1,555 research outputs found

    Mobile Gamma Spectrometry Survey of the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, 17th-19th August 2009

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    <p>Environmental radioactivity arises from natural geological sources, the redistribution of natural activity through industrial processes, the nuclear industry including routine and accidental discharges into the environment, and various medical or industrial uses of radioisotopes. Mobile gamma spectrometry provides a powerful means of measuring the distribution of radioactivity in the environment. Data collected by such methods provide measures of environmental quality, references for public health assurance, means to assess environmental change, and other uses. Airborne Gamma Spectrometry (AGS) has been developed at SUERC for environmental purposes since 1988, and provides a capability for very rapid and cost effective surveys of large areas, and provides for visualisation and classification of enhanced features of radioactivity within the context of natural variations. Ground based approaches, with equipment mounted on vehicles or backpacks, provide more detailed spatial resolution for smaller areas at significantly reduced area coverage rates.</p> <p>A portable gamma spectrometry system has been developed at SUERC, consisting of a 3x3” NaI(Tl) detector with a digital spectrometer and GPS receiver using a netbook computer for data acquisition. This system can be carried as a backpack and used to conduct surveys of environmental radioactivity in urban areas, where people spend their time.</p> <p>Detector backgrounds and stripping matrices have been measured. A survey of approximately 50,000 m2 of the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park (SETP) has been conducted with two detector systems. The SETP is on the site of the National Engineering Laboratory (NEL) established in East Kilbride in 1948, and acquired by Scottish Enterprise in 1994. In recent years there has been an ongoing programme of renovation on the site, including demolition of old buildings and new construction along with landscaping operations.</p> This report presents the results of initial detector characterisation and the survey of part of the SETP site. Detector stripping matrices were determined from measurements made on the 18th August 2009, with background measurements on Loch Lomond collected on the 28th. The site survey was conducted between 17th and 19th August 2009, with over 4600 spectra with 10s integration time collected. Maps of the distribution of 137Cs, 40K, 214Bi, 208Tl and gamma dose rate were produced. The 137Cs activity clearly shows areas undisturbed since 1986, with fallout from the Chernobyl accident still present on the grass. The footprint of the demolished research reactor at SUERC is evident as a negative feature in the 137Cs map. The natural series activities and gamma dose rate show the range of materials used for building and road construction, including one small area of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM), and the local geology and soils. This demonstrates the capability of the SUERC portable gamma spectrometry system to collect high quality data of an area with a complex history, land use and range of buildings. Further application of the technique to other urban areas, and the rest of the SETP site, would allow similar assessments of the radiation environments of a range of different locations

    Dispersion strengthening in vanadium microalloyed steels processed by simulated thin slab casting and direct charging: Part I - Processing parameters, mechanical properties and microstructure

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    A study simulating thin slab continuous casting followed by direct charging into an equalisation furnace has been undertaken based on six low carbon (0.06wt-%) vanadium microalloyed steels. Mechanical and impact test data showed properties were similar or better than those obtained from similar microalloyed conventional thick cast as rolled slabs. The dispersion plus dislocation strengthening was estimated to be in the range 80-250MPa.A detailed TEM/EELS analysis of the dispersion sized sub-15nm particles showed that in all the steels, they were essentially nitrides with little crystalline carbon detected. In the Steels V-Nb, V-Ti and V-Nb-Ti, mixed transition metal nitrides were present. Modelling of equilibrium precipitates in these steels, based on a modified version of ChemSage, predicted that only vanadium rich nitrides would precipitate in austenite but that the C/N ratio would increase through the two phase field and in ferrite. The experimental analytical data clearly points to the thin slab direct charging process, which has substantially higher cooling rates than conventional casting, nucleating non-equilibrium particles in ferrite which are close to stoichiometric nitrides. These did not coarsen during the final stages of processing, but retained their highly stable average size of ~7nm resulting in substantial dispersion strengthening. The results are considered in conjunction with pertinent published literature

