13 research outputs found


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    Education policy is a public policy in the field of education. In the national policy, among others, it is emphasized that the development of the nation's character is a fundamental need in the process of nationhood and statehood. Sometimes students in learning activities do these three learning styles. The research method used is a literature research method whose research object is searched through a variety of literature information (books, scientific journals, newspapers, magazines, documents) and so on with data analysis techniques. Each implementation of education has been regulated based on policies including the implementation of character education. the formation of the character and moral education of learners so that it becomes the next generation of the nation that has a strong foundation of both knowledge, skills, religion, and national values. Therefore, learning activities, classroom organization, learning materials, learning time, learning tools, and assessment methods need to be adjusted to the characteristics of the students. Of all the characteristics possessed by the above students, it is necessary to be noticed by an educator. So an educator must be able to understand every character that the students have so that the learning process can take place smoothly, effectively and efficiently. So that the educational goals that have been envisioned can be achieved

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

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    This research is motivated by one of the key factors in supporting the success of madrasas with achievements is the leadership or management of madrasah principals. The quality of a madrasa leader is the key to the success of education in this educational institution. leadership style encompasses how a person acts in an organizational context Good leadership is always associated with school success. There is a significant correlation between school performance and the effectiveness of a leader. Edmonds mentioned that a good school is led by a good leader. Still in line, Rutherford stated that effective leaders always have a clear vision, so he also has a work program. Meanwhile, Rutter, as quoted by Sergiovanni, stated that the main is the key to the success and improvement of the quality of their students. However, to become a good leader is not only due to the prize factor, but also requires strong effort. A leader's cultural and social background and school become a very influential factor on the main leadership, it explains the social development of school residents and the leader's cultural and social background then becomes a necessity to express the success of an educational institution, such as Madrasas. This study aims to determine Islamic leadership in terms of theological perspective. The research method in this article is library research research using qualitative-interpretative data presentation. The research results of this journal are the Teacher as a leader in Islamic education with various terms that have moral, professional, and spiritual implications


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ruang lingkup, kata kerja operasional (KKO) kompetensi dasar (KD), kata kerja operasional tujuan pembelajaran, higher order thinking skills (HOTS) atau lower order thinking skills (LOTS), 4C, literasi dasar, dan pendidikan karakter khusus pada materi pokok matematika dilihat dari buku guru dan buku siswa kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan teknik analisis data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa baik dari buku guru maupun siswa sudah cukup baik yaitu dominan untuk ruang lingkup terdapat pada materi geometri dan pengukuran sederhana sebesar 44%, dominan untuk KKO KD terdapat pada tingkat C2 “memahami” sebesar 55%, dominan untuk KKO tujuan pembelajaran terdapat pada tingkat C3 “mengaplikasi” sebesar 50%, pada materi pokok matematika kelas III MI/SD lebih dominan lower order thinking skills (LOTS) sebesar 77%, dominan untuk 4C terdapat pada tingkat critical thinking sebesar 83%, dominan untuk literasi dasar terdapat pada literasi numerasi sebesar 97%, dan dominan untuk pendidikan karakter terdapat pada sikap mandiri dan percaya diri sebesar 75%.AbstractThis research aimed to analyze the scope, operational verbs (KKO), basic competence (KD), operational verbs of learning objectives, higher order thinking skill (HOTS), lower order thinking skill (LOTS), 4C, basic literacy, and special character education on the subject matter of mathematics from the teacher and the student books based on 2013 Curriculum revised 2018. The research method used was library research with data analysis techniques. The result of this study indicated that both of the teacher and the student books were good enough. This finding was proved by the percentage of scope dominant in geometry and simple measurement was 44%, dominant for KKO and KD was at the C2 level ”understanding” with 55%, dominant for KKO operational verbs of learning objectives was at the C3 level "applying" with 50%, in mathematics subject matter class III MI/SD was more dominant for lower order thinking skill at 77%, dominant for 4C was 83% at critical thinking level, dominant for basic literacy was 97% of numerical literacy, and dominant for character education was 75% of independent and confident attitudes

    Model Pembiasaan Karakter Kedisiplinan melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler Pramuka di MI Al-Muhsin Yogyakarta

