151 research outputs found

    Nonuniform autonomous one-dimensional exclusion nearest-neighbor reaction-diffusion models

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    The most general nonuniform reaction-diffusion models on a one-dimensional lattice with boundaries, for which the time evolution equations of corre- lation functions are closed, are considered. A transfer matrix method is used to find the static solution. It is seen that this transfer matrix can be obtained in a closed form, if the reaction rates satisfy certain conditions. We call such models superautonomous. Possible static phase transitions of such models are investigated. At the end, as an example of superau- tonomous models, a nonuniform voter model is introduced, and solved explicitly.Comment: 14 page

    Complete Solution of the Kinetics in a Far-from-equilibrium Ising Chain

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    The one-dimensional Ising model is easily generalized to a \textit{genuinely nonequilibrium} system by coupling alternating spins to two thermal baths at different temperatures. Here, we investigate the full time dependence of this system. In particular, we obtain the evolution of the magnetisation, starting with arbitrary initial conditions. For slightly less general initial conditions, we compute the time dependence of all correlation functions, and so, the probability distribution. Novel properties, such as oscillatory decays into the steady state, are presented. Finally, we comment on the relationship to a reaction-diffusion model with pair annihilation and creation.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys. A (Letter to the editor

    When does cyclic dominance lead to stable spiral waves?

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    Species diversity in ecosystems is often accompanied by characteristic spatio-temporal patterns. Here, we consider a generic two-dimensional population model and study the spiraling patterns arising from the combined effects of cyclic dominance of three species, mutation, pair-exchange and individual hopping. The dynamics is characterized by nonlinear mobility and a Hopf bifurcation around which the system's four-phase state diagram is inferred from a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation derived using a perturbative multiscale expansion. While the dynamics is generally characterized by spiraling patterns, we show that spiral waves are stable in only one of the four phases. Furthermore, we characterize a phase where nonlinearity leads to the annihilation of spirals and to the spatially uniform dominance of each species in turn. Away from the Hopf bifurcation, when the coexistence fixed point is unstable, the spiraling patterns are also affected by the nonlinear diffusion

    Exactly solvable reaction diffusion models on a Cayley tree

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    The most general reaction-diffusion model on a Cayley tree with nearest-neighbor interactions is introduced, which can be solved exactly through the empty-interval method. The stationary solutions of such models, as well as their dynamics, are discussed. Concerning the dynamics, the spectrum of the evolution Hamiltonian is found and shown to be discrete, hence there is a finite relaxation time in the evolution of the system towards its stationary state.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Evolution of cooperation driven by zealots

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    Recent experimental results with humans involved in social dilemma games suggest that cooperation may be a contagious phenomenon and that the selection pressure operating on evolutionary dynamics (i.e., mimicry) is relatively weak. I propose an evolutionary dynamics model that links these experimental findings and evolution of cooperation. By assuming a small fraction of (imperfect) zealous cooperators, I show that a large fraction of cooperation emerges in evolutionary dynamics of social dilemma games. Even if defection is more lucrative than cooperation for most individuals, they often mimic cooperation of fellows unless the selection pressure is very strong. Then, zealous cooperators can transform the population to be even fully cooperative under standard evolutionary dynamics.Comment: 5 figure

    Coexistence of Competing Microbial Strains under Twofold Environmental Variability and Demographic Fluctuations

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    Microbial populations generally evolve in volatile environments, under conditions fluctuating between harsh and mild, e.g. as the result of sudden changes in toxin concentration or nutrient abundance. Environmental variability (EV) thus shapes the long-time population dynamics, notably by influencing the ability of different strains of microorganisms to coexist. Inspired by the evolution of antimicrobial resistance, we study the dynamics of a community consisting of two competing strains subject to twofold EV. The level of toxin varies in time, favouring the growth of one strain under low drug concentration and the other strain when the toxin level is high. We also model time-changing resource abundance by a randomly switching carrying capacity that drives the fluctuating size of the community. While one strain dominates in a static environment, we show that species coexistence is possible in the presence of EV. By computational and analytical means, we determine the environmental conditions under which long-lived coexistence is possible and when it is almost certain. Notably, we study the circumstances under which environmental and demographic fluctuations promote, or hinder, the strains coexistence. We also determine how the make-up of the coexistence phase and the average abundance of each strain depend on the EV

    Coupled environmental and demographic fluctuations shape the evolution of cooperative antimicrobial resistance