    Characterisation of Quaternary sediments from East Anglia

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    This report describes the mineralogical investigations of Quaternary sediments,mainly Cromer Till, collected from East Anglia. The main aim of the work was to characterise the mineralogical and physical properties of the till samples to facilitate correlation between tills from different localities. The clast composition of the samples was determined using a binocular microscope and the mineralogy of the matrix was determined using X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry. Calibration charts were used to quantify the amount of quartz and calcite present. Cumulative frequency graphs were plotted from the particle-size data to determine the mean, median, standard deviation and skewness. Also ternary sand/silt/clay diagrams were plotted. The Cromer Till samples typically contained 2% gravel (mainly flint, sandstone, quartz and chalk), 45% sand, 31 % silt and 22% clay. The Starston Till contained 12% gravel (mainly flint), 46% sand, 16% silt and 26% clay. The 'Clay' from Sea Palling contained 1 % gravel (mainly flint), 10% sand, 78% silt and 11 % clay. The Lowestoft Till samples had different particle-size distributions and the gravel consisted mainly of chalk.The Crag Clay samples contained 1 % gravel (mainly sandstone), 11 % sand, 49% silt and 39% clay. The Blue Clay samples contained virtually no gravel, 4% sand, 59% silt and 37% silt. The Holocene sample contained 1 % gravel (mainly flint), 21% sand, 39% silt and 39% clay. The CaC03 contents and particle-size distributions of the Cromer Till samples were compared with published data (Lunkka, 1994). Based upon this comparison the samples were tentatively classified as either Walcott Diamicton, Happisburgh Diamicton or Norwich Brickearth. The 'Blue Clay' samples were also tentatively classified as Crag Clay. Recommendations for further work include detailed logging and sampling of coastal sections; collection of large samples for more accurate clast analysis ; and heavy mineral analysis

    ‘It's Not for Lazy Students like Me …'

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    This paper details development of problem-based learning in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at UCL, including opportunities and challenges in implementation experienced as the ‘pitfalls of the pilot’ with regard to issues in student support and the complexity of the tutor’s role

    Fluctuations in viscous fingering

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    Our experiments on viscous (Saffman-Taylor) fingering in Hele-Shaw channels reveal finger width fluctuations that were not observed in previous experiments, which had lower aspect ratios and higher capillary numbers Ca. These fluctuations intermittently narrow the finger from its expected width. The magnitude of these fluctuations is described by a power law, Ca^{-0.64}, which holds for all aspect ratios studied up to the onset of tip instabilities. Further, for large aspect ratios, the mean finger width exhibits a maximum as Ca is decreased instead of the predicted monotonic increase.Comment: Revised introduction, smoothed transitions in paper body, and added a few additional minor results. (Figures unchanged.) 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to PRE Rapi

