66 research outputs found

    Ruminations on the dark side: history of art as rage and denials

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    The holist view is that the creativity of an author is the manifestation of the creativity of the group he or she belongs to; the individualist view is that the creativity of the group is merely the sum of the creativities of the individuals who constitute that group. The holist understanding of human creativity was particularly widespread among Weimar-era historians and their almost unanimous tendency to adopt holist historical explanations constitutes a collective phenomenon in its own right. The paper explores the problems of providing an individualist explanation of this phenomenon

    Architecture and Philosophy and Wages of Obfuscation

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    The paper analyses possible contributions of philosophy and philosophers to architecture and architects’ work. During the twentieth century, a number of dominant positions in philosophy, such as the view that all thinking is verbal or that conceptual thinking determines the contents of perception, significantly limited the ground for productive intellectual interaction between architects and philosophers. With the demise of such positions in recent decades, one can hope that philosophy and philosophers could make genuine contributions to architectural theory

    ‘Art historians and their textual behaviour’. Review of: Sam Rose: Interpreting Art, London: UCL Press, 2022, 136 pages, 38 illustrations, ISBN: 978-1-80008-178-9

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    Sam Rose’s book analyses techniques that art historians and art critics use when they write about artworks. These techniques concentrate on five ‘features’ of art-theoretical analysis: authors, contexts, reception, complexity and depth. The analysis that Rose presents is based on an exceptionally extensive survey of art historical literature. At the same time, the book leaves it unclear whether these ‘features’ serve the purpose of acquiring and conveying knowledge about artworks or should we assume that they are merely constitutive of art-historical writing without contributing to art historical knowledge or its transmission

    Comparative analysis of the traffic accidents in the territory of the city of Užice for 2021 and 2022 using open data and the Streamlit application

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    Introduction/purpose: With the development of information technologies, the Internet and social networks, the amount of collected data grows year by year at high speed. Data processing and analysis is becoming a necessity without which quality business decisions cannot be made. With the development of data science, tools for processing unstructured data have also been developed. Open data is publicly available data, the processing of which allows gaining new knowledge. The goal of the work is to present the possibility of using open data for research purposes, and their processing through the Streamlit development environment. Methods: This paper will present the Streamlit framework of the Python programming language and its functionality through the analysis of a web application for data analytics. As a case study, a comparative analysis of the traffic accident data on the territory of the Užice Police Department for 2021 and 2022 will be presented. Results: The Streamlit application will be used for the automatic analysis of open data on the traffic accidents in the territory of the Republic of Serbia in order to process the data and test the hypothesis about whether there has been an increase in traffic safety in the territory of the Užice Police Department. Conclusion: This work shows the possibility of using the Streamlit framework for creating an application for processing open data

    Effects of epidural anesthesia on I and II delivery stage and on a newborn

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    Background/Aim. Epidural anesthesia (EA) is the most efficient method of pain reduction and its total elimination during delivery. The aim of this study was to establish an influence of EA on the first and the second part of delivery process, frequency of vacuum extractor and forceps appliance, and the effect of EA on the newborn. Methods. A total of 360 patients with EA were analyzed at delivery and 1 130 controls without EA. Both groups had vaginal delivery. In both groups deliveries were stimulated by 10 IU of oxytocin in 500 mL of crystalloid solvent, with 15-20 drops per minute. As anaesthetic, Bupivacain (0,25% or 0, 125%) was used by the 18 G catheters Braun and Wigon. Level of application was L2-L3 part of spine. Results. The results of this study indicate that deliveries with EA were shorter in duration, but also had much more vacuum extractor and forceps appliance (over 2.5 times) than those without EA. Apgar score was significantly higher in the experimental group with multiple deliveries. However, there was no significant deference between average Apgar score of newborns of patients with EA and that of newborns of patients without EA. Conclusion. Application of EA decreases duration of delivery, and has no any adverse effects on newborns

