253 research outputs found

    Self-Calibrated Warping for Mass Spectra Alignment

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    With recent advances in mass spectrometry (MS) technologies, it is now possible to study protein profiles over a wide range of molecular weights in small biological specimens. However, MS spectra are usually not aligned or synchronized between samples. To ensure the consistency of the subsequent analysis, spectrum alignment is necessary to align the spectra such that the same biological entity would show up at the same m/z value for different samples. Although a variety of alignment algorithms have been proposed in the past, most of them are developed based on chromatographic data and do not address some of the unique characteristics of the serum or other body fluid MS data. In this work, we propose a self-calibrated warping (SCW) algorithm to address some of the challenges associated with serum MS data alignment. In addition, we compare the proposed algorithm with five existing representative alignment methods using a clinical surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) data set

    Overexpression of cytochrome P450 1A1 and its novel spliced variant in ovarian cancer cells: alternative subcellular enzyme compartmentation may contribute to carcinogenesis

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer derived from the human ovarian surface epithelium (HOSE) is the leading cause of death from gynecologic malignancies among American women. Metabolic activation of endogenous and exogenous chemicals by cytochrome P450 (CYP) class I enzymes has been implicated in its etiology. In this study, we showed overexpression of CYP1A1 mRNA, but not CYP1B1 transcripts, in ovarian cancer cell lines when compared with primary cultures or immortalized HOSE cell lines. Importantly, we identified a novel, enzymatically active, spliced variant of CYP1A1 (CYP1A1v) formed by excision of an 84-bp cryptic intron in exon 2. CYP1A1v is overexpressed in ovarian cancer cell lines and exhibits a unique subcellular distribution restricted to the nucleus and mitochondria, contrary to the endoplasmic reticulum localization of the wild-type enzyme. In concordance, total CYP1A1 activity, as measured by the ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase assay, was detected in mitochondrial, nuclear, and microsomal fractions of ovarian cancer cells but was notably absent in all subcellular fractions of HOSE cells. Immunocytochemistry studies in 30 clinical specimens revealed overexpression of CYP1A1 in various types of ovarian cancers compared with benign epithelia and frequent localization of the enzyme to cancer cell nuclei. Forced expression of CYP1A1wt or CYP1A1v in HOSE cells resulted in nuclear localization of the enzyme and acquisition of anchorage-independent growth, which was further exacerbated following exposure to benzo(a)pyrene or 17beta-estradiol. Collectively, these data provided the first evidence that CYP1A1 overexpression and alternative splicing could contribute to ovarian cancer initiation and progression

    Fibronectin on the Surface of Myeloma Cell-derived Exosomes Mediates Exosome-Cell Interactions

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    Exosomes regulate cell behavior by binding to and delivering their cargo to target cells; however, the mechanisms mediating exosome-cell interactions are poorly understood. Heparan sulfates on target cell surfaces can act as receptors for exosome uptake, but the ligand for heparan sulfate on exosomes has not been identified. Using exosomes isolated from myeloma cell lines and from myeloma patients, we identify exosomal fibronectin as a key heparan sulfate-binding ligand and mediator of exosome-cell interactions. We discovered that heparan sulfate plays a dual role in exosome-cell interaction; heparan sulfate on exosomes captures fibronectin, and on target cells it acts as a receptor for fibronectin. Removal of heparan sulfate from the exosome surface releases fibronectin and dramatically inhibits exosome-target cell interaction. Antibody specific for the Hep-II heparin-binding domain of fibronectin blocks exosome interaction with tumor cells or with marrow stromal cells. Regarding exosome function, fibronectin-mediated binding of exosomes to myeloma cells activated p38 and pERK signaling and expression of downstream target genes DKK1 and MMP-9, two molecules that promote myeloma progression. Antibody against fibronectin inhibited the ability of myeloma-derived exosomes to stimulate endothelial cell invasion. Heparin or heparin mimetics including Roneparstat, a modified heparin in phase I trials in myeloma patients, significantly inhibited exosome-cell interactions. These studies provide the first evidence that fibronectin binding to heparan sulfate mediates exosome-cell interactions, revealing a fundamental mechanism important for exosome-mediated cross-talk within tumor microenvironments. Moreover, these results imply that therapeutic disruption of fibronectin-heparan sulfate interactions will negatively impact myeloma tumor growth and progression

