13 research outputs found

    Comparison between gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted gradient-echo and spin-echo sequences in the detection of active multiple sclerosis lesions on 3.0T MRI

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    Objectives To compare the sensitivity of enhancing multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted gradient-echo (GRE) and spin-echo (SE) sequences, and to assess the influence of visual conspicuity and laterality on detection of these lesions. Methods One hundred MS patients underwent 3.0T brain MRI including gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted GRE and SE sequences. The two sets of contrast-enhanced scans were evaluated in random fashion by three experienced readers. Lesion conspicuity was assessed by the image contrast ratio (CR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The intracranial region was divided into four quadrants and the impact of lesion location on detection was assessed in each slice. Results Six hundred and seven gadolinium-enhancing MS lesions were identified. GRE images were more sensitive for lesion detection (0.828) than SE images (0.767). Lesions showed a higher CR in SE than in GRE images, whereas the CNR was higher in GRE than SE. Most misclassifications occurred in the right posterior quadrant. Conclusions The gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted GRE sequence at 3.0T MRI enables detection of enhancing MS lesions with higher sensitivity and better lesion conspicuity than 2D T1-weighted SE. Hence, we propose the use of gadolinium-enhanced GRE sequences rather than SE sequences for routine scanning of MS patients at 3.0T. Key Points • 2D SE and GRE sequences are useful for detecting active MS lesions. • Which of these sequences is more sensitive at high field remains uncertain. • GRE sequence showed better sensitivity for detecting active MS lesions than SE. • We propose GRE sequence for detecting active MS lesions at 3.0T.Postprint (author's final draft

    Infertilidad en el macho canino

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    La infertilidad en el macho canino se define como la incapacidad total para dejar gestante a unahembra tras haber determinado de una forma precisa la fecha de monta o inseminación artificial. Suscausas se pueden dividir en dos grupos: infertilidad congénita e infertilidad adquirida. Mientras que laprimera tiene su origen en patologías o anormalidades genéticas, la infertilidad adquirida se desarrolladurante la vida del animal por diferentes factores. Entre las principales causas de infertilidad en elperro se encuentran las anormalidades anatómicas, la baja calidad seminal, las neoplasias, losproblemas hormonales y las enfermedades infecciosas. Algunas de las causas de infertilidad tienen unpronóstico desfavorable, sin embargo en otros casos, como en la hiperplasia prostática benigna, sepueden llegar a solucionar parcial o totalmente, por lo que es importante realizar una correctaanamnesis del paciente, así como un diagnóstico diferencial adecuado de la causa de la infertilidadcon el fin de aplicar un tratamiento eficaz.<br /

    Photoperiod and Melatonin Supplementation: Variable Effects on the Quality of Chilled Dog Semen

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    The addition of melatonin in seminal extenders due to its antioxidant properties and its beneficial role in sperm preservation has been previously described, especially in seasonal species. The aim of this study was to study a potential seasonal effect based on photoperiod duration when adding a physiological concentration of melatonin in the canine ejaculate. A total of 24 ejaculates were obtained from 10 healthy dogs during the increasing photoperiod (from December 21 to June 21), whereas 12 ejaculates were collected from five healthy individuals during the decreasing photoperiod (from June 22 to December 20). Each ejaculate was separated into two aliquots, and one of them remained as a control, whereas melatonin (100 pM) was added to the other one (C and M treatment groups, respectively). Diluted semen was refrigerated at 5°C. On days 0, 1, 2, 3, and 6, sperm motility analyses were performed using a CASA system and hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST), osmotic resistance test (ORT), and flow cytometry analysis. No effect of melatonin on motility was detected in either photoperiod. Negative effects of melatonin were found for acrosomal defects, apoptosis, and viability in the decreasing photoperiod. The addition of melatonin to sperm in the decreasing photoperiod could create such a high level that it would cause the described negative effects. We found a beneficial effect of melatonin in the increasing photoperiod on acrosomal defects and apoptosis during 0–6 days. Melatonin treatment also increased viability in the short term (days 1 and 2) for both photoperiods. Also, melatonin can provide certain beneficial effects on mitochondrial activity in the medium term (days 2 and 3) in the decreasing photoperiod