    Mogućnosti organske proizvodnje u Vojvodini

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    During the past decade, the general attitude of the human population towards health, nutrition quality and environment has remarkably changed. As a result of the growing demand for organic products, especially organic milk, the livestock organic production has increased. Figures from the Serbian Ministry of agriculture estimate that around 75 percent of Serbia's agricultural land, and some 650,000 hectares, can be used for organic food production within three years. The 'rule of 30%' in organic production means that farm animals kept in organic system must ingest at least 30% of meal dry matter from pastures, makes forage quality of utmost importance. In order to estimate possibilities of organic production in Fruška Gora region forage botanical as well as chemical composition were analysed. A botanical analysis has confirmed presence of plants with high yield and of high nutritive value. Dominant presence of Dactilys glomerata L. and Poa pratensis L. was revealed in the samples of mixed hay, while the Lucerne hay was predominantly composed only by one leguminous species Medicago sativa L. Chemical analyses of hay samples originating from Fruška Gora has pointed out that level of crude proteins, cellulose, fats, macro and trace elements can completely satisfy requirements of animals in organic farming and therefore can present a solid base for further development of organic dairy farming. Possibilities for further development of organic production are great, and it can be expected that organic production will increase in the future and can become a significant branch of livestock production.Proteklih decenija opšti stav ljudske populacije prema zdravlju, kvalitetu ishrane i životnoj sredini je promenjen. Kao rezultat rastućih potreba za organskim proizvodima, naročito organskim mlekom, povećala se i organska proizvodnja stoke. Podaci iz srpskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede procenjuju da oko 75 odsto poljoprivrednog zemljišta Srbije, a nekih 650.000 hektara, može se koristiti za proizvodnju organske hrane u roku od tri godine. 'Pravilo 30%' u organskoj proizvodnji znači da životinje na farmama koje se gaje u sistemu organske proizvodnje moraju unositi najmanje 30% od obroka suve materije sa pašnjaka, čineći da je kvalitet krme najvažniji. U cilju procene mogućnosti organske proizvodnje u regionu Fruške Gore analiziran je botanički i hemijski sastav krme. Analiza botaničkog sastava potvrdila je prisustvo biljaka koje se odlikuju visokim prinosom i velikom nutritivnom vrednošću. Dominantno prisustvo Dactilys glomerata L. i Poa pratensis L. otkriveno je u uzorcima mešovitog sena, dok je lucerkino seno uglavnom bilo sastavljeno iz jedne leguminozne vrste Medicago sativa L. Hemijski sastav uzoraka sena iz Fruške Gore ukazuje da nivo sirovih proteina, celuloze, masti, makro i elemenata u tragovima mogu u potpunosti da zadovolje potrebe životinja na organskim farmama i zbog toga mogu predstavljati solidnu osnovu za dalji razvoj organske proizvodnje mleka. Mogućnosti za dalji razvoj organske proizvodnje su velike i moglo bi se očekivati da će se u budućnosti organska proizvodnja uvećati da će postati značajna grana u stočarskoj proizvodnji

    A procedure for optimization of irrigation based on stochastic dynamic programming

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    U radu je izložen matematički model u kome se metodom stohastičkog dinamičkog programiranja određuje optimalna vremenska alokacija ograničene količine raspoloživih voda za navodnjavanje određene biljne kulture. Optimizacija se vrši sa ciljem da se maksimizira dohodak od uzgajanja biljne kulture. Stepeni procesa predstavljaju zadate turnuse na početku kojih se donosi odluka o navodnjavanju, stanja sistema definisana su kombinacijama diskretnlh vrednosti stanja biljne kulture, vlažnosti zemljišta i raspoložive vode za navodnjavanje, dok je upravljanje predstavljeno odlukama o eventualnom navodnjavanju i iznosima navodnjavanja. Kao rezultat dobija se zakon optimalnog navodnjavanja koji sadrži optimalna navodnjavanja po turnusima u zavisnosti od raspoložive vode, vlažnosti zemljišta i stanja biljne kulture

    Floristic and phytocoenological research of segetal plant communities in cultivated areas of southern Srem

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    Segetal vegetation was studied in the cultivated areas of southern Srem with the aim of analyzing its taxonomy, phytocoenology, syntaxonomy and phytogeography, as well as determining to what extent ecological factors influenced the differentiation of segetal plant communities among row crops, small grain crops and in alfalfa fields. Segetal flora was comprised of 124 plant species, classified into 38 families, of which Asteraceae (28), Fabaceae (10) and Poaceae (10) contained the greatest number of species. Three associations were selected based on phytocoenological analysis: Polygonetum convolvulo-avicularis, Consolido-Polygonetum avicularis and Lolio-Plantaginetum majoris, as well as five lower syntaxa (subassociations and facies). Crop type, moisture, habitat acidity (pH), temperature and anthropogenic factors had the greatest impact on the ecological differentiation of the studied vegetation. The significant presence of non-native species (18) was another consequence of the anthropogenic effects and geographic position of southern Srem, and these, as coenobionts of segetal plant communities and undesirable species, had a significant impact on crop yield

    Comprehensive characterization of BiFeO3 powder synthesized by the hydrothermal procedure

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    In this paper, bismuth ferrite (BFO) particles synthesized by controlled hydrothermal process, where the particles of small sizes and with high purity were obtained. Structural analysis showed that non-annealed powder can be perfectly fitted to rhombohedral space group R3c and contains a very small amount of secondary phase, whereas the final product (annealed at 800 °C) represents single-phase perovskite powder with high crystallinity. HRTEM analysis confirmed existence of twin stacking faults, which are responsible for enhanced magnetic properties. EPR measurements suggested existence of electrons trapped by vacancies or defects. It has been proposed that existence of Fe3+ −OV defect complex could be generated at elevated temperatures followed by formation of trivalent Fe ions, which intensely provide local 3d moments