866 research outputs found

    Photobook Design of Ancient Temples in Magelang Regency

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    Indonesia is a country with vast cultural diversity as well as high historical value, due to many historical sites found in various regions including Magelang Regency, Central Java. Beside the largest temple called Borobudur, there are also several others scattered on all places of Magelang. These temples are not yet exposed to the world, namely Lumbung, Asu, Pendem, Gunung Sari, Gunung Wukir, Losari, and any other temples. These temples become the cultural heritage with its own beauty and high historical values with different functions and objectives from each other. The existence of these temples need to be preserved because of its use for science, education, religion and any other aspects. Government Tourism Office have already made an effort in the publication through websites, brochures, and magazines. After analyzing the publication, there are shortcomings in the delivery of the publication through the media. Therefore, to provide historical information and documentation of the temples in Magelang as historical evidence there is a need for putting more effort. The survey was done by the author through questionnaire and interview, the author concludes to use photobook as media to convey the information about these temples and to use photos to document these temples. Keywords Photobook, Ancient Temples, Magelang Regenc

    Hubungan antara Kualitas Laba, Asimetri Informasi, dan Biaya Modal Ekuitas: Pengujian Menggunakan Analisis Jalur

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    This study examines the direct and indirect impacts of earnings quality on cost of equity capital by using path analysis. The quality of earnings is measured by two proxies, namely discretionary accrual and income smoothing. Information asymmetry is used as mediating variable. This study uses 3 years sample period, ie 2008-2010. This study finds that information asymmetry has two important roles in determining the cost of equity capital. Firstly, information asymmetry affects positively to cost of equity capital, and secondly, information asymmetries serve as mediator between earnings quality measured by discretionary accrual and the cost of equity capital. Nevertheless, there is no significant direct and indirect relationship between earnings quality and the cost of capital when earnings quality was measured by income smoothing.---Penelitian ini menguji dampak langsung dan tidak langsung dari kualitas laba terhadap biaya modal ekuitas dengan menggunakan analisis jalur. Kualitas laba diukur dengan dua proksi, yaitu discretionary accrual dan perataan laba. Penelitian ini menggunakan asimetri informasi sebagai variabel pemediasi. Periode penelitian yang digunakan adalah 3 tahun yaitu tahun 2008-2010. Penelitian ini menemukan asimetri informasi memiliki dua peran penting dalam penentuan biaya modal ekuitas. Pertama, asimetri informasi berpengaruh positif terhadap biaya modal ekuitas, dan kedua asimetri informasi merupakan mediator antara kualitas laba yang diukur dengan discretionary accrual dan biaya modal ekuitas. Namun demikian, penelitian ini tidak berhasil menemukan pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari kualitas laba yang diukur dengan perataan laba terhadap biaya modal ekuitas

    Penguatan Karakter Kebangsaan Pada Sekolah Berbasis Keagamaan Di Kecamatan Baki, Kabupaten Sukoharjo (Studi Kasus Di SMA Islam Al-azhar 7 Sukoharjo)

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    The result of research showed that the implementation of nationality character reinforcement in SMA Islam (Islamic Senior High School) Al-Azhar 7 Sukoharjo included: 1) Civic education, Al-Qur'an Education, Sociology and History subjects addressing the nationality character, 2) the presence of Javanese language subject, the part of language variety in Indonesia, 3) boy scout activities, 4) OSIS (Internal School Student Organization) activities, 5) flag ceremony, and 6) celebration of RI's independence day. The constraints the educator faced in building the nationality character reinforcement included: 1) the educator always play game online leading to laziness in learning, 2) SMA Islam Al-Azhar 7 Sukoharjo should attend two curriculums: one from Al-Azhar foundation and one from Sukoharjo Regency's Education and Culture Service; thus educator found difficulty in integrating both curriculums, 3) However the nasionalism character is the part of the religion nasionalism, sometime the student didn't care about the character it self. The nationalism attitude demonstrated by the educators of SMA Islam Al-Azhar 7 Sukoharjo, included: 1) participating actively in flag ceremony implementation, 2) participating actively in boy scout activities, 3) speaking good and correct Indonesian, 4) expressing opinion when Indonesia is in conflict with other states, 5) participating in heroic and independence days celebration, 6) being proud of diversity existing in Indonesia, 7) loving nationality and heroic songs, 8) being care of fellow human beings, and 9) being care of environment

