26 research outputs found

    Modeling The Unemployment Rate At The Eu Level By Using Box-Jenkins Methodology

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    Unemployment, as a measure of market conditions, appears as a crucial economic problem and a phenomenon with considerable negative social consequences, and, as such, requires attention and adequate approach to finding solutions. Enormous unemployment rates are a reality not only in developing and transition countries, but also in some developed countries. Inadequately conducted privatization, unsuccessful transfer of workers from the public to the private sector, inefficiency in attracting foreign direct investment, and the world economic crisis of 2008 have made unemployment a universal disease of modern society. The paper presents economic models in which the unemployment rate is the central analyzed phenomenon. In this context, an important task of European economic policy-makers is to project future unemployment rates. Box-Jenkins methodology, i.e. the seasonal ARIMA model, is one approach to the modeling of time series, or, more specifically, for forecasting future values. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the evolution of the unemployment problem on the basis of the values in the period from 2000 to 2015, based on the case of 28 countries of the European Union. Building on the research subject, the purpose of the paper is to create the statistical model for forecasting the values of the monthly unemployment rates in the European Union for the future and establishing its trend. Keywords: Unemployment, labor market, Box-Jenkins methodology, the European Unio

    Food additives in chemistry lessons

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    Els additius alimentaris són components comuns en els aliments i un bon context d'estudi per a les classes de química. En aquest treball, es descriu una sessió de laboratori per a estudiants de secundària (17-18 anys). Els alumnes van determinar algunes propietats físiques i químiques de quatre additius «desconeguts». Utilitzant els resultats de les proves, els estudiants havien d'esbrinar, entre els deu possibles additius d'una determinada llista, quins eren els quatre additius analitzats. Els estudiants van treballar en petits grups. Un 26 % dels estudiants (grups) va identificar correctament els quatre additius, un 29 % en va identificar tres i el 45 % en va identificar dos.Food additives are common food components and they should be studied in chemistry classes. This paper describes a lab lesson for high school seniors (17-18 years old). They tested some physical and chemical properties of four unknown additives. Using the test results the students had to figure out which four of the ten additives from a list given had been tested. The students worked in small groups. All four correct additives were chosen by 26 % of students (groups), three correct additives by 29 % and two correct additives by 45 % of students


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    Background: In order to explore whether gender differences are present in self-reports on personality measures when all Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) participants are diagnosed at an equal intensity, the aim of this study was to investigate individual and gender differences in personality between healthy participants and those suffering from severe feature MDD. Subjects and methods: The sample consisted of 632 participants: 385 in the healthy control group and 247 MDD, the latter comprised of patients in their first diagnosed episode or recurrent. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) was used to measure symptom severity. Beck’s Depression Inventory was administered when depression symptoms had lessened, establishing it as minor when filling out the personality questionnaire (NEO-PI-R). Results: The results indicate a broad difference in personality between the healthy control and the MDD groups. High neuroticism and low extraversion, accompanied by low scores on openness and conscientiousness, were the most important personality dimensions in understanding distinctions. While agreeableness did not indicate any important role, it did significantly influence the understanding of gender differences within groups. Females were found more agreeable in both groups, but those from the healthy group were also more open and conscientiousness than healthy males. Females from the MDD group were found to be also higher on neuroticism than males of the same group. Conclusions: A general conclusion from the study is that personality dimensions are more important in understanding vulnerability to depression in comparison to gender differences in personality within groups. As females in the MDD group tend to self-report higher levels of agreeableness and neuroticism than do males in the same group when the level of their depression is categorized as equal MDD-severe type, this may influence practitioners to unequally diagnose depression in males and females

    Weather-Based Nonlinear Regressions for Digital TV Received Signal Strength Prediction

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    In this research, the impact of various weather conditions on digital television signals is investigated. Machine learning and nonlinear regression models were used to estimate the strength of the received signal. The received signal strength might vary significantly depending on the weather condition, especially in higher frequency ranges or millimetre wavelengths. Predictive analysis was performed for the radio-relay link Aval Tower-Vršac Hill, which is used for the distribution of television and radio programmes by the public company Broadcasting Technology and Connections in Serbia. The prediction was made using temperature, temperature index, relative humidity, and received signal strength data for the months of June, July, and August in 2022. The best results were obtained using the RandomForest model. Extreme variations in the strength of the received signal can be predicted by using the model mentioned above. More effective management of the broadcasting infrastructure can be done with the ability to predict sudden falls and fluctuations in received signal strength

