563 research outputs found

    An integrative framework for cooperative production resources in smart manufacturing

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    Under the push of Industry 4.0 paradigm modern manufacturing companies are dealing with a significant digital transition, with the aim to better address the challenges posed by the growing complexity of globalized businesses (Hermann, Pentek, & Otto, Design principles for industrie 4.0 scenarios, 2016). One basic principle of this paradigm is that products, machines, systems and business are always connected to create an intelligent network along the entire factory\u2019s value chain. According to this vision, manufacturing resources are being transformed from monolithic entities into distributed components, which are loosely coupled and autonomous but nevertheless provided of the networking and connectivity capabilities enabled by the increasingly widespread Industrial Internet of Things technology. Under these conditions, they become capable of working together in a reliable and predictable manner, collaborating among themselves in a highly efficient way. Such a mechanism of synergistic collaboration is crucial for the correct evolution of any organization ranging from a multi-cellular organism to a complex modern manufacturing system (Moghaddam & Nof, 2017). Specifically of the last scenario, which is the field of our study, collaboration enables involved resources to exchange relevant information about the evolution of their context. These information can be in turn elaborated to make some decisions, and trigger some actions. In this way connected resources can modify their structure and configuration in response to specific business or operational variations (Alexopoulos, Makris, Xanthakis, Sipsas, & Chryssolouris, 2016). Such a model of \u201csocial\u201d and context-aware resources can contribute to the realization of a highly flexible, robust and responsive manufacturing system, which is an objective particularly relevant in the modern factories, as its inclusion in the scope of the priority research lines for the H2020 three-year period 2018-2020 can demonstrate (EFFRA, 2016). Interesting examples of these resources are self-organized logistics which can react to unexpected changes occurred in production or machines capable to predict failures on the basis of the contextual information and then trigger adjustments processes autonomously. This vision of collaborative and cooperative resources can be realized with the support of several studies in various fields ranging from information and communication technologies to artificial intelligence. An update state of the art highlights significant recent achievements that have been making these resources more intelligent and closer to the user needs. However, we are still far from an overall implementation of the vision, which is hindered by three major issues. The first one is the limited capability of a large part of the resources distributed within the shop floor to automatically interpret the exchanged information in a meaningful manner (semantic interoperability) (Atzori, Iera, & Morabito, 2010). This issue is mainly due to the high heterogeneity of data model formats adopted by the different resources used within the shop floor (Modoni, Doukas, Terkaj, Sacco, & Mourtzis, 2016). Another open issue is the lack of efficient methods to fully virtualize the physical resources (Rosen, von Wichert, Lo, & Bettenhausen, 2015), since only pairing physical resource with its digital counterpart that abstracts the complexity of the real world, it is possible to augment communication and collaboration capabilities of the physical component. The third issue is a side effect of the ongoing technological ICT evolutions affecting all the manufacturing companies and consists in the continuous growth of the number of threats and vulnerabilities, which can both jeopardize the cybersecurity of the overall manufacturing system (Wells, Camelio, Williams, & White, 2014). For this reason, aspects related with cyber-security should be considered at the early stage of the design of any ICT solution, in order to prevent potential threats and vulnerabilities. All three of the above mentioned open issues have been addressed in this research work with the aim to explore and identify a precise, secure and efficient model of collaboration among the production resources distributed within the shop floor. This document illustrates main outcomes of the research, focusing mainly on the Virtual Integrative Manufacturing Framework for resources Interaction (VICKI), a potential reference architecture for a middleware application enabling semantic-based cooperation among manufacturing resources. Specifically, this framework provides a technological and service-oriented infrastructure offering an event-driven mechanism that dynamically propagates the changing factors to the interested devices. The proposed system supports the coexistence and combination of physical components and their virtual counterparts in a network of interacting collaborative elements in constant connection, thus allowing to bring back the manufacturing system to a cooperative Cyber-physical Production System (CPPS) (Monostori, 2014). Within this network, the information coming from the productive chain can be promptly and seamlessly shared, distributed and understood by any actor operating in such a context. In order to overcome the problem of the limited interoperability among the connected resources, the framework leverages a common data model based on the Semantic Web technologies (SWT) (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila, 2001). The model provides a shared understanding on the vocabulary adopted by the distributed resources during their knowledge exchange. In this way, this model allows to integrate heterogeneous data streams into a coherent semantically enriched scheme that represents the evolution of the factory objects, their context and their smart reactions to all kind of situations. The semantic model is also machine-interpretable and re-usable. In addition to modeling, the virtualization of the overall manufacturing system is empowered by the adoption of an agent-based modeling, which contributes to hide and abstract the control functions complexity of the cooperating entities, thus providing the foundations to achieve a flexible and reconfigurable system. Finally, in order to mitigate the risk of internal and external attacks against the proposed infrastructure, it is explored the potential of a strategy based on the analysis and assessment of the manufacturing systems cyber-security aspects integrated into the context of the organization\u2019s business model. To test and validate the proposed framework, a demonstration scenarios has been identified, which are thought to represent different significant case studies of the factory\u2019s life cycle. To prove the correctness of the approach, the validation of an instance of the framework is carried out within a real case study. Moreover, as for data intensive systems such as the manufacturing system, the quality of service (QoS) requirements in terms of latency, efficiency, and scalability are stringent, an evaluation of these requirements is needed in a real case study by means of a defined benchmark, thus showing the impact of the data storage, of the connected resources and of their requests

    Simplified Theoretical Analysis of the Seismic Response of Artificially Compacted Gravels

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    Despite extensive use of gravely materials for the construction of big earthworks, theoretical prediction of their seismic response is often based on very simple schemes, unable to reproduce most of the important features observed at sample scales. Theoretical models capable of simulating the effects of artificial compaction on the stress-strain response of these soils under complex static and dynamic loading conditions would be particularly useful for designing more cost effective solutions in the construction of large embankments. This paper is aimed to fill this gap by reporting the results of a simplified theoretical study on the seismic response of an artificial deposit of gravels compacted at different densities. A previously defined critical state multiple yielding elasto-plastic constitutive model, validated with the results of a large variety of triaxial tests on gravels (measurement from small to large strains, samples compacted at different initial soil densities, monotonic and cyclic loading conducted at largely different stress levels), is here adopted to calculate the shear stiffness and the damping an equivalent visco-elastic model. These results form the input of a finite differences one dimensional analysis implemented to study the propagation of shear waves into horizontally layered gravel deposits subjected to variable motion of their underlying bedrock. Analyses are performed in the frequency and time domains by varying the maximum amplitude of the base acceleration to evaluate the filtering and amplification effects of the deposit. The results of this study are parametrically reported in terms of free surface accelerations and amplification ratios, to show how artificial compaction affects the response of gravel

    An integrative framework for cooperative production resources in smart manufacturing