    Abundant Lipid and Protein Components of Drusen

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    Drusen are extracellular lesions characteristic of aging and age-related maculopathy, a major retinal disease of the elderly. We determined the relative proportions of lipids and proteins in drusen capped with retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and in RPE isolated from non-macular regions of 36 human retinas with grossly normal maculas obtained <6 hr after death.Druse pellets were examined by light and electron microscopy. Component proteins were extracted using novel methods for preserved tissues, separated, subjected to tryptic digestion and LC-MS(MS)(2) analysis using an ion trap mass spectrometer, and identified with reference to databases. Lipid classes were separated using thin layer chromatography and quantified by densitometry. Major druse components were esterified cholesterol (EC), phosphatidylcholine (PC), and protein (37.5+/-13.7, 36.9+/-12.9, and 43.0+/-11.5 ng/druse, respectively). Lipid-containing particles (median diameter, 77 nm) occupied 37-44% of druse volume. Major proteins include vitronectin, complement component 9, apoE, and clusterin, previously seen in drusen, and ATP synthase subunit beta, scavenger receptor B2, and retinol dehydrogenase 5, previously seen in RPE. Drusen and RPE had similar protein profiles, with higher intensities and greater variability in drusen. C8, part of the complement membrane attack complex, was localized in drusen by immunofluorescence.At least 40% of druse content is comprised by lipids dominated by EC and PC, 2 components that are potentially accounted for by just one pathway, the secretion of lipoproteins by RPE. Manipulating genes encoding apolipoprotein pathways would be a fruitful approach to producing drusen with high EC content in laboratory animals. Therapies that directly mitigate drusen should prepare for the substantial volume of neutral lipids. The catalog of major druse proteins is nearing completion

    Branched fatty acids in dairy and beef products markedly enhance alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase expression in prostate cancer cells in vitro

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    An enzyme previously identified as alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) is overexpressed in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and in a majority (60-100%) of prostate cancers (CaPs) as compared with normal and benign hyperplastic lesions of the prostate, where it is minimally expressed. This enzyme is required for the beta-oxidation of branched-chain fatty acids, which include phytanic acid and its alpha-oxidation product, pristanic acid. Interestingly, there is an established correlation between CaP risk and the consumption of dairy and beef products, which also contain marked quantities of these two phytols. In this context, it has also been reported that sex steroids influence lipogenesis through the induction of fatty acid synthase in CaP-derived cell lines and CaP tissues. These findings indicate a potential role for AMACR and the possible influence of sex steroids in both the early development and subsequent progression of CaP. Despite the recent interest in AMACR as a histological marker for CaP, little is known about the regulation of this enzyme and its role in CaP development. To identify potential AMACR-regulating factors, we treated LNCaP cells (an androgen-responsive CaP-derived cell line) and NPrEC cells (a normal prostate basal epithelial cell line) with increasing concentrations of pristanic acid, phytanic acid, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and 17beta-estradiol. Neither the biologically potent androgen 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone nor 17beta-estradiol had any apparent effect on AMACR expression at the protein or transcriptional levels in either cell line. Conversely, pristanic acid and, to a much lesser extent, phytanic acid markedly increased AMACR protein levels selectively in the LNCaP cell line, but not the NPrEC cell line. However, no change was measured at the transcriptional level in either cell line. AMACR is therefore significantly increased at the protein level in CaP cells, through what appears to be the stabilizing effect of the same fatty acids that are present at appreciable concentrations in beef and dairy products, which have been associated with CaP risk. Our findings therefore provide a link between the consumption of dietary fatty acids and the enhanced expression of AMACR, an enzyme that may play an important role in genesis and progression of CaP

