866 research outputs found

    Plasmon Resonances of Metal Nanoparticles in an Absorbing Medium

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    We study the behavior of plasmon resonances of metal nanospheres embedded in an absorbing medium. First-principles far-field computations based on the general LorenzMie theory show that increasing absorption in the host medium broadens and suppresses plasmon resonances in the extinction and effective scattering efficiency factors and suppresses resonance features in the phase function. These effects of absorption are analogous to those on the morphology-dependent resonances of dielectric particles with large size parameters

    The photon absorption edge in superconductors and gapped 1D systems

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    Opening of a gap in the low-energy excitations spectrum affects the power-law singularity in the photon absorption spectrum A(Ω)A(\Omega). In the normal state, the singularity, A(Ω)[D/(ΩΩth)]αA(\Omega)\propto [D/(\Omega-\Omega_{\rm th})]^\alpha, is characterized by an interaction-dependent exponent α\alpha. On the contrary, in the supeconducting state the divergence, A(Ω)(D/Δ)α(ΩΩ~th)1/2A(\Omega)\propto (D/\Delta)^\alpha(\Omega-\tilde{\Omega}_{\rm th})^{-1/2}, is interaction-independent, while threshold is shifted, Ω~th=Ωth+Δ\tilde{\Omega}_{\rm th}=\Omega_{\rm th}+\Delta; the ``normal-metal'' form of A(Ω)A(\Omega) resumes at (ΩΩ~th)Δexp(1/α)(\Omega-\tilde{\Omega}_{\rm th})\gtrsim \Delta\exp(1/\alpha). If the core hole is magnetic, it creates in-gap states; these states transform drastically the absorption edge. In addition, processes of scattering off the magnetic core hole involving spin-flip give rise to inelastic absorption with one or several {\it real} excited pairs in the final state, yielding a structure of peaks in A(Ω)A(\Omega) at multiples of 2Δ2\Delta above the threshold frequency. The above conclusions apply to a broad class of systems, e.g., Mott insulators, where a gap opens at the Fermi level due to the interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; published versio

    Universal conductivity and dimensional crossover in multi-layer graphene

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    We show, by exact Renormalization Group methods, that in multi-layer graphene the dimensional crossover energy scale is decreased by the intra-layer interaction, and that for temperatures and frequencies greater than such scale the conductivity is close to the one of a stack of independent layers up to small corrections

    Coherent Backscattering and Opposition Effects Observed in Some Atmosphereless Bodies of the Solar System

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    The results of photometric and polarimetric observations carried out for some bright atmosphere-less bodies of the Solar system near the zero phase angle reveal the simultaneous existence of two spectacular optical phenomena, the so-called brightness and polarization opposition effects. In a number of studies, these phenomena were explained by the influence of coherent backscattering. However, in general, the interference concept of coherent backscattering can be used only in the case where the particles are in the far-field zones of each other, i.e., when the scattering medium is rather rarefied. Because of this, it is important to prove rigorously and to demonstrate that the coherent backscattering effect may also exist in densely packed scattering media like regolith surface layers of celestial bodies. From the results of the computer modeling performed with the use of numerically exact solutions of the macroscopic Maxwell equations for discrete random media with different packing densities of particles, we studied the origin and evolution of all the opposition phenomena predicted by the coherent backscattering theory for low-packing-density media. It has been shown that the predictions of this theory remain valid for rather high-packing densities of particles that are typical, in particular, of regolith surfaces of the Solar system bodies. The results allow us to conclude that both opposition effects observed simultaneously in some high-albedo atmosphereless bodies of the Solar system are caused precisely by coherent backscattering of solar light in the regolith layers composed of microscopic particles

    Peter Waterman and T-Matrix Methods

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    This paper summarizes the scientific legacy of Peter C. Waterman (1928-2012) who introduced concepts and theoretical techniques that have had a major impact on the fields of scattering by particles and particle groups, optical particletcharacterization, radiative transfer, and remote sensing. A biographical sketch is also included

    Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheroidal Volumes of Discrete Random Medium

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    We use the superposition T-matrix method to compare the far-field scattering matrices generated by spheroidal and spherical volumes of discrete random medium having the same volume and populated by identical spherical particles. Our results fully confirm the robustness of the previously identified coherent and diffuse scattering regimes and associated optical phenomena exhibited by spherical particulate volumes and support their explanation in terms of the interference phenomenon coupled with the order-of-scattering expansion of the far-field Foldy equations. We also show that increasing non-sphericity of particulate volumes causes discernible (albeit less pronounced) optical effects in forward and backscattering directions and explain them in terms of the same interference/multiple-scattering phenomenon

    Effects of Nonsphericity on the Behavior of Lorenz-Mie Resonances in Scattering Characteristics of Liquid-Cloud Droplets

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    By using the results of highly accurate T-matrix computations for randomly oriented oblate and prolate spheroids and Chebyshev particles with varying degrees of asphericity, we analyze the effects of a deviation of water-droplet shapes from that of a perfect sphere on the behavior of Lorenz-Mie morphology-dependent resonances of various widths. We demonstrate that the positions and profiles of the resonances can change significantly with increasing asphericity. The absolute degree of asphericity required to suppress a Lorenz-Mie resonance is approximately proportional to the resonance width. Our results imply that numerical averaging of scattering characteristics of real cloud droplets over sizes may rely on a significantly coarser size-parameter resolution than that required for ideal, perfectly spherical particles