87 research outputs found

    The Stone Lab: Decoding Shikahogh Khachkars

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    "The Stone lab: Decoding Shikahogh Khachkars" is an MPhil by design, seeking to describe the role of Khachkar in formation of Armenian national identity through studies of the stone masonry and the notion of a territory, which in this case is represented with the Shikahogh village (Figs. 1 and 2). Although much study has been done on Khachkars in general, no prior research has been conducted on the historic cradle of Khachkars that is Shikahogh. The Stone lab aims to discover and interpret the stories of Shikahogh unknown Khachkars. Therefore the hybrid approach of experimental archaeology and digital reconstruction have been employed at the Shikahogh lab to unveil the hidden inscriptions of these Khachkars as well as to narrate the functions and technological processes behind their creation. This research portrays the driving factors of belonging and identify preservation underneath the context of Khachkar and Petroglyphic heritage of Armenia

    Energy exchange between electron and molecular gases

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    Energy transfer between electron and molecular gase

    Сравнительный анализ ИТ-продуктов для страхового сектора российской экономики

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    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of IT-products for the insurance sector of the Russian economy. Within the research the comparative analysis of the software products focused on the insurance sector of economy is carried out, the main criteria for the comparative analysis of information systems for the insurance sector are developed and proved, the expert assessment of four information systems for the insurance sector of the Russian economy is carried out by the method of the analysis of hierarchies.El artículo está dedicado a un análisis comparativo de productos de TI para el sector de seguros de la economía rusa. En el marco del estudio, se realizó un análisis comparativo de productos de software orientados al sector de seguros de la economía, se desarrollaron y corroboraron los criterios principales para un análisis comparativo de los sistemas de información para el sector de seguros, y se realizó una evaluación experta de cuatro sistemas de información para el sector de seguros de la economía rusa mediante el método de análisis de jerarquía.Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу ИТ-продуктов для страхового сектора российской экономики. В рамках исследования проведен сравнительный анализ программных продуктов, ориентированных на страховой сектор экономики, разработаны и обоснованы основные критерии для сравнительного анализа информационных систем для страхового сектора, проведена экспертная оценка четырех информационных систем для страхового сектора российской экономики методом анализа иерархий

    The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the Possibility of its Application in Cyber Games

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    Artificial intelligence, as a separate field of research, is currently experiencing a boom - new methods of machine learning and hardware are emerging and improving, and the results achieved change the life of society. Machine translation, handwriting recognition, speech recognition are changing our reality. The work of creating unmanned vehicles, voice assistants and other devices using these technologies is in an active process. The article examines the historical context of the artificial intelligence development, it evaluates the possibilities of its introduction into cyber games, as a safe and effective platform for testing new methods of machine learning. The promotion of such projects can increase the reputation of development companies, ensure increased user confidence in other products and, with a competent marketing strategy, cause a significant public resonance among video game fans, providing the developer with economic profit

    Data-driven approach for creating synthetic electronic medical records

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>New algorithms for disease outbreak detection are being developed to take advantage of full electronic medical records (EMRs) that contain a wealth of patient information. However, due to privacy concerns, even anonymized EMRs cannot be shared among researchers, resulting in great difficulty in comparing the effectiveness of these algorithms. To bridge the gap between novel bio-surveillance algorithms operating on full EMRs and the lack of non-identifiable EMR data, a method for generating complete and synthetic EMRs was developed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper describes a novel methodology for generating complete synthetic EMRs both for an outbreak illness of interest (tularemia) and for background records. The method developed has three major steps: 1) synthetic patient identity and basic information generation; 2) identification of care patterns that the synthetic patients would receive based on the information present in real EMR data for similar health problems; 3) adaptation of these care patterns to the synthetic patient population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We generated EMRs, including visit records, clinical activity, laboratory orders/results and radiology orders/results for 203 synthetic tularemia outbreak patients. Validation of the records by a medical expert revealed problems in 19% of the records; these were subsequently corrected. We also generated background EMRs for over 3000 patients in the 4-11 yr age group. Validation of those records by a medical expert revealed problems in fewer than 3% of these background patient EMRs and the errors were subsequently rectified.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A data-driven method was developed for generating fully synthetic EMRs. The method is general and can be applied to any data set that has similar data elements (such as laboratory and radiology orders and results, clinical activity, prescription orders). The pilot synthetic outbreak records were for tularemia but our approach may be adapted to other infectious diseases. The pilot synthetic background records were in the 4-11 year old age group. The adaptations that must be made to the algorithms to produce synthetic background EMRs for other age groups are indicated.</p

