22 research outputs found

    Die epidemiologische Untersuchung der dentalen Morbidität mittels Ankete und ihre bewertung

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    U okviru međunarodnog projekta Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije »Korištenje zdravstvene službe i zdravstvene zaštite«, kao jedna od viiše metodoloških studija izvršena je i provjera vrijednosti ankete i valjanosti podataka o dentalnom morbiditetu. Autori su, nakon analize medicinsko-statističkih podataka utvrđenih po liječniku-stomatologu te izjave anketiranih osoba, dokazati da je postotak slaganja zadovoljavao i bio u skladu s postojećim standardima za takvu vrst \u27ispitivanja. S obzirom na reprezentativnost uzorka, autori zaključuju, da se dobiveni rezultati ispitivanja o stopama morbiditeta zubiju mogu proširiti sa anketiranog uzorka na cjelokupnu populaciju područja Istre i Hrvatskog primorja.An investigation of the condition of the oral cavity with regard to dental morbidity by means of epidemiologic methods apart from other advantages offers an insight into the distribution of diseases of a population living in certain areas or again of individual segments of the population.Within the scope of the international project of the World Health Organisation »International Collaborative Study of Medical Care Utilization« — in the further text WHO/ICS/MCU, one of the several methodologic studies in the project was the evaluation of the inquiry and the accuracy of the data on dental morbidity. The region of Istra and the Croatian Littoral, comprised by the project mentioned, numbered 440.000 inhabitants (46% belonging to the urban and 54% to the rural population). A representative sample was used, obtained by the geographical method of choice selection and the results of the investigation may thus be applied to the entire population living in that region. The problem of the study of validity was to establish to what extent we may rely on the accuracy of the data compiled be means of questionnaire forms given to subjects to complete. The actual sta\u27te of the teeth was taken as a criterium for the determination of the validity and this was established by means of a stomatological examination after the inquiry had been completed. After analysing the medical and statistical data compiled by a specialist in stomatology and the statements made by the subjects taking part in the inquirv, the percentage of agreement proved to be satisfactory. Thus the percentage of agreement in the replies given by the test subjects to questions about the number of extracted teeth as established by the inquiry and the actual number of teeth missing, as established by the examination amounted to 86,3%, dissent was recorded in 12,6% whereas no data were available for 1.2%. In the replies given by test subjects about the existence of dental-prosthetic replacements and the actual presence of dental prostheses, the percentage of agreement was 84.6% and there was dissent in 12.1% while no data were available for 2.6%. Accordingly we may rightly conclude that the data which we obtained from the questionnaires, respectively the WHO/ICS/MCU study are in accordance with the existing standards and that they represent a relatively precise indicator of the actual dental morbidity of the population investigated. With regard to the representativeness of the sample, the conclusions about the rates of morbidity of the teeth in the investigated sample may be enlarged to include the entire population of the region of Istra and the Croat Littoral.Die Prüfung des Gesundheitszustandes der Mundhöhle inbezug auf die dentale Morbidität mittels epidemiologischer Methoden, ergibt Einsicht in die Verteilung der Erkrankung bei der Menschengrupe eines bestimmten Gebietes, oder gewisser Segmente der Bevölkerung. Im Rahmen des internationalen Projekts der Weltgesundheitsorganisation »Die Auswertung des Gesundheitsdienstes und des Gesundheitschutzes« (World Health Organization; International Collaborative Study of Medical Care Utilization; — WHO/ICS/MCU), eine von mehreren Studien aus dem Projekt war Gegenstand der Feststellung des Anketenwertes und der Richtigkeit der Angaben über die dentale Morbidität. Das Gebiet von Istrien und des kroatischen Küstenlandes, welches mit dem genannten Projekt erfasst war, hat 440.000 Einwohner, davon sind 46% Stadt- und 54% Landbevölkerung). Das Muster war representativ und zugerichtet nach der geographischen Methode der zufälligen Auswahl, demnach kann man die Resultate der Untersuchung auf die Gesamtbevölkerung dieses Gebietes beziehen. Das Problem der Studie über die Validatät der Untersuchung liegt in der Feststellung, inwiefern man sich auf die Angaben der Ankete verlassen kann. Als Kriterium für die Feststellung der Validität werde der reale Zahnstatus der nach der Ankete bei der stomatologischen Untersuchung angetroffen wurde, bestimmt Die Analyse der medizinisch-statistischen Angaben, aufgenommen vom Zahnrazt, zeigt eine zufriedenstellende Übereinstimmung mit den Aussagen der anketierten Personen. Der Perzenstatz der übereinstimmenden Antworten der Probanden auf die Frage über die Anzahl der extrahierten Zähne nach Angaben der Ankete und der tatsächliche Zustand der fehlenden Zähne, festgestellt während der Untersuchung, beträgt 86,3%, während 12,6% nicht übereinstimmen bei 1,2% fehlenden Angaben.Inbezug auf zahnprothetische Arbeiten betrugen die übereinstimmenden Antworten der Probanden mit den tatsächlich vorhandenen Zahnprothesen 84,6%, 12,1% gingen auseinander bei 2,6% fehlenden Angaben Demnach kann man mit Recht schliessen, dass die Angaben der Ankete, bzw. Studien WHO/lCS/ /MCU mit den bestehenden Standarten übereinstimmen und dass sie einen ziemlich genauen Anzeiger der realen dentalen Morbidität der anketierten Bevölikerungsschichte darstellen

