that the reorganization processes initiated during the 1970s and the increasing metropolitan dynamics overflow beyond the traditional administrative limits have led to morphological and relational changes not only within the traditional metropolitan areas but also within their adjacent rural regions, shaping their rural settlement systems and conforming new regional organization patterns. In these significant rural metro-adjacent regions’ transformations, the promotion of tangential transport infrastructures (connecting internally the region) in contrast to the traditional radial ones (connecting the region with the metropolitan center) have played a key role. On the one hand, by enlarging catchment areas and fostering potential interconnections not only with the metropolitan center but also among regional territories. On the other, by strengthening internal cohesion, which means more balanced development with fewer disparities and territorial imbalances. These transport improvements have also motivated a relational change. This is evidenced by a growth in the number of flows, which allow a regional transformation from a predominantly rural behavior towards a more urban, or even metropolitan, one. The relational change is also evidenced by a reorganization of functional linkages (commuting) towards more complex spatial distributions characterized by: a) internal articulation reinforcement; b) metropolitan influence strengthening; and c) inter-regional interactions decrease (excluding those with the main adjacent metro region). All this has evidenced that recently reconfigured rural metro-adjacent regions (highly influenced by the extension of metropolitan dynamics) are overcoming their traditional acephalic/leaderless and without functional cohesion character and are becoming a polycentric urban system. Nonetheless, this polycentric configuration is still weak and fragmented/dispersed in contrast to that concentrated in the close proximity to the metropolitan center”

    Los convenios de colaboración y acuerdos de cooperación entre Comunidades Autónomas.: Pensar y actuar sobre nuevos territorios

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    This article suggests a thought and analysis the mismatch between the implementation of the State of Autonomies and the scarce cooperation and collaboration between Autonomous Communities in the face of a set of contemporary urban and territorial phenomena that clearly goes beyond regional political–administrative limits and in turn define new territorial areas of intermediate scale. First, the paper contextualises the fit of interregional cooperation in the Spanish legislation and points out the possible factors conditioning the scarce use of this instrument (collaboration agreements and cooperation agreements between Autonomous Communities). Second, the initiatives and files collected in the Senate database are analysed and characterised. This analysis evidences the insufficient degree of interregional cooperation. The paper ends with a discussion in regard to the importance of this instrument for responding to common problems and establishing development projects in cross–border territoriesEste artículo reflexiona y centra su análisis en el desajuste entre la implantación del Estado de las Autonomías y la escasa cooperación y colaboración entre Comunidades Autónomas frente al conjunto de fenómenos urbanos y territoriales contemporáneos que desbordan claramente los límites políticos–administrativos regionales y definen a su vez nuevos ámbitos territoriales de escala intermedia. Tras situar el encaje de la cooperación interregional en la legislación española y señalar los posibles factores que condicionan el escaso uso del instrumento de los convenios de colaboración y acuerdos de cooperación entre Comunidades Autónomas, se analizan las iniciativas y expedientes recogidos en la base de datos del Senado. En este sentido, se establece una caracterización de éstas y se evidencia el insuficiente grado de cooperación interregional. Finalmente, se plantean algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia de este instrumento en materia de cooperación interregional

    Los convenios de colaboración y acuerdos de cooperación entre Comunidades Autónomas. Pensar y actuar sobre nuevos territorios

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    This article suggests a thought and analysis the mismatch between the implementation of the State of Autonomies and the scarce cooperation and collaboration between Autonomous Communities in the face of a set of contemporary urban and territorial phenomena that clearly goes beyond regional political–administrative limits and in turn define new territorial areas of intermediate scale. First, the paper contextualises the fit of interregional cooperation in the Spanish legislation and points out the possible factors conditioning the scarce use of this instrument (collaboration agreements and cooperation agreements between Autonomous Communities). Second, the initiatives and files collected in the Senate database are analysed and characterised. This analysis evidences the insufficient degree of interregional cooperation. The paper ends with a discussion in regard to the importance of this instrument for responding to common problems and establishing development projects in cross–border territories.Este artículo reflexiona y centra su análisis en el desajuste entre la implantación del Estado de las Autonomías y la escasa cooperación y colaboración entre Comunidades Autónomas frente al conjunto de fenómenos urbanos y territoriales contemporáneos que desbordan claramente los límites políticos–administrativos regionales y definen a su vez nuevos ámbitos territoriales de escala intermedia. Tras situar el encaje de la cooperación interregional en la legislación española y señalar los posibles factores que condicionan el escaso uso del instrumento de los convenios de colaboración y acuerdos de cooperación entre Comunidades Autónomas, se analizan las iniciativas y expedientes recogidos en la base de datos del Senado. En este sentido, se establece una caracterización de éstas y se evidencia el insuficiente grado de cooperación interregional. Finalmente, se plantean algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia de este instrumento en materia de cooperación interregional

