94 research outputs found

    C and N Cycling Dynamics and Microbial Community Composition in High Tunnel Production Systems

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    Across the United States, high tunnels are used as a means of season extension and control over climatic variability in fruit and vegetable production. However, high tunnel systems are an intensive form of agricultural production which may compromise soil and crop quality over time. This study examined the effects of the varying environmental conditions, created in two types of tunnel system, movable and stationary, on the flow of nitrogen from amendment to plant and impact on crop and soil quality parameters. The way nutrients cycled through these systems was different and the nutrient treatments had no consistent effects on soil nutrient parameters, although some microbial groups were affected by the nature of the nutrient amendment. No exposure to rainfall resulted in an accumulation of leachable NO3 in the stationary tunnels. Spinach yields were superior to those in a previous study at the same site however, leaf NO3 levels consistently exceeded EU maximum limits for fresh-sap leaf NO3. We cannot conclude from our data if there was a compromise of crop or soil quality in the high tunnel production systems and further investigation is necessary as high tunnels gain in popularity and make a larger footprint on the agricultural landscape

    Left- and Right-Wing Criticism of Orientalism and the Role of Representations of Cultures in Their Self-Interpretation and Development

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    Over the past decades orientalism as an approach adopted in Western studies of nonWestern cultures has been subject to major philosophical analysis. The critical impulse that was transmitted by Edward Said to the scientific community in 1978 was powerful enough to create a universal framework. This conceptual framework makes possible both a revisionist point of view toward the West and a Western offensive discourse toward the so-called internal colonization. When we decompose Orientalism into components, for example through hermeneutic analysis, this phenomenon turns out to be one of the justifiably commonplace problems of the representation of nonWestern cultures in Western academic studies. Orientalists and researchers of non-Western cultures are criticized for mechanistic constructivism applied to the Other, but at the same time, conservative ideologists (René Guénon, Oswald Spengler, etc.) tend to draw attention to the fundamental crisis of Western science, its epistemological dysfunction and unnecessitated plurality that does not bring us closer to understanding the essence. However, both approaches unfairly overlook the factor of already exerted constructive influence on non-Western cultures. Orientalism can be seen not only as a form of exploitation, but also as a form of providing a language of self-interpretation, which have had a visible effect on non-Western cultures' understanding of themselves. This article examines the evolution of perceptions of the possibility and necessity of representations of non-Western cultures, as interpreted by the authors who are commonly classified as equally leftand right-wing ones

    Setting up the Political-military Research Center at MGIMO

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    Quantitative Biological Electron Probe Microanalysis with a Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer

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    This paper describes the details of quantitative electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) performed with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS). EPMA was carried out on the giant neuron of a fresh frozen ganglion from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The freeze-dried cryosections were compared with sections of freeze-dried, embedded tissue. It was found, that in the ganglion there are two kinds of neurons with a different chlorine concentration of 11 mmole/liter and 32 mmole/liter. Isolated neurons in culture were shown to differ in elemental composition from those in the ganglion tissue

    Organizing the germans’ emotional world through the prism of the opposition ORDNUNG vs. CHAOS: Ambivalent emotion concepts

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    The authors prove the assumption that the linguo-cultural opposition ORDNUNG vs. CHAOS has a certain influence on the formation of such ethno-specific ambivalent emotion concepts (EC) SEHNSUCHT, FERNWEH AND HEIMWEH in the German linguo-culture. Due to the applied methodology (definitional and contextual analyses of EC names) it was established that the German chaos and metaphysical fear (ANGST) oppose a kind of "safety-cosiness quartet", which is represented by concepts SICHERHEIT, GEBORGENHEIT, GEMÜTLICHKEIT and ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT. It was revealed that the universal principle of perception of the objective world ONE’S OWN vs. ALIEN serves as the basis for the opposition ORDNUNG vs. CHAOS and its derivative ANGST vs. SICHERHEIT & GEBORGENHEIT & GEMÜTLICHKEIT & ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT. This principle caused "disruption" of the inner world of the German linguo-culture representatives because, on the one hand, they strive for a sense of safety, security, comfort, and stability, which generates "their own" world, but, on the other hand, they constantly try to go beyond the latter, since the "alien" world is associated not only with chaos and danger but also with new sensations and experience. Such an emotional "disruption" of the German people between metaphysical fear and a "safety-cosiness quartet", to some extent, gave rise to the ambivalence of the EC SEHNSUCHT, FERNWEH and HEIMWEH

    The emotion concept of SHAME as one of the markers of social infantilism: Cross-cultural analysis based on language corpora data

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    The article presents a cross-cultural analysis of those ethnocultural features of the emotion concept of SHAME in Ukrainian, Anglo-Saxon and German linguo-cultures, which directly correlate with some national characteristics of the representatives of these linguo-cultures. It deals with the role of shame in the generation of such a social phenomenon as infantilism, since the significant spread of this phenomenon in a particular linguo-society is the basis for determining infantilism as one of the features of the national character. A comparative study of the representative corpora data of Ukrainian, English and German has revealed that Ukrainians, although a European linguo-society, belong not to guilt culture, as the Anglo-Saxons and Germans, but to shame culture, because this emotion arises in them mostly in in-groups, transforming into shame, humiliation, pangs of conscience, but not guilt. This feature of Ukrainians’ psychological type brings them closer to Eastern cultures, correlating to the greatest extent with such a criterion of cultures distinctions as collectivism–individualism. The low rate of individualism in the Ukrainian linguo-society has led to the fact that Ukrainians tend to be less responsible for their actions than Anglo-Saxons or Germans, often shifting their responsibility to external factors. The unwillingness of a large number of individuals to take responsibility indicates a certain immaturity of the society as a whole. This gives grounds to claim that the concept СОРОМ is one of the markers of social infantilism of the Ukrainian people

    Siniset nenät

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    Regulatory and Legal Framework of the Russian Federation in Sphere of Social Entrepreneurship

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    This article examines the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, its social significance, the legal framework on the basis of which this area is regulated.В настоящей статье рассматривается феномен социального предпринимательства, его социальное значение, а также законодательная база, на основании которой данная сфера регулируется. Приводится краткое содержание соответствующих нормативных актов и законопроектов. Делаются выводы о степени законченности нормативно-правовой базы в данной сфере

    Colonizing the High Arctic : Mitochondrial DNA reveals common origin of Eurasian archipelagic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)

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    Funding: The study was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant “Arctic Domus” ERC AdG 295458 based at the University of Aberdeen (http://www.arcticdomus.org/). Funding was recieved by DGA. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD