29 research outputs found

    Models for natural gas forecasting : masterā€™s thesis

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    Uredba Komisije (EU) br. 312/2014 o uspostavljanju mrežnih pravila o uravnoteženju plina transportnih sustava propisuje pravila uravnoteženja plinskog sustava u EU te ju je Hrvatska ulaskom u EU dužna implementirati. Å to boljim i preciznijim modelima za procjenu potroÅ”nje plina je prognoza točnija te je manja potreba za uravnoteženjem sustava i plaćaju će se manje naknade za odstupanje. U ovom radu prikupljeni su ulazni podaci za izradu modela te su konstruirani modeli pomoću platforme Spyder i programskog jezika Python. PotroÅ”nje dobivene modelima uspoređivane su sa stvarnim potroÅ”njama te se na temelju toga odredila preciznost i točnost svakog modela.The Commission Regulation (EU) No.312/2014 regarding the establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks has been prescribed the EU and, as such, Croatia is obligated to implement it. Thanks to the increasingly improved accuracy of models for forecasting gas utilization, the need for the balancing of the system is reduced and penalties for deviation are becoming smaller This thesis gathers the input data for the creation of models, which are then created using the Spyder platform and Python programming language. Natural gas consumption calculated using the aforementioned models is then compared to historical gas consumptions and, based on the comparison results, the accuracy and the precision of each model is determined

    Models for natural gas forecasting : masterā€™s thesis

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    Uredba Komisije (EU) br. 312/2014 o uspostavljanju mrežnih pravila o uravnoteženju plina transportnih sustava propisuje pravila uravnoteženja plinskog sustava u EU te ju je Hrvatska ulaskom u EU dužna implementirati. Å to boljim i preciznijim modelima za procjenu potroÅ”nje plina je prognoza točnija te je manja potreba za uravnoteženjem sustava i plaćaju će se manje naknade za odstupanje. U ovom radu prikupljeni su ulazni podaci za izradu modela te su konstruirani modeli pomoću platforme Spyder i programskog jezika Python. PotroÅ”nje dobivene modelima uspoređivane su sa stvarnim potroÅ”njama te se na temelju toga odredila preciznost i točnost svakog modela.The Commission Regulation (EU) No.312/2014 regarding the establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks has been prescribed the EU and, as such, Croatia is obligated to implement it. Thanks to the increasingly improved accuracy of models for forecasting gas utilization, the need for the balancing of the system is reduced and penalties for deviation are becoming smaller This thesis gathers the input data for the creation of models, which are then created using the Spyder platform and Python programming language. Natural gas consumption calculated using the aforementioned models is then compared to historical gas consumptions and, based on the comparison results, the accuracy and the precision of each model is determined

    The existence of geographical clusters of rheumatiod arhritis according to their origin in a tertiary care based register

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    Cilj rada je bio istražiti epidemioloÅ”ka obilježja bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom (RA) na području srednje Dalmacije uz moguće izdvajanje zemljopisnih klastera. Anketari osposobljeni za provođenje telefonskog upitnika ispitali su podrijetlo 197 osoba oboljelih od RA koji su kontroliraju pri Odjelu za reumatologiju i kliničku imunologiju KBC-a Split. Za statističku analizu pojavnosti klastera primjenjen je Poisson-ov izračun vjerojatnosti. Potvrđena su četiri klastera, od kojih je najveći zabilježen na području Sinjske krajine. Omjer žena naspram muÅ”karaca bio je 5,79:1. Najveći broj oboljelih od RA pripadao je dobnoj skupini od 50 do 59 godina starosti (30,45ā€‰%). Rezultati ukazuju na varijacije unutar regije s istaknutim klasterima RA u sjevernom dijelu srednje Dalmacije, Å”to upućuje na postojanje posebnih genetskih ili okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Učestalost bolesti u žena naspram muÅ”karaca bila je veća u odnosu na dosadaÅ”nja izvjeŔća, dok je zahvaćenost dobnih skupina 50-59 bila sukladna podacima iz novije literature.The objective was to analyse epidemiological tendencies of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Dalmatia County in order to identify possible spatial clusters of RA. Patient-interviewers were trained to administer telephone surveys. 197 RA patients controlled at Rheumatology and immunology department of Clinical hospital of Split were mapped to place of residence by telephone survey. Statistical evidence of clustering was determined by calculating Poisson probabilities in putative areas. Four clusters were identified; the largest one was in the region of Sinj. The female/male ratio was 5.79:1. Majority of RA patients were among age 50 to 59 (30.45ā€‰%). The results show inter-regional variations with the marked clusters in the north of Dalmatia suggesting that clusters with higher incidence of RA have specific genetic and environmental background. Prevalence of RA in female was higher than in current literature, while the age of onset 50-59 years is similar with data from recent studies

    Kliničke upute za dijagnostiku, liječenje i praćenje bolesnika oboljelih od raka mokraćnog mjehura Hrvatskoga onkoloÅ”kog druÅ”tva i Hrvatskoga uroloÅ”kog druÅ”tva Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora [Clinical guidelines for diagnosing, treatment and monitoring patients with bladder cancer - Croatian Oncology Society and Croatian Urology Society, Croatian Medical Association]

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    Urothelial cancer is the most common bladder cancer. Hematuria is the most common presenting symptom in patients with bladder cancer. The most common diagnostics of bladder cancer is performed by transurethral resection of bladder after which pathohistological diagnosis is set. It is necessary to determine whether the cancer penetrated in muscle layer (muscle-invasive cancer) or not (muscle-noninvasive cancer). Decision on therapeutic modality depends on the clinical stage of disease and on prognostic and risk factors. For muscle non-invasive bladder cancer transurethral resection is preferred with or without intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-GuƩrin (BCG). For invasive cancer the method of choice is radical cystectomy. Radiotherapy is used in radical and palliative purposes. Metastatic disease is most frequently treated by chemotherapy metotrexate/vinblastine/doxorubicine/cisplatin (MVAC) or gemcitabine/cisplatin (GC). The purpose of this article is to present clinical recommendations to set standards of procedures and criteria in diagnostics, treatment and follow up of patients with bladder cancer in the Republic of Croatia

    Report on the work of the Reference center for pediatric cardiology Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia

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    Cilj je ovog izvjeŔća u proteklom trogodiÅ”njem razdoblju (2019ā€“2022) prikazati: 1) aktivnosti Referentnog centra, 2) postignute stručne rezultate i primjenu novih metoda, postupaka i unaprjeđenje struke, i 3) znanstvenu i stručnu suradnju s inozemnim ustanovama visoke razine. Rezultati: Referentni je centar jedino mjesto u Republici Hrvatskoj koje kontinuirano zbrinjava populaciju najugroženijih i najtežih bolesnika pedijatrijske dobi sa srčanom patologijom. Ima kontinuirano, 24 sata dostupnu kardioloÅ”ku, kardiokirurÅ”ku, anestezioloÅ”ku, neonatalnu i intenzivnu skrb za djecu sa složenim prirođenim i stečenim srčanim bolestima. Također su dostupne metode nadomjeÅ”tanja funkcije organa u zatajivanju (ECMO potpora, LVAD-BiVAD, Berlin-Heart pumpa, hemodijaliza, program transplantacije srca / drugih organa), a sve zahvaljujući timskom radu i suradnji tima nekoliko Zavoda. Izvode se složene kardiokirurÅ”ke operacije u djece s prirođenim srčanim greÅ”kama uz jasan trend povećanja broja i složenosti operacija, te uz i dalje prihvatljivo nisku smrtnost. Danas smo u mogućnosti samostalno liječiti gotovo sve srčane bolesti u djece. GodiÅ”nje se izvede oko 200 kateterizacija srca u djece. ViÅ”e od 40% čine intervencijske procedure, a viÅ”e od 50% tih intervencija izvodi se u dojenačkom periodu. Tijekom protekle tri godine uvedeno je pet novih perkutanih intervencijskih metoda: liječenje nativne koarktacije i rekoarktacije umetanjem stenta, liječenje stenoze pulmonalnih grana umetanjem stenta, perkutano umetanje valvule na pulmonalnu poziciju, dilatacija postojećeg stenta te zatvaranje aortopulmonalnih kolaterala u djece s univentrikulskim srcem. Navedeni iskoraci učinjeni su kontinuiranim zalaganjem članova tima uz potporu i mentorstvo, odnosno kontinuiranu suradnju s inozemnim stručnjacima iz triju inozemnih ustanova (DeutschesHerzZentrum Muenchen, KinderherzZentrum Linz, Kids Heart Center Budapest). Zaključak: NaÅ” centar stoji uz bok rijetkih centara u Europi koji su u mogućnosti izvesti navedene procedure. Navedene su aktivnosti rezultirale unaprjeđenjem kvalitete skrbi na razini RH i temelj su za daljnji planirani rast i razvoj struke u okvirima naÅ”e zemlje.The aim of this report is to show in the past three-year period (2019ā€“2022): 1)activities of the Reference Center, 2)achieved professional results and the application of new methods, procedures, and improvement of the profession, and 3)scientific and professional cooperation with high-level foreign institutions. Results: The reference center is the only place in the Republic of Croatia that continuously cares for the population of the most vulnerable children with cardiac pathology. It has continuous, 24-hour cardiology, cardiac surgery, anesthesiology, neonatal and intensive care for children with complex congenital and acquired heart diseases. Organ function replacement are also available (ECMO support, LVAD-BiVAD, Berlin-Heart pump, hemodialysis, heart/other organ transplant program) thanks to the teamwork and cooperation of different Departments. Complex cardiac surgeries are performed in children with a clear trend of increasing the number and complexity of surgeries, with low mortality. Today, we can independently treat almost all congenital heart defects in children. About 200 cardiac catheterizations are performed in children annually. More than 40% are interventional procedures with more than 50% of these interventions performed in infancy. In the past three years, five new percutaneous intervention methods have been introduced: stent insertion in native coarctation and in recoarctation, stent insertion in stenosis of the pulmonary branches, percutaneous valve insertion in the pulmonary position, dilatation of the existing stent, and closure of aortopulmonary collaterals in children with a univentricular heart. The steps were made by the continuous efforts of team members with support, mentoring, and continuous cooperation with foreign experts from three foreign institutions (DeutschesHerzZentrum Muenchen, KinderherzZentrum Linz, KidsHeart- Center Budapest). Conclusion: Our center stands alongside the rare centers in Europe that can perform the abovementioned procedures. The activities resulted in the improvement of the quality of care and form the basis for further development of the profession within the framework of our country


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    Urotelni rak najčeŔći je rak mokraćnog mjehura. Hematurija je najčeŔći simptom pri prezentaciji bolesti. Dijagnoza raka mokraćnog mjehura postavlja se uglavnom transuretralnom resekcijom nakon čega slijedi patohistoloÅ”ka dijagnoza. Nužno je utvrditi je li rak zahvatio miÅ”ićni sloj (miÅ”ićnoinvazivni rak) ili nije (miÅ”ićnoneinvazivni rak). Odluka o terapijskome modalitetu ovisi o kliničkom stadiju bolesti, prognostičkim čimbenicima i čimbenicima rizika. Za miÅ”ićnoneinvazivni rak mokraćnog mjehura uglavnom se preferira transuretralna resekcija tumora mokraćnog mjehura s intravezikalnom instilacijom Calmette-GuĆ©rinova bacila (BCG) ili bez nje. Za invazivni je rak metoda izbora radikalna cistektomija. Radioterapija se rabi u radikalne i palijativne svrhe. Metastatska bolest najčeŔće se liječi kemoterapijom metotreksat/vinblastin/doksorubicin/cisplatinom (MVAC) ili gemcitabin/cisplatinom (GC). Svrha je ovog članka predstavljanje kliničkih uputa s ciljem standardizacije postupaka i kriterija postavljanja dijagnoze, liječenja te praćenja bolesnika s rakom mokraćnog mjehura u Republici Hrvatskoj.Urothelial cancer is the most common bladder cancer. Hematuria is the most common presenting symptom in patients with bladder cancer. The most common diagnostics of bladder cancer is performed by transurethral resection of bladder after which pathohistological diagnosis is set. It is necessary to determine whether the cancer penetrated in muscle layer (muscle-invasive cancer) or not (muscle-noninvasive cancer). Decision on therapeutic modality depends on the clinical stage of disease and on prognostic and risk factors. For muscle non-invasive bladder cancer transurethral resection is preferred with or without intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-GuĆ©rin (BCG). For invasive cancer the method of choice is radical cystectomy. Radiotherapy is used in radical and palliative purposes. Metastatic disease is most frequently treated by chemotherapy metotrexate/vinblastine/doxorubicine/cisplatin (MVAC) or gemcitabine/cisplatin (GC). The purpose of this article is to present clinical recommendations to set standards of procedures and criteria in diagnostics, treatment and follow up of patients with bladder cancer in the Republic of Croatia