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    This research is motivated by the current era of strengthening character education is an important thing to do considering the number of loss of character education values currently very alarming. One of the characters that must be possessed by students as an effort in social problems is the character of discipline. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to model the discipline of disciplinary character through scout extracurricular activities in MI Al-Muhsin Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the model of disciplinary character habituation through scout extracurricular activities at MI Al-Muhsin Yogyakarta. This research method is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Research subjects include the headmaster of madrasas, teachers, scoutmaster, and students. This research was conducted at MI Al-Muhsin Yogyakarta. When thhis research was conducted around March-April 2020. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collection tools used are audio, video and photo recording. Check the validity of the data by triangulating data and sources. While the data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results showed that there was a model for disciplining character through the scout extracurricular activities at MI Al-Muhsin Yogyakarta through rewards and punishments applied. There is a relationship between scout extracurricular activities and disciplinary character. Evidence of the success of the Boy Scouts extracurricular activities in building disciplinary character at MI Al-Muhsin Yogyakarta, namely five minutes before the ceremony the students are ready and gathered by wearing the full boy scout uniform, students in an orderly manner paying front group contributions, and students are willing to pay fines and money Scoutmaster also pays if he does not order too. This research can add knowledge, experience as well as insights on the disciplinary character refraction model through scout extracurricular activities so that it can improve and be considered for other researchers, as prospective educators to enter the world of education


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    Didalam tulisan ini memfokuskan kepada tingkah laku agresif anak yang disebabkan orang tua meratau di pendidikan formal yaitu SDN Delegen 3. Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu anak yang bertingkah laku agresif ditinggalkan oleh kedua orang tuanya merantau sehingga anak yang berperilaku agresif ini kurang kasih sayang, perhatian, didikan, dan bimbingan dari orang tuanya, dimana seluruh pengasuhan & didikan diserahkan terhadap neneknya sehingga mengakibatkan bertingkah laku agresif di lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku agresif anak pada pendidikan formal dan mengetahui akibat yang yang ditimbulkan dari tingkah laku agresif terhadap pribadi sendiri. Metode penelitian ini menggunaka penelitian study kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tiga cara yaitu wawancara, observasi, serta dokumentasi. Lalu timbullah hasil penelitian yaitu perilaku agresif anak yang ditinggal orang tuannya merantau pada pendidikan formal terdapat empat jenis bentuk: agresif secara fisik, agresif secara verbal, kemarahan, serta permusuhan. Pertama, bentuk tingkah laku agresif seperti mementung (menggebuk), menjorokkan (memerosokkan), mencengkam, menerjang, menghalangi ialah memperlihatkan kategori agresif secara fisik. Kedua, DA bentuk tingkah laku agresif mengucapkan seperti mengejek (meledek), berkata kasar ialah memperlihatkan kategori agresif secara verbal. Ketiga, DA bentuk tingkah laku agresif seperti mengancam, serta melantingkan pena memperlihatkan kategori kemarahan dimana apabila tidak tercapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Keempat, DA bentuk tingkah laku agresif tidak memperlihatkna perasaan sentimen ataupun curiga terhadap orang lain sehingga pada penelitian ini untuk kategori permusuhan tidak tampak

    The Effect of The Mind Map Method on The Students’ Memory in Thematic Learning

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    Mind mapping is a method that can optimize students' memory, because it uses images, lines, colors, and symbols that can stimulate the child's double senses, in addition mind mapping can also maximize their brain abilities. The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of mind map method on the memory of learners in thematic learning in class IV MI Ma'arif NU 02 Tamansari. This research is a type of pre-experimental research conducted with the design of one group pretest posttest. The population in this study was all students in grade IV MI Ma'arif NU 02 Tamansari. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. Test instruments use a type of short fill test that has been through the analysis of validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques use prerequisite test analysis in the form of normality and homogeneity test, and hypothesis test using statistical test paired sample t test. The results showed that the mind map method affects the memory of learners. This was demonstrated by Sig. (2-tailed) t test result with a significance of 0.000 less than 0.05. So, Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected, meaning that the mind map method affects the memory of the learners