    The influence of education level and job type on work-related travel patterns within rural metro-adjacent regions: The case of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

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    Contemporary functional linkages and their relationships with the underlying settlement structure have been widely explored within polycentric urban configurations, but little attention has been paid to their adjacent rural regions. This paper examines the spatial patterns of commuting versus business travel in rural metro-adjacent regions to explain their reconfigured urban structures. These travel patterns are compared by considering workers’ education levels and occupations to investigate how rural metro-adjacent regions offer different opportunities for highly and non-highly skilled workers. Based on two surveys conducted by the authors in 2012, this work focuses on Castilla-La Mancha (CLM, Spain), a rural region under the influence of Madrid. The empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of considering different functional linkages when explaining the underlying urban network. In particular, the results reinforce the idea of consolidating the polycentric spatial organization of urban centers in CLM, although this concentration is greater for commuting travel purposes and for highly skilled professionals. Conversely, the openness of CLM to other Spanish regions (including the adjacent metropolitan region) is greater for business travel than for commuting. The results also illustrate that the level of engagement, both in commuting and in business travel, increases with education. Finally, the results show that business travel occurs over longer distances than commuting does for all workers residing in rural metro-adjacent regions, regardless of education

    “No estamos tan mal como Barcelona”: análisis de la proliferación y regulación de las viviendas de uso turístico en Madrid y Barcelona

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    The 2015–2019 term has been characterized by the attempts of regulating the vacational rentals in Madrid and Barcelona. The social pressure motivated the approval of the Special Touristic Accommodation Plan (PEUAT) of Barcelona in January 2017. Similarly, Madrid approved the Special Accommodation Plan (PEH) two years after. However, the economic agents and part of the administration advocated for a softer regulation under the premise of “not being as crowded as Barcelona” —despite admitting certain saturation of the housing market. But, is that assumption correct? This work provides an updated review of both plans revisiting their social and political contexts. To do so, the plans have been compared with respect to the supply offered on AirBnB —analyzing its characteristics and spatial distribution along the term to evaluate both the degree of ‘touristification’ of the housing market, and the timeliness and efficacy of the regulations passed. The results remark that both plans try to contain residential touristification in the central districts. However, the disparities among zoning criteria, as well as their reactive approval after the potential consolidation of a professionalized supply of apartments, may have compromised their efficacy.La legislatura 2015–2019 en Madrid y Barcelona ha estado marcada por el intento de regulación del alquiler vacacional. En Barcelona, la presión vecinal motivó la aprobación del Plan Especial Urbanístico de Alojamiento Turístico (PEUAT) en enero de 2017. En Madrid se aprobó el Plan Especial de Hospedaje (PEH) dos años después. En este caso, los agentes económicos y parte de la administración abogaban por una regulación laxa bajo el argumento de “no estar tan mal como Barcelona”, pese a admitir cierta turistificación del tejido residencial. Pero, ¿es cierta esta afirmación? Esta investigación proporciona una revisión actualizada de estos planes revisitando los contextos sociales y políticos que los enmarcan. Se han comparado en contenido el PEH y el PEUAT con respecto a la oferta publicada en AirBnB —atendiendo a sus características y distribución a lo largo del tiempo para evaluar tanto el grado de turistificación del parque inmobiliario, como la idoneidad y eficiencia de las normas zonales aprobadas. Los resultados verifican que ambos planes tratan de contener la turistificación residencial de los distritos centrales. Sin embargo, la disparidad de criterios de zonificación, así como su aprobación reactiva tras la posible consolidación de la oferta profesionalizada de apartamentos, podrían comprometer su eficacia

    The functional relationships of high-level professionals in distant areas of multicentric metropolitan regions: the case of Civil Engineers in the Madrilenian context

