14 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) dan Pattern Search (PS) untuk Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah Universitas

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    The problem of university course scheduling is a complicated job to do because of the many constraints that must be considered, such as the number of courses, the number of rooms available, the number of students, lecturer preferences, and time slots. The more courses that will be scheduled, the scheduling problem becomes more complex to solve. Therefore, it is necessary to set an automatic course schedule based on optimization method. The aim of this research is to gain an optimal solution in the form of schedule in order to decrease the number of clashed courses, optimize room utilization and consider the preferences of lecturer-course. In this research, a hybridization method of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Pattern Search (PS) is investigated for solving university course scheduling problems. The main algorithm is GA to find the global optimum solution, while the PS algorithm is used to find the local optimum solution that is difficult to obtain by the GA method. The simulation results with 93 courses show that the Hybrid GA-PS method works better than does the GA method without hybrid, as evidenced by the better fitness value of the hybrid GA-PS method which is -3528.62 and 99.24% of the solutions achieved. While the GA method without hybrid is only able to reach a solution of around 65% and has an average fitness value of -3100.76

    Pengembangan Model Keselamatan pada Transportasi Kereta Api (Studi Kasus: PT. Kereta Komuter Indonesia)

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    The application of safety is an important matter in carrying out activities inland transportation including railroad transportation. Jabodetabek travel routes are handled directly by PT. Kereta Komuter Indonesia. This activity certainly requires a lot of human labor so safety is very important in this regard. With the existence of safety arrangements, it will avoid any related things from accidents or losses due to the delay in the completion of work caused by the inaccurate company safety management system. Therefore each element involved in each activity requires further knowledge and understanding of the core factors that are in accordance with the safety management system used. Referring to this approach, research is carried out on the railroad industry in Indonesia by developing a safety model in the railway industry. The research was conducted by finding the right literature and then developing a model for the factors considered appropriate to be applied to the safety management system in railroad transportation in Indonesia. After the model was developed, the model was confirmed by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approach with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results of the study will prove that the factors developed in the safety model are positively related to the implementation of commuter train safety management in Indonesia

    Analytical Approach for Linear Programming Using Barrier and Penalty Function Methods

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    In order to solve the primal linear programming problems (and its dual) some methods have been used such as simplex method, geometric approach and interior points methods. None of these methods used Lagrangian function as a tool to solve the problem. This raises a question why are we not using this to solve the linear programming problems. Thus, in this research we study and analyze how the behavior and performance of barrier functions and penalty functions methods for solving the linear programming problems. All of these functions are in Lagrangian form. With logarithmic barrier function methods we introduce three types of function; that is, primal logarithmic, dual logarithmic and primal-dual logarithmic functions. There are two mam results obtained from the logarithmic function method. First, we prove that for every value of the barrier parameter, the logarithmic barrier function for the problem has a unique minimizer; and then if the sequence of the values of barrier parameters tends to zero, then the sequence of the minimizers converges to a minimizer of the problem. From these properties, we construct an algorithm for solving the problem using the logarithmic barrier function methods. Second, we give the equivalences between the interior points set, the primal logarithmic barrier function, the dual logarithmic barrier function, the primal-dual logarithmic barrier function and the system of linear equations associated with these functions

    Perancangan Model Simulasi Tata Letak Gudang Bahan Baku Menggunakan Metode Shared Storage Pada PT. Hyundai Indonesia Motor

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    Problems at PT. Hyundai Indonesia Motor occurs in the warehouse of raw materials for local parts, Thailand parts, andbulky & trim areas where laying raw materials is not regular, does not fit shelves or pallets and there is no layout for laying rawmaterials on the shelves, so operators have difficulty finding raw materials to be processed and cause the time to extract raw materialsis greater and there is a delay in the delivery of raw materials to the production line. The purpose of this study was to design a simulationmodel for improving the warehouse layout of raw materials to minimize the time taken to take raw materials to the production line.The first step in evaluating the raw material warehouse layout at PT. Hyundai Indonesia Motor is by using a checksheet and a map ofthe process of extracting raw materials used to determine the condition of the warehouse of raw materials and the process of extractingraw materials. Next, make improvements to the raw material warehouse layout using the shared storage method. The first threeproposals proposed using the initial layout with the addition of material handling in the local area, the second proposal using the sharedstorage method, the third proposal using the shared storage method with the addition of material handling in the local area, thenselecting the proposal using the benferroni method and using the check sheet evaluation results so that the best proposal is obtained,namely in the third proposal with the fastest simulation time, namely the average simulation time of 63.47 hours. Compared with theinitial simulation which has a simulation time of 125.14 hours, in the third proposal there is a minimum time so that the time differenceis 61.7 hours for the initial simulation


