9 research outputs found

    Reports of Venetian emissaries in Costantinople between 15th and 18th century (historical, cultural and literary aspects) Отчеты венецианских делегатов в Стамбул с 15. по 18. век (исторические, культурологические и литературные виды)

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    Tema diplomatskih odnosa između Mletačke republike i Osmanskog carstva oduvek je privlačila mnoge savremene istoričare, posebno krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Evropljani su doživljavali Osmanlije kao narod koji se razlikovao po kulturi, tradiciji i načinu života, a takođe, prema većini orijentalista, smatrali su da su osmanske političke, društvene i kulturne norme bile u potpunosti različite od evropskih. Međutim, uprkos razlikama, moramo govoriti i o sličnostima između ove dve tradicije. Nakon pada Carigrada, 1453. godine, kada ga je sultan Mehmed Osvajač osvojio, ovaj grad postaje spona između Evrope i Azije, te u 15. veku diplomatske i trgovinske veze između Mletačke republike i Osmanskog carstva postaju sve učestalije, zbog čega su Mlečani slali svoje predstavnike u prestonicu Osmanskog carstva. Uloga mletačkog izaslanika, koji se nazivao bailo, postaje sve značajnija u 16. i 17. veku, a i kasnije u 18. veku kada 1797. godine dolazi do pada Mletačke republike. Iz izveštaja mletačkih izaslanika u Carigradu saznajemo o uzajamnim diplomatskim, kulturnim i književnim vezama između Mlečana i Osmanlija. Izveštaji mletačkih izaslanika pisani u formi zvaničnih pisama (it. dispacci e relazioni), nezvaničnih pisama (it. lettere familiari) i putopisa (it. diari e relazioni dei viaggi) predstavljaju veoma plodnu građu ne samo kada je reč o proučavanju političkih i ekonomskih prilika već su isto tako značajni izvori u proučavanju književno-istorijskih i kulturnoistorijskih veza. Iz tog razloga oni nisu samo istorijski izvori već i književno-istorijski. Bilo da je reč o epistolama ili o putopisima, odlike pomenutih izveštaja su se menjale kroz epohe počev od poznog srednjeg veka preko humanizma i renesanse do baroka i prosvetiteljstva.The topic of diplomatic relations between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire has always attracted many contemporary historians, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Europeans perceived the Ottomans as a people that differed in culture, tradition and way of life, and also, according to most Orientalists, considered that Ottoman political, social and cultural norms were completely different from European ones. However, despite the differences, we must also talk about the similarities between the two traditions. After the fall of Costantinople, in 1453, when Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror conquered it, this city became a link between Europe and Asia, and in the 15th century diplomatic and trade ties between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire became more frequent, which is why the Venetians sent their representatives to the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The role of the Venetian envoy, called bailo, became increasingly important in the 16th and 17th centuries, and later in the 18th century when the fall of the Venetian Republic came in 1797. From the reports of the Venetian emissaries in Costantinople, we learn about the mutual diplomatic, cultural and literary links between the Venetians and the Ottomans. The reports of Venetian envoys written in the form of official letters (dispacci e relazioni), unofficial letters (lettere familiari) and travelogues (diari e relazioni dei viaggi) are very fruitful material not only when it comes to studying political and economic opportunities but are also significant sources in the study of literary-historical and cultural-historical connections. From that reason, they are not only historical sources but also literary-historical ones. Whether epistols or travelogues, the characteristics of these reports have varied through epochs from the late Middle Ages through Humanism and the Renaissance to the Baroque and the Enlightenment

    Physiological and cell ultrastructure disturbances in wheat seedlings generated by Chenopodium murale hairy root exudate.

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    Chenopodium murale L. is an invasive weed species significantly interfering with wheat crop. However, the complete nature of its allelopathic influence on crops is not yet fully understood. In the present study, the focus is made on establishing the relation between plant morphophysiological changes and oxidative stress, induced by allelopathic extract. Phytotoxic medium of C. murale hairy root clone R5 reduced the germination rate (24% less than control value) of wheat cv. Nataša seeds, as well as seedling growth, diminishing shoot and root length significantly, decreased total chlorophyll content, and induced abnormal root gravitropism. The R5 treatment caused cellular structural abnormalities, reflecting on the root and leaf cell shape and organization. These abnormalities mostly included the increased number of mitochondria and reorganization of the vacuolar compartment, changes in nucleus shape, and chloroplast organization and distribution. The most significant structural changes were observed in cell wall in the form of amoeboid protrusions and folds leading to its irregular shape. These structural alterations were accompanied by an oxidative stress in tissues of treated wheat seedlings, reflected as increased level of H2O2 and other ROS molecules, an increase of radical scavenging capacity and total phenolic content. Accordingly, the retardation of wheat seedling growth by C. murale allelochemicals may represent a consequence of complex activity involving both cell structure alteration and physiological processes.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Protoplasma. The final authenticated version is available online at: [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00709-018-1250-0

