699 research outputs found

    Stock Prices And Inflation: Evidence From 12 Developed & Emerging Economies

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    Using a dynamic model that allows direct estimation of short and long-run impacts of changes in goods prices on stock prices, we find that the long-run Fisher elasticities of stock prices with respect to goods prices exceed unity in 12 developed and emerging economies. Our results provide significant support for Darby’s tax version of the Fisher effect. We also find that inflation and stock prices are negatively related in the short-run

    Stanje ribarstva u Iranu

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    Fisheries activities in Iran are conducted through an official agent called SHILAT, which is an affiliated body to the Ministry of Jihad-e-Sazandegi. As a post- revolution structure, the Ministry itself is structurally composed of four major divisions as: Fisheries, Livestock and Poultry, Forestry and Pastures, and Rural Industries. The official functions assigned to the Ministry center around rural and coastal developments. As it will be postulated, fisheries, inter alia, is of great significance in national economy. Development of fisheries industry has been the focus of prime attention in the I.R. of Iran. To this end, respective development objectives have heed identified among which responsible fisheries management, as a unique concept, has increasingly been given a pivotal role. In particular, the national government, upon its Islamic teachings and international commitments has committed itself to observe such an international initiative and has strongly timed at the rehabilitation of God-given resources so as to ensure sustainability as well as accessibility of them to the future generations. Hence, my required measures are always taken to guarantee the maximum availability through either preventing over fishing or creating a balance between fishing efforts, and resource recruitments. To enlighten the readers, some of the major areas of the Iranian Fisheries success are briefly under pinned as follows

    Foodborne bacteria in slaughterhouses : with focus on cleaning and disinfection

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    Proper cleaning and disinfection (C&D) in slaughterhouses and meat processing premises is a prerequisite for production of safe, high-quality meat. An example of how inadequate C&D can affect human health is provided by the strong increase in number of human cases of campylobacteriosis in Sweden in 2016-2017 due to insufficiently cleaned transport crates for chicken. This thesis evaluated the efficacy of C&D procedures in slaughterhouses and adjacent meat processing premises by testing for pathogenic and hygiene indicator bacteria on equipment, facilities and carcasses. Different sampling methods used for assessing surface cleanliness were compared and slaughterhouses with associated meat processing premises in Sweden were interviewed regarding their C&D routines and monitoring activities. The results indicated that the C&D procedures used for surfaces in the slaughterhouse premises were sufficient regarding removal/inactivation of pathogenic bacteria. However, only approximately half of the surfaces were assessed as sufficiently cleaned, as the amount of hygiene indicator bacteria was high. Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli and Listeria monocytogenes were detected on food contact surfaces, indicating high risk of contamination of carcasses and meat. The same L. monocytogenes strain was found in a red meat slaughterhouse environment on three occasions 15 weeks apart, while a C. jejuni strain showed potential to spread within a poultry slaughterhouse. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) Escherichia coli was not detected. New technologies such as 265 nm UV-C LED irradiation on chicken transport crates and ultrasound-steam treatment and chilling of broiler carcasses were shown to give significant bacterial reductions. However, these techniques require a certain time of action that is difficult to combine with high slaughter speed in an industrial setting. Dipslides and ATP-bioluminescence were found to be of varying reliability, but are commonly used by Swedish slaughterhouses with associated meat processing premises

    Evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets using trans-illumination technique with different curing profiles of LED light-curing unit in posterior teeth.

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    BackgroundAlthough using light-cured composites for bonding orthodontic brackets has become increasingly popular, curing light cannot penetrate the metallic bulk of brackets and polymerization of composites is limited to the edges. Limited access and poor direct sight may be a problem in the posterior teeth. Meanwhile, effectiveness of the trans-illumination technique is questionable due to increased bucco-lingual thickness of the posterior teeth. Light-emitting diode (LED) light-curing units cause less temperature rise and lower risk to the pulpal tissue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of trans-illumination technique in bonding metallic brackets to premolars, using different light intensities and curing times of an LED light-curing unit.MethodsSixty premolars were randomly divided into six groups. Bonding of brackets was done with 40- and 80-s light curing from the buccal or lingual aspect with different intensities. Shear bond strengths of brackets were measured using a universal testing machine. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance test and Duncan's post hoc test.ResultsThe highest shear bond belonged to group 2 (high intensity, 40 s, buccal) and the lowest belonged to group 3 (low intensity, 40 s, lingual). Bond strength means in control groups were significantly higher than those in experimental groups.ConclusionsIn all experimental groups except group 6 (80 s, high intensity, lingual), shear bond strength was below the clinically accepted values. In clinical limitations where light curing from the same side of the bracket is not possible, doubling the curing time and increasing the light intensity during trans-illumination are recommended for achieving acceptable bond strengths