    Pengaruh Metode Group Investigation Materi Gaya terhadap Sikap Ilmiah Peserta Didik di MI Al-Huda Karangnongko Yogyakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan nilai rata-rata sikap ilmiah pada kelas eksperimen menggunakan metode group investigation dan kelas kontrol dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran konvensional sebelum diberi perlakuan serta serta setelah diberi perlakuan. Serta melihat pengaruh Group Investigation terhadap sikap ilmiah peserta didik di MI Al-Huda Karangnongko Yogyakarta. Variabel yang diukur adalah sikap ilmiah pada peserta diidk kelas IV di MI Al-Huda Karangnongko Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu (quasi eksperimen). Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV di MI Al-Huda Karangnongko Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 56 orang peserta didik yang terdiri dari 2 kelas. Sampel penelitian ini ialah kelas IV A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas IV B sebagai kelas kontrol. Sampel ini diambil menggunakan teknik random class sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan pedoman dan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan mann whiney (non-parametrik) untuk hasil skala setelah perlakuan. Data statistik menunjukan terdapat peningkatan rata-rata sikap ilmiah kelas eksperimen sebelum menggunakan metode group investigation sebesar 19,5 serta setelah menggunakan metode group investigation sebesar 23,4. Hal tersebut mengalami peningkatan metode sebesar 3,9. Pada kelas kontrol rata-rata sikap ilmiah juga mengalami peningkatan dari data skala skala sebelum perlakuan 157,2 dan setelah perlakuan 23,03. Maka peningkatan nilai rata-rata pada keals kontrol sebesar 5,83. Hasil statistik deskriptif dengan bantuan SPSS 16.00 terlihat skala sebelum perlakuan analisis mann whiney (non-parametrik) menunjukkan nilai Signifikansi Sig.(2 tailed) = 0,487 > 0,05, maka Ha ditolak dan Ho diterima. Hal ini berarti tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah sikap ilmiah. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan terhadap sikap ilmiah pada peserta didik kelas IV MI Al-Huda Karangnongko Yogyakarta

    Kebijakan Pendidikan MI: Perspektif Pendidikan Teman Sebaya

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    During early childhood, relationships with peers increased and spent a lot of time. One of the most important functions of peers is as a source of information and comparative materials outside the family environment, the peer environment is an important substitute for the family and the environment is also very supportive of how to fight a person therefore when the environment where a person is good then good behaviour. The research conducted is library research. This research does not have to be direct spaciousness but the data obtained is obtained from the source of literature or documentation. Data collection techniques using literature and documentation studies. Data validity checking technique using the triangulation method. Data analysis techniques using content analysis. Through peers, children get feedback on their abilities, evaluating what they do (whether better or less) than their peers

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

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    The quality of a madrasa leader is the key to the success of education in this educational institution. leadership style encompasses how a person acts in an organizational context Good leadership is always associated with school success. There is a significant correlation between school performance and the effectiveness of a leader. This study aims to determine Islamic leadership in terms of theological perspective. The research method in this article is library research research using qualitative-interpretative data presentation. The research results of this journal are the Teacher as a leader in Islamic education with various terms that have moral, professional, and spiritual implications


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    Mengajar yaitu kegiatan memberikan ilmu dimilki oleh seorang guru kepada muridnya. Dalam mengajar guru bukan hanya sekedar menyampaikan informasi atau gagasan, namun guru harus membimbing siswa dalam kepahaman suatu materi pembelajaran. Dan ketika dalam proses pendidikan guru juga mempunyia kedudukan yang sangat signifikan untuk mecapai sebuah tujuan pemelajaran, dalam mencapai sebuh tujuan pembelajaran guru harus mempunyai metode unutuk memberi kepahaman kepada siswa dikarnakan metode sangat penting dalam proses pengajaran. Bahkan seperti diketahui metode adalah sebuah seni pengajaran untuk memberikan/mentransper sebuah ilmu pengetahuan kepada peserta didik yang dijarkan oleh seorang guru dan metode juga sebagai alat untuk membantu para pelajar untuk memperoleh keterampilan-keteramplan yang ada didalam dirinya. Untuk itu pengajaran IPS MI tidak bisa dilakukan dengan sekedarnya, tetapi sebalikya harus diberengi dan didukug oleh metode-metode yang yang menarik yang bisa meningkatkan berfikir kritis siswa dan menarik gairah siswa dalam proses, pembelajaran. Pemngajaran yang berhasil menuntut menggunakan metode yng tepat dan jitu yang bisa cepat memehamkan siswa dalam sebuah pembelajaran khususnya dalam mata peajaran IPS dikarnakan IPS sangat mempengaruhi sosial pesrta didik baik itu keluarga dan masyarakat oleh karnanya metode mengajar dalam pelajaran IPS sangat penting