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    Under the push of Industry 4.0 paradigm modern manufacturing companies are dealing with a significant digital transition, with the aim to better address the challenges posed by the growing complexity of globalized businesses (Hermann, Pentek, & Otto, Design principles for industrie 4.0 scenarios, 2016). One basic principle of this paradigm is that products, machines, systems and business are always connected to create an intelligent network along the entire factory’s value chain. According to this vision, manufacturing resources are being transformed from monolithic entities into distributed components, which are loosely coupled and autonomous but nevertheless provided of the networking and connectivity capabilities enabled by the increasingly widespread Industrial Internet of Things technology. Under these conditions, they become capable of working together in a reliable and predictable manner, collaborating among themselves in a highly efficient way. Such a mechanism of synergistic collaboration is crucial for the correct evolution of any organization ranging from a multi-cellular organism to a complex modern manufacturing system (Moghaddam & Nof, 2017). Specifically of the last scenario, which is the field of our study, collaboration enables involved resources to exchange relevant information about the evolution of their context. These information can be in turn elaborated to make some decisions, and trigger some actions. In this way connected resources can modify their structure and configuration in response to specific business or operational variations (Alexopoulos, Makris, Xanthakis, Sipsas, & Chryssolouris, 2016). Such a model of “social” and context-aware resources can contribute to the realization of a highly flexible, robust and responsive manufacturing system, which is an objective particularly relevant in the modern factories, as its inclusion in the scope of the priority research lines for the H2020 three-year period 2018-2020 can demonstrate (EFFRA, 2016). Interesting examples of these resources are self-organized logistics which can react to unexpected changes occurred in production or machines capable to predict failures on the basis of the contextual information and then trigger adjustments processes autonomously. This vision of collaborative and cooperative resources can be realized with the support of several studies in various fields ranging from information and communication technologies to artificial intelligence. An update state of the art highlights significant recent achievements that have been making these resources more intelligent and closer to the user needs. However, we are still far from an overall implementation of the vision, which is hindered by three major issues. The first one is the limited capability of a large part of the resources distributed within the shop floor to automatically interpret the exchanged information in a meaningful manner (semantic interoperability) (Atzori, Iera, & Morabito, 2010). This issue is mainly due to the high heterogeneity of data model formats adopted by the different resources used within the shop floor (Modoni, Doukas, Terkaj, Sacco, & Mourtzis, 2016). Another open issue is the lack of efficient methods to fully virtualize the physical resources (Rosen, von Wichert, Lo, & Bettenhausen, 2015), since only pairing physical resource with its digital counterpart that abstracts the complexity of the real world, it is possible to augment communication and collaboration capabilities of the physical component. The third issue is a side effect of the ongoing technological ICT evolutions affecting all the manufacturing companies and consists in the continuous growth of the number of threats and vulnerabilities, which can both jeopardize the cybersecurity of the overall manufacturing system (Wells, Camelio, Williams, & White, 2014). For this reason, aspects related with cyber-security should be considered at the early stage of the design of any ICT solution, in order to prevent potential threats and vulnerabilities. All three of the above mentioned open issues have been addressed in this research work with the aim to explore and identify a precise, secure and efficient model of collaboration among the production resources distributed within the shop floor. This document illustrates main outcomes of the research, focusing mainly on the Virtual Integrative Manufacturing Framework for resources Interaction (VICKI), a potential reference architecture for a middleware application enabling semantic-based cooperation among manufacturing resources. Specifically, this framework provides a technological and service-oriented infrastructure offering an event-driven mechanism that dynamically propagates the changing factors to the interested devices. The proposed system supports the coexistence and combination of physical components and their virtual counterparts in a network of interacting collaborative elements in constant connection, thus allowing to bring back the manufacturing system to a cooperative Cyber-physical Production System (CPPS) (Monostori, 2014). Within this network, the information coming from the productive chain can be promptly and seamlessly shared, distributed and understood by any actor operating in such a context. In order to overcome the problem of the limited interoperability among the connected resources, the framework leverages a common data model based on the Semantic Web technologies (SWT) (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila, 2001). The model provides a shared understanding on the vocabulary adopted by the distributed resources during their knowledge exchange. In this way, this model allows to integrate heterogeneous data streams into a coherent semantically enriched scheme that represents the evolution of the factory objects, their context and their smart reactions to all kind of situations. The semantic model is also machine-interpretable and re-usable. In addition to modeling, the virtualization of the overall manufacturing system is empowered by the adoption of an agent-based modeling, which contributes to hide and abstract the control functions complexity of the cooperating entities, thus providing the foundations to achieve a flexible and reconfigurable system. Finally, in order to mitigate the risk of internal and external attacks against the proposed infrastructure, it is explored the potential of a strategy based on the analysis and assessment of the manufacturing systems cyber-security aspects integrated into the context of the organization’s business model. To test and validate the proposed framework, a demonstration scenarios has been identified, which are thought to represent different significant case studies of the factory’s life cycle. To prove the correctness of the approach, the validation of an instance of the framework is carried out within a real case study. Moreover, as for data intensive systems such as the manufacturing system, the quality of service (QoS) requirements in terms of latency, efficiency, and scalability are stringent, an evaluation of these requirements is needed in a real case study by means of a defined benchmark, thus showing the impact of the data storage, of the connected resources and of their requests

    Analysis of Dam Behaviour After Eighty Years of Service

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    The paper reports on the behaviour of a masonry dam built in the Italian Alps in the early twenties of the last century and still in operation for electric power supply. The dam is 31 m high and its waterproofing is ensured by a multi-layered impervious facing, a concrete cut-off and a grout curtain protruding into the foundation soils. The geological location of the dam is rather complex, because its left abutment is located on a rock formation while the right one rests on a thick moraine deposit. Since its first impounding, large downstream water flows and significant movements of the dam and of its moraine abutment were observed. A comprehensive investigation has thus been conducted in order to understand the overall behaviour of the reservoir, after eighty years of service. For this purpose, historical documents have been first reviewed in order to reconstruct the design assumptions, construction operations and early observations on site. Experimental investigations of the moraine deposit have then been conducted, in order to estimate the subsoil properties. Seepage flow rates and reservoir impoundment levels, recorded for more then twenty years, have also been analysed, showing the correlation existing between these two variables. More recently, a system for monitoring the displacements of the dam and the moraine has been implemented and the recorded data have been examined. All the available observations have been evaluated and a reasonable interpretation of the coupled hydraulical-mechanical behaviour of the dam and of its moraine abutment has been inferred. Numerical calculations have finally been conducted, in order to verify such explanation