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    There is a pressing need to better understand how microbial populations respond to antimicrobial drugs, and to find mechanisms to possibly eradicate antimicrobial-resistant cells. The inactivation of antimicrobials by resistant microbes can often be viewed as a cooperative behaviour leading to the coexistence of resistant and sensitive cells in large populations and static environments. This picture is, however, greatly altered by the fluctuations arising in volatile environments, in which microbial communities commonly evolve. Here, we study the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a population consisting of an antimicrobial-resistant strain and microbes sensitive to antimicrobial drugs in a time-fluctuating environment, modelled by a carrying capacity randomly switching between states of abundance and scarcity. We assume that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a shared public good when the number of resistant cells exceeds a certain threshold. Eco-evolutionary dynamics is thus characterised by demographic noise (birth and death events) coupled to environmental fluctuations which can cause population bottlenecks. By combining analytical and computational means, we determine the environmental conditions for the long-lived coexistence and fixation of both strains, and characterise a fluctuation-driven AMR eradication mechanism, where resistant microbes experience bottlenecks leading to extinction. We also discuss the possible applications of our findings to laboratory-controlled experiments

    Coexistence of Competing Microbial Strains under Twofold Environmental Variability and Demographic Fluctuations

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    Microbial populations generally evolve in volatile environments, under conditions fluctuating between harsh and mild, e.g. as the result of sudden changes in toxin concentration or nutrient abundance. Environmental variability (EV) thus shapes the long-time population dynamics, notably by influencing the ability of different strains of microorganisms to coexist. Inspired by the evolution of antimicrobial resistance, we study the dynamics of a community consisting of two competing strains subject to twofold EV. The level of toxin varies in time, favouring the growth of one strain under low drug concentration and the other strain when the toxin level is high. We also model time-changing resource abundance by a randomly switching carrying capacity that drives the fluctuating size of the community. While one strain dominates in a static environment, we show that species coexistence is possible in the presence of EV. By computational and analytical means, we determine the environmental conditions under which long-lived coexistence is possible and when it is almost certain. Notably, we study the circumstances under which environmental and demographic fluctuations promote, or hinder, the strains coexistence. We also determine how the make-up of the coexistence phase and the average abundance of each strain depend on the EV

    Large Fluctuations and Fixation in Evolutionary Games

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    We study large fluctuations in evolutionary games belonging to the coordination and anti-coordination classes. The dynamics of these games, modeling cooperation dilemmas, is characterized by a coexistence fixed point separating two absorbing states. We are particularly interested in the problem of fixation that refers to the possibility that a few mutants take over the entire population. Here, the fixation phenomenon is induced by large fluctuations and is investigated by a semi-classical WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) theory generalized to treat stochastic systems possessing multiple absorbing states. Importantly, this method allows us to analyze the combined influence of selection and random fluctuations on the evolutionary dynamics \textit{beyond} the weak selection limit often considered in previous works. We accurately compute, including pre-exponential factors, the probability distribution function in the long-lived coexistence state and the mean fixation time necessary for a few mutants to take over the entire population in anti-coordination games, and also the fixation probability in the coordination class. Our analytical results compare excellently with extensive numerical simulations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our treatment is superior to the Fokker-Planck approximation when the selection intensity is finite.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, to appear in JSTA

    Commitment versus persuasion in the three-party constrained voter model

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    In the framework of the three-party constrained voter model, where voters of two radical parties (A and B) interact with "centrists" (C and Cz), we study the competition between a persuasive majority and a committed minority. In this model, A's and B's are incompatible voters that can convince centrists or be swayed by them. Here, radical voters are more persuasive than centrists, whose sub-population consists of susceptible agents C and a fraction zeta of centrist zealots Cz. Whereas C's may adopt the opinions A and B with respective rates 1+delta_A and 1+delta_B (with delta_A>=delta_B>0), Cz's are committed individuals that always remain centrists. Furthermore, A and B voters can become (susceptible) centrists C with a rate 1. The resulting competition between commitment and persuasion is studied in the mean field limit and for a finite population on a complete graph. At mean field level, there is a continuous transition from a coexistence phase when zeta= Delta_c. In a finite population of size N, demographic fluctuations lead to centrism consensus and the dynamics is characterized by the mean consensus time tau. Because of the competition between commitment and persuasion, here consensus is reached much slower (zeta=Delta_c) than in the absence of zealots (when tau\simN). In fact, when zeta<Delta_c and there is an initial minority of centrists, the mean consensus time asymptotically grows as tau\simN^{-1/2} e^{N gamma}, where gamma is determined. The dynamics is thus characterized by a metastable state where the most persuasive voters and centrists coexist when delta_A>delta_B, whereas all species coexist when delta_A=delta_B. When zeta>=Delta_c and the initial density of centrists is low, one finds tau\simln N (when N>>1). Our analytical findings are corroborated by stochastic simulations.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Final version for the Journal of Statistical Physics (special issue on the "applications of statistical mechanics to social phenomena"
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