169 research outputs found

    Primary Productivity and Water Use of the Perennial Grass, Cenchrus Ciliaris, in Arid Environments

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    Cenchrus ciliaris is a perennial grass that may be suitable for the restoration of Rhanterium steppes (Chaieb et al., 1991). In this study, four Cenchrus ciliaris accessions from Tunisia from a range of climate and soil conditions, likely to vary in their adaptation to drought, were evaluated for productivity, rainuse-efficiency and reproductive output at Sfax in southern Tunisia. The suitability of these accessions for the restoration of Rhanterium steppes is considered

    Infection néonatale bactérienne précoce : Quand mettre sous antibiotique et quelle antibiothérapie ? Early bacterial neonatal infection: When to indicate antibiotic treatment and what antibiotic therapy ?

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    Objective. Propose a relevant management strategy that can identify newborns with a bacterial infectious risk and those under clinical monitoring alone or in combination with parenteral antibiotic therapy.Methods. Retrospective study carried out between SA < 42, suspected of early bacterial infection and monitored in Maternity and in the Neonatology Unit of the Hospital Group Carnelle Portes of Oise [Val France]. The clinical-biological and bacteriological data, the therapeutic strategy and the evolution are analyzed. Results. Two hundred and forty newborns were eligible and divided into three groups: 120 asymptomatic newborns with antenatal criteria for bacterial infectious risk [G1NAS], 70 symptomatic newborns with antenatal criteria for bacterial infectious risk [G2NSCARIB] and 50 symptomatic newborns without antenatal criteria of bacterial infectious risk [G3NSSCARIB]. Inflammatory biology is limited tocolonized G1NAS newborns and symptomatic groups. The identified bacteria [Peripheral samples, gastric fluid, blood and cerebrospinal fluid] were mainly the Streptococcus of the group and the E Coli. Antibiotic therapy has been shown to be useful in asymptomatic newborns with inflammatory syndrome and bacteria identified on peripheral samples and gastric fluid, but  also in all symptomatic newborns. Conclusion. In a early bacterial infection, an interventionist attitude is required, but early antibiotic therapy is only useful in the situation of symptomatic newborns. On the otherhand, in the asymptomatic newborns, antibiotic therapy will be reserved for those carrying both an identified bacteria and an inflammatory syndrome. Contexte et objectif. L‟infection nĂ©onatale bactĂ©rienne prĂ©coce est greffĂ©e d‟une forte mortalitĂ© et morbiditĂ© conduisant Ă  une antibiothĂ©rapie probabiliste sans dĂ©lai souvent Ă  posteriori inutile. L‟objectif du prĂ©sent travail Ă©tait de proposer une stratĂ©gie de prise en charge pertinente susceptible de bien identifier les nouveau-nĂ©s Ă  risque infectieux bactĂ©rien et ceux relevant d‟une surveillance clinique seule ou associĂ©e Ă  une antibiothĂ©rapie parentĂ©rale.    MĂ©thodes. Etude documentaire menĂ©e entre janvier 2014 et janvier 2016 sur des nouveau-nĂ©s de 36≥SA<42, suspects d‟infection bactĂ©rienne prĂ©coce et suivis en MaternitĂ© et dans l‟unitĂ© de NĂ©onatologie du Groupe Hospitalier Carnelle Portes de l‟Oise [Val D‟Oise, France]. Les donnĂ©es clinico-biologiques et bactĂ©riologiques, la stratĂ©gie thĂ©rapeutique et l‟évolution sont analysĂ©es.  RĂ©sultats. Deux cent quarante nouveau-nĂ©s [NNES] ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©ligibles et repartis en trois groupes : 120 NNES asymptomatiques avec critères antĂ©natals de risque infectieux bactĂ©rien [G1NAS], 70 NNES symptomatiques avec critères antĂ©natals de risque infectieux bactĂ©rien [G2NSCARIB] et 50 NNES symptomatiques sans critères antĂ©natals de risque infectieux bactĂ©rien [G3NSSCARIB]. La biologie inflammatoire est limitĂ©e aux NNES du groupe G1NAS colonisĂ©s et aux groupes symptomatiques. Les germes identifiĂ©s [PrĂ©lèvements pĂ©riphĂ©riques, liquide gastrique, sang et liquide cĂ©phalorachidien] ont Ă©tĂ© principalement le Streptocoque du groupe β et l‟E Coli. L‟antibiothĂ©rapie s‟est avĂ©rĂ©e utile chez les NNES asymptomatiques avec syndrome inflam-matoire et germes identifiĂ©s sur les prĂ©lèvements pĂ©riphĂ©riques et liquide gastrique, mais aussi chez tous les NNES symptomatiques.                                                                    Conclusion. Chez un NNE âgĂ© de ≥ 36SA et suspect d‟infection bactĂ©rienne prĂ©coce, une attitude interventionniste est de rigueur, mais l‟antibiothĂ©rapie sans dĂ©lai n‟est utile que dans les situations des NNES symptomatiques. En revanche, chez les NNES asymptomatiques, l‟antibiothĂ©rapie sera rĂ©servĂ©e Ă  ceux porteurs Ă  la fois d‟un germe et d‟un syndrome inflammatoire

