31 research outputs found

    Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Intramolecular Hydroamination of Unactivated Alkenes

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    One for the Rh(oad): The first rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric intramolecular hydroamination of unactivated olefins was developed by using dialkylbiaryl phosphine ligands (see scheme; cod=1,5-cyclooctadiene, Cy=cyclohexyl). A variety of 2-methylpyrrolidines have been synthesized with high enantioselectivities.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM46059)Merck & Co.Boehringer Ingelheim PharmaceuticalsNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM 1S10RR13886-01

    A qualitative study exploring the relationship between nursing and health promotion language, theory and practice

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    The definitions and meaning qualified nurses employed in an acute NHS hospital setting in the UK gave to health education and health promotion practice and how these fitted established language and theory were investigated qualitatively. These concepts, and the concomitant frameworks and models of practice, have been the subject of considerable debate in the literature. While unresolved both in general and in nursing, a degree of theoretical convergence was established in the 1990s [Bunton, R., Macdonald, G., 1992. Health promotion: disciplines and diversity. Routledge, London; Maben, J.M., Macleod Clark, J. 1995. Health promotion: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 22, 1158–165] helped by The Ottawa Charter [WHO, 1986. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. http://www.who.int/hpr/archive/docs/ottawa.html]. For many of the participants in this study however, the meanings given to these concepts and the predominant use of health education were inconsistent with much of the language of the wider debate and this has potential implications for nurse education. For, if the findings are considered transferable then there is a need to develop education strategies and curricula that articulate the ideological foundations of policy and practice and to use mainstream terminology to assist nurses both to understand and contribute to the contemporary health promotion debate

    Rediscovering the Principle of Comity in English Private International Law

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    Academically speaking, comity is all but dead. Cold-shouldered by the literature, the principle has become known as little more than a useless relic of the past. But a review of the case law tells a very different story. Comity thrives in the judicial decisions of English courts, which suggests that, in particular areas of law, comity is alive and well. In light of the disjunct between the literature and judicial practice, this article seeks to shed new light on the role of comity in English private international law. Ultimately, it seeks to unbridle comity’s legal potential and reposition it as an important principle of English private international law worthy of further academic research.Académiquement, le principe de la comity, ou courtoisie internationale, est presque morte. Ignoré par la doctrine, le principe est essentiellement perçu comme une relique inutile du passé. Mais si l’on porte un regard attentif à la jurisprudence, une histoire très différente émerge. La comity prospère dans les décisions des tribunaux anglais: à tout le moins dans des domaines particuliers du droit, la comity est résolument en vie. Partant de ce contraste entre doctrine et pratique judiciaire, les auteurs cherchent à apporter un nouvel éclairage sur le rôle de la comity dans le droit international privé anglais. A partir de là, il semble possible de débrider le potentiel juridique de la comity, en le repositionnant comme un principe important du droit international privé anglais méritant une attention soutenue de la doctrine

    Comity among authorities: a new approach to precedent

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    Determining the authority of precedent is difficult because it largely depends on the authorities in question and the context in which they operate. The vast difference in types of authorities, combined with the diverse contexts in which they operate, tends to suggest there is no general analytical solution to the problem. There is one principle however that may assist authorities to make this determination – the principle of comity. Comity is a useful, yet relatively misunderstood principle that can assist authorities to determine how they ought to act with respect to the legitimate authority of others – including their prior decisions. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a general principle of comity – one that sheds new light on the nature and authority of precedent. By doing so, this thesis argues that comity may provide authorities with the guidance they need to determine the authority of precedent in any given context

    Identifying earthquake swarms at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand: a machine learning approach

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    Mt. Ruapehu is an active andesitic stratovolcano, consisting of several peaks with the summit plateau at 2,797 m, making it the tallest active volcano in New Zealand. The extent of the volcano spreads 40 km across with a series of complex faults encompassing almost the entire base of the volcano. A series of earthquakes occurring 20 km west of the summit of Mt. Ruapehu, near the small town of Erua, which preceded the 1995/1996 major volcanic eruption sequence has been proposed as a medium-term precursor for eruptions at Mt. Ruapehu. We use unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithms HDBSCAN and DBSCAN to define anomalous earthquake swarms in the region and determine whether the Erua swarm was unique by identifying key characteristics in space, time and magnitude distribution. HDBSCAN found six spatial cluster zones to the west of Mt. Ruapehu, which have temporal seismic bursts of activity between 1994 and 2023. DBSCAN identified the seismic swarm that preceded the 1995/1996 major eruption, along with one other similar cluster in the same region, which did not coincide with any documented magmatic unrest, suggesting distal seismic swarms at Mt. Ruapehu may not serve as a reliable eruption precursor when observed in isolation. We instead found that earthquake swarms are relatively common at Mt. Ruapehu and the temporal evolution of the earthquake clusters west of Mt. Ruapehu share similar characteristics to seismic swarms identified in other settings related to fluid migration, typical of fault-valve models

    Using Graphics to Communicate Intangible Cultural Heritage: Kids and Teens at Work!

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    The present study reflects on the representation of intangible cultural heritage within participative practices that interest young citizens. It refers to an ongoing research project of Politecnico di Milano centred on participatory processes of interpretation and communication of local cultural heritage within schools. The project focuses on schools and culture as drivers for the enhancement of the territory and of cultural cohesion. Its purpose is educating young people about cultural heritage as a system of evolving values and giving them a source of inter-cultural dialogue, through field work and encouraging a conscious use of new technologies. Many challenges have been taken into consideration: first of all, that of providing a view of something that does not have a material status; secondly, that of implementing this operation within a participatory context; thirdly, that of engaging a young audience, and more specifically primary school children and teens, in the process. Describing the whole range of activities in this paper would hardly be possible, therefore some significant experiences have been selected because of their particular relevance to the theme of intangible cultural heritage visualization. The first part of the study will examine the very concept of heritage education. Then in investigating into the visualisation of intangible assets, a brief overview of the various meanings that the term “graphics” can assume in this specific context precedes the presentation of the context surrounding the practices from which the study stems. Finally, two specific case studies of the application of the matter in field research while briefly outlining its methodologies and products are presented