    Lesion topographies in multiple sclerosis diagnosis

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    To assess the contributions of cortico-juxtacortical and corpus callosum lesions to multiple sclerosis diagnosis and to compare the value of ≥1 vs ≥3 periventricular lesions in clinically isolated syndromes (CIS). Step 1: We evaluated lesion topography classifications in 657 patients with CIS with stepwise Cox proportional hazards regression models considering second attack as the outcome. Step 2: We established 2 dissemination in space (DIS) versions according to the periventricular lesion cutoffs of ≥1 and ≥3 and assessed their performance at 10 years with second attack as the outcome, first individually and then combined with dissemination in time (DIT) in all cases (n = 326), by age, and by CIS topography. Step 1: The models (hazard ratios [95% confidence interval]) favored ≥1 over ≥3 periventricular lesions (2.5 [1.7-3.6]) and cortico-juxtacortical over juxtacortical lesions (1.4 [1.0-1.8]). Callosal lesions were not selected. Step 2: DIS specificity with ≥1 periventricular lesions was slightly lower than with ≥3 (59.1 vs 61.4) and the same after adding DIT (88.6). Regarding age, ≥3 periventricular lesions improved DIS specificity over ≥1 lesions in the 40-49 years of age bracket (66.7 vs 58.3). This difference disappeared when adding DIT (83.3). Optic neuritis had a similar pattern when evaluating CIS topographies. Our results comply with the Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis (MAGNIMS) consensus recommendation of combining cortical and juxtacortical lesions into a single term when possible. Concerning periventricular lesions, maintaining the current ≥1 cutoff in the McDonald criteria does not compromise specificity in typical CIS cases, but attention should be paid to older patients or optic neuritis cases

    Menarche, pregnancies, and breastfeeding do not modify long-term prognosis in multiple sclerosis

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    ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of menarche, pregnancies, and breastfeeding on the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) and disability accrual using a multivariate approach based on a large prospective cohort of patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS).MethodsA cross-sectional survey of the reproductive information of female participants in a CIS cohort was performed. We examined the relationship of age at menarche with the risk of clinically definite MS (CDMS), McDonald 2010 MS, and Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) 3.0 and 6.0. The effect of pregnancy (before and after CIS) and breastfeeding in the risk of CDMS, McDonald 2010 MS, and EDSS 3.0 was also examined. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed and findings were confirmed using sensitivity analyses and a propensity score model.ResultsThe data of 501 female participants were collected. Age at menarche did not correlate with age at CIS and was not associated with the risk of CDMS or EDSS 3.0 or 6.0. Pregnancy before CIS was protective for CDMS in the univariate analysis, but the effect was lost in the multivariate model and did not modify the risk of EDSS 3.0. Pregnancy after CIS was protective for both outcomes in univariate and multivariate analyses when pregnancy was considered a baseline variable, but the protective effect disappeared when analyzed as a time-dependent event. Breastfeeding did not modify the risk for the 3 outcomes.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that menarche, pregnancies, and breastfeeding did not substantially modify the risk of CDMS or disability accrual using a multivariable and time-dependent approach

    The long-term outcomes of CIS patients in the Barcelona inception cohort : Looking back to recognize aggressive MS

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    Altres ajuts: This study has been funded by European Regional Development Fund and co-funded by Instituto Carlos III. It has also received support by a grant from Genzyme foundation (GENZYME-2015-01) granted to M.T. and from the 'Red Española de Esclerosis Múltiple (REEM)', which is sponsored by FIS, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in Spain, and the 'Ajuts per donar Suport als Grups de Recerca de Catalunya', which is sponsored by the 'Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca' (AGAUR) of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Spain.To explore the long-term outcomes of patients with clinically isolated syndromes from the Barcelona cohort. We selected patients with a follow-up longer than 10 years to (1) estimate the risks of multiple sclerosis (MS) and disability accumulation according to the baseline number of T2 lesions and to compare treated versus untreated patients and early versus delayed treatment, and (2) to study baseline features of patients with aggressive MS (Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) ⩾6.0 at 10 years). In all, 401 patients were included (mean follow-up of 14.4 (standard deviation of 2.9) years). A higher number of T2 lesions was associated with an earlier MS diagnosis and an earlier risk of irreversible disability. Early treatment was associated with a decreased risk of EDSS of 3.0: adjusted hazard ratio = 0.4, 95% confidence interval = (0.2, 0.7). Patients with aggressive MS differed in their baseline brain magnetic resonance images: The median (interquartile range) number of T2 lesions and contrast-enhancing lesions (CEL) was 71 (28-95) versus 7 (1-19) and 3 (1-24) versus 0 (0-1), respectively. The cut-offs that better classified patients with aggressive MS were 20 for T2 lesions and 2 for CEL. Although MS natural history is changing, a high lesion load at onset is helpful to identify patients at risk of presenting an aggressive MS

