2,859 research outputs found

    Early CRT monitoring using time-domain optical coherence tomography does not add to visual acuity for predicting visual loss in patients with central retinal vein occlusion treated with intravitreal ranibizumab:A secondary analysis of trial data

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    Our primary purpose was to assess the clinical (predictive) validity of central retinal thickness (CRT) and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 1 week and 1 month after starting treatment with ranibizumab for central retinal vein occlusion. The authors also assessed detectability of response to treatment

    Autonomy found: Estimating the local benefit from tourism in SIDS – the Case of Cape Verde

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    Tourism is an unusually important economic sector for the Small Island Development States (SIDS). Islands are the second most visited destinations after historic cities. The SIDS tourism is usually dependent on foreign investment and in the form of All-Inclusive (AI) system. Few studies have evaluated the economic impact of tourism on the economic development and/or poverty reduction of a SID using macro level data. And little research has used micro/firm level data to investigate the impact of tourism on the local economy of SIDS. This paper aims to evaluate the local benefits made from the development of tourism in SIDS, in particular the contribution of AI accommodation using the case of Cape Verde. It makes two main contributions: it makes the first attempt to use microeconomic data at the company level to examine the contribution of tourism in SIDS; it uses empirical data to examine the impacts of AI accommodation on the local economy. A semi-structured hotel questionnaire was applied to 13 accommodation managers and hotel owners, from small guest-houses to large 500 room All-Inclusive resorts in Sal, Boa Vista, Fogo, and Santo Antão. The results indicate that for destinations at an early stage in their development, large-scale AIs may be the most effective way to achieve the growth of tourism to the point that a critical mass is achieved

    Neural evidence for "intuitive prosecution": The use of mental state information for negative moral verdicts

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    Moral judgment depends critically on theory of mind (ToM), reasoning about mental states such as beliefs and intentions. People assign blame for failed attempts to harm and offer forgiveness in the case of accidents. Here we use fMRI to investigate the role of ToM in moral judgment of harmful vs. helpful actions. Is ToM deployed differently for judgments of blame vs. praise? Participants evaluated agents who produced a harmful, helpful, or neutral outcome, based on a harmful, helpful, or neutral intention; participants made blame and praise judgments. In the right temporo-parietal junction (right TPJ), and, to a lesser extent, the left TPJ and medial prefrontal cortex, the neural response reflected an interaction between belief and outcome factors, for both blame and praise judgments: The response in these regions was highest when participants delivered a negative moral judgment, i.e., assigned blame or withheld praise, based solely on the agent's intent (attempted harm, accidental help). These results show enhanced attention to mental states for negative moral verdicts based exclusively on mental state information.Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical ImagingSimons FoundationNational Science Foundation (U.S.)John Merck Scholars Progra

    Give me a break! Unavoidable fatigue effects in cognitive pupillometry

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    Issue Online: 08 June 2023Pupillometry has a rich history in the study of perception and cognition. One perennial challenge is that the magnitude of the task-evoked pupil response diminishes over the course of an experiment, a phenomenon we refer to as a fatigue effect. Reducing fatigue effects may improve sensitivity to task effects and reduce the likelihood of confounds due to systematic physiological changes over time. In this paper, we investigated the degree to which fatigue effects could be ameliorated by experimenter intervention. In Experiment 1, we assigned participants to one of three groups—no breaks, kinetic breaks (playing with toys, but no social interaction), or chatting with a research assistant—and compared the pupil response across conditions. In Experiment 2, we additionally tested the effect of researcher observation. Only breaks including social interaction significantly reduced the fatigue of the pupil response across trials. However, in all conditions we found robust evidence for fatigue effects: that is, regardless of protocol, the task-evoked pupil response was substantially diminished (at least 60%) over the duration of the experiment. We account for the variance of fatigue effects in our pupillometry data using multiple common statistical modeling approaches (e.g., linear mixed-effects models of peak, mean, and baseline pupil diameters, as well as growth curve models of time-course data). We conclude that pupil attenuation is a predictable phenomenon that should be accommodated in our experimental designs and statistical models.Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Grant/Award Number: CEX2020-001010- S; Eusko Jaurlaritza; National Institutes of Health, Grant/ Award Number: R01 DC014281 and R01 DC019507; National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: DGE-174503

    Relationships between Larval and Juvenile Abundance of Winter-Spawned Fishes in North Carolina, USA