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    PT. Batarasura Mulia adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur. Perusahaan ini memproduksi berbagai macam jenis filter (penyaring) yang biasa digunakan didalam sebuah kendaraan bermotor seperti Fuel Filter, Oil Filter, dan Air Filter. Permasalahan yang dihadapi perusahaan adalah belum adanya sistem yang dapat mencatat pemesanan pelanggan dan mencatat pembiayaan pembelian bahan baku. PT. Batarasura Mulia masih menggunakan sistem yang manual. Perusahaan ini melakukan proses pembelian material dengan memperkirakan jumlah unit material berdasarkan jumlah unit material yang tersedia di gudang tanpa adanya proses perhitungan pembelian material terlebih dahulu. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan terjadinya keterlambatan proses produksi karena perusahan harus membeli sisa jumlah unit material yang kurang yang berada di gudang. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah merancang suatu sistem pendukung keputusan untuk pengendalian persediaan bahan baku yang dapat memberikan perhitungan berupa jumlah unit material yang dibutuhkan dan frekuensi pemesanan materialnya dengan menggunakan metode perhitungan Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) dan Period Order Quantity (POQ) serta menentukan metode yang terbaik yang akan digunakan berdasarkan biaya persediaan paling minimum. Perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan dimulai dengan melakukan analisis sistem yang sedang terjadi dengan menggunakan kerangka analisis PIECES (Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency, Services). Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dari pengguna sistem. Kemudian langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan perancangan komponen pengelolaan data dengan membuat diagram konteks, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), dan Physical Data Model (PDM). Perancangan sistem selanjutnya adalah merancang komponen pengelolaan model. Model yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan adalah EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) dan POQ (Period Order Quantity). Perhitungan menggunakan model EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) dan POQ (Period Order Quantity) menghasilkan perhitungan jumlah unit pemesanan material yang dibutuhkan dan menghasilkan frekuensi pemesanannya. Langkah terakhir adalah perancangan user interface dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP. Hasil dari perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan menunjukkan bahwa sistem dapat memberikan perhitungan jumlah unit pemesanan material yang dibutuhkan dan frekuensi pemesanan setiap material berdasarkan model EOQ dan POQ serta dapat menentukan metode yang terbaik berdasarkan biaya persediaan yang paling minimum. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk model EOQ biaya total untuk seluruh bahan baku sebesar Rp257.333.000 dan untuk model POQ biaya total untuk seluruh bahan baku sebesar Rp132.756.200. Perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan ini ditujukan kepada departemen purchasing dan departemen inventory

    Metode numerik untuk teknik

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    Dalam makalah ini diperkenalkan sebuah model AHP/DEA untuk mengukur efisiensi penggunaan teknologi gas buang  rumah tangga ramah lingkungan. Model ini merupakan sebuah model yang mengintegrasikan antara AHP dan DEA yang merupakan salah satu dari metode multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). Metode ini merupakan salah satu prosedur saintifik yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur penggunaan teknologi gas ramah lingkungan. Kata kunci: AHP, DEA, teknologi gas ramah lingkungan.   Abstract This paper introduced a model of AHP / DEA to measure the efficiency of the use of exhaust gas technology environmentally friendly household. This model is a model that integrates the AHP and DEA, which is one of the methods of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). This method is a scientific procedure that can be used to measure the use of environmentally friendly gas technologies. Keywords: AHP, DEA, environmentally friendly gas technologies