    Okuns Law Revisited: Evidence From OECD Countries

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    Okuns law is one of the most enduring stylistic facts in macroeconomics. The inverse relationship between the unemployment rate and the growth rate of real output, known as Okuns law, has important implications for macroeconomic policy, particularly in determining the optimal and desirable growth rate of output. This paper examines this relationship within an error correction modelling framework which tests the relationship as a long-run relationship while allowing short-run deviations from long-run equilibrium to take place. Using quarterly data for 13 OECD countries covering the period from 1988.I to 2007:IV, we find overwhelming support for Okuns law

    Isolation of Acremonium species producing cephalosporine C (CPC) from forest soil in Gilan province, Iran

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    Cephalosporin C (CPC) is a major precursor of cephalosporin antibiotics which is produced by a group of deuteromycets. After biosynthesis in optimized fermentation media, CPC is recovered and converted to a variety of potent cephalosporin antibiotic drugs. This study was performed to determine the mycoflora producing CPC in various parts of Iran soil. Soil samples were collected and cultured on selective media and Acremonium sp. were isolated. The presence of CPC antibiotic in the fermentation broths of these species was determined by a combination of biological, HPLC and mass spectrometry methods. From 350 fungi isolated, 21 (6%) were Acremonium spp, which one strain was able to produce CPC. This species was recognized as Acremonium persicinum according to its macroscopic and microscopic criteria. It is possible to apply different characteristics of the isolated species in strain optimization processes such as protoplast fusion

    Has The Business Cycle Been Dampened? The Case Of Canada, Sweden And The United States

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    Have postwar stabilization policies reduced economic fluctuations compared to earlier periods? Using output data for Canada, Sweden and the United States for the period 1929-2005 and three different de-trending procedures, we found that postwar economic policies have been successful in reducing business cycle volatility. We also found that fluctuations in real output have been significantly dampened during the post-Bretton Woods era compared to earlier periods

    Evaluation of Solubility of Gypsum-bearing Piles and the Role of Water in its Leakage off the Pile in Fifty-year Return Period: Special Case of Marash Dam

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    Gypsum and anhydrite in circumstances of fast water flux and high permeability is a manufacturing concern in the fifties. Experiences show that in low water flux zones, the solubility is less probable and it decreases if the environment is such that the water is saturated before getting in contact with gypsum-containing area. Hence evaluation of these materials towards the mentioned factors seems to be necessary. In current study the solubility of gypsum is measured in three solutions including distilled water, Marash Dam water, and distilled water plus 1% NaCl. Consequently, the values of solubility constant are measured and calculated using circulation analysis in the three solutions. Finally, the extent of fracture width during fifty years has been calculated and the amount of water leakage is assessed with high precision according to this value, regarding the water downfall (hydraulic gradient) in the dam’s body and gypsum-bearing zones. Results of circulation analysis (with constant hydraulic gradient) show that the progress of fracture’s radius decreases from the input towards the output. Additionally, along the water flow path, the growth of radius is more considerable in zones having purer gypsum in comparison with surrounding points

    Metabolomics study of cereal grains reveals the discriminative metabolic markers associated with anatomical compartments

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    This study used NMR-based metabolomics to compare the metabolic profile of different anatomical compartments of cereal grains i.e. bran and endosperm in order to gain further insights into their possible role in the beneficial health effects of whole grain products (WG). Polar water-soluble metabolites in 64 bran and endosperm, samples from rye and wheat were observed using 600 MHz NMR. Bran samples had higher contents of 12 metabolites than endosperm samples. A comparative approach revealed higher contents of azelaic acid and sebacic acid in bran than in endosperm. In a pilot study, the consumption of WG rye bread (485 g) caused NMR signals in 24h urine corresponding to azelaic acid. The relatively high abundance, anatomical specificity, pattern of metabolism, urinary excretion in human, antibacterial, and anticancer activities suggest further studying of azelaic acid when exposure to WG or beneficial effects of WG are investigated
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