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    We analyzed the relationships between the larval and juvenile abundances of selected estuarine-dependent fishes that spawn during the winter in continental shelf waters of the U.S. Atlantic coast. Six species were included in the analysis based on their ecological and economic importance and relative abundance in available surveys: spot Leiostomus xanthurus, pinfish Lagodon rhomboides, southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma, summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus, Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus, and Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Cross-correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between the larval and juvenile abundances within species. Tests of synchrony across species were used to find similarities in recruitment dynamics for species with similar winter shelf-spawning life-history strategies. Positive correlations were found between the larval and juvenile abundances for three of the six selected species (spot, pinfish, and southern flounder). These three species have similar geographic ranges that primarily lie south of Cape Hatteras. There were no significant correlations between the larval and juvenile abundances for the other three species (summer flounder, Atlantic croaker, and Atlantic menhaden); we suggest several factors that could account for the lack of a relationship. Synchrony was found among the three southern species within both the larval and juvenile abundance time series. These results provide support for using larval ingress measures as indices of abundance for these and other species with similar geographic ranges and winter shelf-spawning life-history strategies

    The Lifetime of FRIIs in Groups and Clusters: Implications for Radio-Mode Feedback

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    We determine the maximum lifetime t_max of 52 FRII radio sources found in 26 central group galaxies from cross correlation of the Berlind SDSS group catalog with the VLA FIRST survey. Mock catalogs of FRII sources were produced to match the selection criteria of FIRST and the redshift distribution of our parent sample, while an analytical model was used to calculate source sizes and luminosities. The maximum lifetime of FRII sources was then determined via a comparison of the observed and model projected length distributions. We estimate the average FRII lifetime is 1.5x10^7 years and the duty cycle is ~8x10^8 years. Degeneracies between t_max and the model parameters: jet power distribution, axial ratio, energy injection index, and ambient density introduce at most a factor of two uncertainty in our lifetime estimate. In addition, we calculate the radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) fraction in central group galaxies as a function of several group and host galaxy properties. The lifetime of radio sources recorded here is consistent with the quasar lifetime, even though these FRIIs have substantially sub-Eddington accretion. These results suggest a fiducial time frame for energy injection from AGN in feedback models. If the morphology of a given extended radio source is set by large-scale environment, while the lifetime is determined by the details of the accretion physics, this FRII lifetime is relevant for all extended radio sources.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. High resolution paper available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~bird/BMK07.pd

    Toward a simulation approach for alkene ring-closing metathesis : scope and limitations of a model for RCM

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    A published model for revealing solvent effects on the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction of di-Et diallylmalonate 7 has been evaluated over a wider range of conditions, to assess its suitability for new applications. Unfortunately, the model is too flexible and the published rate consts. do not agree with exptl. studies in the literature. However, by fixing the values of important rate consts. and restricting the concn. ranges studied, useful conclusions can be drawn about the relative rates of RCM of different substrates, precatalyst concn. can be simulated accurately and the effect of precatalyst loading can be anticipated. Progress has also been made toward applying the model to precatalyst evaluation, but further modifications to the model are necessary to achieve much broader aims

    Synchronous deficits in cumulative muscle protein synthesis and ribosomal biogenesis underlie age-related anabolic resistance to exercise in humans

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    Ageing is associated with impaired hypertrophic responses to resistance exercise training (RET). Here we investigated the aetiology of ‘anabolic resistance’ in older humans. Twenty healthy male individuals, 10 younger (Y; 23 ± 1 years) and 10 older (O; 69 ± 3 years), performed 6 weeks unilateral RET (6 × 8 repetitions, 75% of one repetition maximum (1-RM), 3 times per week). After baseline bilateral vastus lateralis (VL) muscle biopsies, subjects consumed 150 ml D2O (70 atom%; thereafter 50 ml week−1), further bilateral VL muscle biopsies were taken at 3 and 6 weeks to quantify muscle protein synthesis (MPS) via gas chromatography–pyrolysis–isotope ratio mass spectrometry. After RET, 1-RM increased in Y (+35 ± 4%) and O (+25 ± 3%; P < 0.01), while MVC increased in Y (+21 ± 5%; P < 0.01) but not O (+6 ± 3%; not significant (NS)). In comparison to Y, O displayed blunted RET-induced increases in muscle thickness (at 3 and 6 weeks, respectively, Y: +8 ± 1% and +11 ± 2%, P < 0.01; O: +2.6 ± 1% and +3.5 ± 2%, NS). While ‘basal’ longer term MPS was identical between Y and O (∼1.35 ± 0.1% day−1), MPS increased in response to RET only in Y (3 weeks, Y: 1.61 ± 0.1% day−1; O: 1.49 ± 0.1% day−1). Consistent with this, O exhibited inferior ribosomal biogenesis (RNA:DNA ratio and c-MYC induction: Y: +4 ± 2 fold change; O: +1.9 ± 1 fold change), translational efficiency (S6K1 phosphorylation, Y: +10 ± 4 fold change; O: +4 ± 2 fold change) and anabolic hormone milieu (testosterone, Y: 367 ± 19; O: 274 ± 19 ng dl−1 (all P < 0.05). Anabolic resistance is thus multifactorial