    Analisis Penerapan Prinsip Critical Non-Essentials Pada Astra Honda Authorized Service Station (AHASS) Di Kota Bogor

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    Problem utama yang dihadapi industri jasa adalah bagaimana mengurangi ketidaknyamanan konsumen ketika menunggu pelayanan, dan kondisi seperti ini juga dihadapi Astra Honda Authorized Service Station (AHASS) Bogor. Prinsip-prinsip Critical Non- Essentials digunakan untuk membantu dalam mengidentifikasi fasilitas penunjang yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat konsumen merasa lebih nyaman ketika menunggu sepeda motornya diperbaiki atau diservis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah; 1) Mengidentifikasi kondisi konsumen ketika menunggu pelayanan di AHASS saat ini; 2) Menganalisis fasilitas yang dibutuhkan konsumen AHASS dengan mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Critical Non-Essentials; 3) Memprediksi peningkatan Kenyamanan dan kepuasan konsumen. Sampel konsumen dari penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang datang ke AHASS dan bersedia antri menunggu pelayanan. Digunakan metode accidental sampling dalam menentukan responden yang akan menjadi sumber data atau informasi. Analisis statistik deskriptif dan tabulasi silang diterapkan untuk menentukan beberapa fasilitas prioritas utama yang dapat melengkapi yang ada, yang dapat membuat konsumen AHASS merasa senang sampai sepeda motor mereka selesai diperbaiki

    Resort Alam Bukit Sekipan Tawangmangu

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    The development and utilization of natural potential in Sekipan Tourism Complex located in the village of the District Kalisoro Tawangangmangu not optimal. lack of means to know more details about how the process of producing vegetables and fruits are fresh and tasty for consumption, while the process requires a fairly long time and did not rule dibutuhkanya accommodation in the form of accommodation, to support such activities. Seeing the conditions that exist, it is necessary to encourage tourism facility and infrastructure improvement. The presence of the design of a resort worthy travelers to stay while enjoying the potential of rural areas by Design resorts that use environmentally friendly building materials approach. so the resort development to support tourism activities in the region and can increase the number of tourists and prolong the stay of tourists in the region. Methods used in this research observation techniques, engineering studies and engineering studies literature and material documents to analyze data. Resort Alam Bukit Sekipan Tawangmangu is a design that combines elements of nature natural travel with an architecture that uses the approach of environmentally friendly materials, so the resort was found that respects the environment

    Pengembangan Modul Evolusi Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Menggunakan Model Think, Talk, Write (Ttw) Di SMA

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    The learning materials of evolutionary in biology for students of class XII IPA SMAN I Glenmore Banyuwangi is still in obstacles. The materials in textbooks based on School Based of Curriculum (KTSP), while teachers should teach the scientific approach which refers to curriculum of 2013. The requirement analysis of evolutionary teachers stated that 86% of teachers requires learning modules for students. The analysis of the mastery learning of students in the last three years of study showed that the level of student mastery of less than 35%. The purpose of this research is to develop modules of evolution for students with scientific approach using model Think, Talk, Write in SMAN I Glenmore Banyuwangi. The module was developed based on the model of the research and development of Dick & Carey (2001), which consists of nine stages of development. The validation results of learning experts showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 90.77% to the syllabus and <p> 91.04% to RPP. The validation results of study design experts showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 98.57% to the module. The validation results of material experts showed a valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 82.33% to the module for students. The validation results by implementing learning practitioners in the field showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> 100% to the syllabus, <p> 93.08% to RPP, and <p> 97.25% to module for students. The test results by the legibility of small groups of students showed very valid category with the percentage of votes <p> by 86.78%. to modul. Based on the validation results, we can conclude that the evolution module with the scientific approach using Think, Talk, Write models earmarked for students is valid and is expected to meet the limitations on teaching materials that are already available.Pembelajaran biologi materi evolusi bagi peserta didik kelas XII IPA SMAN I Glenmore Kabupaten Banyuwangi mengalami kendala. Bahan ajar yang ada masih mengacu pada buku paket dalam Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), sedangkan guru harus mengajar dengan pendekatan saintifik yang mengacu pada kurikulum 2013. Analisis kebutuhan guru menyatakan bahwa 86% guru pengampu pelajaran biologi materi evolusi memerlukan modul pembelajaran bagi peserta didik. Analisis kebutuhan peserta didik dalam tiga tahun pembelajaran terakhir menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketuntasan peserta didik kurang dari 35%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul evolusi bagi peserta didik dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan model Think, Talk, Write di SMAN I Glenmore Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Modul dikembangkan berdasarkan model pengembangan Dick & Carey (2001) yang terdiri dari sembilan tahap pengembangan. Analisis hasil validasi ahli perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 90,77% untuk silabus dan <p> sebesar 91,04% untuk RPP. Analisis hasil validasi ahli desain pembelajaran menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 98,57% untuk modul. Analisis hasil validasi ahli materi menunjukkan kategori valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 82,33% untuk modul peserta didik. Analisis hasil validasi oleh praktisi pelaksana pembelajaran di lapangan menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 100% untuk silabus, <p> sebesar 93,08% untuk RPP, dan <p> sebesar 97,25% untuk modul peserta didik. Analisis hasil uji coba keterbacaan kelompok kecil oleh peserta didik menunjukkan kategori sangat valid dengan hasil persentase penilaian <p> sebesar 86,78% untuk modul. Berdasarkan hasil validasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul evolusi dengan pendekatan saintifik menggunakan model Think, Talk, Write yang diperuntukkan bagi peserta didik valid dan diharapkan mampu memenuhi keterbatasan pada bahan ajar yang sudah tersedia


