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    ABSTRAKSistem pembacaan plat nomor  kendaraan  merupakan salah satu  ide  dalam ilmu komputer yang dapat membantu proses pengolahan data plat nomor kendaraan dengan menggunakan image processing.Barcode  adalah sebuah simbol yang melambangkan identitas suatu barang.  Barcodemerupakan instrumen yang bekerja berdasarkan asas kerja digital.  Penggunaan  barcodedapat memberikan keuntungan, seperti otomatisasi pembacaan data dengan menggunakan barcode  scanner, akurasi pembacaan data, mudah menggunakannya sehingga informasi dari pengolaan data akan lebih cepat.  Dengan kombinasi  image proscessing  dan teknologi barcode  maka akan lebih meningkatkan kinerja dari sistem kontrol  dan dapat membantu memudahkan masyarakat dalam sistem parkir.Untuk simulasi sistem parkir digunakan 2 buah motor servo sebagai pintu gerbang, mikrokontroller sebagai pengendali pintu dan pengolah data, usbtottl untuk komunikasi antara mikrokontroller dan komputer.  Dari hasil pengujian sistem pembacaan plat nomor kendaraan yang telah dibuat secara garis besar dapat terdeteksi dan menampilkan hasil karakter  berupa nomor plat yang kemudian akan menampilkan  ID  barcode. Pengolahan gambar plat dan hasil pembuatan ID barcode kemudian dicetak sebagai kartu parkir.Kata Kunci : Sistem Parkir, Kartu Barcode, Mikrokontroller.ABSTRACTSystem of read the vehicle license plate is one of idea on computer  science that can help to process vehicle license plate data using image processing.Barcode is an object identity symbol. Barcode is instrument that works based on digital work. Using barcode has advantages, such as automation data read using barcode scanner, accuracy of data read, easy to use thus information from data processing can be done faster. Combination of image processing and barcode will increase performance of control system and help to facilitate people on parking.Simulation parking system uses 2 servo motors as gate of door, microcontroller as door controlling data processing, USB to TTL to communicate between microcontroller and computer. From experiment result of license plate read system, it can detect and display character of license plate. Image processing of license plate and making of barcode ID is printed as parking card.Keywords : Parking System, Barcode Card, Microcontrolle

    Pengaruh Penambahan Bekatul Terhadap Kadar Protein Dan Sifat Organoleptik Biskuit (the Influence of Addition of Rice Bran to Protein Consentration and Organoleptic Characteristic)

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    Rice bran for people deemed to have low social value and is only used as animal feed ingredients. Rice bran contains high protein, can be used as food that is safe and cheap. Use of rice bran to increase the quality or value-added of the biscuit. General aim of this study to determine the effect of adding rice bran to protein content and organoleptic characteristic. Protein analysis by the method mikrokjeldhal. Results of analysis of protein content in rice bran biscuit with the addition of 0% (9.34 g%), 5% (10.06 g%), 10% (10.74 g%), 15% (11.6 gr%) and 20 % (13.66 g%). statistical test results show that there are differences in levels of protein biscuits in a variety of additional rice brand. Favorite level of texture, color, aroma, and taste showed that the highest value on the addition of bran 0% and 5%

    Hubungan Kompensasi Finansial Dan Stres Kerja Dengan Kinerja Karyawan PT. Dok Dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero)

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    The worker performance must be considered by company due to worker who have good performance can help the company to achieve its goal. Company should give responsibilities according to workers\u27s ability and expertise for making good performance. The ups and down of worker performance happened because of the tough workload, uncomfortable work environment, and unfilled employee demands. This research analyzed the correlation between financial compensation and work stress on worker performance in PT. Dok and Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero). This research was descriptive which collected observationally with cross-sectional design. The population of study was construction worker in PT. Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero), the sample was taken by total population which is consist of 40 workers. Independent variables were financial compensation and work stress. Dependent variable was worker performance. The primary data using questionnaires, observation, and interview while secondary data was profile company. The result from questionnaires were calculated using Spearman correlation. It showed that correlation level between financial compensation and worker performance was moderate with 0.332 correlation coefficient value. The level of correlation between work stress toward worker performance is moderate with 0.445 correlation coefficient value. It suggested to industry to improve the concern toward worker by creating safe and comfortable work environment. Giving reward to worker who has good achievement or who can create something useful for company