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    Urotelni rak najčeŔći je rak mokraćnog mjehura. Hematurija je najčeŔći simptom pri prezentaciji bolesti. Dijagnoza raka mokraćnog mjehura postavlja se uglavnom transuretralnom resekcijom nakon čega slijedi patohistoloÅ”ka dijagnoza. Nužno je utvrditi je li rak zahvatio miÅ”ićni sloj (miÅ”ićnoinvazivni rak) ili nije (miÅ”ićnoneinvazivni rak). Odluka o terapijskome modalitetu ovisi o kliničkom stadiju bolesti, prognostičkim čimbenicima i čimbenicima rizika. Za miÅ”ićnoneinvazivni rak mokraćnog mjehura uglavnom se preferira transuretralna resekcija tumora mokraćnog mjehura s intravezikalnom instilacijom Calmette-GuĆ©rinova bacila (BCG) ili bez nje. Za invazivni je rak metoda izbora radikalna cistektomija. Radioterapija se rabi u radikalne i palijativne svrhe. Metastatska bolest najčeŔće se liječi kemoterapijom metotreksat/vinblastin/doksorubicin/cisplatinom (MVAC) ili gemcitabin/cisplatinom (GC). Svrha je ovog članka predstavljanje kliničkih uputa s ciljem standardizacije postupaka i kriterija postavljanja dijagnoze, liječenja te praćenja bolesnika s rakom mokraćnog mjehura u Republici Hrvatskoj.Urothelial cancer is the most common bladder cancer. Hematuria is the most common presenting symptom in patients with bladder cancer. The most common diagnostics of bladder cancer is performed by transurethral resection of bladder after which pathohistological diagnosis is set. It is necessary to determine whether the cancer penetrated in muscle layer (muscle-invasive cancer) or not (muscle-noninvasive cancer). Decision on therapeutic modality depends on the clinical stage of disease and on prognostic and risk factors. For muscle non-invasive bladder cancer transurethral resection is preferred with or without intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-GuĆ©rin (BCG). For invasive cancer the method of choice is radical cystectomy. Radiotherapy is used in radical and palliative purposes. Metastatic disease is most frequently treated by chemotherapy metotrexate/vinblastine/doxorubicine/cisplatin (MVAC) or gemcitabine/cisplatin (GC). The purpose of this article is to present clinical recommendations to set standards of procedures and criteria in diagnostics, treatment and follow up of patients with bladder cancer in the Republic of Croatia

    Amplifier design for the measurements of electrical response of neurons

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    U ovom radu projektirano je pojačalo koje omogućava vjerno pojačanje električkog odziva neurona s obzirom na frekvencije i oblik signala. U teoriji se obrađuju tehnoloÅ”ke karakteristike elektroda i oblici napona koji se javljaju u bioloÅ”kom tkivu pri vođenju impulsa na neuronima. Pojačalo je projektirano u programu ADS te je analizirana ovisnost o parametrima pojačala u svrhu optimizacije pojačala.This research revolves around an amplifier built in such a way as to allow for a faithful amplification of electrical response of neurons based on frequency and the type of signal. The theoretical part of the research deals with the technological characteristics of electrodes, as well as analyzes the types of voltage which occur within biological tissue during the transmission of nerve impulse across neurons. The amplifier is built within the ADS with a special analysis done on the parameters that might affect the amplifier so as to better optimize it