    Effects of Heterozygous Deletion of Autism-related gene Cullin-3 in mice

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder in which children display repetitive behavior, restricted range of interests, and atypical social interaction and communication. CUL3, coding for a Cullin family scaffold protein mediating assembly of ubiquitin ligase complexes through BTB domain substrate-recruiting adaptors, has been identified as a high-risk gene for autism. Although complete knockout of Cul3 results in embryonic lethality, Cul3 heterozygous mice have reduced CUL3 protein, demonstrate comparable body weight, and display minimal behavioral differences including decreased spatial object recognition memory. In measures of reciprocal social interaction, Cul3 heterozygous mice behaved similarly to their wild-type littermates. In area CA1 of hippocampus, reduction of Cul3 significantly increased mEPSC frequency but not amplitude nor baseline evoked synaptic transmission or paired-pulse ratio. Sholl and spine analysis data suggest there is a small yet significant difference in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendritic branching and stubby spine density. Unbiased proteomic analysis of Cul3 heterozygous brain tissue revealed dysregulation of various cytoskeletal organization proteins, among others. Overall, our results suggest that Cul3 heterozygous deletion impairs spatial object recognition memory, alters cytoskeletal organization proteins, but does not cause major hippocampal neuronal morphology, functional, or behavioral abnormalities in adult global Cul3 heterozygous mice

    The down syndrome biomarker initiative (DSBI) pilot: proof of concept for deep phenotyping of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in down syndrome

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    To gain further knowledge on the preclinical phase of AD, we sought to characterize cognitive performance, volumetric MRI, amyloid PET, FDG PET, retinal amyloid, and plasma biomarkers in a cohort of non-demented adults with Down Syndrome (DS). The goal of the Down Syndrome Biomarker Initiative (DSBI) pilot is to test feasibility of this approach for future multicenter studies. We enrolled 12 non-demented participants with DS between the ages of 30-60 years old. Participants underwent extensive cognitive testing, volumetric MRI, amyloid PET 18F-florbetapir, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) PET, and retinal amyloid imaging. In addition, plasma beta-amyloid species were measured and ApoE genotyping was performed. Consistent with previous autopsy studies, subjects demonstrated amyloid PET positivity reflecting fibrillar amyloid plaque deposition. Results from our multimodal analysis also suggest greater hippocampal atrophy with amyloid load. Additionally, we identified an inverse relationship between amyloid load and regional glucose metabolism. Cognitive and functional measures did not correlate with amyloid load in DS but did correlate with regional FDG PET measures. Retinal amyloid imaging demonstrated presence of plaques. Biomarkers of AD can be readily studied in adults with DS as in other preclinical AD populations. Importantly, all subjects in this feasibility study were able to complete all test procedures. The data indicate that a large, multicenter longitudinal study is feasible to better understand the trajectories of AD biomarkers in this enriched population. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02141971

    Impact of early pericardial fluid chymase activation after cardiac surgery

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    INTRODUCTION: Chymase is a highly destructive serine protease rapidly neutralized in the circulation by protease inhibitors. Here we test whether pericardial fluid (PCF) chymase activation and other inflammatory biomarkers determine intensive care unit length of stay, and explore mechanisms of chymase delivery by extracellular vesicles to the heart. METHODS: PCF was collected from adult patients (17 on-pump; 13 off-pump) 4 h after cardiac surgery. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing chymase were injected into Sprague-Dawley rats to test for their ability to deliver chymase to the heart. RESULTS: The mean intensive care unit (ICU) stay and mean total length of stay was 2.17 ± 3.8 days and 6.41 ± 1.3 days respectively. Chymase activity and 32 inflammatory markers did not differ in on-pump vs. off-pump cardiac surgery. Society of Thoracic Surgeons Predicted Risk of Morbidity and Mortality Score (STS-PROM), 4-hour post-surgery PCF chymase activity and C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 6 (CXCL6) were all independent predictors of ICU and total hospital length of stay by univariate analysis. Mass spectrometry of baseline PCF shows the presence of serine protease inhibitors that neutralize chymase activity. The compartmentalization of chymase within and on the surface of PCF EVs was visualized by immunogold labeling and transmission electron microscopy. A chymase inhibitor prevented EV chymase activity (0.28 fmol/mg/min vs. 14.14 fmol/mg/min). Intravenous injection of PCF EVs obtained 24 h after surgery into Sprague Dawley rats shows diffuse human chymase uptake in the heart with extensive cardiomyocyte damage 4 h after injection. DISCUSSION: Early postoperative PCF chymase activation underscores its potential role in cardiac damage soon after on- or off-pump cardiac surgery. In addition, chymase in extracellular vesicles provides a protected delivery mechanism from neutralization by circulating serine protease inhibitors