    Analisis Swot terhadap Profil Usaha Kerajinan Kain Tenun Desa Tanglad Kecamatan Nusa Penida Kabupaten Klungkung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil usaha, serta strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan profil usaha. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi, dianalisis dengan teknik kualitatif dan SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil usaha dapat ditinjau dari aspek produksi, aspek sumber daya manusia, aspek pemasaran, dan aspek keuangan. Aspek produksi meliputi alat produksi yang berupa ATBM, dengan bahan baku utama benang, pewarna tekstil, dan tali raffia. Produksi dilaksanakan dirumah pribadi, dengan keadaan sarana infrastruktur yang belum menunjang. Aspek sumber daya manusia meliputi pengembangan tenaga kerja yang dilaksanakan dengan memberikan pelatihan, perencanaan SDM berdasarkan pada kebutuhan dan kompensasi berupa upah. Promosi pernah dilakukan pada pestival budaya, hasil produksi berupa kain tenun, dengan harga yang bervariasi sesuai bahan baku. Usaha dijalankan dengan sumber dana yang berasal dari modal sendiri dan bantuan, serta tidak memiliki pembukuan. Dari analisis SWOT dapat diketahui bahwa produk yang dihasilkan adalah produk yang berciri khas sehingga dapat dijadikan kekuatan untuk menangkap peluang pasar dengan jumlah pesaing yang cukup tinggi. Dukungan pemerintah dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengajuan perbaikan sarana infrastruktur dan pelatihan pembuatan pembukuan sedangkan kelompok tenun yang menyatukan para pengusaha kerajinan kain tenun di Desa Tanglad dapat dijadikan wadah dalam menyamakan presepsi setiap pengusaha.Kata Kunci : profil usaha, analisis SWOT This present study intended to determine the business profile, and the strategies which can be used to cope the problem of business profile. The data were collected through interviews and documentation in which analyzed using qualitative techniques and SWOT. The Results of this study showed that business profiles can be viewed from the aspect of production, human resources aspects, aspects of marketing, and financial aspects. Aspects of production includes a production tool of traditional machine, the main raw material of yarn, textile dyes, and raffia. The Production was done in the home which do not have good facilities yet. Aspects of human resources includes a workforce development revealed by giving training, based on the needs of human resource planning and payment. Promotion had ever done on cultural festivals, such as cloth weaving production, with various prices based on the raw material used. The businesses operated with funds derived from their own capital and assistance, and the bookkeeping was not involved yet. Based on the SWOT analysis, it could be seen that products produced are distinctively product that can be used as the power to seize market opportunities with a fairly high number of competitors. Government support can be used for infrastructure improvements filing and bookkeeping making training while weaving group that brings together entrepreneurs weaving craft in the Tanglad village woven fabric can be used as containers in the perception equating every entrepreneur. keyword : business profile, SWOT analyze keyword : business profile, SWOT analyz

    Cover crops and manure combined with commercial fertilizers differently affect yield and quality of processing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum l.) organically grown in puglia

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    Nitrogen is crucial for the productivity of agricultural systems, although there is a growing demand for alternative cultural practices that reduce the off-farm inputs of this fertilizer. Cover crops provide a suite of services; among these, they can affect soil nitrogen content. In addition, the use of manure can contribute to a decrease in nitrogen loads from external inputs. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in processing tomato grown under an organic system, the combined use of cover crops (i.e., Vicia faba var. minor, Triticum aestivum, and Raphanus sativus) or cattle manure, with reduced rates of commercial nitrogen fertilizers. The yield and some important qualitative characteristics of the tomato fruits were considered. V. faba was able to enhance the effects of the external input of nitrogen with respect to the yield. External inputs increased tocopherol content with respect to the control but only when it was integrated with manure. The content of carotenoids was not affected by commercial fertilizer alone; however, when it was supplied in addition to cattle manure or incorporation of R. sativus, a decrease in β-carotene was observed. Moreover, lycopene also decreased when T. aestivum or R. sativus were used as cover crops. We conclude that the sowing of nitrogen-fixing cover crops or the use of manure are good strategies for combining internal and external inputs for the sustainable production of processing tomato

    A quantitative assessment method for Ascaris eggs on hands.

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    The importance of hands in the transmission of soil transmitted helminths, especially Ascaris and Trichuris infections, is under-researched. This is partly because of the absence of a reliable method to quantify the number of eggs on hands. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a method to assess the number of Ascaris eggs on hands and determine the egg recovery rate of the method. Under laboratory conditions, hands were seeded with a known number of Ascaris eggs, air dried and washed in a plastic bag retaining the washing water, in order to determine recovery rates of eggs for four different detergents (cationic [benzethonium chloride 0.1% and cetylpyridinium chloride CPC 0.1%], anionic [7X 1% - quadrafos, glycol ether, and dioctyl sulfoccinate sodium salt] and non-ionic [Tween80 0.1% -polyethylene glycol sorbitan monooleate]) and two egg detection methods (McMaster technique and FLOTAC). A modified concentration McMaster technique showed the highest egg recovery rate from bags. Two of the four diluted detergents (benzethonium chloride 0.1% and 7X 1%) also showed a higher egg recovery rate and were then compared with de-ionized water for recovery of helminth eggs from hands. The highest recovery rate (95.6%) was achieved with a hand rinse performed with 7X 1%. Washing hands with de-ionized water resulted in an egg recovery rate of 82.7%. This washing method performed with a low concentration of detergent offers potential for quantitative investigation of contamination of hands with Ascaris eggs and of their role in human infection. Follow-up studies are needed that validate the hand washing method under field conditions, e.g. including people of different age, lower levels of contamination and various levels of hand cleanliness

    Photoluminescence of single colour defects in 50 nm diamond nanocrystals

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    We used optical confocal microscopy to study optical properties of diamond 50 nm nanocrystals first irradiated with an electron beam, then dispersed as a colloidal solution and finally deposited on a silica slide. At room temperature, under CW laser excitation at a wavelength of 514.5 nm we observed perfectly photostable single Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) colour defects embedded in the nanocrystals. From the zero-phonon line around 575 nm in the spectrum of emitted light, we infer a neutral NV0 type of defect. Such nanoparticle with intrinsic fluorescence are highly promising for applications in biology where long-term emitting fluorescent bio-compatible nanoprobes are still missing.Comment: proceedings of ICDS 23 conference (23rd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, July 24 - July 29, 2005, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan); to appear in "Physica B
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