21 research outputs found

    Sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate impact on soil bacterial diversity in greenhouse tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crop

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    The constant use of sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate (metam sodium: MS) in protected agriculture in México has attracted the attention of researchers and producers on their effects on the environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of MS on the bacterial community structure in an agricultural soil with tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.) considering the different phenological stages of the crop. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with a completely randomized block design with two treatments: 1) without MS and 2) with application of 400 L·ha-1 of MS. For the determination of the bacterial structure, the biodiversity indexes of richness (S), diversity (H') and equity (J'), identification of operational taxonomic units (OTU) were used through the T-RFLP technique. Application of MS in soil showed no significant effect on bacterial richness. However, the application of MS does alter the structure of the bacterial community (H' and J') in each of the tomato phenological stages. Finally, future studies which include the evaluation of the effects of MS on the physiology of intensive crops and functions in the different soil types are need.The constant use of sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate (metam sodium: MS) in protected agriculture in México has attracted the attention of researchers and producers on their effects on the environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of MS on the bacterial community structure in an agricultural soil with tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.) considering the different phenological stages of the crop. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with a completely randomized block design with two treatments: 1) without MS and 2) with application of 400 L·ha-1 of MS. For the determination of the bacterial structure, the biodiversity indexes of richness (S), diversity (H') and equity (J'), identification of operational taxonomic units (OTU) were used through the T-RFLP technique. Application of MS in soil showed no significant effect on bacterial richness. However, the application of MS does alter the structure of the bacterial community (H' and J') in each of the tomato phenological stages. Finally, future studies which include the evaluation of the effects of MS on the physiology of intensive crops and functions in the different soil types are need

    La ganadería ante escenarios complejos.

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    La calidad de las contribuciones, producto de la pluma de especialistas en los temas tratados, el presente es un libro que esperamos, basándonos en la importancia de los temas tratados, sea de utilidad y abone a la reflexión de los estudiosos de la ganadería mexicana y, por supuesto, en beneficio de las familias ganaderas y de los consumidores de sus productos.este libro refleja en muchos sentidos la situación de la ganadería mexicana, a la que se le están demandando mayor producción y productividad, que los procesos productivos tengan la menor huella ecológicposible, que los alimentos sean inocuos, que se abatan costos de producción y, cada vez aumentan las presiones de diversos grupos para, que se incluyan los protocolos de bienestar animal, solamente por citar algunos de los retos que tiene. Algunas de estas demandas son complementarias, otras se contraponen, lo que hace valiosos a los estudios que desde las ciencias sociales se realizan y, desde diversas ópticas, se hagan propuestas de política pública balanceadas que consideren lo mejor de cada enfoque, pero sin desechar por completo los antagónicos.Universidad Autónoma Chaping

    The oncogenic role of hepatitis delta virus in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a small defective virus that needs hepatitis B virus (HBV) to replicate and propagate. HDV infection affects 20-40 million people worldwide and pegylated interferon (PegIFN) is the only recommended therapy. There is limited data on the contribution of HDV infection to HBV-related liver disease or liver cancer. Evidence from retrospective and cohort studies suggests that HBV/HDV coinfection accelerates progression to cirrhosis and is associated with an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development compared to HBV monoinfection. Although the life cycle of HDV is relatively well known, there is only ancillary information on the molecular mechanisms that can drive specific HDV-related oncogenesis. No thorough reports on the specific landscape of mutations or molecular classes of HDV-related HCC have been published. This information could be critical to better understand the uniqueness, if any, of HDV-related HCC and help identify novel targetable mutations. Herein, we review the evidence supporting an oncogenic role of HDV, the main reported mechanisms of HDV involvement and their impact on HCC development.M. Puigvehi received a scholarship grant from Asociación Española para el Estudio del Hígado (AEEH). A. Villanueva was supported by the DoD Translational Team Science Award (CA150272P3). J.M. Llovet was supported by NCI (P30-CA196521), DoD Translational Team Science Award (CA150272P1), European Commission (EC)/Horizon 2020 Program (HEPCAR, Ref. 667273-2), EIT Health (CRISH2, Ref. 18053), Accelerator Award (CRUCK, AEEC, AIRC) (HUNTER, Ref. C9380/A26813), Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation, Spanish National Health Institute (SAF2016-76390), and the Generalitat de Catalunya/AGAUR (SGR-1358)

    Los criterios de elegibilidad actuales del Seguro Popular para recibir tratamiento para el virus de la hepatitis C