    A novel D2O tracer method to quantify RNA turnover as a biomarker of de novo ribosomal biogenesis, in vitro, in animal models, and in human skeletal muscle

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    Current methods to quantify in vivo RNA dynamics are limited. Here, we developed a novel stable isotope (D2O) methodology to quantify RNA synthesis (i.e., ribosomal biogenesis) in cells, animal models, and humans. First, proliferating C2C12 cells were incubated in D2O-enriched media and myotubes ±50 ng/ml IGF-I. Second, rat quadriceps (untrained, n = 9; 7-wk interval-“like” training, n = 13) were collected after ~3-wk D2O (70 atom %) administration, with body-water enrichment monitored via blood sampling. Finally, 10 (23 ± 1 yr) men consumed 150-ml D2O followed by 50 ml/wk and undertook 6-wk resistance exercise (6 × 8 repetitions, 75% 1-repetition maximum 3/wk) with body-water enrichment monitored by saliva sampling and muscle biopsies (for determination of RNA synthesis) at 0, 3, and 6 wk. Ribose mole percent excess (r-MPE) from purine nucleotides was analyzed via GC-MS/MS. Proliferating C2C12 cell r-MPE exhibited a rise to plateau, whereas IGF-I increased myotube RNA from 76 ± 3 to 123 ± 3 ng/μl and r-MPE by 0.39 ± 0.1% (both P < 0.01). After 3 wk, rat quadriceps r-MPE had increased to 0.25 ± 0.01% (P < 0.01) and was greater with running exercise (0.36 ± 0.02%; P < 0.01). Human muscle r-MPE increased to 0.06 ± 0.01 and 0.13 ± 0.02% at 3/6 wk, respectively, equating to synthesis rates of ~0.8%/day, increasing with resistance exercise to 1.7 ± 0.3%/day (P < 0.01) and 1.2 ± 0.1%/day (P < 0.05) at 3/6 wk, respectively. Therefore, we have developed and physiologically validated a novel technique to explore ribosomal biogenesis in a multimodal fashion

    Investigating the relationship between mitochondrial genetic variation and cardiovascular-related traits to develop a framework for mitochondrial phenome-wide association studies

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondria play a critical role in the cell and have DNA independent of the nuclear genome. There is much evidence that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation plays a role in human health and disease, however, this area of investigation has lagged behind research into the role of nuclear genetic variation on complex traits and phenotypic outcomes. Phenome-wide association studies (PheWAS) investigate the association between a wide range of traits and genetic variation. To date, this approach has not been used to investigate the relationship between mtDNA variants and phenotypic variation. Herein, we describe the development of a PheWAS framework for mtDNA variants (mt-PheWAS). Using the Metabochip custom genotyping array, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variants were genotyped in 11,519 African Americans from the Vanderbilt University biorepository, BioVU. We employed both polygenic modeling and association testing with mitochondrial single nucleotide polymorphisms (mtSNPs) to explore the relationship between mtDNA variants and a group of eight cardiovascular-related traits obtained from de-identified electronic medical records within BioVU. RESULTS: Using polygenic modeling we found evidence for an effect of mtDNA variation on total cholesterol and type 2 diabetes (T2D). After performing comprehensive mitochondrial single SNP associations, we identified an increased number of single mtSNP associations with total cholesterol and T2D compared to the other phenotypes examined, which did not have more significantly associated SNPs than would be expected by chance. Among the mtSNPs significantly associated with T2D we identified variant mt16189, an association previously reported only in Asian and European-descent populations. CONCLUSIONS: Our replication of previous findings and identification of novel associations from this initial study suggest that our mt-PheWAS approach is robust for investigating the relationship between mitochondrial genetic variation and a range of phenotypes, providing a framework for future mt-PheWAS