    From idea to final polimer product

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    Članak prikazuje faze razvoja od ideje do gotovog proizvoda na primjeru otvarača za pisma koji sadržava vizualni identitet (logotip) Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu prilagođen obilježavanju devedesete obljetnice Fakulteta.The paper presents phases of the development from the idea to the final product using the case of a letter opener which contains the visual identity (logotype) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, which has been adapted for the ninetieth anniversary of the Faculty

    From idea to final polimer product

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    Članak prikazuje faze razvoja od ideje do gotovog proizvoda na primjeru otvarača za pisma koji sadržava vizualni identitet (logotip) Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu prilagođen obilježavanju devedesete obljetnice Fakulteta.The paper presents phases of the development from the idea to the final product using the case of a letter opener which contains the visual identity (logotype) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, which has been adapted for the ninetieth anniversary of the Faculty


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    Utjecaj interne strukture važan je čimbenik pri trodimenzionalnoj izradi modela budući da određuje stabilnost i kvalitetu izrađevine. Upravo zbog toga je prikazana izrada rasteznih i savojnih ispitnih tijela uz promjenu određenih parametara izrade zbog promatranja utjecaja interne strukture na svojstva. Detaljnije, visina sloja i količina ispune su mijenjane kroz petnaest različitih serija izrađenih na prostornom uređaju Prusa i3. Prikazom rezultata i analizom utvrđeno je ponašanje izrađevine u odnosu na postavljene parametre.The impact of the internal structure is an important factor in the development of three-dimensional models since it determines the stability and quality of the product. For that reason, test specimens made for tensile and flexural properties are presented in this thesis. In order to observe the impact of internal structure on the properties, the production parameters were variable. More detailed, layer height and fill density were modified through fifteen different series made on three-dimensional device Prusa i3. The results of the analysis showed the behavior of the product in relation to the specific parameters


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    Utjecaj interne strukture važan je čimbenik pri trodimenzionalnoj izradi modela budući da određuje stabilnost i kvalitetu izrađevine. Upravo zbog toga je prikazana izrada rasteznih i savojnih ispitnih tijela uz promjenu određenih parametara izrade zbog promatranja utjecaja interne strukture na svojstva. Detaljnije, visina sloja i količina ispune su mijenjane kroz petnaest različitih serija izrađenih na prostornom uređaju Prusa i3. Prikazom rezultata i analizom utvrđeno je ponašanje izrađevine u odnosu na postavljene parametre.The impact of the internal structure is an important factor in the development of three-dimensional models since it determines the stability and quality of the product. For that reason, test specimens made for tensile and flexural properties are presented in this thesis. In order to observe the impact of internal structure on the properties, the production parameters were variable. More detailed, layer height and fill density were modified through fifteen different series made on three-dimensional device Prusa i3. The results of the analysis showed the behavior of the product in relation to the specific parameters

