132 research outputs found
Genetic effects in children exposed in prenatal period to ionizing radiation after the chornobyl nuclear power plant accident
Aim: To study the genetic effects in children exposed to radiation in utero as a result of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident accounting the total radiation doses and equivalent radiation doses to the red bone marrow. Materials and Methods: Incidence of minor developmental anomalies was studied in children exposed to radiation in utero (study group) and in the control group (1144 subjects surveyed in total). Cytogenetic tests using the method of differential G-banding of chromosomes were conducted in 60 children of both study and control groups (10–12-year-olds) and repeatedly in 39 adolescents (15–17-year-olds). Results: A direct correlation was found between the number of minor developmental anomalies and fetal dose of radiation, and a reverse one with fetal gestational age at the time of radiation exposure. Incidence of chromosomal damage in somatic cells of 10–12-year-old children exposed prenatally was associated with radiation dose to the red bone marrow. The repeated testing has revealed that an increased level of chromosomal aberrations was preserved in a third of adolescents. Conclusion: The persons exposed to ionizing radiation at prenatal period should be attributed to the group of carcinogenic risk due to persisting increased levels of chromosome damage. This article is a part of a Special Issue entitled “The Chornobyl Nuclear Accident: Thirty Years After”
Evaluation of glycaemic profile variability as a basis for insulin therapy strategy in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes
BACKGROUND: Patients with any form of diabetes during pregnancy should achieve the target (close to physiological) values of glycaemia, the main condition for a safe course and outcomes of pregnancy. To accomplish this task, effective and safe methods of insulin therapy should be selected. AIM: To determine the glycaemic profile and pregnancy outcomes in women with type 1 diabetes treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and multiple insulin injections (MII). METHODS: A continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) of 100 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes treated with CSII and 100 women treated with MII was conducted to assess the effectiveness of these insulin therapy regimens in achieving target blood glucose values. RESULTS: HbA1c levels were significantly lower during the first, second, and third trimesters in patients treated with CSII than those treated with MII. Glucose variability has already improved since the second trimester of pregnancy in women treated with CSII, which was not observed in those treated with MII. The period of hyperglycaemia according to the results in pregnant women treated with CSII was 25 [13; 38] %, which was lower than those treated with MII, 41 [18; 54] %. No risk of obstetric and perinatal complications was observed with the duration of the hyperglycaemic state of <25% of the CGM time, whereas the risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia appeared with the duration of the hypoglycaemic state of a mother with type 1 diabetes of >0.2%. The relationship between glucose variability in terms of MAGE and MODD and the risk of developing macrosomia has been observed, and the dependence of glucose variability (MODD and CONGA) and the risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia and preeclampsia have also been confirmed. CONCLUSION: Comprehensive assessment of the glycaemic profile when using CSII, confirmed the advantages of using CSII in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes to achieve the target glycaemia values, to reduce glucose variability and duration of hypoglycaemic episodes, which led to decreased frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications
Comparative characteristic infections of urinary tract in children
The paper presents the comparative characteristics of the clinical picture of urinary tract infections in the analysis of the main clinical syndromes, biochemical parameters, general blood and urine tests.В работе представлена сравнительная характеристика клинической картины инфекций мочевых путей при анализе основных клинических синдромов, биохимических показателей, общих анализов крови и мочи
Hygienic assessment of child support in preschool educational organizations
В статье представлена гигиеническая оценка меню дошкольных образовательных организаций города Перми по набору продуктов
The centers of health as a new direction in preventive medicine
То assess the incidence of risk factors of socially significant diseases and early mortality in the first stage, the analysis developed in the Centre 'Cards of h ealth' 12991 person containing in addition to questionnaire data, the results of screening, identifying key risk factors of socially significant diseases, information about first identified pathology requiring the extension of diagnostic search for confirmation of the diagnosis, as well as data about the patient's chronic diseases. In the second phase of the study to assess attitudes towards the preservation of their health, conducted a survey using the questionnaire 'Attitude to health', 104 patients aged 18 to 55 years. The study has found that health Centers are an effective medical institutions capable of screening mode to examine a large number of the population with the purpose of timely identification of risk factors of socially significant diseases, early diagnosis of chronic non-communicable diseases. In addition, our results demonstrate the feasibility of active questioning the patients visiting the health Centre, and allow not only to assess its effectiveness and to identify ways to improve it.