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    Pocas cosas han avanza­do tanto como el tratamiento contra el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC). Se tienen antivirales de acción direc­ta (AAD) con los que se obtienen respuestas virales sostenidas (RVS) mayores a 90%, pero el costo de estos medicamentos es prohibitivo para los sistemas de salud

    Association between Low Testosterone Levels and Sarcopenia in Cirrhosis: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Introduction and aim. Sarcopenia is an independent predictor of mortality in cirrhosis. Hypogonadism is common in cirrhosis and has been associated with sarcopenia in non-cirrhotic chronic liver disease populations. The aim of this study is to investigate if sarcopenia is associated with low testosterone levels in patients with cirrhosis.Material and methods. This is a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of 211 cirrhotic patients undergoing evaluation for liver transplantation. Sarcopenia was defined by computed tomography (CT) scan using specific cutoffs of the 3rd lumbar vertebra skeletal muscle index (L3 SMI). Morning testosterone levels were obtained in all patients.Results. Of the 211 patients, sarcopenia was noted in 94 (45%). Testosterone levels were lower in sarcopenic patients (10.7 ± 1.1 vs. 13.7 ± 1.4 nmol/L, p = 0.03) and hypotestosteronemia was more frequent in them too (34 vs. 16%, p = 0.004). In males, those with sarcopenia had lower testosterone levels (14.6 ± 1.4 vs. 21.9 ± 1.8, p = 0.002), and the corresponding frequency of hypotestosteronemia (42 vs. 19%, p = 0.006) was also higher. There were no significant differences in female patients. There was a weak correlation between L3 SMI and testosterone levels (r 0.37, p < 0.001). On multivariable regression analysis including sex, body mass index (BMI), hypotestosteronemia, MELD and etiology of cirrhosis, only hypotestosteronemia (RR 2.76, p = 0.005) and BMI (RR 0.88, p < 0.001) were independently associated with sarcopenia.Conclusion. Low testosterone levels are associated with sarcopenia in male cirrhotic patients. The potential therapeutic effect of testosterone to reverse sarcopenia in these patients warrants evaluation in future trials

    Ausencia de anfibios en bromelias de tanque en la Estación Biológica San José, Chiapas, México

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    The current population decline of amphibians, mainly due to habitat destruction and alteration by humans, is alarming. From March to May 2017, we searched for amphibians in terrestrial and arboreal bromeliads (&gt;20cm in height) in 16ha of pine-oak forest. Out of 3 467 bromeliads, only two specimens had amphibians, indicating a devastating population decline.El actual declive de anfibios, principalmente por la destrucción y alteración del hábitat, por actividades antropogénicas es alarmante. De marzo a mayo del 2017, buscamos anfibios en bromelias terestres y arbóreas (&gt;20cm de altura en 16ha de bosque de pino-encino. De 3 467 bromelias, solo dos especímenes tenían anfibios, indicando un declive devastador de la población

    Ausencia de anfibios en bromelias de tanque en la Estación Biológica San José, Chiapas, México

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    The current population decline of amphibians, mainly due to habitat destruction and alteration by humans, is alarming. From March to May 2017, we searched for amphibians in terrestrial and arboreal bromeliads (&gt;20cm in height) in 16ha of pine-oak forest. Out of 3 467 bromeliads, only two specimens had amphibians, indicating a devastating population decline.El actual declive de anfibios, principalmente por la destrucción y alteración del hábitat, por actividades antropogénicas es alarmante. De marzo a mayo del 2017, buscamos anfibios en bromelias terestres y arbóreas (&gt;20cm de altura en 16ha de bosque de pino-encino. De 3 467 bromelias, solo dos especímenes tenían anfibios, indicando un declive devastador de la población

    Póster: Identificación de hongos ambientales en el Centro de Información en Ciencia, Tecnología y Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí

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    Las esporas fúngicas son componentes normales de ambientes externos e incluso internos, estos últimos pueden servir como sitios de amplificación para el crecimiento de los hongos (en su mayoría saprofitos), muchas esporas fúngicas son alérgenos, un grupo de hongos son patógenos y algunos producen mico-toxinas. Al ser la Biblioteca un espacio apto para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de estos microorganismos se realizó un muestreo de distintas áreas en las cuales se identificaron 7 géneros fúngicos, mientras que en el segundo piso y en el reservorio de la planta baja no hubo ningún tipo de crecimiento, debido a que los hongos pueden ser un factor de riesgo, se recomienda mantener ventanas cerradas