    Adult Upper Cortical Layer Specific Transcription Factor CUX2 Is Expressed in Transient Subplate and Marginal Zone Neurons of the Developing Human Brain

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    Cut-Like Homeobox 2 (Cux2) is a transcription factor involved in dendrite and spine development, and synapse formation of projection neurons placed in mouse upper neocortical layers. Therefore, Cux2 is often used as an upper layer marker in the mouse brain. However, expression of its orthologue CUX2 remains unexplored in the human fetal neocortex. Here, we show that CUX2 protein is expressed in transient compartments of developing neocortical anlage during the main fetal phases of neocortical laminar development in human brain. During the early fetal phase when neurons of the upper cortical layers are still radially migrating to reach their final place in the cortical anlage, CUX2 was expressed in the marginal zone (MZ), deep cortical plate, and pre-subplate. During midgestation, CUX2 was still expressed in the migrating upper cortical neurons as well as in the subplate (SP) and MZ neurons. At the term age, CUX2 was expressed in the gyral white matter along with its expected expression in the upper layer neurons. In sum, CUX2 was expressed in migratory neurons of prospective superficial layers and in the diverse subpopulation of transient postmigratory SP and MZ neurons. Therefore, our findings indicate that CUX2 is a novel marker of distinct transient, but critical histogenetic events during corticogenesis. Given the Cux2 functions reported in animal models, our data further suggest that the expression of CUX2 in postmigratory SP and MZ neurons is associated with their unique dendritic and synaptogenesis characteristics

    Early Regional Patterning in the Human Prefrontal Cortex Revealed by Laminar Dynamics of Deep Projection Neuron Markers

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    Early regional patterning and laminar position of cortical projection neurons is determined by activation and deactivation of transcriptional factors (TFs) and RNA binding proteins (RBPs) that regulate spatiotemporal framework of neurogenetic processes (proliferation, migration, aggregation, postmigratory differentiation, molecular identity acquisition, axonal growth, dendritic development, and synaptogenesis) within transient cellular compartments. Deep-layer projection neurons (DPN), subplate (SPN), and Cajal–Retzius neurons (CRN) are early-born cells involved in the establishment of basic laminar and regional cortical architecture; nonetheless, laminar dynamics of their molecular transcriptional markers remain underexplored. Here we aimed to analyze laminar dynamics of DPN markers, i.e., transcription factors TBR1, CTIP2, TLE4, SOX5, and RBP CELF1 on histological serial sections of the human frontal cortex between 7.5–15 postconceptional weeks (PCW) in reference to transient proliferative, migratory, and postmigratory compartments. The subtle signs of regional patterning were seen during the late preplate phase in the pattern of sublaminar organization of TBR1+/Reelin+ CRN and TBR1+ pioneering SPN. During the cortical plate (CP)-formation phase, TBR1+ neurons became radially aligned, forming continuity from a well-developed subventricular zone to CP showing clear lateral to medial regional gradients. The most prominent regional patterning was seen during the subplate formation phase (around 13 PCW) when a unique feature of the orbitobasal frontal cortex displays a “double plate” pattern. In other portions of the frontal cortex (lateral, dorsal, medial) deep portion of CP becomes loose and composed of TBR1+, CTIP2+, TLE4+, and CELF1+ neurons of layer six and later-born SPN, which later become constituents of the expanded SP (around 15 PCW). Overall, TFs and RBPs mark characteristic regional laminar dynamics of DPN, SPN, and CRN subpopulations during remarkably early fetal phases of the highly ordered association cortex development