    Impact of phytoplankton community size on a linked global ocean optical and ecosystem model

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Marine Systems 89 (2012): 61-75, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.08.002.We isolated the effect phytoplankton cell size has on varying remote sensing reflectance spectra (Rrs(λ)) in the presence of optically active constituents by using optical and radiative transfer models linked in an offline diagnostic calculation to a global biogeochemical/ecosystem/circulation model with explicit phytoplankton size classes. Two case studies were carried out, each with several scenarios to isolate the effects of chlorophyll concentration, phytoplankton cell size, and size-varying phytoplankton absorption on Rrs(λ). The goal of the study was to determine the relative contribution of phytoplankton cell size and chlorophyll to overall Rrs(λ) and to understand where a standard band ratio algorithm (OC4) may under/overestimate chlorophyll due to Rrs(λ) being significantly affected by phytoplankton size. Phytoplankton cell size was found to contribute secondarily to Rrs(λ) variability and to amplify or dampen the seasonal cycle in Rrs(λ), driven by chlorophyll. Size and chlorophyll were found to change in phase at low to mid-latitudes, but were anti-correlated or poorly correlated at high latitudes. Phytoplankton size effects increased model calculated Rrs(443) in the subtropical ocean during local spring through early fall months in both hemispheres and decreased Rrs(443) in the Northern Hemisphere high latitude regions during local summer to fall months. This study attempts to tease apart when/where variability about the OC4 relationship may be associated with cell size variability. The OC4 algorithm may underestimate [Chl] when the fraction of microplankton is elevated, which occurs in the model simulations during local spring/summer months at high latitudes in both hemispheres.Funding for this study came from a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship and University of Rhode Island Graduate School Oceanography Alumni Fellowship, both awarded to C. Mouw. The CCSM-3 BEC simulations were generated with support from NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program (NNX07AL80G) and the NSF Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education (C-MORE, EF-0424599)

    LRRK2 secretion in exosomes is regulated by 14-3-3

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    Mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene cause late-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). Emerging evidence suggests a role for LRRK2 in the endocytic pathway. Here, we show that LRRK2 is released in extracellular microvesicles (i.e. exosomes) from cells that natively express LRRK2. LRRK2 localizes to collecting duct epithelial cells in the kidney that actively secrete exosomes into urine. Purified urinary exosomes contain LRRK2 protein that is both dimerized and phosphorylated. We provide a quantitative proteomic profile of 1673 proteins in urinary exosomes and find that known LRRK2 interactors including 14-3-3 are some of the most abundant exosome proteins. Disruption of the 14-3-3 LRRK2 interaction with a 14-3-3 inhibitor or through acute LRRK2 kinase inhibition potently blocks LRRK2 release in exosomes, but familial mutations in LRRK2 had no effect on secretion. LRRK2 levels were overall comparable but highly variable in urinary exosomes derived from PD cases and age-matched controls, although very high LRRK2 levels were detected in some PD affected cases. We further characterized LRRK2 exosome release in neurons and macrophages in culture, and found that LRRK2-positive exosomes circulate in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). Together, these results define a pathway for LRRK2 extracellular release, clarify one function of the LRRK2 14-3-3 interaction and provide a foundation for utilization of LRRK2 as a biomarker in clinical trial
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