    Sequence-specific antimicrobials using efficiently delivered RNA-guided nucleases

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    Current antibiotics tend to be broad spectrum, leading to indiscriminate killing of commensal bacteria and accelerated evolution of drug resistance. Here, we use CRISPR-Cas technology to create antimicrobials whose spectrum of activity is chosen by design. RNA-guided nucleases (RGNs) targeting specific DNA sequences are delivered efficiently to microbial populations using bacteriophage or bacteria carrying plasmids transmissible by conjugation. The DNA targets of RGNs can be undesirable genes or polymorphisms, including antibiotic resistance and virulence determinants in carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Delivery of RGNs significantly improves survival in a Galleria mellonella infection model. We also show that RGNs enable modulation of complex bacterial populations by selective knockdown of targeted strains based on genetic signatures. RGNs constitute a class of highly discriminatory, customizable antimicrobials that enact selective pressure at the DNA level to reduce the prevalence of undesired genes, minimize off-target effects and enable programmable remodeling of microbiota.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (New Innovator Award 1DP2OD008435)National Centers for Systems Biology (U.S.) (Grant 1P50GM098792)United States. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA1-14-1-0007)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (W911NF13D0001)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Interdepartmental Biotechnology Training Program 5T32 GM008334)Fonds de la recherche en sante du Quebec (Master's Training Award

    Agroecology and Health: Lessons from Indigenous Populations.

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    Purpose of reviewThe article aims to systematize and disseminate the main contributions of indigenous ancestral wisdom in the agroecological production of food, especially in Latin America. For this purpose, it is necessary to ask whether such knowledge can be accepted by academia research groups and international forums as a valid alternative that could contribute to overcome the world's nutritional problems.Recent findingsAlthough no new findings are being made, the validity of ancestral knowledge and agroecology is recognized by scientific research, and by international forums organized by agencies of the United Nations. These recommend that governments should implement them in their policies of development, and in the allocation of funds to support these initiatives. Agroecology and ancestral knowledge are being adopted by a growing number of organizations, indigenous peoples and social groups in various parts of the world, as development alternatives that respond to local needs and worldviews. Its productive potential is progressively being recognized at an international level as a model that contributes to improve the condition of people regarding nutritional food

    Critical evaluation of key evidence on the human health hazards of exposure to bisphenol A

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    Despite the fact that more than 5000 safety-related studies have been published on bisphenol A (BPA), there seems to be no resolution of the apparently deadlocked controversy as to whether exposure of the general population to BPA causes adverse effects due to its estrogenicity. Therefore, the Advisory Committee of the German Society of Toxicology reviewed the background and cutting-edge topics of this BPA controversy. The current tolerable daily intake value (TDI) of 0.05 mg/kg body weight [bw]/day, derived by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), is mainly based on body weight changes in two- and three-generation studies in mice and rats. Recently, these studies and the derivation of the TDI have been criticized. After having carefully considered all arguments, the Committee had to conclude that the criticism was scientifically not justified; moreover, recently published additional data further support the reliability of the two-and three-generation studies demonstrating a lack of estrogen-dependent effects at and below doses on which the current TDI is based. A frequently discussed topic is whether doses below 5 mg/ kg bw/day may cause adverse health effects in laboratory animals. Meanwhile, it has become clear that positive results from some explorative studies have not been confirmed in subsequent studies with higher numbers of animals or a priori defined hypotheses. Particularly relevant are some recent studies with negative outcomes that addressed effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and the prostate in rodents for extrapolation to the human situation. The Committee came to the conclusion that rodent data can well be used as a basis for human risk evaluation. Currently published conjectures that rats are insensitive to estrogens compared to humans can be refuted. Data from toxicokinetics studies show that the half-life of BPA in adult human subjects is less than 2 hours and BPA is completely recovered in urine as BPA-conjugates. Tissue deconjugation of BPA-glucuronide and -sulfate may occur. Because of the extremely low quantities, it is only of minor relevance for BPA toxicity. Biomonitoring studies have been used to estimate human BPA exposure and show that the daily intake of BPA is far below the TDI for the general population. Further topics addressed in this article include reasons why some studies on BPA are not reproducible; the relevance of oral versus non-oral exposure routes; the degree to which newborns are at higher systemic BPA exposure; increased BPA exposure by infusions in intensive care units; mechanisms of action other than estrogen receptor activation; and the current regulatory status in Europe, as well as in the USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia. Overall, the Committee concluded that the current TDI for BPA is adequately justified and that the available evidence indicates that BPA exposure represents no noteworthy risk to the health of the human population, including newborns and babies