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    Price and Service Quality on Students' Decision to Choose STMIK Widuri Jakarta. The research methodology used in this study is quantitative. The data used are primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale (1-5). The population in this study were students who had studied at STMIK Widuri, Jakarta, with a sample of 204 people. Data analysis for hypothesis testing used multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS software version 26. The results showed that Promotion Mix and Service Quality had a significant positive effect on the decision to study at STMIK Widuri Jakarta. While Price had a significant negative effect on the decision to study at STMIK Widuri Jakarta. Managerial contributions to increasing student interest in choosing STMIK Widuri Jakarta are:The New Student Admissions Department (PMB) is friendlier, more polite in promoting STMIK, and improving the content of promotional advertising messages.  Adjusting tuition fees as the quality of facilities increases. Improving the quality of service, quality of lecturers, employees, facilities and infrastructure, and libraries


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    Background:Exclusive breastfeeding is the best way feed infant aged 0-6 months. Various factors influence breastfeeding practice, include father’s role factors. This study aimed to describe father’s roles and its association to breastfeeding practices.Method: Method used in this study was survey with cross sectional approach. The sample were 80 couples who had 0-6 month aged baby lived in the service area of Ngesrep subdistrict in February 2012 using pusposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed descriptively using chi-square statistical test.Result: The result showed among mothers with exclusive breastfeeding practice, about 80% father did support their wife. Father’s role were significantly associated to exclusive breastfeeding practices ( =0.0001). It was also influenced by medical support ( =0.042), grand mother and peer support ( =0.0001), and non-working mothers ( =0.049).Conclusion: Fathers who did role supporting mothers  to practice exclusive breastfeeding, improve its success. However, medical support, grand mother and peer support, and mother’s occupation are confounding variable for this. Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, father, father’s role

    Pola Pertumbuhan Dan Reproduksi Ikan Kuniran Upeneus Moluccensis (Bleeker, 1855) Di Perairan Lampung

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    Ikan kuniran (Upeneus moluccensis) adalah salah satu jenis ikan demersal yangdidaratkan di TPI Lempasing dengan harga relatif murah dan dipasarkan dalam bentuk segar ataupun olahan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan dan reproduksi ikan kuniran di Perairan Lampung. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama delapan bulan pada bulan Mei-Desember 2015. Sampel ikan diambil di TPI Lempasing sebanyak 200 ekor per bulan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi : panjang total ikan (mm), berat ikan (g), jenis kelamin ikan dan Tingkat Kematangan Gonad (TKG). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hubungan panjang dan berat ikan kuniran adalah W = 0,0144L2,930 dengan nilai koefisiensi regresi (r) sebesar 0,905 dan R 2 sebesar 0,904 dengan polapertumbuhan yang bersifat allometrik positif. Nilai faktor kondisi yang didapat selama penelitian berkisar 0,549-1,171 dan nisbah kelamin yang diperoleh tidak seimbang. Puncak pemijahan ikan kuniran terjadi pada bulan Agustus dan November
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