    A Hydrostratigraphic Framework for the Paleozoic Bedrock of Southern Ontario

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    Groundwater systems in the intermediate to deep subsurface of southern Ontario are poorly understood, despite their value for a number of societal uses. A regional hydrostratigraphic framework is a necessary precursor for improving our understanding of groundwater systems and enabling development of a 3-D hydrostratigraphic model to visualize these groundwater systems. This study is a compilation and integration of published and unpublished geological, hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopic data collected over the past 10 years to develop that framework.Bedrock is covered by a thin veneer of surficial sediments that comprise an aquifer/aquitard system of considerable local variability and complexity. Aquifers in the bedrock are thin and regionally extensive, separated by thick aquitards, within a well-defined lithostratigraphic framework and a well-developed hydrochemical depth zonation comprising a shallow fresh water regime, an intermediate brackish to saline sulphur water regime, and a deep brine regime of ancient, evaporated seawater. Occurrence and movement of groundwater in shallow bedrock is principally controlled by modern (Quaternary) karstic dissolution of subcropping carbonate and evaporite rocks, and in the intermediate to deep subsurface by paleokarst horizons developed during the Paleozoic. Flow directions in the surficial sediments of the shallow groundwater regime are down-gradient from topographic highs and down the regional dip of bedrock formations in the intermediate regime. Shallow karst is the entry point for groundwater penetration into the intermediate regime, with paleo-recharge by glacial meltwater and limited recent recharge by meteoric water at subcrop edges, and down-dip hydraulic gradients in confined aquifers. Hydraulic gradient is up-dip in the deep brine regime, at least for the Guelph Aquifer and the Cambrian Aquifer, with no isotopic or hydrochemical evidence of infiltration of meteoric water and no discharge to the surface.Fourteen bedrock hydrostratigraphic units are proposed, and one unit comprising all the surficial sediments. Assignment of lithostratigraphic units as hydrostratigraphic units is based principally on hydrogeological characteristics of Paleozoic bedrock formations in the intermediate to deep groundwater regimes, below the influence of modern meteoric water. Carbonate and evaporite rocks which form aquitards in the subsurface may form aquifers at or near the surface, due to karstic dissolution by acidic meteoric water, necessitating compromises in assignment of hydrostratigraphic units.Les systèmes d'eaux souterraines du sous-sol intermédiaire à profond du sud de l'Ontario sont mal compris, malgré leur valeur pour de nombreux usages par la société. Un cadre hydrostratigraphique régional est un préalable nécessaire à l’amélioration de notre compréhension des systèmes d'eaux souterraines et au développement d'un modèle hydrostratigraphique 3D pour visualiser ces systèmes d'eaux souterraines. Cette étude est une compilation et une intégration de données géologiques, hydrogéologiques, hydrochimiques et isotopiques publiées et non publiées recueillies au cours des 10 dernières années afin de développer ce cadre.Le substrat rocheux est recouvert d'un mince placage de sédiments de surface qui comprend un système d’aquifères et d’aquitards d'une variabilité et d'une complexité locales considérables. Les aquifères du substrat rocheux sont minces et étendus au niveau régional, séparés par des aquitards épais, dans un cadre lithostratigraphique bien défini et une zonation hydrochimique verticale bien développée comprenant un régime peu profond d'eau douce, un régime intermédiaire d'eau sulfureuse saumâtre à saline et un régime profond de saumure résultant de l’évaporation d'eau de mer ancienne. La présence et le mouvement des eaux souterraines dans le substrat rocheux peu profond sont principalement contrôlés par la dissolution karstique moderne (quaternaire) des roches carbonatées et évaporitiques sub-affleurantes, et dans le sous-sol intermédiaire à profond par les horizons paléokarstiques développés au Paléozoïque. Les directions d'écoulement des eaux dans les sédiments de surface du régime peu profond sont en aval des sommets topographiques et en aval du pendage régional des formations de substrat rocheux dans le régime intermédiaire. Le karst peu profond est le point d'entrée pour l’infiltration des eaux souterraines dans le régime intermédiaire, avec une paléo-recharge d'eau de fonte glaciaire et une recharge récente limitée d'eau météorique aux bords de sous-affleurement, et un gradient hydraulique en aval-pendage dans les aquifères confinés. Le gradient hydraulique est en amont-pendage dans le régime profond de saumure, au moins pour l'aquifère de Guelph et l'aquifère du Cambrien, sans indication isotopique ou hydrochimique d'infiltration d'eau météorique et sans déversement à la surface.Quatorze unités hydrostratigraphiques du substrat rocheux sont proposées, et une unité comprenant tous les sédiments de surface. L'attribution des unités lithostratigraphiques en tant qu’unités hydrostratigraphiques repose principalement sur les caractéristiques hydrogéologiques des formations du substrat rocheux du Paléozoïque dans les régimes intermédiaires à profonds des eaux souterraines, sous l'influence des eaux météoriques modernes. Les roches carbonatées et évaporitiques qui forment les aquitards dans le sous-sol peuvent former des aquifères à la surface ou près de la surface, en raison de la dissolution karstique par l'eau météorique acide, ce qui nécessite des compromis dans l'attribution des unités hydrostratigraphiques

    The Structure of Nanoscale Polaron Correlations in La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7

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    A system of strongly-interacting electron-lattice polarons can exhibit charge and orbital order at sufficiently high polaron concentrations. In this study, the structure of short-range polaron correlations in the layered colossal magnetoresistive perovskite manganite, La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7, has been determined by a crystallographic analysis of broad satellite maxima observed in diffuse X-ray and neutron scattering data. The resulting q=(0.3,0,1) modulation is a longitudinal octahedral-stretch mode, consistent with an incommensurate Jahn-Teller-coupled charge-density-wave fluctuations, that implies an unusual orbital-stripe pattern parallel to the directions.Comment: Reformatted with RevTe