    Zinc uptake promotes myoblast differentiation via Zip7 transporter and activation of Akt signalling transduction pathway

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    [EN] Myogenic regeneration occurs through a chain of events beginning with the output of satellite cells from quiescent state, formation of competent myoblasts and later fusion and differentiation into myofibres. Traditionally, growth factors are used to stimulate muscle regeneration but this involves serious off-target effects, including alterations in cell homeostasis and cancer. In this work, we have studied the use of zinc to trigger myogenic differentiation. We show that zinc promotes myoblast proliferation, differentiation and maturation of myofibres. We demonstrate that this process occurs through the PI3K/Akt pathway, via zinc stimulation of transporter Zip7. Depletion of zinc transporter Zip7 by RNA interference shows reduction of both PI3K/Akt signalling and a significant reduction of multinucleated myofibres and myotubes development. Moreover, we show that mature myofibres, obtained through stimulation with high concentrations of zinc, accumulate zinc and so we hypothesise their function as zinc reservoirs into the cell.P.R. and R.S. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (MAT2015-69315-C3-1-R). P.R. acknowledges the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. R.S. acknowledges the support from the Spanish MECD through the PRX16/00208 grant. MSS acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC - HealInSynergy 306990) and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC - EP/P001114/1)Mnatsakanyan, H.; Sabater I Serra, R.; Rico Tortosa, PM.; Salmerón Sánchez, M. (2018). Zinc uptake promotes myoblast differentiation via Zip7 transporter and activation of Akt signalling transduction pathway. Scientific Reports. 8:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-32067-0S1148Frontera, W. R. & Ochala, J. Skeletal muscle: a brief review of structure and function. Calcif. Tissue Int. 96, 183–195 (2015).Wolfe, R. R., Frontera, W. R. & Ochala, J. The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 84, 475–82 (2006).Sciorati, C., Rigamonti, E., Manfredi, A. A. & Rovere-Querini, P. Cell death, clearance and immunity in the skeletal muscle. Cell Death Differ. 23, 927–937 (2016).Wang, Y. X. & Rudnicki, M. A. Satellite cells, the engines of muscle repair. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 13, 127–133 (2011).Yin, H., Price, F. & Rudnicki, M. A. Satellite cells and the muscle stem cell niche. Physiol. Rev. 93, 23–67 (2013).Dhawan, J. & Rando, T. A. 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    Unique Flexibility in Energy Metabolism Allows Mycobacteria to Combat Starvation and Hypoxia

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    Mycobacteria are a group of obligate aerobes that require oxygen for growth, but paradoxically have the ability to survive and metabolize under hypoxia. The mechanisms responsible for this metabolic plasticity are unknown. Here, we report on the adaptation of Mycobacterium smegmatis to slow growth rate and hypoxia using carbon-limited continuous culture. When M. smegmatis is switched from a 4.6 h to a 69 h doubling time at a constant oxygen saturation of 50%, the cells respond through the down regulation of respiratory chain components and the F1Fo-ATP synthase, consistent with the cells lower demand for energy at a reduced growth rate. This was paralleled by an up regulation of molecular machinery that allowed more efficient energy generation (i.e. Complex I) and the use of alternative electron donors (e.g. hydrogenases and primary dehydrogenases) to maintain the flow of reducing equivalents to the electron transport chain during conditions of severe energy limitation. A hydrogenase mutant showed a 40% reduction in growth yield highlighting the importance of this enzyme in adaptation to low energy supply. Slow growing cells at 50% oxygen saturation subjected to hypoxia (0.6% oxygen saturation) responded by switching on oxygen scavenging cytochrome bd, proton-translocating cytochrome bc1-aa3 supercomplex, another putative hydrogenase, and by substituting NAD+-dependent enzymes with ferredoxin-dependent enzymes thus highlighting a new pattern of mycobacterial adaptation to hypoxia. The expression of ferredoxins and a hydrogenase provides a potential conduit for disposing of and transferring electrons in the absence of exogenous electron acceptors. The use of ferredoxin-dependent enzymes would allow the cell to maintain a high carbon flux through its central carbon metabolism independent of the NAD+/NADH ratio. These data demonstrate the remarkable metabolic plasticity of the mycobacterial cell and provide a new framework for understanding their ability to survive under low energy conditions and hypoxia