    A Telemetry-driven Approach to Simulate Data-intensive Manufacturing Processes

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    Abstract Telemetry enables the collection of data from remote points to support monitoring, analysis and visualization. It is largely adopted in Formula One car racing, where streams of live data collected from hundreds of sensors installed on car components are transmitted to the pitwall to be used as input of real-time car performance simulations. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the potential of a telemetry-driven approach in a manufacturing environment, where researchers are still looking for efficient methods to perform valuable simulations of the production processes on the basis of real data coming from the factory. The telemetry could contribute to the implementation of a virtual image of the real factory, which in turn could be used to simulate the factory performance, allowing to predict failures or investigate problems, and to reduce costly downtime. This study addresses in particular the efforts to combine and adapt methods and techniques borrowed from the field of Formula One car racing. Moreover, the investigation of the exploitation possibilities of the factory telemetry is paired with the design of a software application supporting this technology, starting from the elicitation and specification of the functional requirements

    Proposal of a learning health system to transform the National Health System of Spain

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    This article identifies the main challenges of the National Health Service of Spain and proposes its transformation into a Learning Health System. For this purpose, the main indicators and reports published by the Spanish Ministries of Health and Finance, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and World Health Organization (WHO) were reviewed. The Learning Health System proposal is based on some sections of an unpublished report, written by two of the authors under request of the Ministry of Health of Spain on Big Data for the National Health System. The main challenges identified are the rising old age dependency ratio; health expenditure pressures and the likely increase of out-of-pocket expenditure; drug expenditures, both retail and consumed in hospitals; waiting lists for surgery; potentially preventable hospital admissions; and the use of electronic health record (EHR) data to fulfil national health information and research objectives. To improve its efficacy, efficiency, and quality, the National Health Service of Spain should be transformed into a Learning Health System. Information and communication technologies (IT) enablers are a fundamental tool to address the complexity and vastness of health data as well as the urgency that clinical and management decisions require. Big Data solutions are a perfect match for that problem in health systems

    Determination of the critical state of granular materials with triaxial tests

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    Abstract While the Critical State Locus (CSL) determined from triaxial compression tests is commonly adopted for the constitutive modelling of soil, the validity of the locus for other stress paths needs to be proved. Several authors have tried to experimentally verify whether the classical CSL representation in the stress invariants – void ratio space could be considered as unique or should depend on the loading direction, but the question is still being debated and a unique conclusion has not been convincingly drawn. In order to clarify this issue, compression and extension triaxial tests are performed on granular materials with different characteristics, namely, two homogeneously distributed sands and an assembly of steel spheres prepared under different initial conditions. The procedure for identifying the CSL is reviewed and indicates the limitations arising from strain localization (shear bands and necking). All the tests show that the materials head to systematically different traces in the e-p′ and p′-q planes when sheared under triaxial compression and extension. Searching for the reasons for this phenomenon, small samples of sand are subjected to the same tests quantifying the whole strain field with X-ray tomography and a digital image correlation. This analysis reveals an inhomogeneous pattern of deformation that is strongly affected by the presence of the two rigid frictional bases and the flexible side membrane, even for the samples deforming in an apparently uniform manner. The different localization observed for the compression and extension tests justifies the dependence of the CSL on the stress path seen on the global scale. On the other hand, a unique trace of the CSL is obtained in the volumetric e-p′ plane when the void ratio is measured limitedly to the zones affected by the largest distortion

    Synchronizing physical and digital factory: benefits and technical challenges

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    Abstract The Digital Twin is a representation of characteristics and behavior of a factory according to various levels of detail and the scope it addresses. Its full range of capabilities can be exploited when it is synchronized with the real world. Indeed, in this case, it can be used to mirror the real operating conditions for simulating the real-time behavior, and thus forecasting factory performances. However, we are still far from its large-scale diffusion. The purpose of this work is to analyze both the major challenges that still have to be faced and some potential solutions for each of the identified challenges

    Experimental Evidence of the Effectiveness and Applicability of Colloidal Nanosilica Grouting for Liquefaction Mitigation

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    AbstractThe low viscosity and the ability to control solidification rate make colloidal nanosilica grout an excellent ground-improvement solution which is functional for different engineering purpo..
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