    Las poáceas perennes: una alternativa para la rehabilitación y la restauración de pastos degradados en el Túnez presahariano

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    La magnitud de la presión humana sobre los pastos de la zona árida norteafricana se ha saldado con una rarefacción de las gramíneas perennes y la degradación de los suelos. Al ser la regeneración natural muy lenta es necesario plantearse el recurso de la reintroducción de especies locales rarificadas. El presente artículo examina la complementariedad de necesidades y comportamientos de dos gramíneas perennes de gran interés pastoral. Cenchrus ciliaris L., de origen tropical con fotosíntesis C4, de producción eminentemente en la estación cálida es interesante en años de pluviosidad favorable. Stipa lagascae Roem. & Shultes, especie C3 utiliza mejor el agua en períodos fríos. La mezcla de semillas de ambas especies complementarias en la utilización del agua, permite rehabilitar un pasto en el que el banco de semillas se haya agotado. La degradación de las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo, así como el acortamiento del periodo en que el agua del suelo está disponible para la vegetación, durante el verano, explican en parte la rarefacción de individuos de especies de origen tropical (caso de C. ciliaris) en beneficio de especies de origen mediterráneo ( caso de S. lagascae) en la flora de los pastos de la zona árida al norte del Sahara.Human pressure on North African ad pastures is causing soil degradation and rarefaction of perennial grasses. Artificial reintroduction of rarefied species can be an alternative in these areas, where spontaneous regeneration may be too slow. We have evaluated the ecological needs and performance of two perennial grasses with high grazing interest. Tropical Cenchrus ciliaris L. is a C4 that concentrates production during the warmest periods, and may be of particular interest in relatively wet years. Stipa lagascae Roem. & Shultes, is a C3 grass that may thrive under relatively cold conditions. Seeding mixes of these complementary species may contribute to rehabilitate grazing areas where the seed bank has been depleted. Soil degradation, and the reduction in the period when water is available during the summer, partly explain rarefaction of tropical species (as C. ciliaris) and gradual dominance of Mediterranean species (as S. lagascae) in northern Sahara arid pastures.L'ampleur de la pression humaine sur les parcours en zone aride Nord africaine s'est soldée par une raréfaction des graminées pérennes et une dégradation des sols. La régénération naturelle devenue très lente, il est nécessaire d'envisager le recours à la réintroduction d'espèces locales raréfiées. Le présent article examine la complémentarité des besoins et des comportements de deux graminées pérennes de grand intérêt pastoral. Cenchrus ciliaris L., d'origine tropicale, de type biochimique de photosynthèse en C4, et produisant surtout en saison chaude est intéressante en année à pluviosité favorable. Stipa lagascae Roem. & Shultes, espèce de type en C3 utilise mieux l'eau en période froide. Le semis en mélange de ces deux espèces complémentaires dans l'utilisation de l'eau, permet de réhabiliter un parcours, si les semenciers ont disparu. La dégradation des propriétés physico-chimiques du sol, ainsi que le raccourcissement de la durée des disponibilités en eau du sol pour la végétation, durant la période estivale, expliquent en partie la raréfaction des individus des espèces d'origine tropicale (cas de C. ciliaris) au profit des espèces d'origine méditerranéenne (cas de S. lagascae) dans la flore des parcours de la zone aride au Nord du Sahara
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