11 research outputs found

    Advanced Application of Excess Enthalpy Combustion Technology to Boiler Systems

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    Excess enthalpy combustion causes flame temperature to rise, with any BTU fuel. The method uses high temperature air for combustion which is obtained from a heat-recirculation method. A practical method of excess enthalpy combustion, called High cycle Regenerative combustion System(HRS), was applied to a small water tube boiler having a steam production rate of 700 kg/h. The results of field tests provided a thermal efficiency of 97% and NOx emission levels of approximately 100 ppm, corrected for 0% O2 using natural gas as the fuel. These results were with an air inlet temperature of 900 °C using enthalpy extraction from the flue gases and modified fuel-staged combustion technique. The application of excess enthalpy flame to a conventional boiler system demonstrated an overall increase in the time averaged value of heat flux in the radiative section of the boiler. Furthermore, the results also showed that it was possible to increase the amount of heat transfer by passing part of flue gases to the convective section of the chamber. Thus, the advantage of the whole system was not only an increase in boiler efficiency, but also the improved heat transfer efficiency. The HRS boiler systems provide significant compactness. Further advantages include significant reduction in the energy usage and boiler heating-up time. The HRS can be applied to almost all types of practical power systems and in all cases significant energy savings, system cost and pollutants emission reduction occur

    Play at the Latvian language lessons for activating the primary school pupils’ cognitive activity

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    Agita Grigorjeva „Spēle latviešu valodas stundās sākumskolēna izziņas darbības aktivizēšanai.” Diplomdarbs veltīts mūsdienās aktuālam tematam – spēļu izmantošana latviešu valodas stundās, lai veicinātu skolēna izziņas darbību, radošo aktivitāti. Diplomdarba mērķis ir noskaidrot spēļu izmantošanas iespējas latviešu valodas mācību procesā vispārizglītojošās skolās skolēna izziņas darbības aktivizēšanai. Darba gaitā ir izpētīts, cik spēļu izmantošanas iespējas latviešu valodas stundās ir daudzveidīgas, tiek analizētas literārās un valodas spēles, spēles ar pierakstiem, lomu spēles u.c., un tas, kā ar to palīdzību skolēni apgūst prasmi salīdzināt, analizēt, sintezēt, vispārināt, kā spēle audzina skolēnos gribu un rosina pozitīvas emocijas mācīšanās procesā.” Play at the Latvian language lessons for activating the primary school pupils’ cognitive activity” by Agita Grigorjeva This diploma paper is devoted to the actual theme nowadays- use of plays at the Latvian language lessons to promote students’ cognitive actions and creative activity. The aim of my diploma paper is to make out possibilities of the play use at the Latvian language teaching process to activate the student’s cognitive actions in comprehensive schools. I have researched in my diploma paper, how multiform possibilities of the play use are at the Latvian language lessons.I have analysed literary and language lessons, the plays with notes, role plays and others.I have studied how students acquire skills to compare, analyse, synthesize,generalize using the plays, how the play educates will to the schoolchildren and how it promotes positive emotions at the learning process