    La Integració de les TIC en la docència: teoria i pràctica

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    En el nou Espai Europeu d’Ensenyament Superior (EEES) les TIC (Tecnologies d’Informació i Comunicació) juguen un paper fonamental, donant suport a la docència dins i fora de l’aula. Dins de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, la USQUID (Unitat de Suport a la Innovació i la Qualitat Docent) d’Humanitats, des de la seva creació el 1998, ha destacat per la integració de les TIC a la docència, arran sobretot dels canvis en els paradigmes educatius. Uns paradigmes que, en la nova societat de la informació, aposten per la imatge (hipervisualitat). La nova visualitat porta a l’individu a nous formats, a noves maneres d’entendre l’educació, l’aprenentatge i, en darrera instància, la docència. La hipervisualitat, alhora, ens remet a l’hipertext com a eina per tal de donar espai i contingut a les assignatures que s’imparteixen a les universitats. Assumir que passem d’una pedagogia, sovint anquilosada, a un nou estil docent dins de l’aula, és un dels reptes que el professorat –i en conseqüència l’alumnat– ha d’assumir. La USQUID d’Humanitats posa en pràctica els canvis que en els darrers anys han sorgit en la societat digital. D’aquesta manera s’ha dedicat a la creació de pàgines web d’assignatures i de llibres electrònics (e-books), com a eines importants per a la docència i l’aprenentatge. D’una banda, les pàgines web superen les restriccions d’espais digitals interns (intranet) i aporten un suport visual –i sovint auditiu– a la docència, que permeten als alumnes treballar els materials de classe d’una manera més àgil i que, en darrer terme, posa a les seva disposició recursos de tipus divers, per tal d’ampliar la informació donada a classe. En alguns casos, a més, la web esdevé un entorn essencial on professorat i alumnes troben els materials necessaris per a la docència i l’aprenentatge, on s’estableixen les pautes necessàries per a programes de seminaris i on s’intenta, curs a curs, anar cap a l’ideal de l’avaluació continuada. D’altra banda, els llibres electrònics ofereixen l'oportunitat de replantejar el format ja tradicional, dels arxiu en format Portable Document Format (PDF), i s’encaminen cap a la construcció d’hipertextos d’informació: eines i formats útils per a la docència i on l’alumne troba una informació de qualitat. Malgrat tot, aquesta posada en pràctica de la teoria necessita de millores en la confecció de les pàgines web, de més formació entre el professorat i del personal tècnic i de més suport del propi centr

    Las TIC: ese “gran desconocido“ para el alumno

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    La implementación de las TIC en la docencia implica cambios en los paradigmas educativos: nos hallamos en una sociedad eminentemente visual, que apuesta por la interactividad entre imagen (hipervisualidad) y palabra ligada a diversos conceptos y definiciones (hipertexto). Las TIC, pues, mejoran cualitativamente ambos elementos y abren nuevas fronteras de conocimiento para el alumno, que debe adquirir competencias y habilidades, es decir, mejorar su autoaprendizaje. Mostraremos un estudio de caso a través de la web de una asignatura, Historia Política y Social Contemporánea II (http://www.upf.edu/materials/fhuma/hpsc2/) perteneciente a la licenciatura de Ciencias Políticas y la Administración de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Y trataremos de mostrar cómo utilizar las TIC en una asignatura de Historia a alumnos de Ciencias Políticas, y cómo implicar al alumnado en el aprendizaje de una serie de contenidos teóricos.SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data 200

    Comparison between gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted gradient-echo and spin-echo sequences in the detection of active multiple sclerosis lesions on 3.0T MRI

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    Objectives To compare the sensitivity of enhancing multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted gradient-echo (GRE) and spin-echo (SE) sequences, and to assess the influence of visual conspicuity and laterality on detection of these lesions. Methods One hundred MS patients underwent 3.0T brain MRI including gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted GRE and SE sequences. The two sets of contrast-enhanced scans were evaluated in random fashion by three experienced readers. Lesion conspicuity was assessed by the image contrast ratio (CR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The intracranial region was divided into four quadrants and the impact of lesion location on detection was assessed in each slice. Results Six hundred and seven gadolinium-enhancing MS lesions were identified. GRE images were more sensitive for lesion detection (0.828) than SE images (0.767). Lesions showed a higher CR in SE than in GRE images, whereas the CNR was higher in GRE than SE. Most misclassifications occurred in the right posterior quadrant. Conclusions The gadolinium-enhanced 2D T1-weighted GRE sequence at 3.0T MRI enables detection of enhancing MS lesions with higher sensitivity and better lesion conspicuity than 2D T1-weighted SE. Hence, we propose the use of gadolinium-enhanced GRE sequences rather than SE sequences for routine scanning of MS patients at 3.0T. Key Points • 2D SE and GRE sequences are useful for detecting active MS lesions. • Which of these sequences is more sensitive at high field remains uncertain. • GRE sequence showed better sensitivity for detecting active MS lesions than SE. • We propose GRE sequence for detecting active MS lesions at 3.0T