    Fruit flow calculation on the rotating sizing machines

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    U ovom radu teorijski je analizirano gibanje i protok osam vrsta voća duž rotacijskog kalibratora. Polazi se od diferencijalne jednadžbe gibanja voća na rotirajućem disku kalibratora. Razvijen je opći model koji može biti primijenjen za određivanje protoka za sve tipove rotacijskih kalibratora. Analiza protoka obuhvatila je masu i protok kalibriranog voća. Uvedeni su novi iskustveni omjeri: omjer postotnog iskorištenja opsega diska, omjer punjenja i omjer raspodjele plodova. Posebno je istražen utjecaj relativne brzine voća na kapacitet kalibratora. Za usvojene vrijednosti navedenih omjera ke = 0,7; kf = 1; kd = 0,5 dobiveni su rezultati koji se približno poklapaju s do sada poznatim protocima voća na kalibratorima. Ustanovljeno je da protoci značajno variraju u ovisnosti o promjeru i masi voća. Količinski protok varira od 8949 plod/h za jabuku do 40.157 plod/h za duboko zamrznutu malinu. Maseni protok varira od 229,1 kg/h za višnju do 2054,7 kg/h za jabuku.This paper analyzes theoretically the motion and flow of eight fruit types, along rotating sizing machines. It starts from differential equation of fruit motion on a rotating disk of the sizing machine. A universal method that can generally be applied to determine the flow of all types of rotary sizing machine is developed. Flow analysis comprised sized fruit mass and flow. New empirical coefficients were introduced: extent ratio, feed ratio and distribution ratio. In particular, the influence of the relative speed of fruit on the capacity of sizing machines is researched. The results obtained for the adopted values extend, feed and distribution ratio ke = 0,7; kf = 1; kd = 0,5 coincide approximately with those reported to date for fruit flow rate on sizing machines. It was found that flow rates vary considerably, depending on fruit diameter and mass. Fruit numbers flow ranges from 8949 crops/h for apple to 40.157 crops/h for deep frozen raspberry. Mass flow varies from 229,1 kg/h for cherry to 2054,7 kg/h for apple

    Does empathy always inhibit amorality and offending?

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    Results of previous studies have been inconsistent over the role of emotional and cognitive empathy in aggressive and antisocial behavior. The aim of this study is to clarify the specific nature of the empathic profiles associated with different types of amoral behavior (induced by impulsivity, frustration and brutality), measured through self-reports. The sample consists of male prisoners who have committed violent and non-violent types of offenses (robberies and thefts) and the control group with no criminal history (N=200). Results demonstrate that general amorality which combines all three types of amoral attitudes is negatively associated both with emotional and cognitive empathy, but the association with the emotional empathy is much stronger one. On the other hand, amorality induced by frustration (characterized by resentment, dark picture of reality which justifies personal Machiavellianism) is positively associated with cognitive empathy which might be used for manipulation. These results provide guidelines for empathy trainings for offenders, highlighting the significance of increasing emotional empathy [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

    Uticaj masenog prinosa tritikala na brzinu žetve

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    This paper analyzes the effect of triticale yield on the speed of the combine during harvest. Monitoring system for the site-specific yield is mounted to harvester with 6 meters wide header. After harvest, the yield is divided into three groups, as well as small, medium and large yield, and then using the Кruskal-Wallis H test analyzed the rate of speed for each group along the plot. It was found for analyzed field that the speeds different and based on the average value ranges group concluded that the speed decreases with increasing yield, and access the subsequent analysis of the differences between the groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. The speed of the combine during harvest triticale in the analyzed plot differ significantly when comparing the three groups, and small and medium impact to Cohen's criteria based on effect size.U ovom radu analizirana je uticaj prinosa tritikala na brzinu kretanja kombajna tokom žetve. Sistem za merenje lokacijski specifičnog prinosa postavljen je na kombajn širine zahvata 6 metara. Nakon žetve prinos je podeljen u tri grupe, kao mali, srednji i velik prinos, i potom pomoću Kruskal-Volisovog H testa analizirana je brzina za svaku grupu prinosa duž parcele. Ustanovljeno je da se na analiziranoj parceli brzine razlikuju i na osnovu srednjih vrednosti rangova grupa zaključeno je da brzina opada sa smanjenjem prinosa, pa se pristupilo naknadnoj analizi razlike među grupama pomoću Man-Vitnijevog U testa. Brzine kretanja kombajna tokom žetve tritikala na analiziranoj parceli razlikuju se statistički značajno pri poređenju sve tri grupe, i to sa malim i srednjim uticajem prema Koenovom kriterijumu