3,103 research outputs found

    VLT/SINFONI time-resolved spectroscopy of the central, luminous, H-rich WN stars of R136

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    Using the Very Large Telescope's Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near-Infrared (VLT/SINFONI), we have obtained repeated AO-assisted, NIR spectroscopy of the six central luminous, Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in the core of the very young (~1 Myr), massive and dense cluster R136, in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We also de-archived available images that were obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (HST/STIS), and extracted high-quality, differential photometry of our target stars to check for any variability related to binary motion. Previous studies, relying on spatially unresolved, integrated, optical spectroscopy, had reported that one of these stars was likely to be a 4.377-day binary. Our study set out to identify the culprit and any other short-period system among our targets. However, none displays significant photometric variability, and only one star, BAT99-112 (R136c), located on the outer fringe of R136, displays a marginal variability in its radial velocities; we tentatively report an 8.2-day period. The binary status of BAT99-112 is supported by the fact that it is one of the brightest X-ray sources among all known WR stars in the LMC, consistent with it being a colliding-wind system. Follow-up observations have been proposed to confirm the orbital period of this potentially very massive system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    NGC 3603 - a Local Template for Massive Young Clusters

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    We present a study of the star cluster associated with the massive Galactic HII region NGC3603 based on near-IR broad-- and narrowband observations taken with ISAAC/VLT under excellent seeing conditions (<0.4''). We discuss color-color diagrams and address the impact of the high UV flux on the disk evolution of the low-mass stars.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 207 "Extragalactic Star Clusters", eds. E. Grebel, D. Geisler and D. Minitt

    The spin rates and spin evolution of the O components in WR+O binaries

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    Despite 50 years of extensive binary research we have to conclude that the Roche lobe overflow/mass transfer process that governs close binary evolution is still poorly understood. It is the scope of the present paper to lift a tip of the veil by studying the spin-up and spin-down processes of the O-type components of WR+O binaries. We critically analyze the available observational data of rotation speeds of the O-type components in WR+O binaries. By combining a binary evolutionary code and a formalism that describes the effects of tides in massive stars with an envelope in radiative equilibrium, we compute the corresponding rotational velocities during the Roche lobe overflow of the progenitor binaries. In all the studied WR+O binaries, we find that the O-type stars were affected by accretion of matter during the RLOF of the progenitor. This means that common envelope evolution which excludes any accretion onto the secondary O-star, has not played an important role to explain the WR+O binaries. Moreover, although it is very likely that the O-type star progenitors were spun-up by the mass transfer, many ended the RLOF/mass transfer phase with a rotational velocity that is significantly smaller than the critical rotation speed. This may indicate that during the mass transfer phase there is a spin-down process which is of the same order as, although significantly less than that of the spin-up process. We propose a Spruit-Tayler type dynamo spin-down suggested in the past to explain the rotation speeds of the mass gainers in long-period Algols.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in A&A; accepted versio

    Binary planetary nebulae nuclei towards the Galactic bulge. II. A penchant for bipolarity and low-ionisation structures

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    Considerable effort has been applied towards understanding the precise shaping mechanisms responsible for the diverse range of morphologies exhibited by planetary nebulae (PNe). A binary companion is increasingly gaining support as a dominant shaping mechanism, however morphological studies of the few PNe that we know for certain were shaped by binary evolution are scarce or biased. Newly discovered binary central stars (CSPN) from the OGLE-III photometric variability survey have significantly increased the sample of post common-envelope (CE) nebulae available for morphological analysis. We present Gemini South narrow-band images for most of the new sample to complement existing data in a qualitative morphological study of 30 post-CE nebulae. Nearly 30% of nebulae have canonical bipolar morphologies, however this rises to 60% once inclination effects are incorporated with the aid of geometric models. This is the strongest observational evidence yet linking CE evolution to bipolar morphologies. A higher than average proportion of the sample shows low-ionisation knots, filaments or jets suggestive of a binary origin. These features are also common around emission-line nuclei which may be explained by speculative binary formation scenarios for H-deficient CSPN.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Turbulent transport of heat and momentum in a boundary layer subject to deceleration, suction and variable wall temperature

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    The relationship between the turbulent transport of heat and momentum in an adverse pressure gradient boundary layer was studied. An experimental study was conducted of turbulent boundary layers subject to strong adverse pressure gradients with suction. Near-equilibrium flows were attained, evidenced by outer-region similarity in terms of defect temperature and defect velocity profiles. The relationship between Stanton number and enthalpy thickness was shown to be the same as for a flat plate flow both for constant wall temperature boundary conditions and for steps in wall temperature. The superposition principle used with the step-wall-temperature experimental result was shown to accurately predict the Stanton number variation for two cases of arbitrarily varying wall temperature. The Reynolds stress tensor components were measured for strong adverse pressure gradient conditions and different suction rates. Two peaks of turbulence intensity were found: one in the inner and one in the outer regions. The outer peak is shown to be displaced outward by an adverse pressure gradient and suppressed by suction