    Reports of Venetian emissaries in Costantinople between 15th and 18th century (historical, cultural and literary aspects) Отчеты венецианских делегатов в Стамбул с 15. по 18. век (исторические, культурологические и литературные виды)

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    Tema diplomatskih odnosa između Mletačke republike i Osmanskog carstva oduvek je privlačila mnoge savremene istoričare, posebno krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Evropljani su doživljavali Osmanlije kao narod koji se razlikovao po kulturi, tradiciji i načinu života, a takođe, prema većini orijentalista, smatrali su da su osmanske političke, društvene i kulturne norme bile u potpunosti različite od evropskih. Međutim, uprkos razlikama, moramo govoriti i o sličnostima između ove dve tradicije. Nakon pada Carigrada, 1453. godine, kada ga je sultan Mehmed Osvajač osvojio, ovaj grad postaje spona između Evrope i Azije, te u 15. veku diplomatske i trgovinske veze između Mletačke republike i Osmanskog carstva postaju sve učestalije, zbog čega su Mlečani slali svoje predstavnike u prestonicu Osmanskog carstva. Uloga mletačkog izaslanika, koji se nazivao bailo, postaje sve značajnija u 16. i 17. veku, a i kasnije u 18. veku kada 1797. godine dolazi do pada Mletačke republike. Iz izveštaja mletačkih izaslanika u Carigradu saznajemo o uzajamnim diplomatskim, kulturnim i književnim vezama između Mlečana i Osmanlija. Izveštaji mletačkih izaslanika pisani u formi zvaničnih pisama (it. dispacci e relazioni), nezvaničnih pisama (it. lettere familiari) i putopisa (it. diari e relazioni dei viaggi) predstavljaju veoma plodnu građu ne samo kada je reč o proučavanju političkih i ekonomskih prilika već su isto tako značajni izvori u proučavanju književno-istorijskih i kulturnoistorijskih veza. Iz tog razloga oni nisu samo istorijski izvori već i književno-istorijski. Bilo da je reč o epistolama ili o putopisima, odlike pomenutih izveštaja su se menjale kroz epohe počev od poznog srednjeg veka preko humanizma i renesanse do baroka i prosvetiteljstva.The topic of diplomatic relations between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire has always attracted many contemporary historians, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Europeans perceived the Ottomans as a people that differed in culture, tradition and way of life, and also, according to most Orientalists, considered that Ottoman political, social and cultural norms were completely different from European ones. However, despite the differences, we must also talk about the similarities between the two traditions. After the fall of Costantinople, in 1453, when Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror conquered it, this city became a link between Europe and Asia, and in the 15th century diplomatic and trade ties between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire became more frequent, which is why the Venetians sent their representatives to the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The role of the Venetian envoy, called bailo, became increasingly important in the 16th and 17th centuries, and later in the 18th century when the fall of the Venetian Republic came in 1797. From the reports of the Venetian emissaries in Costantinople, we learn about the mutual diplomatic, cultural and literary links between the Venetians and the Ottomans. The reports of Venetian envoys written in the form of official letters (dispacci e relazioni), unofficial letters (lettere familiari) and travelogues (diari e relazioni dei viaggi) are very fruitful material not only when it comes to studying political and economic opportunities but are also significant sources in the study of literary-historical and cultural-historical connections. From that reason, they are not only historical sources but also literary-historical ones. Whether epistols or travelogues, the characteristics of these reports have varied through epochs from the late Middle Ages through Humanism and the Renaissance to the Baroque and the Enlightenment

    Le Grand écho du Nord de la France

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    12 juin 19091909/06/12 (A91,N163).Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : NordPdeC

    Biological activity of two isomeric N-heteroaromatic selenosemicarbazones and their metal complexes

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    New square-planar Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes with 8-quinolinecarboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazone have been synthesized and characterized by use of elemental analysis, molar conductivity measurements, and IR and NMR spectroscopy. The cytotoxic activity of the ligand, new Pt(II) and Pd(II) compounds, and previously synthesized Pd(II), Pt(II), Cd(II), and Ni(II) complexes with the analogous ligand, 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazone, was tested against two human cancer cell lines: lung carcinoma (H460) and glioma (U251). The potential of these compounds to induce perturbations of the H460 cell cycle was also evaluated. These substances had an excellent radical-scavenging effect against ABTS radical cations. The best antimicrobial activity, among two yeasts and eight bacterial strains tested, was against Bacillus cereus