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    La evolución de los sistemas urbanos de unos modelos monocéntricos hacia otros más policénticos y la emergencia de centralidades político-administrativas en áreas distantes pertenecientes a Regiones Metropolitanas Multicéntricas, así como la mejora de las infraestructuras de transporte son factores que han jugado un papel clave en la creciente complejidad de áreas metropolitanas, modificando no solo la red de ciudades sino sus relaciones funcionales, reorganizando los patrones de movilidad. El objetivo de este artículo es identificar los patrones de movilidad por motivos laborales de profesionales altamente cualificados residiendo en dichas áreas distantes y analizar hasta qué punto la metrópoli continúa polarizando un porcentaje significativo de los desplazamientos. Para ello se toma la Región Metropolitana madrileña y el sector de los Ingenieros de Caminos residentes en Castilla-La Mancha como caso de estudio. Los resultados empíricos muestran que, a pesar de que la metrópolis continúa ejerciendo una atracción crucial, nuevas centralidades (en particular, la capital regional) comienzan a concentrar un creciente número de ligazones funcionales, más significativo para los viajes de negocio realizados por dichos profesionales altamente cualificados que para los viajes por motivos de commuting realizados por el total de hogares regionalesThe process of evolution from monocentric to polycentric urban structures and the emerging politico-administrative centralities in distant areas of multicentric metropolitan regions, together with transport network improvements, are all factors which have played a key role in the growing complexity of metropolitan areas, modifying not only urban/settlement structures but also functional relationships and re-organizing mobility patterns. The aim of this paper is to identify the work-related mobility patterns of the highly-skilled professionals residing in those distant areas and to discuss the extent to which the traditional metropolitan core remains the major factor in mobility patterns. In order to do this, an analysis of the Madrid Metropolitan Region and Civil Engineers residing in Castilla-La Mancha was conducted. The empirical findings show that, although metropolises indeed exert a crucial attraction, new centralities, in particular the regional capital, start polarizing functional linkages, more significantly for highly-skilled professional business travel than for the average working-population commuting flow

    "No estamos tan mal como Barcelona" : análisis de la proliferación y regulación de las viviendas de uso turístico en Madrid y Barcelona = “We are not as crowded as Barcelona” : The proliferation and regulation of vacational rentals in Madrid and Barcelona

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    La legislatura 2015–2019 en Madrid y Barcelona ha estado marcada por el intento de regulación del alquiler vacacional. En Barcelona, la presión vecinal motivó la aprobación del Plan Especial Urbanístico de Alojamiento Turístico (PEUAT) en enero de 2017. En Madrid se aprobó el Plan Especial de Hospedaje (PEH) dos años después. En este caso, los agentes económicos y parte de la administración abogaban por una regulación laxa bajo el argumento de “no estar tan mal como Barcelona”, pese a admitir cierta turistificación del tejido residencial. Pero, ¿es cierta esta afirmación? Esta investigación proporciona una revisión actualizada de estos planes revisitando los contextos sociales y políticos que los enmarcan. Se han comparado en contenido el PEH y el PEUAT con respecto a la oferta publicada en AirBnB —atendiendo a sus características y distribución a lo largo del tiempo para evaluar tanto el grado de turistificación del parque inmobiliario, como la idoneidad y eficiencia de las normas zonales aprobadas. Los resultados verifican que ambos planes tratan de contener la turistificación residencial de los distritos centrales. Sin embargo, la disparidad de criterios de zonificación, así como su aprobación reactiva tras la posible consolidación de la oferta profesionalizada de apartamentos, podrían comprometer su eficacia. ---------- ABSTRACT---------- The 2015–2019 term has been characterized by the attempts of regulating the vacational rentals in Madrid and Barcelona. The social pressure motivated the approval of the Special Touristic Accommodation Plan (PEUAT) of Barcelona in January 2017. Similarly, Madrid approved the Special Accommodation Plan (PEH) two years after. However, the economic agents and part of the administration advocated for a softer regulation under the premise of “not being as crowded as Barcelona” —despite admitting certain saturation of the housing market. But, is that assumption correct? This work provides an updated review of both plans revisiting their social and political contexts. To do so, the plans have been compared with respect to the supply offered on AirBnB —analyzing its characteristics and spatial distribution along the term to evaluate both the degree of ‘touristification’ of the housing market, and the timeliness and efficacy of the regulations passed. The results remark that both plans try to contain residential touristification in the central districts. However, the disparities among zoning criteria, as well as their reactive approval after the potential consolidation of a professionalized supply of apartments, may have compromised their efficacy