С целью оценки частоты выявления факторов риска социально значимых заболеваний и ранней смертности, на первом этапе проведен анализ разработанных в Центре «Карт здоровья» 12991 человека, содержащих помимо анкетных данных, результаты скринингового обследования, позволяющих выявить основные факторы риска социально значимых заболеваний, сведения о впервые выявленной патологии, требующей расширения диагностического поиска для подтверждения диагноза, а также данные об имеющихся у пациента хронических заболеваниях. На втором зтапе исследования с целью оценки отношения населения к сохранению своего здоровья, проведено анкетирование, с использованием анкеты «Отношение к своему здоровью», 104 пациентов в возрасте от 18 до 55 лет. В результате проведенного исследования установлено, что Центры здоровья являются эффективными лечебными учреждениями способными в режиме скрининга обследовать большой контингент населения с целью своевременного выявление факторов риска социально значимых заболеваний, ранней диагностики хронических неинфекционных заболеваний. Кроме того, полученные нами результаты доказывают целесообразность активного проведения анкетирования пациентов, обращающихся в Центр здоровья, и позволяют не только оценить эффективность его работы, но и наметить пути ее совершенствования
Hygienic assessment of child support in preschool educational organizations
Hygienic assessment of the menu of preschool educational organizations in Perm by a set of productsГигиеническая оценка меню дошкольных образовательных организаций города Перми по набору продуктов
In vitro fertilization as a method of infertility treatment in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Some patients with type 1 diabetes have anovulation, tubal occlusion, male factor and other causes of infertility which require IVF procedure. We examined 20 women with type 1 diabetes, in which pregnancy occurred as a result of ART, at the stage IVF protocol planning, during pregnancy course and delivery. One of the patients underwent IVF procedure twice. Mean age of the patients who applied to the Department of assisted reproductive technologies was 33±6 years, duration of infertility varied from 3 to 15 years. Two patients were performed donor oocytes transfer (patients with Turner Syndrome and Swyer Syndrome). In 70% of patients the method of CSII was used. Assessment of carbohydrate metabolism was based on the level of glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), plasma glucose level measured at least 8 times a day and results of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). 18 singleton pregnancies and three multiple gestations (dichorionic diamniotic twins) occurred as a result of IVF. In 12 women delivery occurred on the 37–39th weeks of gestation, in 9 patients pregnancy was terminated on the 34–36th weeks. In all the cases it was live birth. Birth weight above the 90th percentile had 6 newborns
13q Deletions detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization for diagnosis and prognosis of chronic lymphoproliferative neoplasms
Aim. Determination of deletion of the long arm of chromosome 13 in the patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma to provide prognostic assessments of Chronic Lymphoproliferative Neoplasms (CLPN) sub-variants progression, and early detection of therapy resistant cases and relapses of CLPN. Methods. Preparations of bone marrow cells from all patients (n = 115) with CLPN were studied. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed using commercial test Vysis LSI D13S319 (13q14.3) Spectrum Orange/ Vysis LSI 13q34 Spectrum Green FISH probe kit (Abbott Molecular, USA). Results. The molecular cytogenetic investigations have revealed deletions of 13q in 38 % of the patients with CLPN. We also present a clinical case where the deletion of 13q is detected along with other cytogenetic aberrations that significantly impair a disease prognosis. Conclusion. The analysis of deletions of the long arm of chromosome 13 is an important diagnostic and prognostic criterion, which assists to optimizes the treatment of the patients with CLPN.Мета. Визначення делецій довгого плеча хромосоми 13 у хворих на хронічну лімфоцитарну лейкемію, дифузну крупноклітинну В-лімфому і множинну мієлому для надання прогностичних оцінок щодо перебігу цих підваріантів хронічних лімфопроліферативних новоутворень (ХЛПН), та своєчасного виявлення резистентних до терапії випадків і рецидивів ХЛПН. Методи. Досліджено 115 препаратів клітин кісткового мозку хворих на ХЛПН. Флуоресцентну in situ гібридизацію проводили з використанням комерційної проби Vysis LSI D13S319 (13q14.3) Spectrum Orange / Vysis LSI 13q34 Spectrum Green FISH probe kit (Abbott Molecular, США). Результати. При молекулярно-цитогенетичних дослідженнях наших пацієнтів, делеції 13q були виявлені в 38 % випадків ХЛПН. Також, наведений опис клінічного випадку, де показано, що наявність делецій 13q разом з іншими цитогенетическими абераціями значно погіршує прогноз захворювання. Висновки. Аналіз делецій довгого плеча хромосоми 13 є важливим діагностичним і прогностичним критерієм, який дозволить оптимізувати лікування хворим на ХЛПН.Цель. Определение делеций длинного плеча хромосомы 13 у больных с хронической лимфоцитарной лейкемией, диффузной крупноклеточной В-лимфомой и множественной миеломой для прогностической оценки течения этих подвариантов хронических лимфопролиферативных новообразований (ХЛПН), и своевременного выявления резистентных к терапии случаев и рецидивов ХЛПН. Методы. Исследовано 115 препаратов клеток костного мозга больных с ХЛПН. Флуоресцентную in situ гибридизацию проводили с использованием коммерческой пробы Vysis LSI D13S319 (13q14.3) Spectrum Orange/ Vysis LSI 13q34 Spectrum Green FISH probe kit (Abbott Molecular, США). Результаты. При молекулярно-цитогенетическом исследовании препаратов субстратных клеток наших пациентов, делеции 13q были обнаружены в 38 % случаев ХЛПН. Также, представлен клинический случай, где показано, что наличие делеций 13q вместе с другими цитогенетическими аберрациями значительно ухудшает прогноз заболевания. Выводы. Анализ делеций длинного плеча хромосомы 13 является важным диагностическим и прогностическим критерием, который позволит оптимизировать лечение больным на ХЛПН
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