    Naphtalimide derivatives as fluorescent indicators for heavy metal ions

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    Derivati 4-amino-1,8-naftilimida fluorescentni su spojevi koji primjenu pronalaze kao optički kemosenzori i kao komponente optičkih kemijskih senzora za detekciju raznih kemijskih vrsta. U ovome radu spektroskopski su ispitana dva nova derivata naftilimida, GJM-523 i GJM-525, a koje je sintetizirao Gerhard J. Mohr (Joanneum Research, Weiz, Austrija). Ispitan je potencijal primjene spojeva GJM-523 i GJM-525 kao pH osjetljivih fluorescentnih kemosenzora za metalne ione u vodenim otopinama primjenom UV-vidljive apsorpcijske i fluorescencijske spektrofotometrije. Optička svojstva derivata naftilimida proizlaze iz elektronske interakcije fluorofora i receptora vezanog putem amino duÅ”ika u položaju 4 u strukturi naftilimida mehanizmom fotoinduciranog prijenosa elektrona (PET). Vezanjem analita na receptor mijenjaju se fluorescencijska svojstva molekule ovisno o vrsti i koncentraciji analita. Ispitana je ovisnost fluorescentnog odziva spojeva GJM-523 i GJM-525 o pH vrijednosti vodenih otopina u rasponu 1,20 - 8,00 pri čemu intenzitet fluorescencije pravilno raste padom pH vrijednosti uslijed protoniranja amino duÅ”ika u strukturi piperazina u receptoru. Također, ispitan je fluorescentni odziv spojeva u prisutnosti metalnih iona u vodenim otopinama. Za spoj GJM-523 određen je mogući stehiometrijski omjer vezanja s ionima Cu2+ i Hg2+. Spoj GJM-525 ispitan je kao selektivni fluorescentni kemosenzor za Hg2+ ione uz praćenje vremenske ovisnosti intenziteta fluorescencije. Ispitivani derivati naftilimida imaju potencijal za primjenu kao fluorescentni kemosenzori za pH te za Cu2+ i Hg2+ ione u vodenim otopinama. Zbog mogućnosti kovalentne imobilizacije na celulozne i tekstilne materijale, spojevi su posebno zanimljivi kao moguće komponente nosivih senzora te je idući korak u istraživanju detaljna kinetička studija interakcije spojeva GJM-523 i GJM-525 s metalnim ionima, odnosno s ionima Cu2+ i Hg2+ te analiza kompleksa metala i naftilimida radi dobivanja punog uvida u mehanizam senzorskog odziva spojeva te optimizacija uvjeta ispitivanja.Fluorescent 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide derivatives found application as optical chemosensors or as components of optical chemical sensors for the detection of various chemical species. In this work, two new naphthalimide derivatives, GJM-523 and GJM-525, synthesized by Gerhard J. Mohr (Joanneum Research, Weiz, Austria), were examined as potential pH sensitive chemosensors for metal ions in aqueous solutions using UV-visible absorption and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The optical properties of naphthalimide derivatives result from the electronic interaction of the fluorophore and the amino nitrogen-coupled receptor at position 4 in the naphtalimide structure via photoinduced electron transfer (PET) mechanism. By binding the analyte to the receptor, a change in the fluorescence properties of the molecule occurs depending on the type and concentration of the analyte. The dependence of the fluorescent response of compounds GJM-523 and GJM-525 on the pH value of aqueous solutions in the range 1.20 - 8.00 was investigated, where the fluorescence intensity increases with decreasing pH value due to protonation of the amino nitrogen in the piperazine structure of the receptor. In addition, the fluorescent response of the compounds in the presence of metal ions in aqueous solutions was examined. A possible stoichiometric binding ratio for GJM-523 and Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions was determined. Compound GJM-525 was tested as a selective fluorescent chemosensor for Hg2+ ions with time dependence of fluorescence intensity being monitored. Due to the possibility of covalent immobilization on cellulose and textile materials, these compounds are particularly interesting as possible components of wearable sensors. The next step in research is a detailed kinetic study of the interaction of compounds GJM-523 and GJM-525 with metal ions and analysis of metal-naphtalimide complexes to gain full insight into the mechanism of sensory response of compounds and optimization of experimental conditions